Primary 5 Weekly News

This week has been very exciting as our classroom has been freshly painted and it looks fantastic! We have all worked very hard and here are some of our comments:

Rebecca: This week we were working in the Hub because our classroom was getting painted dark purple and grey.

Bea: On Monday we met our new Deputy Head teacher and her name is Mrs Smith.  We love her very much and we will welcome her into our St. Ninian’s family!

Bea: In P.E. on Thursday people came in from The James Young high School to teach us basketball in preparation for the tournament.

Gaby: Our basketball tournament is coming up and we are very excited!

Vanessa: On Thursday we had our P.E with two basketball players and it was really fun because we played lots of fun games with them!!!!

Grace: Yesterday we made little balls the size of marbles for science.

Maxx: On Thursday we designed and created boats out of tin foil and we got playdough balls and put them inside the boats to see if they would sink or float.

Taylor: On Thursday we did a science experiment where we made boats out of tin foil and we used play dough and shaped them into marble- shapes and we had to see if the boat would sink and how much play dough we could put in. It was sooooo fun!!!!!!!

Louise: During the week we were in the hub doing Science and we were learning about rust. Into four separate jars we put tap water, boiled water, salty water, dry air and silica gel to see which ones would rust.

Kerrigan: Next week we will be doing spontaneous talks but we will not have to research in order to prepare for the talk because they are about topics we already know about.  For example, we could talk about animals or about our family.

Isla: We’re in the middle of reading our Class novel called The Desperate Journey, it’s a really interesting book!

Chi-Chi: In Drama we were doing a game called Hot Seating where you had to act like a character from The Desperate Journey and express their feelings.

Rebecca: We were preparing ourselves for the Young Writer of the Year competition and we all chose our best piece of written work.


Lorena and Beth: For our topic we have been making Black houses from shoe boxes it was a lot of fun.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

A tasty week in P4/5

Louise – “This week we did food technology and made awesome oatcakes. We made these because the Vikings ate them.”

Lewis – “We used apricots, butter, oats, honey and cinnamon. I thought they tasted really nice.”

Krystian – “I thought it was great fun making the cookies. They were delicious.”

Mirren – “On Tuesday we did football with P4. We were practising our skills for the world cup next week. My team is Portugal!”

Lukasz – “On Monday we welcomed our new Depute Head Teacher Mrs Smith.”

Oliwia – “In IDL we have been learning what the Vikings ate. We learned that carrots used to be purple and white. WoW!”

Charlie – “We worked in trios to create a power point about Viking food. We learned how to put a background on the power point, insert pictures from clipart and the internet and change font size and style. I look forward to presenting my groups power point next week.”

Harley – “In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We learned that 3D shapes had edges, vertices and faces. I know that a cylinder has 3 faces, 2 edges and no vertices.”

Daniel – “In literacy we have been learning how to use speech marks in our writing.”

Finlay – “In reading this week we focused on inference questions. We looked at pictures and had to think about what was happening in the picture.”

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P4/5


P7 Weekly News!

Primary 7 have had a very different week from normal which involved experiencing learning in the dining hall!!!!! Read on for more information.

Liam – On Monday and Tuesday we used the dining hall as our classroom as our real classroom was getting painted. It’s grey and bright purple and it’s really cool!

Joshua – On Monday we welcomed our new Acting Depute Head Mrs Smith to our school. We hope Mrs Smith has had a great first week at St. Ninian’s!

Nikki – On Tuesday we did a maths assessment on angles with Mrs Smith, our new Acting Depute Head as Miss Ford was out of school at a Pope Francis Faith Award meeting with teachers from all over Scotland.

Sally – On Tuesday we played Capture the Flag outside against P7/6. It was so much fun and we got really muddy!

Rachael – On Thursday in PE we did different circuit exercises in groups. Some of the exercises were push ups and plank.

Avelon – Today we watched P3 doing an assembly about Ancient Egypt. It was really interesting.

Matthew – In our IDL topic, WW2, we have been learning about Hitler. We learned about the concentration camps which he set up.

Lianne – In RE we read a prayer about our earth and drew a picture which showed what this prayer meant to us.

Freya – We learned about Anne Frank and made posters about Anne Frank and The Holocaust.

James – We learned about compass points in maths.

Eve McC – I found out that I had achieved a Silver award in the Scottish Mathematical Challenge. Miss Ford and I will be going to a prize giving at the University of Edinburgh on Friday 26th May.

Natasha – In writing we wrote a diary entry as if we were in Anne Frank’s position the night before she knew she had to go in to hiding.

Rebecca – In Literacy we did a short read in groups of 3 or 4 about the persecution of Jews during WW2.

Alice – We watched the next episode of Mi Vida Loca and this helped us to practice Spanish vocabulary including the months.

Eve Mac – We have been completing our 50 point IDL homework and Freya, Nikki and Eve have brought in cakes which they baked and iced with some of the flags of countries involved in WW2.

Charlie – We worked in groups to create 5 different types of graphs which displayed information relating to WW2. We did a pictograph, a bar graph, a frequency table, a line graph and a pie chart. Some of the information included number of warships sunk, deaths per country and bombs dropped per year.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Have a great weekend!

Awesome P3

Good afternoon.

Thank you so much for coming along to our Egyptian Assembly, it was wonderful to see that so many of you were able to come along and share in our learning.  I’m sure you will agree that the children were fantastic in remembering all the important facts about Mummification.  Here are some pictures:


Here are some more of our highlights from this busy week.

Maths – Division

Cameron – We completed tests to see if we have been practising our tables – it was quite hard.

Emily – I enjoyed it because it showed what we are working on.


Sophie YM – I really enjoyed adding on the money and finding out the change.

Alexis – I liked the counting out the real money and working out change from 20p.

Writing – To an imaginary friend in Egypt

Kate – I enjoyed it because we got to write about anything we wanted.

Niamh – I enjoyed choosing a girl or a boy to write to.

Richard – I liked writing where my friend was in Egypt.


Robbie – I enjoyed reading with Mrs Chirinos and looking for adjectives.

Bartosz – I enjoyed reading my book about the lost treasure.

Egyptian Assembly.

Emma – I enjoyed it because we all got to speak and we had a fun dance at the end.

Teegan – I enjoyed doing the mummy dance.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone and have a lovely weekend, thanks again for coming along 🙂


Nursery News


This week we have continued to enjoy role playing in our nursery pet shop. The PM children had a very exciting day on Tuesday when they got to visit our local Pets at Home! They went on a guided tour around the shop and they got to meet rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, snakes, fish and even a puppy. They learned all about how to look after animals and what kinds of food they eat. It was a really exciting adventure and all the children were wonderfully behaved!! Well done boys and girls! 👍🏼🌟


This week it is the turn of the AM class children to share their learning on the blog:

Annabelle- I like playing cats in the pet shop.

Micha- I have been building things with Liam.

Abigail- I have been building a big long bridge.

Lucy- I have been playing mummies and babies with Roma.

Christopher- This week I enjoyed group time. We were learning about numbers.

Abu Bakr- This week at group time I learned how to multi-task, this means to do two things at once!!!

Yasmin- We have been learning about Spring, we are looking for the daffodils and for the leaves to come back on the trees.

Anna- I played the IPad with Celine, the IPad is my favourite!

Roma- I love playing outside with all my friends!


Don’t forget that next week is our “Stay and Play” week from Tuesday to Thursday. We still have a few slots left if you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, just ask a member of our team who will be happy to help. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you! 😃



We have really enjoyed looking for signs of Spring this week in our local environment. Can you spot any signs of Spring when you are out and about?? We would love to see photographs or drawings of you enjoying the Spring weather. 😄

We also learned a Spring song this week with lots of great actions, please click on the link below if you would like to sing it at home.

Our daffodils are blooming!
Our Spring Display


P7 Weekly News!

Another very busy week in Primary 7, learning across lots of curricular areas. Read on for more information!

Nikki – We did a Science afternoon where we used our knowledge about forces and gravity in 4 experiments. Our experiments included: Does air have weight?, Air Powered Car, Testing Friction and Make A Parachute.

Freya – We learned more Volleyball skills in PE including the 2 and 3 touch pass and we also did some skills work with Mrs Rankin.

Sally – On Wednesday we learned about the evacuation and used our imagination to write a postcard from an evacuee. Have a read over Lianne’s postcard, she used lots of emotive vocabulary.

Dallas – On Tuesday we visited the library where we learned a bit more about how the library is organised and we also got a chance to change our books and take out a new one.

Liam – We learned about Anderson shelters including the height and width of them and we also made a model one which will be displayed in our classroom! Look at the Lego one which James created!

Dallas – We started to learn about angles in maths and we have been looking out for angles in our environment.

Paris – Yesterday Eve McC, Paris, Nikki, Freya, Rachael, Lianne, Freya E, Isabella and Rugare went to a netball festival. We came 3rd and it was lots of fun!

Eve McC – Today the girls football team are playing in a festival.

Eve Mac – We also had a school camp meeting on Wednesday and we are so excited! Only 2 weeks!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had another busy week as usual! Here are some of our highlights:

Bea: We have been continuing our learning about the Highland Clearances in the 1800’s.

Rachel: We have been making little cottages from the 1800’s called Black houses using shoeboxes.

Vanessa and Taylor: In Writing we were developing a character and we were writing about characters from our class novel The Desperate Journey.

Beth: In Drama we were Hot-Seating and trying to get into role as different characters from our class novel.

Lorena: In Spanish we have been learning how to tell the time and in Maths we have been looking at 12 hour and 24 hour time.

Brandon: In P.E. we playing indoor hockey.

Charlie: We were making games in P.E. with Mr McCurdy.

Chloe: I really enjoyed the assembly today when pupils from St. Margaret’s came in to talk to us about SCIAF.

Have a great weekend!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P4/5 Highlights of the week

Harley “In PE this week we have been learning all about football. We have been practising our football skills and playing 5-a-side games.”

Lewis “This week we have taken some quiet time to relax and to forget all our worries.”

Aria “We listened to some people who talked to us and asked us to breathe in and out. We had to close our eyes and imagine we were in a hot air balloon, a butterfly landed on us and we were in a treehouse.”

Oliwia “The mindfulness meditation helps me to relax after a busy lunchtime.”

Mirren “In music we learned a song about Vikings. We used instruments to show the beat of the song.”

Finlay “We also listened to 3 pieces of music related to the Vikings. We discussed how music creates mood. In one of the pieces of music I thought a Viking had just been killed and his men were going to get revenge. This was a powerful piece of music.”

Lukasz “One of the pieces of music made me think of Vikings were on a longship and it just crashed because of the stormy weather.”

Louise “In IDL this week we learned all about the Viking Gods.”

Harley “We learned that the Vikings believed Odin created the world, Thor created thunder when we was having a tantrum, Loki was a joker and Freya made sure there was sun and rain to grow the crops”

Charlie “In writing, we wrote a Viking Saga about the Gods. In my Viking Saga, Odin and Thor had a war because people invade Asgard.”

Caiden “In maths we have been learning about division using the standard method with 3 digit numbers. I use numicon to help me.”

Have a super weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

Awesome P3

Primary three have had a great start to Spring, we have been very busy and learning lots.

We have been really working hard on our Times Tables.  Lovely to hear about children practising at home at all different times of the day.  Would be great to see some pictures of them in action, feel free to post some on the blog.

Sophie YM enjoyed counting in 3’s and 4’s and now feels she knows those tables.

Jack it was hard but fun

Emily – saying them to mum and dad

Niamh – practised at home on paperEmma – Singing tables songs

Alexis – tables on the wall

Division – continued to learn

Writing – The children wrote about what they would see if they were going down the Nile on a boat.  Lots of great ideas and imaginations.

Kate – learning about the life on the Nile was very fun

Richard – could see the farmers working at the river

Cameron – we learned that different crops make different things, for example wheat makes bread

The children have continued their learning about money this week, with much more challenging problems.  They have been doing very well, so well done.

Niamh – was challenging but fun

Alexis – using numicon to count out change

We have also been working very hard on creating our Assembly for 17th March.  We are so excited to see you all if you’re able to make it.


Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sunny days continue for us to enjoy, Mrs McMullen and P3 🙂

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