Awesome P3

Can’t quite believe this is the last blog for Term 3, hard to believe where the time has gone! Here are some highlights of this week…


The children used their knowledge and understanding of the Easter story to work collaboratively in small groups of 4. Working together and demonstrating good turn taking, listening and talking skills they sequenced the whole story with both pictures and sentences. They were then able to justify their ordering and continued to build on the reading skill of inference which we have been looking at recently. Well done!

Read, Write, Count ‘Future Me’ – P3 shared with each other what their dream job would be and discussed the different skills they would need.  Their dreams are very varied and include…

Hairdresser, motorbike racer, policeman, pilot, vet, doctor, actress/fashion designer, drama teacher, primary school teacher, footballer, comedian, fisherman, artist, horse rider

Reach for the sky Primary 3!


Cameron and Bartosz liked designing their own Eqyptian coffin and using hieroglyphics to write their names on it.


This week we edited our Egyptian Adventures just like real authors.

Emily liked that she was able to improve some of her sentences all by herself. Teegan enjoyed changing some of her punctuation to add more interest when she read over her story again. Sophie R liked writing her story very neatly. We thought it would be a good idea to share them with some of the other classes when we return next term.

Information Handling – Robbie and Cameron liked looking at pictograms to find out information and reminding  everyone of all the other data handling work we have done before.   Primary 3 were showing how much they had remembered as it has been a while since we looked at this part of Maths.


Roots of Empathy

Primary 3 told each other why their parents gave them their names and why they are all special. It was sad to hear that we will only see baby Kelsey one more time so we are really looking forward to that.

Technology Task

Many thanks to those children who completed the homework and were able to talk about the vast amount of technology we use in our daily lives. Primary 3 found it interesting that we use technology for different reasons eg to cook, to heat our homes, to entertain us or to find out information.

Primary 3 have had a super term and we hope everyone has a well-deserved break!

Mrs Scott and Primary 3

End of Term P4/5 news

This has been a busy last week of term 3. We are all feeling tired and looking forward to spending time with our family and friends over the holiday. Here are some of our highlights for the week;

Mirren “On Tuesday we continued with our world cup tournament. We all enjoyed taking part. I am developing my football skills. I feel more confident in the midfield position.”

Abi “We played against different countries and we had some of the P7s as referees.”

Lewis “In our teams we had different roles. The coach had to lead their team for a warm-up with jogging and stretches. We also practised passing skills with the ball. My role was score keeper and I had to keep track of the score of each game my team played.”

Finlay “This week we have been doing a lot of revision in Numeracy. We have revised division, subtraction, addition and multiplication.”

Harley “We have also continued working on our fractions. I am getting a little more confident finding a fraction of a number. I can use my times tables and knowledge of division to help me.”

Louise “We designed Easter egg cards using different patterns. ”

Caiden “We learned about the stations of the cross and said prayers.”

Oliwier “We learned about the story of Easter. We were cutting and sticking pictures and put them in order of the story.”

Charlie “As a special treat and the end of our Viking topic, we have been watching ‘How to train your dragon’.”

Joshua “For reading this week we read a passage called ‘wings’. We learned lots of new facts about birds.”

We hope you all have a very happy and holy Easter holiday.

P4/5 and Mrs W

End of term in P2/3

What a fantastic week it has been in Primary 2/3!  Lots of learning to finish a super term.  It was lovely to have so many parents visit during Ninian’s Natter to share the children’s learning.

We were thinking about World of Work during Ninian’s Natter and all drew a picture of our dreams for the future.  Watch out for us becoming football players, doctors, you-tubers, super heroes, artists, gymnasts, teachers, tennis players, rock stars, clothes designers, basket ball players, karate players and astronauts.  Some of our work is below.

During Ninian’s Natter we also took the opportunity to reflect on our work over the term.  You’ll spot lots of green and pink post-it notes in our jotters where we’ve highlighted the work that we’re really proud of and areas we’d like to improve.

Numbers all around

On Thursday we went outside to work on our maths skills.  We were working on number sequences to 100 (and beyond!), skip counting in twos and in tens.  Can you see our fabulous numbers in the playground?


Library visit

On Tuesday  we went to the library to choose new books.  We’re loving reading our new books and even managed to sneak in a quick visit to the park on the way back to school!

Our international education continued this week when we got an amail from our link school in Spain, CEIP Maria Immaculada. We were so excited to learn all about their carnival traditions.

Other highlights include:

Annayah, Oma and Dominic – I liked drawing Cleopatra because we learned how to be real artists.

Chloe – I liked PE because we did the bleep test and its going to make me faster in the Daily Mile.

Maya – I loved drawing numbers outside.

Alishba – I liked comparing numbers.  I like it when I make a mistake because it helps me learn more.

Maeve, Harry and Andrew – I liked decorating eggs in art and thinking about patterns and colours.

Kuba – I liked writing the letter from the Easter Bunny thanking the animals for helping save Easter. I worked with Aaron and that improved my writing.

Pawel – I liked making 3D Easter bunny baskets.

Michelle – I liked writing because I used interesting vocabulary.

James – I liked writing the letter from the Easter Bunny.  I tried hard to use connectives.

Brooke and Carly – I loved the literacy carousel because we read with partners.

Have a lovely holiday!

From P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan


P7/6 News

This was our last week of swimming lessons.  We have all really enjoyed our experience and so many of us have improved our swimming techniques even in this short block!  Today in the pool instead of focusing on swimming techniques we looked at learning some team games.  Water polo was a huge success and Mr McCurdy was so impressed with how quickly we were able to learn the rules and apply our swimming technique to produce a very free flowing game, both Jack and Billie were superb at scoring from a distance!  Some of us also practised our diving techniques, Kornelia and Rachel showed real improvement using the kneeling dive to begin with.  Mark and Aaron were able to progress to the plunge dive with super success!  Well done everyone, swimming is a skill for life and a life saving skill which is very important as we always want to improve our own personal safety.

Our success in the pool to learn new games has been mirrored in PE where we have been learning new games (many are variations of dodgeball) every week with a view to adapting the rules to suit our class and environment needs.  This week King Ball is the game we learned.  We quickly have realised that height matters!  So the game of P7 versus P6 was slightly unfair as some of our P7 children are particularly tall, however being tall is not the only skill required you have to be able to defend and catch the ball successfully, something that Danielle has shown a real skill for this week.  Tristan also showcased good strategic thinking in his defending skills and proved to be a real asset to his team as a result.

In class this week our Maths focus has been learning about how to find the volume of a solid shape as well as learning about litres and millilitres when measuring the volume of a liquid.  To find the volume of a solid shape we started the week by using practical unit cubes to build shapes, this helped us to develop our understanding of a cubic measurement.  From here we worked with pictures of 3D shapes made from unit cubes and counted these cubes (even the ones we could not directly see in the picture).  We progressed to looking at regular cuboid shapes and only counting how many were on the top layer and then multiplying it by the number of layers to find the number of cubic units.  Finally some of us were able to progress to being given the height, depth and width of the regular cuboid shape and using the formula volume = l x b x h.  Using this formula required us to use our Number Talk strategies especially when numbers began to get quite big.  We also used a measuring jug and a variety of containers to develop our general understanding of how much is a litre.  We were encouraged to estimate what the volume would be before measuring, after the first measurement our estimates became more accurate as we were able to compare the size and shape of the container with the one before and use this understanding to hone our estimates…good critical thinking skills.

In Literacy we have been listening to our class talks about WWII.  It has been said that Mrs Currie is like Simon Cowell when delivering her feedback…hopefully my clothes and fashion sense are a little better than his!  It has been great to see the work and effort that some children have put into producing their presentations it hopefully will inspire us all to further develop these skills.

A great week.  Well done all!

Nursery News

It’s been another jam packed week of adventures at nursery!

We welcomed some more of our parents for Come Back and Play, we hope you found this experience useful! Thank you to all the parents who wrote such positive comments in our talking books, we really appreciate it! 😃


Don’t forget that next week is Grandparent’s Day!


AM CLASS 10:00am

PM CLASS 2:00pm

Please let us know the number of adult guests attending for catering purposes. We would also welcome donations of cakes/biscuits on the day. Thank you! 😃


We we have been practising making cakes for Grandparents day too! We ended up eating them all because they were so yummy!! Oh well, we have plenty of time to make more! 😃👍👌


This week it is the turn of the AM Class to share what they have learned-

Abu Bakr- “I have been making transformers with the stickle bricks”

Connor- “I have been painting with Anna and Liam”

Micha- “I played mums and dads with Oliver”

Isabelle- “The house corner is my favourite”

Liam. J- “I played Lion and Tigers with Blake”

Yasmin- “I like the Tigers the best!”

Annabelle- “The caterpillars are growing!”


We we have continued to think about Spring and have definitely noticed some signs of Spring towards the end of this week!! Look what we spotted in our nursery garden-


We cannot believe how big our nursery caterpillars are getting and we are really enjoying watching them grow and change-


We have loved listening to stories about caterpillars too! We are visiting the library on Monday so maybe we will find some more books about Caterpillars!

Please click on the link below to hear the story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

Have a lovely weekend everyone 😃

Awesome P3

Another busy week in Primary 3!

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Pupils from P2/3 and P3  paid a visit to St Philip’s chapel on Thursday for their Sacrament of Reconciliation rehearsal. Some of the children have been a little worried about the format so it was really helpful to have the opportunity beforehand to go along. All of the children have worked really hard completing their Sacramental lessons in school as well as their homework tasks. They know their prayers and the hymns well, so we have been reassuring the children not to worry about anything at all!

Cameron – I liked getting the chance to go into the little room where I will make my First Confession – it means I don’t need to worry about it.

Robbie – I liked going to St Philip’s yesterday for our practice because I was able to ask Fr Kenneth questions.


Niamh – in writing this week we continued to write about our Egyptian adventure with our imaginary Egyptian girl (Akila) or Egyptian boy (Abasi).

Teegan – we had to write about what happened in our adventure.

Emily – I enjoyed writing about getting lost and getting found again.

Emma – Our adventure had to have a problem and the problem had to get solved because that is what happens in real stories! I am very proud of my handwriting this week.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed thinking about the place my story started in.

Cameron, Michael & Richard – we liked uplevelling our sentences so they could be longer and more interesting.


Richard – I worked in a group to make a jigsaw of big numbers that went up in 10s.

Teegan – I liked having to make my own sums that added ten to numbers. It helped me show what I have learned.

Sophie – I have liked skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. It has been fun learning to link my times tables with dividing.


We were learning about Ancient Egyptian Gods and we had to write facts about them.

Roots of Empathy

Primary 3 could see that it won’t be long before Kelsey is walking on her own as she is using her baby walker!

Robbie asked Kelsey’s mummy if she liked someone to walk with her by holding her two hands but Kelsey likes it better when she uses her baby walker.

Primary 3 were able to talk about all the things that Kelsey can’t do yet such as talking in sentences or using a knife and fork. They noticed that Kelsey likes to make her own choices when playing. They were also amazed that Kelsey could remember where the toys had been hidden under the blanket because she looked for them later on.

Kelsey also likes to eat the same food as mum and dad. Eating food with her fingers is her favourite. Ethan asked if Kelsey liked toast and her mummy said yes! We got to see Kelsey’s reaction to trying green peppers for the first time!

She likes to be cuddled by dad and then by mum, turning it into a game.

Cameron asked if Kelsey is able to climb up the stairs yet and her mummy said she is allowed to do one step just now but she definitely wants to climb up all of them!

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

P7 Weekly News!

Another busy week in Primary 7 and a bit like the end of term for us as many of us are off to school camp next week! Read on for more information.

Freya and Eve McC – We made optical illusions in Art where we drew shapes and patterns using contrasting colours which tricked our eyes.

Rachael and Issei – In PE we did Volleyball with Mr McCurdy and we retested ourselves doing the Bleep Test with Miss Ford. We will compare our results from the start of the term to see if our fitness has improved.

Nikki and Sally – We learned about Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). This was when the allies defeated the axis and Germany surrendered to end WW2 in Europe. We looked at persuasive writing and made an invitation to a VE Day street party and a propaganda poster which had a message to persuade a UK citizen to do a specific thing e.g. always carry a gas mask.


Aidan and Dallas – We went to our committees today (Friday). This was fun because we get to work with people from other classes and choose what types of things we do.

Alice and Aimee – We finished our WW2 topic with a carousel where we had a VE Day party!

Charlie and Kaden – We did Scale Drawing in Maths where 1cm=1m etc. This is used in maps and in people’s jobs like builders, architects etc.

Matthew and Catherine – We learned about D-Day where the allies launched the final fightback to try to win WW2. On D-Day the allies landed planes and ships in France and thousands of troops were involved.

Avelon and Lianne – We did Art with Mrs Thomson and we completed and mounted our Joan Eardley inspired art work. It looks great!

Callum and Liam – On Monday we had an IDL homework showcase where we presented and shared the homework we have been doing over the last 3 weeks. We were all impressed and proud of our hard work.

James – We had some visitors in to our class on Monday and Thursday and we learned about ‘Unique Potato’. This is where we got a potato and made it unique by giving it an appearance and a life story. We linked this to our own lives by thinking about how we are all different and unique and we should help everyone as we all need different support in our lives.

Joshua and Rebecca – We are going to Dalguise for school camp on Monday, we are so excited!

Have a great weekend and look out for school camp updates next week!

P4/5 Weekly News

P4/5 have had a very busy week. We have been thoroughly enjoying our new numeracy topic ‘fractions’. We are able to find a fraction of a shape or number, order fractions on a number line and recognise that some fractions have different numerators and denominators however they can have the same value. These fractions are called ‘equivalent fractions’. Here is what the children had to say about their learning this week;

Louise “This week in numeracy we have been learning all about fractions.”

Mirren “I know that the numerator is the number of parts of a shape or number and the denominator is how many parts make up a whole.”

Lukasz “The numerator is the number at the top of the fraction and the denominator is the number at the bottom.”

Marcella “When a shape or number is split into 4 they are split into quarters.”

Abi “If the denominator is a 2 then the fraction is a half.”

Finlay “We have been finding fractions of shapes and numbers.”

Aria “We use our knowledge of division to find a fraction of a number.”

Charlie “We have also being revising multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.”

Abi “Some of us brought in red noses today to show our support for red nose day.”

Charlie “In PE this week, we continued our world cup tournament. Portugal came 1st and Columbia came 2nd this week.”

Lewis “In Art with Mrs Thompson this week we designed Easter cards.”

Lukasz “My group got a new reading book this week called cockadoodle doo Mr Sultan. I am really enjoying this book.”

Lewis “We have been focusing on inference questions this week in reading. When answering an inference question we have to look for clues to help us work out the answer.”

Daniel “We have been preparing for our Holy Communion this week. We revised the prayers for confession and talked about how important it is to have your confession heard often.”

Oliwier “For writing this week, we wrote a Viking adventure imaginative story. We focused on our structure making sure we had paragraphs in our story.”

Hope you have a lovely weekend and all of the mummies and grannies are spoiled on Mothering Sunday.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell


P2/3 Weekly update

In maths we have been using coins to 99p then using our number skills to pay for items up to 99p.  We’ve had to use our skills in counting in tens too.  We enjoyed playing this game to practice using and counting money

We have also been working on our counting skills, counting forwards and backwards from any number up to 100.  This is a good one to work on at home.  A handy activity is  We’d love it if you leave a comment to let us know how you get on!

In Spanish we’ve been working hard to learn the months of the year now that we’ve mastered the days of the week.  We’ve had great fun playing this game  Try it at home and see if you can beat the magician.

Everyone worked really hard in our Literacy Carousel on Wednesday.  One of our highlights was reading in pairs then giving each other feedback. We also worked on spelling using pipe cleaners, improving our handwriting skills and finding interesting vocabulary in our reading books.


Pupils from P2/3 and P3 paid a visit to St Philip’s chapel on Thursday for their Sacrament of Reconciliation rehearsal. Some of the children have been a little worried about the format so it was really helpful to have the opportunity beforehand to go along. All of the children have worked really hard completing their Sacramental lessons in school as well as their homework tasks. They know their prayers and the hymns well, so we have been reassuring the children not to worry about anything at all!

Some of our other highlights include:

Michelle – I liked writing about my friend.  I used lots of connectives.

Matthew – I liked doing Sumdog because I got lots of coins.  My maths skills are improving.

Kuba – I liked the maths carousel because I worked hard with number lines.

Oma and Maya – I liked the Health and Well-Being committee because we went outside today.

Alishba – I liked singing with Mrs Steele.

Chloe – I liked it when Mrs Smith came to do maths with us.  I learned how to find the difference between numbers.

Levente –  I liked learning about responsibility in Health and Well-Being.  We thought about it in the school and in the community.

Brooke –  I liked the STEM committee because we worked on the laptops to design eggs.

Carly and Angel – I liked preparing for my First Reconciliation on Saturday.

Maeve – I liked learning about Cleopatra and looking at her face so we can draw it in art next week.

Aaron – I liked Technology when I switched on the netbook, logged on, found a website then played a maths game.  I used loads of skills.

What a busy week in P2/3.  We’d love it if you would leave us a comment.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and P2/3.



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