P4/5 Weekly News

Abi “This week in maths we have been doing time. We revised months, seasons and how to use a calendar. We learned minutes past and minutes to the hour in 5 minutes.”

Aria “We continued with our new topic, endangered animals. We explored world climates and how these affected the animals. I learned that we live in a temperate climate because we have seasons and lots of different weather.”

Louise “In writing this week we wrote a letter to WWF to ask some questions about the endangered animals they look after. We had to use paragraphs in our letter.”

Lukasz “This week in PE we have been learning about shotput. I know that you need to keep your front leg straight; your back leg bent and hold the shotput close into your neck. You then push the shotput up into the air.”

Finlay “Also this week in PE we learned about the standing broad jump. Krystian got the furthest for the boy and Marcella got the furthest for the girls.”

Charlie “In reading this week we were exploring vocabulary that created atmosphere and setting. I enjoyed working with my group for this task.”

Oliwia “We worked on our task maps for our reading books. I had to read for clues to help me answer the ‘Infer what’s not there’ question.”

Daniel “We did some outdoor learning this week. We worked in pairs and had to use our senses to find something beginning with every letter in the alphabet. We were having great fun until hailstones fell.”

Joshua “For Sacraments this week we looked at 2 stories. We learned about Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the Last Supper. We can make links with these stories to the mass.”

Have a lovely long weekend

Mrs W and P4/5

Awesome P3

Another busy week for Awesome Primary 3, Term 4 fully underway and everyone has started off with a great work ethic.

We have started looking at our new topic, which will cover farming, food and our local community.  We had a visit from a local farmer, who brought lots of crops for us to look at and important information.  We learned:

Niamh – Donkeys don’t actually provide us with any food that we need but we can use them to carry heavy things and pull machinery.

Kate – We don’t actually eat cows we only eat bulls.  The cows are used for producing milk after they’ve had a calf.

Richard – The farmer only keeps dairy cows, not beef bulls.

Robbie – Cows enjoy being milked.

Lennon – Cows eat hay.

Huda – We also learned that if a farmer milks by hand they can only milk about 6 in an hour but machines can milk about 100.

Local Community Walk

Teegan – We were looking at our local community to see how the land is used.

Ola – We came home and wrote a report about our local area.

Emma – We saw the land was used for schools, house and parks.

Mathematics – Algebra

The boys and girls have worked really well this week on some simple algebra calculations, I was very impressed and they seemed to really enjoy it! 🙂

Teegan – I really enjoyed doing the take away and adding algebra because it was harder than normal sums.  I liked that we were using much bigger numbers.

Sophie R – I liked it because it was fun and easy.

Sophie YM – I liked doing the adding and taking away because it was more fun than normal sums.


This week we have started to do an intensive Spanish course.  We started off with greetings in Spanish and the days of the week and months of the year.

Cameron – I liked finding the Spanish days of the week in the wordsearch.


If you wish to practise:

Los dias del semana

Monday – lunes

Tuesday – martes

Wedenesday – miercoles

Thursday – jueves

Friday – viernes

Saturday – sabado

Sunday – domingo

Los meses del ano

enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre

Happy weekend – Feliz fin de semana.  Remember no school or Sumdog club on Monday, Thanks Mrs McMullen

Primary 2 are off to a magic start in their final term!

In numeracy we have been completing activities to show our understanding of counting in tens.

Wojciech-“I think counting in tens is just like counting 1, 2, 3, 4  but you add a zero onto the end of each number.”

This week we started to learn about division by sharing. We shared the cubes out into different boxes to get an equal amount in each box.

Marcus- “At our independent station we had division word problems on playdoh mats. On the mats with the cakes we had to make a total number of candles and then share them equally.”


In writing this week we wrote Wanted Posters for the Big Bad Wolf.
Vanessa- “Our learning intention was to check that our sentences made sense.”


Lilly-“I read over my sentences to check for capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.”

Leo- “We wrote about where the Wolf was last seen, how much the reward would be and what he looked and behaved like.”


This week we received another letter from the Dragon and he also left us some magic jelly beans.

Madison- “The giant asked us to grow a magic beanstalk for fairyland.”

This letter came at a perfect time because this week has been outdoor learning week at school. We went out to the Garden, to plant seeds.

We had soil, magic beans, sunflower seeds, water and a plant pot.

After planting our seed and magic bean we went back into class to complete a sequencing task of the steps to take to plant a seed.

We read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ this week so that we understood who would need this beanstalk in Fairyland. We had to read the text and then answer different questions to show our understanding.

We love this fantastic Jack and the Beanstalk story/song.

Since we wrote Wanted Posters for the Big Bad Wolf we decided to go on a Wolf hunt.

Before we left to go on our wolf hunt we listened to the story of “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”. We changed the word ‘bear’ in the song to the word ‘wolf’ and we sang it the whole way to the woods and the whole way back.

Here is a link to the story read by the author Michael Rosen.

We had a discussion before we left about how we could stay safe when on our nature walk. We said that we had to be careful with what we touched, not go to close to animals, stay away from the Pond, look at where we were walking and stay with one of the adults.

When we went back to class we completed a 5 senses sheet and had to record our findings with a peer.


Angelina- “We all saw the ducks and swans at the pond and we spied a bird’s nest in the tree.”

Ryan “We heard the birds singing.”

Alice- “The trees felt rough.”

Julia- “I could smell the flowers.”

For spelling this week we went out to the garden to do a tricky word hunt. Everyone had to try to find the tricky words and then we had to read the words which we found.

Once we found the words we made a tricky word trail by writing the words with chalk onto the ground.


In PE we had races outside and we also completed the daily mile.


We have really enjoyed being outdoors lots this week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend from Primary 2 and Miss Boyes.

Awesome P3

Welcome back after our lovely Easter break! The children are looking nice and refreshed, ready for another busy, fun filled term!


Even though this has been a shorter week, Primary 3 have made the most of their Outdoor Learning theme. Interdisciplinary learning has included developing simple map drawing skills where the children drew a map of the shape of the school and a  Senses Walk where they used their senses to heighten their observational skills.

Primary 3 have also used the outdoor environment to apply their understanding of Measure this week.  We have been learning about the importance of estimating (guessing roughly) how long something might be then checking it against the actual measurement – lots of the children have found the estimating part harder than the actual estimating and this is very true as estimating itself is an important skill. We also discussed in each instance the importance of the difference between our estimates and our actual measurements as this shows us the gap.

During our Daily Mile, the children guessed how long they thought it would take to complete one lap then recorded their actual time.

In our school garden, the children found natural objects such as stones, blades of grass and leaves to measure in cm using rulers.  They also took a closer look at our spring flowers and used finger painting to record the details they could see.

To compare units of measurement, Primary 3 then worked in groups to measure each side of our upper/middle area playground in metres. They began with estimating how many metres their side was, then they measured it using metre sticks and used a tally chart to record each metre measured – some great collaborative learning and team work.  Back in class, we added all the measurements together to work out the total of all of the sides, introduced ‘perimeter’ as new maths vocabulary and recorded the lengths on a diagram.

Ancient Egypt topic

So how did the Egyptians actually move the large stones when building the pyramids? Well, we found out that they possibly used tree trunks as rollers to move the stones along – ask your child to demonstrate this to you using pencils and a heavy book! How many Egyptian inventions do we still use today? We talked about lots of these this week and then the children worked in pairs to mime using them to their peers – they did a really good job and really enjoyed the process! We’ve now evaluated our learning on this fabulous topic and even the children were amazed at how much they have learned – well done!

A busy term ahead for Primary 3….

Primary 3 worked in small groups to record what they would like to find out in our new topics and their ideas/questions will form the basis for our interdisciplinary learning.

Our main focus will be studying our local area by looking at the different ways our land is used and the features of our landscape, the ways we can look after our community. food and farming including the use of our own cooking kitchens to develop food technology.

We will also be further developing our understanding of time by learning about days, weeks, months and how they relate to the Sun and the Moon. In relation to our weather, the children have asked to find out why we have so much rain in Scotland!

Next Thursday, Primary 3 will have an exciting visit from the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) who will kickstart our topic with an interactive session about the use of land for farming. We will also be looking at how our local area outside the school is used in different ways – it would be helpful if you could help your child observe these differences eg we have houses, we have parks, we have roads and paths to stimulate discussion about who builds them, how do they get there etc.

Towards the end of the term, Primary 3 will also be taking part in a fabulous shelter building activity with the West Lothian Ranger Service – we will update you on this nearer the time!


Everyone loved writing about the favourite part of her Easter holidays and were very proud of their efforts, especially those who were careful with handwriting and remembered VCOP!

Sophie R loved playing spelling words hopscotch using chalk outside.


Primary 3 each made a special wish for baby Kelsey that they hope comes true as she grows up – they certainly brought a tear or two to the eyes of Mrs Brutin and Mrs Scott.

Really sorry, but due to technical issues I’m unable to upload any other photos related to senses walk or map skills or measuring or Roots of Empathy – watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend! from Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

P7 Weekly News!

Welcome back from Primary 7! Read on for more information about our week.

Rachael – We played Rounders outside for PE. We also tried to do kick ball rounders with a soft ball but the wind was too strong for that version!

Alice and Callum – It was outdoor learning week so we did imaginative writing outside. Part of our task was to create a setting or accessory from our story using items we collected from around the playground/garden/fields. We also had to create a character and design a house. Make sure you have a look at the photos of the things we created!

Eve McC – We did our CEM tests this week.

Lianne – We used the iPads outside to take pictures of anything interesting and used our technology skills and different filters to edit them.

Matthew – Assembly this week included information on dog safety.

Charlie – We made a wordle with p7/6 on what skills are used for outdoor learning and compared these to the skills we use inside. We found that most of the skills can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Liam – We were revising our grammar and did work on the common mistakes of ‘did’ and ‘done’.

Issei – We were learning how to create a grammar poem using a scenic picture and the outdoors. We started by identify something we could see e.g. a hill and then we added adjectives to extend it.

Natasha and Dallas – We did some science work on plants and germination. We were learning about how plants grow from a seed and how photosynthesis is important. We planted broad beans in pairs and one will stay in the light and the other is away in a dark cupboard. We will compare how these grow over the next few weeks.

Have a great weekend!




Outdoor learning in P4/5

Finlay “In numeracy we have been exploring right angles in the environment.”

Abi “We know a right angle has a vertical and a horizontal line.”

Lewis “A right angle is 90 degrees.”

Mirren “We looked out in the garden and playground to find objects that had a right angle, bigger than a right angle and smaller than a right angle.”

Aria “We played a right angle game in class. Mrs Wassell put us into teams and then gave us a description of an object including how many right angles they had. We had to find the correct object in the class.”

Louise “This week for Art, we made a picture of a daffodil. We had to draw lines on the picture. We had to use warm colours for each part of the daffodil and cool colours for the background. They looked good when they were finished.”

Harley “For writing this week we went on a Spring walk. We had to use our senses to describe a spring setting. I saw daffodils that were as yellow as the sun.”

Lewis “I could smell freshly cut grass and could see tall, colourful tulips.”

Mirren “I could smell  fresh herbs growing in the garden.”

Lukasz “We started our new topic called ‘Endangered animals’. We learned that a leopard in danger of becoming extinct which is really sad.”

Joshua “We have continued preparing for our Holy Communion. This week we talked about the Passover. I learned that God told Moses to go to Pharaoh to let his people free and when he said no God send 10 plagues over Egypt.”

Harley “We also talked about the order of the mass.”

Oskar “This week in PE we played football.”

Abi “We played against different countries and it was lots of fun.”

We hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday.

Mrs W and P4/5


UN Ambassador’s update

Message from UN Ambassador’s committee:
We have created a survey monkey to gather views about the RRS Award we are involved in. We would really appreciate if you could take the time to complete this before 21st April as this will help us evaluate our progress towards Level 2. This is the link you will need: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MGRYYTN
Thank you!

Lent Challenge – Monday 3rd

Today we pray The Hail Mary and ask the Mother of Jesus to give us grace, strength and to protect us. 

When you are finished saying the prayer, watch and listen to this beautiful piece of music called ‘Ave Maria’ composed by Franz Schubert. Beautiful!


Primary 5 Weekly News

We can’t believe this is the end of another term and we have finished with another busy week!

Here are some of our comments:

Chloe: This week we finished our spontaneous talks.

Lucas: We finished our time and money carousel in Maths. We have got much better at multiplying and dividing using a decimal point and we are still improving our ability to read analogue time and convert between 12 hour and 24 hour.

Bea: We finished our Black houses and then we showcased them to Primary 6 who visited our class to see them.

Rachel W: This week we had a dress down day.

Taylor: I suggested that we dress down and give money to SCIAF and Mrs Purdie agreed!

Rebecca: Our entries were sent off for the Young Writer’s Competition.

Vanessa: In P.E. we did the Bleep test again and quite a few people improved their scores.

Taylor: We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Craig and Mrs Black.

Chloe: Some of us changed our spelling groups this week and now we have five groups.

Charlie: We played a game of Rounders outside during P.E. with Mrs Reeves this week.

We are all looking forward to our Easter holidays and wish you a great Easter!

From Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

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