Primary 5 Weekly News!

Bea: This week we haven’t been in school very much because we had a holiday for 2 days! One day was on Monday and another on Thursday. But we have still been busy! Here are our comments:

Charlie: This week in writing we practised note-taking.

Bea: This week we have been busy preparing for our writing. We are going to write to Jeremy Hunt and we are talking about how sugar is making people unhealthy and what he is going to do about it. It’s about key arguments.

Rachel M: This week we were learning about sugar tax and what the Government are going to do.

Isla: We wrote about how sugary food and drinks are going to get more expensive so less children will buy them.

Joseph and Maxx: We’ve been learning about the human body!

 Matt: In our topic about the human body, we are learning about the heart, lungs and other organs.

Lucas: In our topic we were talking about how we breathe.

Chi-Chi: This week we learned about a stimulus and we also learned if you touch someone closer to the brain they will react faster and vice versa. Here we are testing our reactions to touch:

Beth: This week we did a science experiment to measure our reaction times. We worked with a partner and a ruler. One of us held the ruler at the 30cm mark and the other person hovered their fingers near the 1cm point. Then, the person who was holding the ruler let it go and the person who was waiting near the 1cm point tried to catch it between their fingers as quickly as possible. We recorded our scores and worked out our reaction times. For example, if the person caught the ruler at the 14cm mark, they had reacted quickly. We repeated this a few times to try to beat our scores and compared our results.

Preston: This week we did P.E. and we raced against each other and it was fun!

Lorena: This week we continued with our relay races.

Vanessa: We had a really great time doing our P.E. outside on the new track.

Chloe: This week we had our committees.

Louise: My committee is Enterprise and Mrs. Purdie said we might be able to design the playground!

Taylor: We were able to make pizzas and our families could come!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Weekly News!

This week was a short week for us with the Bank Holiday and In-service Day, so we don’t have as much to say.

Aimee – We were completing our outdoor learning imaginative stories on Tuesday. Our story was about the many adventures of Sammy & Timmy.

Charlie – for literacy this week, we are entering a competition on whether gender stereotyping in the world today is fair or not and we worked in groups or on our own to complete a letter, a story, poem or even a rap for this.

Natasha – in maths we were working on coordinates, learning about how to read a 4 quadrant graph and plotting points to make shapes.

Sally – in PE this week, we had a lesson from Miss McCafferty on running relays on the outdoor track. We were each running 70m sprints and Mr McCurdy struggled with his maths skills working out our staggered starts with flags on the 146m track we have painted!

All – we had art with Mrs Young on Tuesday and we are working on something for the end of year ceremony!

All – we completed a Reading task in Literacy which was a questionnaire asking different types of questions including literal, inferential and evaluative.

Committee groups were held this morning. Some of the class were working on Frisbee Golf with the Sports Scotland group, some with the UN Rights and the House Captains advised that they were very busy working on something classified!

Have a good weekend!

P4/5 Weekly News

This has been a short but busy week. We have been working very hard in class to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. Father Kenneth visited us this week to chat about our Saints and our rehearsal next week. We are all very excited about our special day. Here are some of our highlights from this week.

Abi “This week in writing we wrote a letter to Mrs Purdie to ask her to encourage the children in the school to help endangered by animals keeping our environment clean and healthy.”

Mirren “In IDL we learned about global warming and how this affected the animals.”

Lewis “We also looked at how global warming is affecting the climate. In the polar zones the ice is melting and the sea levels are rising because the climate is getting warmer. This means that the animals there are at risk of drowning and losing their habitat because there is not enough land.”

Finlay “Global warming is caused by pollution from factories and car fumes. Trees absorb CO2 however more trees are getting cut down which means the gases are rising and creating a layer around the world.”

Krystian “The sun rays heat up the earth but is trapped because the layer of gases and this causes the climate to get warmer.”

Lukasz “In PE we used the track out on the field to do relay races and we got to pick 4 teams of 4. We had to number ourselves. We were working on building up our stamina when running.”

Joshua “In maths this week we have been learning about time using am and pm. I know am starts from midnight until midday and pm starts from midday until midnight.”

Marcella “We also used many of the skills we have learned this year in problem solving. We used our knowledge of time, money, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.”

Charlie “In Spanish we were learning about animals and colours. We were using our Spanish vocabulary we have learned to write in sentences about the animals.”

Have a great weekend

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell

Awesome P3

Another lovely week in Primary 3, even though it’s been short we have been busy as usual.

Roots of Empathy

Big important firsts for Kelsey today even though this is her last visit (Awwwwww!) She has just started nursery and had missed her sleep before coming to P3 for her last visit so she was a little tired! Kelsey also did her first finger painting today, can take a few steps on her own now and has started to clap all by herself! (The boys and girls loved clapping back).

Huda – Can Kelsey say ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ yet? Leona explained she is trying hard and thinks she will say ‘Dada’ first!

Cameron – ‘How old is Kelsey now?’ – Leona said that Kelsey is now a big eleven months and it will soon be her first birthday.

Primary 3 sang Five Little Ducks and Baa Baa Black Sheep beautifully for Kelsey.

Her mummy measured her to see how long Kelsey is now and she is 74cm. She was 52cm when she first came to visit so this means she has grown 22cm! Mrs Brutin explained that if Cameron had grown 22cm his school trousers would now be so short they would be at his knees and Primary 3 thought this was really funny!

Primary 3 chose one favourite memory of Kelsey and we made it into a special book for her to keep for ever. So many children wanted to present Kelsey with her memories book that Mrs Scott had to put their names in a hat and Sophie R won! She proudly thanked Leona and Neil for bringing Kelsey along to Primary 3, said we have had so much fun and learned lots.  Well done Sophie!

Thank you so much to Leona and Neil for allowing us to share in Kelsey’s first year and of course a big thank you to baby Kelsey herself!



Primary 3 took part in a special experiment to help them understand a little more about the Global Goal ‘No Poverty’.  The idea behind this was to let them see how difficult doing ordinary things can be when you don’t have what you need. Each child was given a slip of paper and they had to fold it into three parts then write their name on it….simple task? Not quite, depending on which group they were in. One group had to complete this task with both hands behind their back……another group had to complete it with their dominant hand behind their back and only using their non-dominant hand….the final group had no restrictions and could complete the task normally. The children really tried to accommodate their restrictions in some innovative ways. However, it highlighted how hard it is to perform a simple task when you don’t have access to everything you need and we will be continuing to discuss this next week. If possible talk this over with your child in terms of how so many people in our world don’t have access to basic food, shelter and water which we take for granted.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will shine all weekend!!  Mrs McMullen and P3 🙂

P2/3 weekly news

It has been a short week in P2/3 but we have managed to cram in lots of learning!  Here are some highlights from the children:

Matthew – I liked growing cress as part of our farming topic.  The trickiest part was getting the seeds in the right place.

Kuba – I liked PE because we were outside and played running games.  I was fast!

Carly and Brooke – I liked learning even and odd numbers then making Venn diagrams.  We got more confident with odd numbers and even numbers.

Levente – I liked working on our new Farming topic.  I liked learning about the parts of plants.

Aaron – I liked doing the new Farming topic because I liked planting cress.

Alishba – I liked when we were doing committees because we looked at all the school questionnaires in the pupil leadership committee.

Rachel – I liked the 1 plus 2 committee and I’m looking forward to our Spanish party.

Chloe – I liked the Community Links committee because I was helping prepare food for the Learning Families.

Andrew – I liked the Eco Committee because we’re going to clean up the pond.

Annayah –  I enjoyed making a mask in the 1 plus 2 committee.

Maeve – I liked making Venn diagrams in maths.  We were all really good at it!

Harry – I liked PE because I got first place in a race. I was really really fast.

Oma – I liked doing multiplication and division in maths.

Hasan – I liked Number Talks.  I told the class how I subtracted using tens and units.  I liked the Sport Scotland Committee because we were playing frisbee golf. It was interesting but also hard.

Michelle – I liked following instructions then planting cress.

Pawel – I liked reading in the literacy carousel.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan



Malawi Bags Appeal

After a number of weeks of counting we have now gathered our totals which we have sent to St Margaret’s. We will be heading up to the academy during May or June to help make up the bags for the children of Malawi, we are really excited about this. Thank you for all your kind donations.

Item Total number collected






Scissors 1
Rulers 9
Water bottles






Small toys 99




Sweets 545



Small balls 65
Colouring pencils 13
Colouring pencils – packs


Small tissue packs


Writing Pencils 540






Coloured pens



Writing pens







sponges 28
shoes 3











Story books



bubbles 83
Glitter glue sticks 18
Microwave containers 12
Spoons 20
balloons 30
Sticker packs 1
Emoji stick on nail pack 1
Paint pack 1
Hair bobble pack 50 in 1 pack
Kids plasters 30 in 1 pack
Glow stick 20  in 1 pack
Create your own fairy wings pack 1
3d velvet glider packs 1

Global Goals

Message from UN Ambassador’s:
In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030.

Our governments have a plan to save our planet…it’s our job to make sure they stick to it.

Every week we will focus on a different goal for discussion. You can find out more at the global goals website:



Nursery News

This week our learning has centred on our shared transition topic with Primary 1 ‘The Gruffalo’

The children discussed what they would like to learn and do within this topic and their ideas were written and drawn in our talking books. We drew our own gruffalos and made some mice. These are on the wall and they look amazing. We have  also started to put up  the childrens’ ideas on our learning wall.  We will continue with this topic next week taking forward the other learning adventures that the children have come up with. Please feel free to have a look in our talking books and at our learning wall and any other ideas you have we would be delighted for you to add these.

In outdoor learning the children went bug hunting and were very independent at making their own resources for this. We have also seen great cooperative play. As outdoor learning is every day we would appreciate it if the children could come to nursery suitably dressed for the outdoors.

On Monday we had our monthly visit to the library and Mrs Campbell read us a story about robbers trying to steal a prize cow. We enjoyed making the animal noises and after that we all did a funny dance!  It was great fun.

Transition events continued this week with our pre schoolers visiting the Primary 1 classes where they all sat at the smartboard in a circle with their Primary 1 friends and Mrs Roy and Miss Meechan showed them the talking book. This book is full of pictures of all the experiences the children will encounter when they come to school and has audio telling them all about the picture. Each pre school child will be given an opportunity to take this book home for one night to give them a chance to discuss it with their parents.  The nursery children were all excellent and ready for this next exciting adventure in their learning. The transition activity  next week will be the nursery children joining in with a Numeracy and Literacy carousel with the Primary 1 classes. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Roy, Miss Meechan and all our Primary 1 friends for inviting us to visit them.


The PEEP classes with Mrs Beattie are now up and running. We are in week 2 of a 5 week block. Group 1 are focusing on Health and Wellbeing and Group 2 are engaging in fun numeracy activities which can be then be followed up at home. All the children and the adults are having great fun in these sessions.

A little reminder that Monday 1st May is a holiday and Thursday 4th May is an In service day for staff , the children do not attend nursery on this day.

Have a lovely holiday weekend. See you all on Tuesday.

The Nursery team.

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 have had a fabulous week! The highlight has to be our trip to the New Lanark Visitor Centre as part of our Highland Clearances topic. We spent the whole day learning how people of New Lanark lived back in the time of Robert Owen. We learned many interesting facts and had lots of fun. Here are our comments:

Charlie: On our school trip we went to an old school room.

Lucas: We went on our school trip and we went to Robert Owen’s house.

Brandon:  On our school trip we went on a ride that was called the Annie Mcleod ride – it was really fun!

Rebecca: On our school trip we went to an old mill and our tour guide told us to look, listen and smell.

Taylor: On our school trip we visited an old school. We were able to dress up in old fashioned clothes and we got to write on mini blackboards and we had a small lead to write with!

Grace: The Annie Mcleod experience was my favourite thing!

Rachel M: On our trip to New Lanark, we saw the cotton machines.

Lorena: On our school trip we went on a Annie Mcleod ride it was dark and exciting!!!

Toni: In PE we went out into the field and had girls and boys races and a competition.

Thomas: In P.E. we raced each other on the field!!

Preston: The races were really fun!

Beth: We took part in relay races in PE. I came 2nd out of the girls. I’m so proud of myself!!

Vanessa: For P.E on Thursday we went outside and we ran the 800 metres and the 60 metres. We split into groups and the boys who were in the top 3 were:

1st Ethan, 2nd Matt, 3rd Thomas

The girls were:

1st Chi Chi, 2nd Vanessa, 3rd Paige

Mixed races:

1st Vanessa, 2nd Chi Chi, 3rd Ethan

I enjoyed coming first over all – BEST P.E. EVER!!!!!


Louise: On Tuesday we were doing the standing broad jump in P.E. and there were 3 in a group. One was the marker, one was the judge and the other was the jumper. We all switched places and I enjoyed the jumper the most.

Kerrigan: Today at assembly we watched and enjoyed the primary 2/3 assembly. It was about the Egypt. Primary 2/3 were very good and they sang two songs. Afterwards Mrs Purdie told us all about fairness.

Chi Chi: This week on Friday, we were told that fairness isn’t about giving every child the same thing; it’s about giving every child what they need to succeed.

Bea: This week in maths we were learning about measure. It was fun. We were in carousels and did fun activities.

Isla: In writing we wrote a report about our school trip to New Lanark.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Weekly News!

Another quick week in Primary 7!  Please read on to hear what we were up to.

Issei & Aimee – Mr McCurdy introduced athletics to PE lessons this week. We were running 60m and 800m races on the newly painted tracks on the field. We were learning to do the shot put and also the long jump. Some pupils were selected to compete in a competition in 4 weeks time so we will need to get practising for that.

Matthew – this week’s school assembly was all about equality which was interesting.

Charlie – in maths we started negative numbers and we were using a thermometer to help us understand these. We also learned that overdrafts have negative numbers.

Freya – we read a book called Piggybook and were discussing the story in detail about how the mum was expected to do all the housework and cooking without any help from her family and how she called her husband and sons pigs!

Aidan – continuing on with the Piggybook topic, we were learning to sketch a cute cartoon pig and trying to relate this to a part of the book.

Dallas – following on from the Piggybook, we were learning about gender stereotypes and discussing jobs which are stereotyped.

All – Today we had a maths lesson with a difference where the questions were multiple choice and shown on the smartboard. We answered using our own unique cards which we were given with A, B, C or D on these and the cards were scanned by the teacher which registered our answers on the system. We all liked using this!

Have a great long weekend!

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