Primary 5 Weekly News

This week was busy as usual. We started the week by visiting the library at the Lanthorn and we all were able to choose a new library book. We learnt all about the Dewey reference system.

Here are some of the other things we did:

Grace and Isla: This week in Writing we were allowed to write a story of our choice, it was great!

Rebecca: All the stories sound good.

Brandon: We did Big Maths. I really enjoy it.

Louise: In P.E. we were practising the High Jump and I cleared a metre!

Chi Chi: I jumped a metre in P.E.

Matt: In P.E. we did the High Jump and Ethan and Rebecca managed the highest jumps!

Thomas and Joseph: We had Ascension Mass at the Lanthorn on Thursday.

Taylor: The whole school went to the Mass, it was lovely!

Lucas: In Drama we had a lesson about forgiveness.

Gaby: At parents night I was able to buy a new book. It was called ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’.

Kerrigan: On Wednesday and Thursday we had Parents’ evening and we talked about our reports.

Preston: I got a really good report!

Maxx: Today it was the Primary 1 assembly.

Toni: Kaitlyn my sister did well.

Beth: Next week is Health Week and we have lots of activities to look forward to.

Ethan: Every year I look forward to Health Week!

Cole B: This week it has been very hot.

Vanessa: Today we just walked the Daily Mile because it was so hot!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P4/5 Weekly News

Abi – “On Thursday we went to the Lanthorn for Ascension Thursday mass. We all sang a song about the Holy Spirit for the Children who made their confirmation.”

Lewis – “In writing this week we created an endangered animals poster to persuade people to protect the animals.”

Daniel – “In Maths this week we were learning about 24hour time. We paired up and we wrote down a 24hour time and our partner had to show the time on the clock using am and pm. We even got to do this activity in the sunshine in the garden.”

Marcella “For reading this week we read a non-fiction text all about fidget spinners. I learned that you should spin the spinner with your middle finger. Catherine Hettinger invented the fidget spinner to entertain her daughter when she was ill.”

Finlay “We created stain glass windows with the chalice and host for the children receiving Holy Communion over the next few weeks.”

Aria “We were doing short distance sprints in PE working on improving our pace and stamina.”

Lukasz “For the month of Mary, we have been reflecting on the hail Mary prayer and created a stain glass window.”

Krystian “This week we received rosary beads. Today to remember Our Lady we did a decade of the rosary together as a class.”

Filip “In Spanish we have been learning the days of the week and months of the year. We made a Spanish calendar.”

Have a fabby weekend in the sun.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell


P7 Weekly News!

A short but busy week in Primary 7! Read on for more information.

Aimee – Some children took part in an Athletics Festival at Craigswood. They were: Aimee, Liam, Dallas, Charlie, Avelon, Eve Mac, Joshua and Rebecca.

Eve McC – Today I am going to receive my award for achieving Silver in the Scottish Mathematical Challenge!

Charlie – We did football for PE with Mr McCurdy and played rounders with Miss Ford.

Catherine – We finished our writing assessment which was a letter to Mrs Downham or Mrs Melville about ourselves to give them more information before they meet us.

Aidan – We had parents evening on Wednesday and Thursday.

Nikki – Today we watched the P1M assembly about the Gruffalo.

Liam – We did 2 science experiments. One was to find out which ball would hit the ground first out of a soft play ball or a golf ball. The other experiment was to see what would happen if you swung a bucket full of water really quickly!

Callum – We did some more work on the novel which St. Margaret’s have asked us to read, called Skellig.

Alice – We learned about patterns in maths. This included shape, colour and number patterns and we also looked at formula in linear pattern diagrams and tables.

Sally – We did pattern in a Heinemann Active Maths carousel where we created patterns and found patterns in the environment.

Have a great weekend!


P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been  a hot and busy week in Primary 2/3 and we have all learned lots!

Some of the children’s highlights are:

Matthew – I liked doing my CEM test.

Levente – I liked doing PE because we did scissor kicks for the high jump.

Harry – I liked doing the maths quiz on the CEM test.

Carly – I liked learning about Ascension and making 2D models.

Chloe – I liked doing maths and learning about odd and even numbers because we did lots of activities.

Oma – I liked doing Sumdog because the games have been updated.

Alishba – I liked handwriting because I’m trying to make my handwriting neater.

Rachel – We held a minute’s silence to think about what happened in Manchester.

Annayah – I liked CEM tests and especially the maths quiz.

Brooke – I liked doing the literacy carousels and especially the reading comprehension activity.

Kuba – I liked reviewing my goals and writing new goals for the rest of the term.

Maeve – I liked going to Mass because we were learning about Ascension.

Michelle – I liked making diagrams in writing because we got to write about our salad.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Primary 2/3, Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley

Global Goal 4


Our discussions focus on Global Goal 4 this week – Quality Education. As a school this is an extremely important goal for us and this reflects in our school Vision and Values and our Curriculum Adventure Rationale.

This goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.

“In some parts of the world, students are going to school every day. It’s their normal life. But in other parts of the world, we are starving for education… it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond…”

Malala Yousafzai

Hard at work in P1R

Another week passes with lots of learning and fun!

Fractions was our new topic in maths and we learned about halves, quarters and sharing fairly and equally. We started the learning with some chocolate! Mrs Roy gave us a challenge to cut a mini roll into halves then quarters, we had to be very accurate with our slicing. As we did so well we then got to eat the pieces, if only maths could always involve chocolate!!! Our learning continued when we learned about sharing fairly and equally. Mrs Roy was very naughty and shared sweets with all of us but it wasn’t fair! Some children got 1 bag, some got 2 bags and some got 3 bags! So we had to use our thinking heads and solve the problem,we came up with lots of good ideas and tried them all out. We decided the best way to do it was by giving each person in turn 1 bag then another bag and so on until all the sweets has been handed out. We have a good understanding of fair shares and as a reward got some Haribos which we shared fairly.

We continued to discuss the Gruffalo story and this week worked on sequencing the order of the story in preparation for making our own Gruffalo storybooks to share with the nursery,this was Dexter’s idea from our learning wall. Everyone worked really hard on these and when Mrs Scott popped in we took pride in sharing them with her. In Art we made ‘big’ Gruafflos which again was another idea from our learning wall. We used coloured sugar paper to do this, we made connections in our learning as we folded paper in half and then in quarters, we made also made different 2D shapes for our Gruffalo.

As it is the month of May we have been learning about Mary our Mother. As a class we started to make a special altar for Mary at the front of the classroom and discussed the meaning behind the different symbols. We will add to this next week. Then we all shared our thoughts about Mary and wrote them down.

During nursery transition we flipped it around and we went to the nursery instead of them coming to us. We went out into the nursery playground and buddied up with a nursery child to play and have fun with. We are being really responsible and helping the children prepare for coming into P1.

We also had a visit from the UN Ambassadors and they talked to us about Global Goals. They asked some of us to have our say by writing a tweet for our new Global Citizenship display in school. Have a look when you are here next week for Parent’s Evenings.

P4/5 weekly news

Wow! What a busy week! We cannot believe that’s another week flown past and only 6 weeks left in P4/5.

This week in Maths we have been learning all about time duration using analogue and digital time. We have enjoyed learning through our carousels and team problems. Mrs Wassell set us a time challenge all about Doctor Foster’s trip to Gloucester. We had to work out many time durations and there was a prize for the first team finished who worked well collaboratively. Lewis, Lukasz and Filip won the challenge. Well done boys!

In IDL this week we have been learning all about endangered animals and the causes of these animals becoming endangered. We mainly focused on poaching this week. It was a very heart breaking topic to learn about. We had lots of great discussions about this. We watched some videos about poaching and did lots of research. We learned lots of interesting facts.

Daniel “We learned that elephant tusks are very expensive. They are made of ivory. Some people use these tusks to make piano keys!”

Louise “Rhino horns are used to make medicines!”

For writing this week we wrote a persuasive letter to a poacher to express our concerns about what they are doing and ask them to think about their actions. We did a fantastic job!

P4 enjoyed going swimming to bubbles today for their assessment. 😊

We hope you all have a wonderful long weekend.

Mrs W and P4/5


Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week has flown by! In French this week, Primary 5 were consolidating their knowledge of food, colours, hobbies, sports and animals. We all conducted surveys to find out our class preferences and then we collected the data using tally marks and presented our findings by creating colourful bar charts. We used dictionaries and Google Translate to help us find any difficult vocabulary or phrases.

Here are our comments:

Rebecca: This week in maths we did tallies and then we had to make a bar graph. Also we had to do it all in French!

Rachel M: This week in maths we completed our tallies and made them into bar charts and now they are on display on the walls in our classroom.

Isla: Also in Maths we practised converting grams to kilograms.

Chloe and Ethan: On Thursday we had our achievements assembly and the Mini Vinnies received badges.

Toni: This week we completed our writing assessment it was hard yet fun!

Kerrigan: We wrote a letter to Jeremy Hunt about the introduction of the Sugar Tax.

Gaby: During our Smart Start today we watched Newsround and we learnt about the cute little white baby tigers.

Bea: In our Drama lesson we focused on thinking about others’ feelings. In my drama scenario there were two new girls in a school and one was happy and joined in and the other was sad and did not want to play with others. By being kind to her, we discovered that the girl was unhappy because she had lost her kitten. In the end the kitten was found and we were all happy!

Charlie and Grace: In P.E. we started to do high jump.

Kalin: Only a couple of people won the high jump and I was one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beth: On Tuesday in PE we did the high jump it was fun!!!!!!!!

Preston: We tested our scissor kick!

Taylor: We had a little competition where we had to do scissor kicks over the rope. It was fun!

Louise: Instead of having P.E. on Thursday, we had it today and we played Capture the Flag.

Vanessa: Today in P.E. we played Capture the Flag and we split into teams and played against each other and all really enjoyed it!!!!

Chi Chi: My team won each round of Capture the Flag, but it’s not all about winning, it’s about fun and taking part.

Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

P7 Weekly News

We have had another quick week in P7. These last few weeks are really flying in!

Here are some of this week’s highlights:

Aimee – This week was Miss McCafferty, Mr Robinson and Mrs Rankin’s last week with St Ninian’s.

Avelon – Mr McCurdy took the Achievements Assembly on Thursday. Eve McC will be receiving an award next Friday for a Scottish maths competition where she has received the silver award.

Charlie – In PE on Wednesday we completed the bleep test and then on Thursday we were doing the high jump which was fun. The highest height jumped was 135cm by Avelon, Dallas & Callum.

Matthew – we were finishing up with plants this week in science and got to bring our broad bean plants home if we wanted to.

Nikki – We started on our writing assessment this week and we will finish this off next week. We also completed our single word spelling tests.

Freya – In art with Mrs Young, we were creating dotty pictures similar to those created by Georges Seurat. This may take us some time!

Nikki – We peer reviewed our RE homework this morning and it was good to see what everyone else chose to create.

Paris – We are bringing our report cards home today!

Have a good extra -long weekend! (we’re off Monday for those who forgot!)

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