Back to school for Primary3!

Well, what a fantastic first week in Primary 3! We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know one another better and have even made new friends in our class. It has been a very busy first week filled with lots of fun! Here are some of our highlights:

Angelina – “We did near doubles in our number talks.”

Vanessa – “Our week was fun because we done painting and fun things.”

Kayden – “We did pictures of owls using patterns.”

Madison- “We used different colours to paint the night sky. We used black, grey, white, purple and blue.”

Abdullah- “We practised our letter join.”

Alishba- “I like PE because we got to play lots of fun games. My favourite game was the bean game.”

Elenta- “In RE we wrote a prayer to God to thank him for our friends and family and ask him to help us achieve our goals in Primary 3.”

Lennon- “we wrote our dream for Primary 3 for our classroom door. My dream for P3 is to get 100 dojo points.”

Maeve- “I liked PE because we played the sheep game. It was a funny game and I liked being the farmer.”

Lilly- “I liked the tickly cat game in PE. I got to be the chaser.”

Oma- “I liked doing addition sums in maths.”

Matthew- “I enjoyed drawing myself for our class charter.”

Chloe- “I liked drawing Plop the owl using pattern and colour.”

Annayah- “I like our new topic ‘The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark’. I liked doing the painting and mixing colours to make different colours.”

Poppy- “I liked PE  this week. I loved playing the tickly cat.”

Maja- “I liked PE because we were running a lot and I like running.”

James- “I liked painting the sky for our owls.”

Harry- “I liked watching the cartoon videos in assembly.”

Ahmad- “I enjoyed the rascal school video in assembly.”

Dominic- “I loved playing all around the world because I did fantastic answering all of the sums.”

Julia- “I liked everything this week and enjoy being in Primary 3.”

Ava- “My favourite game in PE was the tickly cat.”


Have a great weekend,

Mrs W and Primary 3

Happy summer holidays from Awesome P3! Thanks for a great year, every child in our class has been an awesome member and brought fun and hard work. Thanks for all the beautiful gifts, cards, kind words and happy smiles. Have a great holiday, hopefully we will get some sunshine soon! Stay safe, see you all in August, Mrs McMullen 😃

P7 Weekly News!

Wow! What a busy week we’ve had in Primary 7. The start of the week was about preparing for our Leavers’ Mass on Wednesday and the week has ended with the start of our ‘Virgin Money Grow Your £5′ enterprise project events and preparing for our Leavers’ Party tonight which we’re so excited for! We also had Micro Fitness for a house reward, Sports Day and a visit from the Fire Brigade thrown in there too! We hope you enjoy looking at some of our highlights.



Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had another busy week and here are our highlights:

Lucas: On Monday we had Micro Fitness.

Louise and Grace: This week we had a huge wrecking ball bouncy castle to play on and we had to stand on a podium and knock people off.

Vanessa and Bea: This week we went to our new classes for next year and we met our new teachers. Our new teacher is Miss Ford. We met a new girl who is going to be in our class and she is lovely!

Taylor: We had our Sports Day – it was lots of fun! I ran in a relay race and our house won both of them!

Ethan: I came first in the races!

Rachel M: We took part in a house competition and many other races.

Kerrigan: This week we had a transition day. My new teacher is Mrs Roy. We all took part in a marshmallow challenge. It was fun and I am really looking forward to Primary 6.

Chi Chi: For the marshmallow challenge we needed 20 sticks of spaghetti, some string, masking tape and a marshmallow that goes on the top. Our challenge was to build the tallest tower. None of the towers won so it was a draw and we got to eat the marshmallows!

Toni: We were able to take home our art folders and our old jotters.

Preston: this week we has a Sumdog competition for homework. I did it and came 10th!

Kalin and Rachel W: In assembly we were given chocolate!

Max and Brandon: We had P.E. with the P6’s. It was fun!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves


P4/5 Weekly News

Oskar – On Thursday we got to go to our new classes and meet our new teacher. It was fun because we played bingo and a team building challenge with marshmallows.

Lukasz – For transition day, my teacher is Miss Ford. I have about 30 people in my new class. There is a new girl joining my class called Zara.

Louise – In my new class we played 2 truths and 1 lie. My lie was that I love maths. My 2 truths were that I have 1 brother and 1 sister and my favourite food is tuna pasta.

Lewis – In PE this week we played Russian long ball and capture the flag. My team won 14-12 in capture the flag.

Marcella – On Monday we got to have some treats. We got to challenge one another on the wrecking ball and in the afternoon we got to meet lots of different animals at party animals. My favourite animals were the baby fox, the snake and the little lizard. It was very funny when Mrs Wassell and Miss Diamond had to get snails put on their faces.

Caiden – In maths this week we went outdoors to measure different objects around the school using a metre stick. We have been working on reading scales on different measuring devices.

Joshua – On Sports day we went into our house groups and did some activities to earn house points. My favourite activity was the obstacle course because I liked going through the tunnel.

Mirren – We had some races in our year groups. I managed to get into the finals. Batshewa came 1st in the P4 girl’s race.

Finlay – This week in art we have been using chalk to create a landscape. We then used a black pen to do the outline.

Have a wonderful weekend. (1 week to go… :))

Mrs Wassell and P4/5

Super Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 have had a fantastic week with lots of special highlights.

Here are few that they shared with each other this morning.

Matthew and Alishba “I liked going to see my new teacher in primary 3.”
Andrew “I liked going to assembly this week because I got chocolate.”
Maya ” I liked going to see my new teacher in primary 4.”
Oma “I liked doing P.E because we went outside and played dodge ball.”
Dominic “I liked seeing my new teacher Mrs Wassell and I liked assembly because I got to give out the sweets,”
Michelle “I liked doing maths because I learned new things like subtraction. ”
Brooke “I also liked going to see my new teacher in primary 4.”
Kuba “I liked colouring Summer pictures yesterday.”
Chloe “I liked doing my summer wordsearch because it was about Summer.”
Harry “I liked sports day because I got to do lots of sports.”
Carly “I liked making a 3d cube ‘All about Me’ in primary 4.”

Zuzanna “We had a very nice week this week and we hope you have a lovely weekend.”

Primary 2/3


P7 Weekly News!

Wow, our third last week of Primary 7 has come to an end and it’s been another busy one! Read all about what we’ve been doing.

Eve McC – In writing we wrote a newspaper report which reviewed our transition week at St. Margaret’s Academy.

Freya – We had a Ninian’s Natter on Thursday. In class we did an End of Session Review, a St. Margaret’s Profile and played on Sumdog.

Nikki – We have clearing out all our work from Primary 7 and filing it all to bring home and share with our families.

Charlie and Eve Mac – We have been practicing for our Leavers’ Mass and Awards Ceremony. Our Leavers’ song is Moana – How Far I’ll Go. Feel free to have a practice over the weekend!

Alice – In PE we played Soft Ball and did some yoga and ‘Joe Wicks The Body Coach’ for Fitness.


Natasha – In Science we learned about the Periodic Table and did a Chemistry experiment layering different liquids and seeing if they mixed together or layered on top of each other. Have a look at this great song about the periodic table:

Lianne – On Tuesday we returned our books to the library and learned some information about how Non-Fiction books are stored in the library using the Dewey system.

Rachael – In maths we have been finalising plans for our Virgin Money Grow your £5 events.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 Weekly News

Another busy week! Here are our comments:

Cole F: on Monday we had the auditions for the Talent show.

Rachel M: This week we discovered who was selected to be in the Talent show. Sadly, I didn’t get chosen but I am very happy for the people who did and nothing can stop me from trying again next year!

Preston: On Friday we did a hilarious drama about Respect and I was lucky enough to play the role of Mr Rude.

Bea: This week Mrs Reeves set us all a challenge to prepare a talk about the body systems.

Toni: This week we listened to lots of presentations about the body.

Louise: This week we have got a new Sumdog competition for our class. Only six days left..!

Kerrigan: This week we took part in races for P.E. I came 3rd in the first race.

Lorena: I got into the finals for the relay races!

Ethan: I won all of the races!

Grace and Thomas: In P.E. we joined with the Primary 6 class and we played in our house teams.

Joseph and Max: We played a fun game in P.E.

Beth: Next week we will find out our new class for next year and who is going to be our new teacher.

Rebecca: In maths we have been doing lots of revision.

Rachel W: In Glee club we performed in our concert. We worked really hard and it was really good fun.

Chi Chi: This week we wrote about our journey in Primary 5.

Isla: In writing we wrote about some of our Primary 5 memories.

Kalin: The whole school went into the gym hall for a live workout and we did lots of exercises.


Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



P4/5 Weekly News


Oskar: This week we wrote a prayer about our hopes for next year. We listened to a song to help us think about what we would like to write about.

Numeracy and Maths

Daniel: We have been learning how to read scales on measuring devices. We had to work out how much each interval was worth and give the correct weight showing on some scales.


Oliwia: This week in reading, we read a passage about ‘The Holy Trinity’. We had to answer different questions about the information in the passage.

Abi: We also did some paired reading. When we do paired reading we get to listen to each other and give some feedback to help us improve our reading skills.


Krystian: In IDL this week we have been working in pairs to create a power point about food chains. We have been using our own devices to research information. We have been learning how to put images into a power point,  change backgrounds and font style and size to make it look cool!


Harley: In PE this week we played Russian Long ball and the blue team had to try and kick the ball into the non-bib team and run to the wall and back without the ball hitting them. It was challenging.

Charlie: We were learning how to play bowls on Tuesday in PE. I really liked it.

Louise: On Wednesday at 10 o’clock, the whole school gathered in the hall to take part in the Joe Wicks live fitness. It was difficult because there wasn’t a lot of room but it was fun.


Joshua: In RE this week we have been learning about ‘The Holy Trinity’. The Holy Trinity describes God as been the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

Marcella: The Sacramental children went to the Lanthorn to practise for the Thanksgiving mass on Sunday. We have also been practising our song with P4 this week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P4/5 and Mrs Wassell

Awesome P3

This week in Awesome P3 we have been learning and enjoying…

Maliha – In writing we were learning about a nursery rhyme and we were using rhyming words to change some words to make it funny.  I enjoyed trying to think of new rhyming words.

Sophie YM – I enjoyed making the Shamrock tree.

Ethan – We were learning about wind and the different things that make wind.  We looked at windmills, kites and planes.  I enjoyed learning where wind comes from.

Richard – We were learning about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.  The Earth takes one year to travel around the sun and the Moon takes 28 days/one month to travel around the Earth.  I enjoy learning about science.

Cameron – I enjoyed doing Problem Solving in maths and challenging myself.  I enjoyed using what I know to answer questions.

Emily – I enjoyed talking about what job I would like to do and drawing this in my folio.

Another busy week, with lots of learning and collaborative learning.  We are really excited because next Tuesday we have Sports Day and our trip to the Almondell Park.


Have a lovely weekend, Awesome P3 and Mrs McMullen 🙂

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