Primary 4 News

This week we have been exploring our place value and learning about numbers to 10000. It has been challenging but we are enjoying learning more about numbers.

PE was great fun! We have been developing our hand ball techniques to ensure we work better as a team. This made our games more exciting. This really helped us to realise the importance of team work. Not only in sport but in all areas in our life.

Our dojo competition continues and this week Teegan has one the most points and has taken pride of place on our classroom door. Well done Teegan! Who will it be next week?

Have a lovely weekend?

Primary 4

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

What a busy week of learning it has been in Primary 2/3!

Everyone took their new reading books home and worked really hard on their literacy skills.

On Wednesday everyone was so excited to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Stewart to make fruit kebabs. We tried so many different fruits including greengages and pomegranates. We’ve already planned toppings for our pizzas next week – you can read our ideas in our talking book.

Writing was a focus for us on Thursday and we wrote about how we made fruit kebabs in Food Technology.

In IDL we continued to read The Enormous Crocodile and then thought about healthy and unhealthy foods for the crocodile.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 10, 100 and 100. Today we thought about how each of us learns best to help us plan our maths learning for the term. Some children like to use technology, some like to use counting cubes, some like to play games. We were all amazed by the range of ideas.

We were so excited when the UN Ambassadors arrived in our class today to share the fantastic news that we have been awarded the Level 2 RRS Award. Well done everyone!

In PE we worked on co-operative skills and learnt two new games – Video Games and Capture the Treasure.

Our Spanish focus this week was asking our friends what their name is in Spanish then telling them our names. We were so confident in our language skills!

P6 – Our First Full Week!

Our first full week in Primary 6 has been really busy! Read on for more information about what we’ve been doing.

Chloe, Toni and Bea: Miss Ford read more of our class novel (Pig Heart Boy) to us. When we were listening we did some different tasks. One of these was mindfulness colouring where we coloured in pigs which had lots of really detailed designs and patterns on them. We used lots of different colours and even though it took a steady hand and lots of concentration they look lovely.  Another Pig Heart Boy task which we did was to draw an outline of the main character (Cam) and inside his body we wrote about his emotions and the way he is feelings and on the outside we wrote the advice which we would give to him. We also added a speech bubble with things which we think he would be likely to say in different situations.

Beth, Kalin and Lorena: Our new PE topic is Tennis. We really enjoyed trying to get the highest score in a rally. Brandon and Kalin won with the highest score of 35!

Brandon, Lewis and Rebecca: We have been doing lots of maths this week. We have tried some new numeracy activities like countdown and number of the day as well as number talks, CLIC and some revision in the textbook.

Vanessa: Today was a dress down day because Abigail in P2 got 14 inches cut off of her hair. The money raised is going to the Little Princess charity.

Lucas: On Monday we did handwriting. We wrote out the St. Ninian’s prayer and we are trying to learn it off by heart.

Have a great weekend!

Fantastic Fours

Today I had the pleasure of teaching P4. I was so impressed by their positive attitude to learning and the amazing start they have made to the new school year as P4 pupils. The classroom is looking so bright and inviting and there is a wealth of learning already on display.

As part of our learning this morning we were looking at  the year ahead and what we would like to get from this year. We listened to the song One Moment in Time and found the lyrics really applied to how the children would like to be this year and how they would like their learning journey to be.

We wrote very reflective prayers for the year ahead and used words like inspire, guide and help when asking for support. The children really put thought and effort into the prayers and were very proud of what they produced as was I.

The children are also are very enthused by the class novel James and the Giant Peach and they laughed out loud at the style of the author.

I have to say that the children’s organisational skills, manners and focus were outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed my morning.

Thank you P4 and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Docherty


Primary 5 Weekly News

This week in Primary 5 we have been working hard and we have been reading our class novel and using it to help us think about vocabulary and ideas for our story writing. We have based our Drama around super hero powers too! In Maths we have started to look at ordering numbers and we are going to focus on writing large numbers in words and figures next week.

Here are some of our comments:


Samuel: Today was the first day of Big Maths Beat That.

Lauren: In maths we have been learning about Place Value and we have been ordering numbers from smallest to biggest and I also enjoyed writing our Superhero stories.

Jay: I wrote a story about a Super hero called the Incredible Shark!

Vanessa: in art we all drew pictures of our Superheroes.

Kuba: In our class novel, The Astounding Broccoli Boy, we have discovered that Rory has ended up sharing a hospital room with his arch-enemy Grim Komissky!

Batshewa: We all finished making our Primary 5 birthday cards and I was able to choose one!

Aidan P: In P.E. we started to do Basketball and we are learning dribbling techniques.

Ambra: Drama was so funny. I worked in a group with Jay and Aidan and I was the person with the super power. All the class laughed!


Have a great weekend from Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves.




P3 Weekly News

Good afternoon! Primary 3 have had a wonderful week and been working very hard.

We were so excited to find out from our fantastic UN Ambassadors that St Ninian’s have received Level 2 of the Rights Respecting School award. This is a huge achievement and we are delighted.

During Assembly yesterday, we had special visitors because Fr Kenneth and Fr Matthew came to see us. We played a game where we got to learn some words from Fr Matthew’s language.

As part of our IDL work, we have been learning about nocturnal animals who come out at night and diurnal animals come out during the daytime. We had to sort them into categories to show our understanding (Maeve, Matthew and Harry).

In Number, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10. If the units number ends in a 1,2,3,4 you have to round it down but if the units number ends in a 5,6,7,8,9 you round it up (Angelina, Vanessa, Annayah). We have also been learning expanded form. This is where we have been able to tell how many hundreds, how many tens and how many units are in all of the numbers up to 1000.

We loved having the chance to write our own special letters to Plop! Plop is the baby barn owl who is afraid of the dark – we loved this story (Lennon). We had to tell Plop what we thought of the dark. Here are some examples –

‘I think dark is scary sometimes. At night I can hear scary sounds when my window is opened.’ (Lilly is linking her writing to her own experiences)

‘I think dark is fascinating because nocturnal animals come out to play and you can hear animals’ (Maeve has linked her learning!).

‘I think dark is extraordinary!’ (Fabulous vocabulary Chloe!)

In PE, we have been focusing on co-operation (Oma). Co-operation means you are working together (Ryan). Co-operation means teamwork (Lennon). Co-operation means working together and helping others (Annayah).

Have a good weekend

Mrs W


Welcome to Primary 2/3

Hello and welcome to the Primary 2/3 blog.

We have had a super first week of term and the children have all settled in really well.  We have done lots of ‘Getting to Know You’ Activities’ and the children created wonderful self –portraits. We also used our Spanish skills to introduce ourselves.

We have read The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl and have had lots of fun writing our own sentences about the story and creating chalk illustrations in the playground.

We even worked in teams to do a ‘Who Am I?’ challenge using the characters in the story.  In maths we created pictures of the Enormous Crocodile using 2D shapes and Primary 3 were able to label their shapes as well.  We also talked about the feelings of the Enormous Crocodile and wrote labels for our class display.

Another highlight has been creating our Class Charter.  The most difficult part was choosing which of the many wonderful ideas we would use.

We all agreed that we would like a Superhero theme for our classroom door then completed Superhero identity cards to show our special powers including kindness, perseverance and friendship.  What fantastic qualities to have in our class!


The Fabulous Fours First Week

It has been a busy first week back in primary 4.

Rachel and Brooke both liked doing ‘My Name Map and Me’. Brooke said “I liked when we made ‘My Name Map and Me’ because we could be creative.”

Sophie said “I liked when we predicted what happened in James and the Giant Peach. We had to pretend that there was a page missing and we had to predict what had happened by drawing the missing page.”

Andrew Said “I liked when we made our Class Charter Superheroes because had to draw and colour them in.”

Teegan and Calvin said liked writing an acrostic poem with their name. “It was good fun!” said Calvin.

Richard said “I liked when we did our writing ‘Let me Introduce Myself’ because we were sharing things all about each other.

Michelle said “I liked my spelling smartstart because it helps me learn more.”

Emma said “I liked getting my picture taken and deciding our wall display.”

Kate said “I liked my mental maths this week.”

Orla said “I liked being up in the big playground.”

Alexis said “I like reading James and the Giant Peach because we got to read along with the teacher and see the pictures.”

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Kerr

Welcome Back, Primary 6!

Wow! What a great first week back. We have all returned to school with eagerness and positivity to match our inspirational classroom door! Read on for more information about what we’ve been up to.

Taylor, Zara and Lorena: For Maths on Thursday we went outside and did a scavenger hunt. It was really fun because we got to combine maths, AAL and outdoor learning!

Chloe: This week we had a vote on our class charter and ‘Despicable Me 3’ won!!!!!!!

Lukasz: This week in PE we all played dice dash with Mr McCurdy and did an interval training fitness circuit with Miss Ford.

Lucas: This week in writing we did a recount of our summer holidays in the style of a postcard. Some of us had never sent a postcard before because they are so old fashioned now (hahaha!).

Jay-P: On the first day of school we got to see all our friends again and Miss Ford was super kind to all of us. We all had fun for the first day and my favourite thing was doing our artwork initials.

Rebecca: This week we started a novel topic and the book we will be doing is called ‘Pig Heart Boy’. I think it will be a good book.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 all feel refreshed after our summer holidays and we have had an amazing first week back!

We have started our first topic, based on our new class novel called The Astounding Broccoli Boy by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The story is all about a boy who suddenly turns green and is ‘Green by day, hero by night!’ We have started to discover what happens to him and we have been thinking about super heroes and what makes them super! We have started to think about what kind of super power we would all have, if we were suddenly to become superheroes.

We have also been creating our new class charter and we all decided to represent ourselves with  the theme of different Disney characters.  We all worked together to discuss the importance of a class charter and to decide on all the important points to include, ensuring that Primary 5 work hard, have lots of fun and enjoy  the best year ever!

We have talked about our learning and our hopes and expectations for Primary 5.


Here are our comments:

Jay: We are reading about The Astounding Broccoli Boy.

Louise: We are ready to set new goals.

Marcella: We made Disney characters.

Ambra: We had fun creating the class charter because we needed to draw and I love drawing!

Kuba: I liked drawing the Disney characters.

Charlie: I enjoyed P5 this week.

Aria: We made birthday cards.

Mirren: We played handball in P.E. this week.

Vanesa: we have had a nice day in Primary 5.

Aidan P: I loved art.

Finlay: I loved P.E. and I have enjoyed making the class charter.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves



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