Mrs Wassell’s P4 Dream Home Project 6.5.20

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend making memories with your family. The sun has returned! Yay! Make sure you are taking plenty of breaks in the sunshine. That can help us feel happy and energized.

This week is only a short week so instead of our normal learning grids Mrs Brown and I have created a project for you to work on over the next few days.

Dream Home Project

You are going to plan, design and build your dream home and garden!

week 5 project

Have fun! I cannot wait to see all of your dream homes!

In addition, can you look at the RRS right of the week. (Article 12) Try to complete at least one of the activities and email to Mrs Conway.

RRS Article of the Week P4-7 04.05

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Learning Grid 6.5.20

Good Morning Girls,

I hope you have all had a lovely long weekend making memories with your family. Mr Sun has certainly reappeared this week! Make sure you are having plenty of breaks from your activities and get some fresh air! I know I will be doing the same.

Remember you do not need to complete all of these activities. Just do your best.

Learning Grid

Core Grid Week 5 P3




If you have any questions about this weeks learning just pop any questions in the comments for this blog post.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Wassell

Primary 4 – Week 5 Home Learning Project

week 5 project

Good morning, Primary 4!

I hope you have all had a great long weekend.

As it is a short week this week, I have a 3 day project for you to complete! This will allow you to get creative and have a break from the grid we have been using overt the last few weeks.

Remember to post your work on Teams. I’m excited to see what you all come up with!

Have a great week,

Mrs Brown 🙂

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily Update

Good morning P3!  I hope that you have had a good week and that you have enjoyed our learning activities.  Thank you for working so hard this week.  It was lovely to speak to so many of you and your families this week.

Today is the first day of the month of May.  Do you remember how to say May in Spanish?  Our months of the year song might help you. As today is Friday our focus is to reflect on our learning this week.

Reviewing Our Learning

In order to gain your exit pass and begin the weekend, have a think about your progress.  If you wish, you can record your thoughts in your jotter or on your OneNote profile.  Remember that you can make a voice recording on your profile!

Think about these questions and talk with a family member:

The most important thing I learned this week was…

The most difficult thing we did this week was…

How could you use what you have learned in the future?

What do you think we need to learn more of?  


Use a pink and green pencil, pen or crayon to self assess your writing.  Our success criteria was:

  • remember to include a title
  • include 3 facts about your plant or animal
  • describe what your plant or animal looks like
  • use  nouns and adjectives
  • remember to use capital letters and full stops.


This week we have been learning about 3D shape and tiling.  How confident do you feel about your learning?  Draw a traffic light to show how successful you have been.


Have a lovely long weekend and look out for our next blog post on Wednesday.

From Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily Update 30.4.20

Good Morning Girls,

It was so lovely to speak to some of you yesterday when I called. You have all been working very hard. I am so proud at how well you managing with your home learning.

I hope you are all enjoying your tasks this week. How are you getting on with finding some examples of tiling? Maybe you could share some of them with us on the blog post or on your online profile.

Here are some additional tasks for you to try this week. Remember these are optional and you do not have to complete these. Make sure you are taking plenty of breaks and not having too much screen time.


You have been learning about tiling this week. You can make some beautiful tiling patterns. Can you create a card for someone to make them smile with a tiling pattern on the front? You could colour in the pattern using all the colours of the rainbow. This could be for someone at home, a neighbour or someone in your close family or friends. J Here are some examples of a tiling pattern.

The trouble with five |


I have written some sentences about my weekend however I was very sleepy when doing them and I think I have made a few mistakes. Can you Rewrite my sentences and correct my mistakes?

at the weakend i playd in the garden wif my familee

wee eat ice-cream in the sun?

my favourite fing wos spashing in the pool

i luv wen it is sunny

Have a great day girls!

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily Update 29.4.20

Good morning Girls!  I hope you are all well and enjoying the learning activities this week.

Core Learning Grid

Are you all managing to access the grid?    Let us know if there are any problems.

Core Grid Week 4 P3

How are you getting on with our Global Goals task – investigating Goal No.15 (Life on Land)?  I went on a woodland walk for  my daily exercise yesterday and saw flowers, birds, leaves, trees and lots of different types of insects. Perhaps you could make a list of what you see.

Here are some additional activities for you if you wish to try them .  Remember, only do what you can, and remember to take plenty of breaks and get outside if you can.   You’re doing a great job!


This week we have set up a new shape challenge on Sumdog. You might like to listen to this song  to remind you of our learning on shapes.


Today’s extra literacy task is a reading task.  Choose a book to read – it may be a book that you have in your house, perhaps from your Read, Write, Count book bag,  or you may want to choose a book online (Oxford Owl or World Book Day websites have lots of great choices).  Once you have read your book, choose a character to draw and give them a speech bubble.  What would your character say?

Have a great day and remember to let us know how you are getting on. We love to hear from you and to see all of your fantastic work!

from Mrs Wassell

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Wednesday 29.4.20

Good morning P3!  Happy Wednesday.  I hope that you’re having a great week and enjoying our learning activities.

Core Learning Grid

Are you all managing to access the grid?    Let us know if there are any problems.

Core Grid Week 4 P3 PDF

How are you getting on with our Global Goals task – investigating Goal No.15 (Life on Land)?  I went on a woodland walk for  my daily exercise yesterday and saw flowers, birds, leaves and even a family of ducklings! Perhaps you could make a list of what you see.

Here are some additional activities for you if you wish to try them .  Remember, only do what you can, and remember to take plenty of breaks and get outside if you can.   You’re doing a great job!


This week we have set up a new shape challenge on Sumdog. You might like to listen to this song  to remind you of our learning on shapes.


Today’s extra literacy task is a reading task.  Choose a book to read – it may be a book that you have in your house, perhaps from your Read, Write, Count book bag,  or you may want to choose a book online (Oxford Owl or World Book Day websites have lots of great choices).  Once you have read your book, choose a character to draw and give them a speech bubble.  What would your character say?

Have a great day and remember to let us know how you are getting on. We love to hear from you and to see all of your fantastic work!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Mrs Wassell’s P3 Daily Update 28.4.20

Good Morning Girls,

I hope you have all managed to access your learning for this week. If there are any problems just let me know.




Here are some additional activities for you. Remember only to do what you can.  You are doing great!



What I would like you to do today is to take your spelling words and add on suffixes. Remember these go at the end of your spelling word or root word. Every week in spelling with Mrs Docherty we look at ways of adding on endings: ing, ed, s, es.

Can you add on an ending for all of your spelling words and remember to look out for those short vowels incase we need to double the last letter! You can post this on your One Note profie.



Test someone in your family: Can you write a description for a shape you have been learning by talking about the properties of your shape but don’t tell them the name. See if they can guess your shape.



Can you draw a castle using lines that travel in different directions for example horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Use 2d shapes as corners and curves and to create turrets and windows etc.


Have a great day everyone,

Mrs Wassell

Mrs Docherty POSITIVE SONG OF THE WEEK: 27.4.20

This week’s Positive Song is Rise Up by Andra Day which is a very powerful song with a powerful message. It is a song about courage and strength in the face of adversity. The song has a very special message for everyone and has been used by our special NHS nurses across the country to rally each other and support their patients.


As a school we feel the message of the song is exactly what we would want to say to you as our parents and as our friends. It is a message of working through things and knowing that we will rise up and come out the other end. We will do this together as a team and the lines from the song which stand out for me are:


You’re broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry go round
And you can’t find the fighter
But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out
And move mountains
And I’ll rise up
I’ll rise like the day
I’ll rise up
I’ll rise unafraid
I’ll rise up
And I’ll do it a thousand times again
And I’ll rise up
High like the waves
I’ll rise up
In spite of the ache
I’ll rise up
And I’ll do it a thousand times again
For you


Please listen to the song which is even more powerful when you hear the lyrics with music.


The song gives a clear message that who we are is demonstrated in what we do to help each other. It is about how we show support and empathy for each other which as a school we see in abundance not just now but at all times, so thank you. The words of the song give us a positive message of how we will get through these times and the positivity and experiences we will have again soon.


Have a great week everyone and please stay safe,

Mrs Docherty

Mrs Wassell’s P4 Learning Grid 27.4.20

Good Morning P4,

Please find your learning grid and resources you need for this week below.

Learning Grid – Week 4 grid P4

Literacy Resources –   Is it a question        Reading Questions       Letter-joinHomeAccess             Spelling Tasks                 blue group green group              orange group            red group

Maths Resources – Estimating            Measure Objects Game Measuring Length             Multiplication Number Talks Cards

Health and Wellbeing Resources – Team work challenge 1 (1)      Team work challenge 2 (1)                 Team work challenge 3

RE Resources – Week 14 FHC

Have a great week of learning!

Mrs Wassell

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