P6 Weekly News!

We have had a very busy, fun filled and inspirational week in Primary 6! Read on for more information.

Charlie and Maxx: Today we celebrated St. Ninian’s Feast Day and had a Mass in school. Yesterday we revised our knowledge of St. Ninian and his life and we created a prayer about St. Ninian and our school community.

Chloe: In PE we are doing tennis and we learned how to play doubles matches.

Rebecca, Preston, Charlie and Taylor: It was inspirational week of maths and we had lots of really tricky challenges to do. We did a 2 scoop cone ice cream challenge where we had to think of 10 flavours and try to get as many 2 scoop combinations as possible. For example: chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, chocolate and banana etc. We also had a challenge called Leo the Rabbit which involved working out different patterns for Leo to get up a flight of 10 stairs using only 1 or 2 hops. We also created an optical illusion by linking maths with art and we looked at some well-known optical illusions and how they use warping and different sizes of shape to trick our eyes. Another maths challenge was to try and make as many tower combinations as we could with 4 coloured blocks.


Toni: For homework this week we tried to answer as many questions as possible in the Scottish contest on Sumdog.

Bea: On Monday we brought in our creative maths homework task and we had a chance to look at what each other had created. It was really fun playing the games which people had made.

Taylor: Last night we had Ninian’s Natter and we taught our parents how to do some of the maths tasks we do in school like Number Talks and Sumdog. We also let them try out our creative maths homework and the 2 scoop ice cream challenge.


Ethan: The Dog’s Trust visited us to tell us about how to keep safe around dogs and how to care for them too.

Vanessa: In writing we created a diary entry from Cameron, the main character in our class novel, Pig Heart Boy. We had to put ourselves in Cameron’s shoes and write about a key event in his life in the story so far.

Have a great long weekend!

Primary 4 News

This week has been fantastico!

Carly said “I really liked doing our number maps today. I liked it because we got to draw a sum, write a sum and use different strategies.”

Emma said “I enjoyed doing our place value using nature. We had to find different things in the garden to make our hundreds, tens and units. I also liked learning about gravity.”

Kuba said “I liked pe this week. I scored two goals in handball.”

Richard said “I liked number of the day this week. It helped to start my brain in the morning.”

Teegan said “I really liked our St Ninian’s Feast Day mass. I liked all of the hymns.”

Niamh said “I enjoyed the number maps today. It was fun because you could think of your own strategy to work out a sum.”

Bartosz said “I liked playing everyone’s maths games. It was fun.”

Orla said “I enjoyed learning about growth mindset. I liked to think of all the different words that help me have a growth mindset.”

All of our maths activities have been really interesting. We have really enjoyed inspirational maths week.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Primary 4


Inspirational Maths Week in P2/3

What a fantastic week of Inspirational Maths we have had in Primary 2/3.  Some of the children’s highlights from the week are:

Patryk – I liked playing Sumdog and I liked learning about the pathways in my brain.

Abigail – I enjoyed Inspirational Maths.  I liked Number Talks.

Nathan – I liked making pasta.  The pepperoni tasted good.

Sahara – I liked making pasta because it was fun to cut salad.

Wojtek -I liked Inspirational Maths Week when we thought about our goals.  My goal is to learn the three and four times tables.

Ana – I liked watching the Inspirational Maths Week videos and thinking about Growth Mindset in maths.

Alice – I liked talking about Sumdog in Inspirational Maths Week.

Zoe – I liked doing Inspirational Maths because I liked finding out about how we learn maths best.  I loved making 2D shapes with rope.

Bernice – I liked the rectangle challenge in Inspirational Maths Week. I did it with my friends and we had to work together.

Marcus -I brought my mum to Ninian’s Natter last night.  We talked about maths and we did counting together.

The children thought about how they could apply their learning on Growth Mindset to maths and recorded their thoughts during the week.

Inspirational Maths in P3

Ahmad – This week we discussed and decided on a numeracy/maths goal to work on.

Maja – My numeracy goal is to learn my 3 times table.

Alishba- I liked when dogs trust came in to talk to us. I learned lots about caring for a dog.

Harry – I really liked playing bench ball with the giant ball.

Elenta – I liked PE this week playing chain tag.

Madison – I liked playing catching apples game in PE.

Matthew – I loved getting to groom Ted the dog when dogs trust came in.

Angelina – As part of inspirational Maths we played some games. I liked playing game of totals using pebbles. We could only use numbers 1, 2 and 3. My partner and I would take turns to pick one of these numbers each time and would add on the next number. The winner was the one who got to the total of 10.

Chloe – I liked when we did a rectangle hunt. I got to be a leader with Annayah and had to count all the things in the playground and garden that were rectangles.

Annayah – I enjoyed the rectangular hunt too. We kept finding lots of rectangles around the school. We then used square tiles to make lots of different rectangles of different sizes.

Oma – In RE this week we made a poster about making good choices.

Lennon – I liked making rectangles with the little squares.

Julia – I liked when we went outside and worked in teams to make different shapes out of rope.

Lilly – In writing we wrote a letter to Mariam and Ghanem who are children that live in the United Arab Emirates. This is our new topic.

Maeve – I liked going to mass to celebrate the feast of St Ninian. We learned about the story of St Ninian.


Have a great long weekend everyone

Mrs W and Primary 3


Visit from The Dog Trust

We had a very special visitor this morning: Emma from The Dog Trust. Emma brought along her furry friend, Harry, to teach us all about looking after dogs and how to be safe around them.

Emma chose some enthusiastic volunteers from our class, to help show everyone how we should treat dogs. Here are a few photos of our class helpers!

Kyle learned how to use a stethoscope and how to spray the dog to prevent fleas. Aaron learned how to check a dog to find out if it has been micro-chipped. Patryk learned that he should ask the owner before patting a strange dog.

P2/3 and Mrs Howley

Super learning in Primary 3

Primary 3 have had a fantastic week filled with lots of learning. We thoroughly enjoyed our roots of empathy this week because baby Hana came into the class. We got to explore her likes/dislikes and asked many questions about what baby Hana could do. Many of the answers were ‘Not Yet’. We look forward to seeing her develop over the year. We also had a special visitor today. Mrs McGonigal came to do some listening games with us. She was very impressed with how well we can listen. We played some super games.

Here are some highlights of our week;

Poppy – We have been learning new spelling patterns. I learned ‘ee’ spelling pattern this week. I like using the pebbles to practise my words.

Julia – In PE this week we were doing cooperation games. My favourite game this week was chain tig.

Ryan – For writing this week we wrote our own imaginative chapter for the owl who was afraid of the dark. My chapter was called ‘Dark is Awesome’.

James – In maths this week we were comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. I enjoyed the video to help me learn this.

Matthew – This week I have been a lead learner. I got to lead the talking books and I could put forward names to get class dojos for working hard.

Chloe – This week I have also been a lead learner. I have felt very responsible. I have enjoyed it.

Ahmad – I have enjoyed learning about 3 digit numbers this week and can give the number before and after a number. E.g. 100 – the number before 100 is 99 and the number is 101.

Kayden – This week we had a special visitor – baby Hana. She is our roots of empathy baby. She was very happy coming to our class.

Angelina – Baby Hana can make little noises and she likes to smile. We lay her on her tummy to see if she liked it and she did.

Vanessa – This week in RE we were comparing Father Kenneth to the Good Shepherd. They both are kind, they make us feel welcome and always forgive us.


Have a great weekend

Mrs W and P3

Busy, busy, busy in Primary 2/3

It has been another busy, exciting week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Marcus – I liked making pizzas.  My pizza had sweetcorn and ham.  It was delicious.

Wojciech – I liked doing Superhero spelling and we learned about bossy ‘e’.

Leo – I liked playing with my friends at lunchtime.

Abigail – I liked counting to 100 in maths.

Patryk – I liked making the Enormous Crocodile using lots of kinds of green paper.

Josephine – I liked learning about Whole Body Listening and making a poster for our door.

Bernice – I liked playing ball games in PE where we had one ball then two balls.

Paul – I liked working on listening skills with Mrs McGonigal.

Nathan – I liked making cube towers in numeracy.  Mine was really really big.  I had to count to 84!!

Rafay – I liked writing about making pizza.

Alice – I liked planning our Spain topic for next week.

Zoe – I liked decorating the Enormous Crocodile.

Hayley – I liked making pizza.

Our first class Lead Learners were Ana and Paul and they did a wonderful job.

Food Technology was a popular lesson this week and everyone loved making pizza.

In Spanish we developed our talking skills and worked on saying hello and goodbye.

We’re all looking forward to Maths Week next week.

Have a good weekend.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3.

P6 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 6 we have been very busy doing lots of different activities. Our highlights are art, maths and writing. Read on for more information.

Charlie and Lewis: In art we drew a human heart because this is to do with our topic Pig Heat Boy. It was really interesting seeing all the different parts of the heart.

Charlie, Lewis and Joseph: In writing we wrote a newspaper report. We were writing about Cameron getting the pig’s heart. Joseph’s humorous headline was ‘Piggy Paradise’. He focused on alliteration in creating this.

Chloe: We moved on to playing and umpiring matches in tennis. It was really fun.

Lorena: Our drama was based on the GIRFEC indicator for September which is Safe. We talked about peer pressure and created a scene where someone was being peer pressured in to doing something they didn’t want to do.

Thomas and Lucas: In maths we have been doing place value, partitioning and rounding. We did an outdoor game of rounding which was a bit like piggy in the middle where 2 people had answers on a whiteboard and we had to run to the correct answer.

Preston: We have refreshed the daily mile and have decided to have a whole school competition where we have to try and run the furthest distance. Our first challenge is to run the distance it would be to get to America because that will be our next topic. So far as a class we have totalled up our laps and achieved 41 miles. Still 4193 to go!!!

Grace: We are still reading Pig Heart Boy and one of our novel study tasks was to imagine we were Cameron and write a message to an unborn brother or sister like Cameron did in his video diary for Alex.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 7 Weekly News

This week we have introduced Lead Learners to our classes. Our Primary 7 Lead Learners this week were Neave and Ciara. The Lead Learner responsibilities include updating the class talking books, tracking our learning progress on our learning wall and writing our class blog.

Here is Neave and Ciara’s blog for this week.

This week started of with personal reading. We also have done a little bit of R.E. Here are some ideas that the class came up with .

Jessica – almost every day someone will say or do something they regret or want to take back so you should ask for forgiveness every day .

This week we have also done some P.E. We are still working on rugby and coordination and we are getting ready to start playing proper games.

This week we all went down to the infant hall to do some structured  play with our buddies. P1M and P1B did construction, dressing up, playing on iPads, comments for their talking book and some drawings and played snakes and ladders.

This week in maths we have been doing place value up to hundreds of millions and even billions. We have updated our maths and numeracy working wall.

Mrs MacDonald from St. Margaret’s also came in to do maths with us this week. We had to solve a murder case by solving some maths problems.


Next week for the whole of Scotland and there is a Sumdog competition that we will all be taking part in. Next week is also maths week.

We have been practising our school song and used some percussion instruments to help us. It was noisy!

This week in writing we worked on Diary entries for characters from Wonder. We focused on how the character of August or one of August’s parents would have felt after his first day of school. This week Jessica is writer of the week!! Well Done.


An excellent first blog post from our Lead Learners – well done!

Our classroom kindness challenge is continuing and I have issued a weekend kindness challenge to visit, call or send a card or letter to an elderly relative or neighbour. I can’t wait to find out who completes the weekend challenge and is able to add a pebble to our jar on Monday.

Have a great weekend,

Miss McCormack

Primary 5 Weekly Update!

Another very busy week in Primary 5!  We have continued to learn about place value and we have looked at large numbers up to 100,000. We have also started to look at and describe some 2D shapes. In Writing we have been focusing on using descriptive language and we all wrote some amazing sentences to describe our story setting.

This week Batshewa and Marcella were chosen as our first Class Lead Learners. They have done an excellent job and they have been very busy writing comments in our Talking Book and they have also written our blog comments today. Very well done girls!

Here are some of our comments:

Kuba: I enjoyed basketball in PE

Jay: I have been enjoying the class novel. My favourite part of the story was when Rory Rooney turned green with his arch nemesis Grim Komissky

Dominika: In Spanish we learned how to count up to 20.

Louise: We learned how to count up to 20 in French.

Samuel: In big maths I got 17/17!

Abi: We played basketball in PE.

Neve: We started to write an imaginary story in writing.

Aria: I was chosen for  the Young Engineering Lego Class.

Ryan B: I am drawing the Broccoli Boy while Mrs Reeves was reading the story.

Hasseb: I have enjoyed the Class novel.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

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