Snow Day – Friday 2/3/18

Good morning everyone, hope you have all had a great time in the snow.  Thanks to the children who have sent me fabulous pictures on Dojo, lovely to see such creativity.

Here are some more activities to try out if you want to:

Maths – I have set up a new Sumdog activity all about measurement – feel free to give it a go, will be next week’s homework so a wee head start!

Why not see if an adult fancies doing some baking, you could help to weigh out all the correct ingredients to make sure the mixture is perfect.  I am going to lead by example and make some fairy cakes so I’ll Dojo you all a picture, hopefully they turn out yummy.

Literacy – As Storm Emma is making it’s way to Scotland, why not write a Haiku poem about her.  Write a list of amazing words to describe Storm Emma before trying to create your poem, remember its 3 lines, line one with 5 syllables, line 2 with 7 and line 3 with 5 syllables.  5-7-5.  Challenge – could you include and adverb?

Topic – If you created your Roman character, why not write a story about an adventure that your character has?

Julius Caesar – use your research skills to see if you can find 10 facts about Caesar, you could create a poster to display your finding.

Lent – Continue with your Lent challenges.

Art – Be creative and make something for a gift for your special Mum’s for Mothers day, which is on 11th March.  You could make something using recycled materials or draw/paint a picture.


Stay safe in this wild weather, have lots of fun and drink lots of Hot Chocolate!


Can’t wait to see you all on Monday and hear about your snowy adventures.


Mrs McMullen

Primary 2/3 Snow Day

Good morning P2/3.

I hope you have enjoyed the snow and are staying safe in this weather.  Thanks to everyone who has shared their photos with me on Class Dojo.

Happy world book day!! Make the most of the snow day by read, read, reading.  Send me a message to let me know what book you have enjoyed reading the most.  I’m planning to do some reading this afternoon.

Log in to Sumdog and try some of the games, assessments and challenges that we’ve set for you.

Snow Structure Challenge: Who can build a structure from snow?  Don’t forget to take a picture.


Lent Challenges: Keep trying with the lent challenges – lots of you have been doing great! Keep it up!!

Stay warm and have fun in the snow.

Mrs Keegan




P4/5 Snow Day

Good afternoon P4/5! I hope you have been having fun in the snow today.

I have put a few suggestions of activities you could get up to below, but don’t forget you also have our homework menu with lots of exciting activities you can use.

•Wrap up warm, drag the family outside with you and work as a team to try to build an igloo. As an extra challenge, try to make it big enough for you to fit inside.
•Continue with the daily mile and go a mile (or so) walk with the family.
•Some people may need your help in weather like this. If possible, go out with a shovel and help clear a path/walk way to help others and to play your part in community.

Numeracy/ Maths
•Keep practising times tables. Use games, songs or write them out to help you. Hit the button is an all time fav!
•We have been learning about number sequences in class, why not test someone at home by making your own sequence and asking them to work out the rule! Remember the numbers don’t always have to get bigger!
•Sumdog is ready and waiting whenever you are ready! That will give you a chance to practise what we have been covering in class over the last couple of weeks.
•Snowman competition!! Build a snowman, making him/her as tall as you can. Estimate his/her height using your own height as a guide then measure his/her height and we will see who has managed to build the tallest one!

•World Book Day – think of an alternative ending for your favourite book.

•Pick 4 interesting words from your book and find out what part of speech they are and their meaning.

•Mrs Purdie is thinking about cancelling world book day in our dhool next year. Can you think of pros and cons for world book day so we can try and save? I know how much you all love it!


Food Technology
•Why not make your family a tasty snack that they can enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate. You will have to measure the ingredients to make sure they taste the best they can! Write to me on dojo and add some photographs to tell me how it goes and if they were as delicious as our healthy pizzas! There are lots of healthy recipes online you could use. I am going to make a healthy banana loaf!

•We have been learning about Romans and the Roman army. Why not have the chat with a family member about whether or not they would like to join the army and record their reasons for/against it.



•Daily lent challenges – you have been great so far so keep up the good work and join in with the daily challenges.

Most importantly boys and girls, stay safe, wrap up warm and make sure you have fun!! Keep me involved in the fun by sending photos via Dojo!!
Miss Diamond


Primary 2/3 Snow Day

Hello everyone in P2/3! I hope you are having fun and staying safe in the snow! Below are some activities which you can choose to complete. It would be great to see some pictures of you taking part in these – you can post them on the school Twitter feed, send them to me on Class Dojo or tell us about them when we’re back in class.


Login to Sumdog to complete the Snowy Day Challenge.  Our focus on Sumdog this week is on money skills.

Can you get some coins and set out different amounts? Take a picture to share your learning.

Primary 2

  • 31p
  • 6p
  • 57p
  • 9p
  • 86p

Primary 3

  • £1.24
  • £2.78
  • £3.91
  • £4.12
  • £3.50

There are also great money activities on Doorway Online


Can you make a sassy sentence from these miserable sentences?

  • It was cold.
  • I put on gloves.
  • We had soup.

Celebrate World Book Day by taking part in the competition to design a new national book token

Create a new character for your favourite book

Relax and read a story!


In class we’ve been working on learning the days of the week and the months of the year. Share your favourite song with your family.

Days of the Week

Months of the Year

Health and Well-Being

Play outside or go for a snowy walk. Remember to take a picture and send it to me on Class Dojo.

Mrs Keegan

Primary 5 Snowy Day Activities

Happy Snow Day Primary 5! I hope you are all enjoying your day off in the snow and having lots of fun!

Here are a few activities you can try if you want to while you are at home:


We have been learning about Victorian children and thinking about the poor children who had to go to work. Can you write a short story about a Victorian child using some of your Boost Words? See how many Boost Words you can include!

(Boost Words: craning, clutching, coldly, drummed, deafening, enraged, furiously, jerked, peculiar, revolting, scented, swiftly, seized, slithering, vigorously, vanished)

Here is a website link that tells you about the different types of work that Victorian children had to do:

World Book Day Activities:

  • Read a chapter of your favourite book to a partner. Explain why you like it and ask them for their opinion.
  • Write an alternative ending to your favourite story.
  • Create a biography of your favourite author (Find out about your favourite author and write about them!)
  • Think of questions that you could ask your favourite author.
  • Make an acrostic poem based on the title of your favourite story.


  • We have been learning a lot about fractions. Can you make up a fractions question of your own and explain how to work out the answer. See if you can use the words numerator and denominator!
  • Can you draw some equivalent fractions in the snow? If you can take a photo and send it on Class Dojo.
  • Keep on practising your time tables. Here are some websites you can use to help you practice.


You can type your answers onto the school blog or you can write down your answers and bring them into school.




Primary 4 – Snow way your not doing any work today!

Good morning primary 4. I hope you are enjoying the wonderful snow and an unexpected day off school. Here are some activities to keep you busy (if you want to).


Keep on practising your time tables. Here are lists of websites you can use to help you practice.

Build a snowman and measure its height in cm. Send a picture of your snowman on class dojo.

Throw a snowball and count how many large steps is takes to reach your snowball. Tomorrow we will work out the average difference thrown and put into a bar graph.

World Book Day

Create your own character for our class novel Romans on the Rampage. Give your character a name, age and describe their personality.


  1. Last week we were learning all about the Roman Army, if you can choose 4 items from the Roman uniform. Use your research skills to find out the proper name and the proper use of each item.
  2. Read what the Romans liked to do in their spare time. Use the information you have read to answer questions. You can type your answers onto the school blog or you can write down your answers and bring them into school.


Hope to see you all soon!

Mrs Kerr

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