Nursery News

Well it was a big week for some of our children and their families as the future P1 children had their transition days in St Ninian’s Primary School!

Wednesday and Thursday of this week brought much excitement, and some nerves.. as the preschool children prepared for school by taking part in the next phase of our transition programme – spending time in the P1 classes. Miss Boyes and Mrs Davenport were so excited to welcome the children and had lots of fun planned for them all. The AM staff were lucky to be able to peek in to see how everyone was getting on and we are so proud of how well they adapted 🙂 well done boys and girls! Next week we have our lunch hall experience where the boys and girls will experience school lunches, and their parents will have an opportunity for an informal chat with Miss Boyes and Mrs Davenport.


We have started to get ready for our sports day!! This week we have started to talk about what will happen at sports day and have had a shot of trying some of the races and lining up in our colour groups! Everyone is welcome to attend on Thursday 14th. 10am and 2pm – bring your loudest voices to cheer on our sporting superstars! After our busy wellbeing week last week we were glad to spend some time with Mr Mccurdy on Tuesday during our usual PE slot. We had the parachute out and have been practising our throwing skills – why don’t you have a go at home?


Our AM session was super quiet on Wednesday and Thursdays transition days! But we still packed in lots of fun.. none more so than our emergency trip to the shop for butter for Mrs Beatties pancakes! A disaster was averted and we had some great discussions about what we could and couldn’t get at the shop and how many pennies we needed!


Both sessions enjoyed picnic snacks this week and a welly Wednesday trip to the trim trail! Please keep a look out in our weekly update for details of our final welly Wednesday session.


Many thanks to those parents who have agreed to help out with our big clean 🙂 there will be a list in the cloakroom for sign ups, there’s still time to get involved 😉


Our learning context for the next few weeks is ‘school’! Our learning wall is for everyone to look at, with our consultative planner added at the top. As with all of our planning, we consulted the children (have a peek in our talking books to see what they said!) and used their ideas to think about possible lines of development (PLODs). This will help to frame some of the activities in our nursery environment in the coming weeks. Some of our children have been talking about ‘homework’ – we are pleased to say there will be a ‘help yourself homework’ box for any and all interested children from now until the last week of term 🙂


P5 Visit to Hopetoun House

Last week we had a wonderful trip to Hopetoun House. We were able to dress up in Victorian clothing and we all took on the role of servants for the day! We got led through the amazing rooms of the house and we were able to use role play  to act out our different roles. Later we carried out hands-on chores such as polishing, ironing and butter churning. We also had a go at using quill pens. It was a great day!

We enjoyed tasting our finished butter with scones and jam back in class the next day!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Day 4 at Ford Castle

Day 4 and what a great day yet again!

Today teams A and B completed the orienteering walk and the survival training! Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and especially the fire making!

Team C had a busy day with Enigma, Night Line, Low Ropes, Fencing and Den Building!

Some pictures from day 4:

Some pupils comments about camp:

Rugare – Hey we are having the time of our lives .We have done sooooooooo much we’re having a party tonight and I am so excited.

Neave – I have enjoyed doing Jacobs ladder, leap of faith and our walk today.

Amera – I have enjoyed the walk today because I got to touch horses and I got to touch give a piebold a hug and he licked me ,nudged me and hugged me so I really enjoyed it. i am looking forward to have a party tonight .i have had so much fun .

Ben – I enjoyed school camp a lot, and I especially enjoyed the high ropes activities.

Ali- I love school camp and really enjoyed the potions ( I loved mine)

Erwin- the leap of faith was amazing 

Aaron – I’ve tried everything and really enjoyed all the activities.

Oskar – it has been great fun being here and it has been fun doing all the crazy activities. 

Erin R – these past few days have been really fun there have been lots of activities like the zip line.

Emma-On Monday we arrived and then did archery ,zip lining and the assault course .I loved the assault course I was dared to faceplant into the mud it was AMAZING 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Shiv- On Friday we made a fire i nearly suffocated 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Emily – camp has been really fun I loved Jacob’s latter and zip wire

Aliza- I really enjoyed going on the zip line and the survival thingy

Erin O – Camp has been so much fun my favourite activity has been Jacob’s ladder and the leap of faith.

Jennifer- Camp has been great fun, I loved the leap of faith and we did survival and I didn’t burn to a crisp, but I got sunburnt though.

Isabella- Camp has been so fun!😄 I wish I could do it again.


Everyone is having a great night at the disco! We will see everyone tomorrow.

Nursery News

A short week it may have been.. but it’s been action packed nonetheless!

On Tuesday, our staff team joined local area colleagues to receive training from the Educational psychology team about how best to support children in the nursery setting. We were delighted to find that we are already implementing a range of strategies to support children and have been inspired to further develop these. Please always remember to share any ideas, questions or concerns with the nursery team when they arise.

We have fairly been getting involved in our ‘Garden’ learning context – and what better way to celebrate that than our road markings being added to our playground area and our mural being completed in our small garden! On our Monday holiday the road markings were painted to give a bit of structure to our bikes and trikes area of the garden.. along with six new ‘parking bays’ – the team will be back next week to add numbers to these bays, which will correspond with numbers on our wheeled toys to offer a practical number matching and sorting activity in the garden. On Thursday our ideas came to life as our wall mural was painted in the nursery garden. Mrs Martinek spoke to the nursery staff and children to come up with a design for our mural – it includes lots of aspect the children asked for, including a rainbow, dinosaur, snake and aeroplane.. we also added a number line and alphabet. Our nursery motto flies high across the top ‘where adventure, nurture and learning go hand in hand..’ We are very thankful to the parent Council who paid for this from their funds 🙂 what a beautiful addition to our garden!


Welly Wednesday this week was a treat – a new park to play in and explore! Falconer Rise Park is the perfect size and height for our boys and girls, with nothing out of bounds! We slid, climbed, spun, pushed, pulled, bounced – and most importantly – giggled! A short walk from the school, we think this will become a firm favourite! Hopefully the weather will stay bright and dry so we can take a picnic next time!


Next week is another busy week at St Ninian’s – we are asking that the boys and girls dress in their party finest on Thursday as we celebrate the upcoming royal wedding! If you have any wedding related items you could donate to our topic table we would be most appreciative 🙂

Nursery News

Another wonderful week at St Ninian’s Nursery – wonderfully busy that is!


This weeks PE focus with Mr Mccurdy was sprinting! Not a problem for our speedy children who enjoyed having their PE session outdoors. We hope the better weather can continue and we can get more outdoor PE sessions! Over the long weekend, if you get the chance post a photo to our social media accounts if your child gets a chance to practice their sprinting skills!


Welly Wednesday was a rare treat this week as the boys and girls brought in their own scooters and ride on toys from home! Mrs Conway led the way(on her daughters scooter..) as we did laps of the playground. The PM group got to enjoy the company of a few of the school classes as they did their daily mile at the same time 🙂 we love welly wednesday – let’s hope the weather picks up for next weeks park hunt!


Thursday was a busy day as we our world book day do-over celebration! It was lovely to see the boys and girls all dressed up. A huge thanks to our parents and carers who came in on Thursday to share a story with their child in the nursery and the nursery garden. We also welcomed parents and carers to our ‘Nursery Natter’ on Wednesday (Mrs Mushet) and Thursday where we took a short time to discuss their child’s online learning journals. We are hoping that by the end of May all of our parents/carers will have taken the time to comment on their child’s journal 🙂 any password reset requests please see Mrs Conway!


Our food prep snack was chosen by Lily this week who wanted Pancakes and grapes! Mrs Conway has never made pancakes (successfully..) before so that made for an interesting morning! The AM and PM group of helpers took their role very seriously – washing their hands, putting aprons on and listening carefully as Mrs Conway read the recipe. We talked about measure, ingredients and method as we created some pancake masterpieces! By the end of the day the pancakes were fluffy and tasty, every day is a school day as they say! Thanks for the suggestion Lily, we loved it!


Nursery is off Monday and Tuesday next week – we will see you all return on Wednesday! Enjoy your long weekend 🙂

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