Primary 5R – still amazing!!

This week in Primary 5…


Maths – In maths this week we have been looking at subtraction and we have been doing maths bingo. We were also revising 2D shapes and in Number talks we were learning about number bonds.


Word Boost – These are some of our words this week – vanished, scented, deafening and vigorously. We really enjoyed miming our boost words.


Writing – In writing we wrote in a diary entry about Harry Potter’s emotions when he was living in the Dursley’s house but we made mind maps to help us.


PE – In PE we learned to play tennis by doing rallies against Mr McCurdy and running around him.


Health & Wellbeing – In health & wellbeing we have been focusing on being safe and we discussed Stranger Danger. We also have a new poster for our Class Charter and new wristbands for being Ready, Respectful and Safe.


RE – In RE this week we were thanking God for all the things that we have like friends, gifts and talents.


Drama – We were doing drama scenes about Harry Potter to help us to think about his feelings and emotions.


Spanish – We were using our Spanish words and we had to translate them into English by using our knowledge and memory. We all talked about  feelings in Spanish.


Have a great weekend!

Buen fin de semana!

Kate and Cameron C




P4 Weekly News!

Another busy week in Primary 4. Read on for more information:

James and Alice – We did some writing about a character. We had to make up a description of the character.

Marcus and Lilly – We have been learning about New York because the family in our novel study go there. We like New York because there are lots of amazing statues and landmarks.

Matthew and Harry – We liked learning and researching about the Empire State Building.

Vanessa and Alan – We were learning about keeping ourselves safe because it is this month’s GIRFEC theme. It is very important to keep ourselves safe.

Chloe, Annayah and Oma – We liked doing maths. We have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

If possible please ask your child to round a number to the nearest 10 for extra practice and home learning. E.g. can you round 78 to the nearest 10?

Lennon and Ana – We thought about what had happened in our novel study so far and put the events in to the correct order on a storyboard.

Ahmed and Elenta – We liked doing hockey for PE and doing mindfulness colouring when Miss Ford was reading to us.

Yaroslav, Filip and Ava – We liked doing number talks and it was good when Mrs Heather came to help us with this.

Wojciech – I loved doing rounding in maths because it is very fun.

Maeve and Aaron – We liked learning about the Statue of Liberty because it was really fun to learn lots of facts.

Zoe – I liked doing research on the Kennedy Space Centre in America.

Alishba – I liked learning about the commandments to love God and love your neighbour.

Ryan, Julia and Leo – We liked colouring a heart and putting it on our class altar to show we are making a promise to love our neighbour.

Angelina – I liked learning some new boost words from our novel.

If possible please ask your child about this week’s boost words and what they mean for some extra practice and home learning. The words are: wailed, observation, grumbled, chanted, exploring and suggestion.

Madison and Kayden – We liked using ICT to research facts about places in America.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford


Primary 6

We have had a busy and hard working week in our classroom.

This week in maths we have been doing place value for whole numbers from 1 000,000 and beyond. We have been identifying the value of digit within a whole number and recognising and writing numbers in words.

In writing we have been using our senses to help with describing a setting. We used this to help us to describe different settings from our class novel Pig Heart Boy.

In art we were drawing the main character Cameron using colour to think about emotions. We used charcoal to represent the character Cameron’s feeling of sadness, anger and loneliness.

In PE we have been developing our tennis skills with Mr McCurdy. We have been practicing our gentle swing technique.

Written by Louise, Marcella and Aoife

Primary 5D Our awesome learning blog!

It’s been  a very busy week for Primary 5D and they  would love to share their learning with you.

Kasia: In Maths we did 5 and 6 digit numbers and even stretched ourselves with 8 digit numbers.

Andrew: Maths was fun, we rolled  a dice and if we got a number we wrote it down and made a bigger number by adding on digits. This helped us with our place value.

Ola: In PE we have been learning all about hockey. We had 4 teams and we played matches against each other. The yellow and blue teams were the winners. We all like PE as we get lots of exercise and Mr Mc Curdy makes it lots of fun. Aaron agrees!!

Angel: This was our first week in P5 to do story writing. We got to create a character and use lots of  adjectives  to describe our characters. Mine was Annabelle, she is helpful and generous.

You would love to read all about our characters and see how creative we are!! We think we will have movie directors from our class in the future because they were so good!!

Emily: In RE with Mrs Howley we designed Friendship posters in groups. We thanked God for all our friends and family.

Michelle: We are really liking our class novel. Junkyard Jack and the Horse that Talked. We have done lots of emotion work using our novel. This helped us to look at emotions and behaviours.

Hasan: With our novel we even got to make videos to predict what we think will happen in the next chapter.

We are looking forward to next week to see where our learning takes us. Have a great weekend everyone.

Primary 4 Weekly News!

This week P4 have been busy doing lots of fun and interesting things. Please read on for more information.

  • We liked doing mindfulness colouring when we were reading our novel ‘My Brother’s Famous Bottom Takes Off’ by Jeremy Strong. Ahmad and Lennon
  • We talked about making mistakes and how important these are in our learning. We will be celebrating a mistake of the week. Madison and Oma
  • We liked learning about America because it is where the family go in ‘My Brother’s Famous Bottom Takes Off’. Alishba and Maeve
  • I liked using letterjoin to practise neat handwriting. Annayah
  • I liked getting more time to read when I finished my work. Chloe
  • We liked doing PE this week. We did Hockey with Mr McCurdy and played ladders and corners with Miss Ford. Matthew and Alan
  • We liked working in groups and we liked reading. Wojciech and Leo
  • I liked writing the school prayer. Julia
  • We liked doing number talks. Harry and Abdullah
  • We liked finding out about places in America which are included in our novel. Ava and Vanessa
  • We liked writing a verse of a Psalm and decorating the border in RE. James and Kayden
  • We liked doing maths in the playground with chalk. Alice and Ana
  • We liked using Emotion Works to describe the characters from our novel. Angelina and Zoe
  • We liked drawing a church and colouring it in. Marcus and Filip
  • We liked when we got to play a place value board game in maths. Aaron and Ryan
  • We liked doing numeracy and talking about number bonds. Elenta and Yaroslav

We hope you have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Primary 5R #Amazing!!!!

Fantastic Primary 5 have had an amazing second week! Here are some of our comments to let you know what we’ve been doing:

Cameron C: We all learnt how to draw a wizard using a Youtube video.

Maya: We also created our own wizards and witches independently.

Kate: For our writing lesson, we also described our own wizards that we had created.

Emma: We played ‘Guess the character’, where we all had to think of descriptive words to describe our character.

Richard: Some people did some miming for our Word Boost activities.

Carly and Niamh: We drew our word Boost words and we drew pictures to represent the words.

Kuba: We started to learn about 2D shapes.

Emma: We looked about the classroom to find as many 2D shapes as we could.

Alexis: We drew the shapes, coloured them in and named them.

Richard: In Maths we learned about Place Value.

Maya and Sophie: We learnt about the signs for ‘Is greater than’ and ‘Is less than’ in Maths.

Brooke and Kate: We are learning Tennis in P.E.

Orla: We all decided on our new goals for this term.

Sophie: We had our photo taken to put outside our classroom.

Brooke: We all made Number Talks posters.

Have a great weekend!


Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves


Welcome to Primary 5R!

It’s been a great first week! So lovely to see everyone looking so refreshed and ready to learn after our lovely summer break. We are all enjoying our new class novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone which we will be focusing on for the next few weeks and we are excited to talk about all the new characters. We will also be using this novel to start learning our new Boost Words. We have created a new class charter and agreed on what is best for our classroom. We have spoken about the three themes for our school: Ready, Respectful, Safe. 

Important information for this term:

P.E days are Monday and Wednesday.

Pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in class and for P.E. lessons.

Pupils should be ready to learn by bringing a sharp pencil to school every day and a full water bottle.

I am looking forward to a great year with Primary 5R!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves


Welcome to Primary 6

It’s been a great first week back, so lovely to see everyone looking so refreshed and ready to learn after a lovely summer break.  So smart and grown up in their lovely uniforms.

We have already started our new class novel and this will be our Literacy and Topic focus, Pig Heart Boy.  The pupils are enjoying it so far, it covers so many interesting themes, including lots of science.

We have created our new Class Charter and agreed on what we think is best for our classroom.  We have spoken about the three themes for our school; Ready, Respectful, Safe.

Important information for this term.

PE days this year are Monday and Wednesday.

All pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in class and PE lessons.

Pupils should be ready to learn; all pupils should bring a sharp pencil every day and a full bottle of water, which can be refilled if needed.

Mrs McMullen works on Monday, Tuesday and every second Friday.

Mrs Kerr works on Wednesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays.

We are looking forward to a great year in Primary 6,

Mrs McMullen & Mrs Kerr

Welcome to Primary 2/3

Welcome to Primary 2/3!  The children have all settled really well into their new class and we have had great fun getting to know each other.   We’ve also started our novel study and have loved getting to know ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday.

The children will bring home new reading books and diaries next week so look out for those in their school bags.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

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