P4 Weekly News!

Hi everyone!

This week has been short and sweet! Read on for more information:

Vanessa and Lennon – This week I enjoyed number talks.

*Home Learning Opportunity – What is 99 + 89? Talk about what strategy you used!*

Alan and Filip – This week I enjoyed the committees. We used clay and moulded it in to bowls at One World committee.

Julia – I enjoyed creating a class number line from 0-100 to help us on our maths working wall.

Abdullah, Oma and Alishba – We enjoyed spending time at arts and crafts committee. Abdullah used cardboard to make a model of a computer! Alishba enjoyed making a heart out of tissue paper and writing ‘I love St. Ninian’s’ on it. Oma scrunched up paper to make a waterfall and rocks.

Lilly, Annayah, Madison, Angelina and Ava – I enjoyed my committee which was Mini Glee. We sung a Toy Story song called ‘You Got a Friend in Me’ and we also did some dance moves too.

James, Matthew and Marcus – In my committee we went to the pond. It is the outdoor play committee. We also went exploring the woods.

Chloe, Harry and Ahmad – I liked doing PE. We played a hockey tournament.

Zoe and Maeve – We liked doing maths posters. We made a poster showing how you would do a tower sum to help us on our maths working wall.

Aaron – I liked going to games committee. We discussed what games we would like to learn how to play.

Elenta – I enjoyed doing spelling. We had to try and spell lots of different words.

Alan – I liked doing Word Boost because we learned some new words and read more of the class novel.

*Home Learning Opportunity – Please discuss this week’s words with your child: powerful, sensational, experience, astronauts, imitate and atmosphere.

Zoe and Madison – I liked writing an acrostic poem using onomatopoeia.

*Home Learning Opportunity – Ask your child what onomatopoeia is and ask them for some examples of this!*

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

Primary 3

Hola everyone!

Another busy week in Primary 3!

St Ninian’s Feast Day Mass

Well done to the boys and girls in Primary 3 who behaved impeccably during our mass which was celebrated by Fr Kenneth this morning.  They definitely deserved their longer break time!

Ninian’s Natter

Thank you so much to those who were able to manage along to our Ninian’s Natter and Meet the Teacher evening. It was really lovely to meet all of you and we hope you enjoyed it.


Primary 3 have came up with some ideas of their own when learning  about skeletons after the September break.  Mrs Scott was amazed at what the children know already!


WORD BOOST – Our Word Boost story this week was The Obvious Elephant. The Word Boost words are confident, curious, obvious and bewildered. Due to next week  being a shorter school week, we will have a revision week where we consolidate the Word Boost words covered in Six Dinner Sid and Baby Brains.

In writing, we continued to use Flat Stanley as our context for learning. Building on our newspaper  report from last week, we wrote another report but this time it had bullet points. We wrote about  the advantages and disadvantages of being flat.

In spelling, we have been practising our key words – these are words which we come across lots of times during reading and writing. We sometimes need to use a strategy  to help us remember how to spell  them  eg  Does it look right? OR Words inside words.

Here are some of our thoughts.

Sahara – I liked listening to the Word Boost story.

Amber – I liked the part of the story where Eric got to ride on top of the elephant.

Stefan – I liked interviewing Flat Stanley to find out what he liked and didn’t like about being flat. It was fun!

Maths Week Challenges

These were a big success!

Kerr – I liked the coloured square challenge because it was interesting.

Ephraim – I liked adding up the coins in our Role Play shop to pay for things.

Leigha – I made triangles and diamond shapes with the elastic band shapes. It was fun.


Our Primary 3 class is now set up and most of the children should now have their Sumdog logins glued into their green diaries for easy reference. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a lovely holiday weekend and hopefully the sun will shine a little.

Kind regards,

Mrs Scott

Primary 5R Weekly News

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 5R!

This week has been Maths week and we have all been learning that it is okay to make a mistake because we can learn a lot from a mistake if you believe in yourself. When you make a mistake, synapses in your brain fire and make new pathways in your brain.  We also discovered that speed is not important when trying to calculate an answer as it is more important that you understand how to use your different strategies to work things out.

We  were all shown an image of 6 dots for just a few seconds and then we described exactly how we could remember the sequence of dots. We noticed that many of us saw the dots in our own unique way.

We also learnt about the Hailstone Sequences which follow these rules:

If a number is even, divide it by 2

If a number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1.

A mathematician called Lothar Collatz proposed that for any number you pick, if you follow the procedure enough times you will eventually get to 1. We all enjoyed trying to test this out using different numbers.

We have been learning that a polygon is a shape with many sides, usually more than 4. We have found out the names of some regular polygons:

A quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 angles , a pentagon has 5 sides and 5 angles, a hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles, a heptagon has 7 sides and 7 angles,an octagon has 8 sides and 8 angles, a nonagon has 9 sides and 9 angles  and a decagon has 10 sides and 10 angles.

In Art we used 2D shapes to make pictures of faces, people and animals.

In R.E. we designed DVD covers for a 21st Century Saviour and we discussed how he/she could help us.

In Writing we have been thinking about creating a setting and we all described a house and garden made entirely of sweets.

We have also been revising our spelling of numbers this week.

In P.E. we played Bean Bag tennis and Jailbreak.

Have a great long weekend!

Brooke, Michael and all of P5R



P4 Weekly News!

It’s the end of another great week in Primary 4. Here is what we’ve been up to:

Zoe and Lilly – We have enjoyed doing Number Talks and learning new strategies like friendly numbers.

*Home Learning Opportunity* – Please ask your child about friendly numbers and maybe even try a number talks e.g. 29 + 45 = ?

Alisha – I have enjoyed doing Wordboost because I like learning new words and their meanings.

*Home Learning Opportunity* – Please ask your child about this week’s words. They are: jaunty, angelic, heap, sensation, scowled and shuddered. 

Harry, Ava and Ahmad – We have enjoyed learning about the American flag and colouring one in using the colours red and blue.

Oma and Filip – We have enjoyed playing a hockey tournament in PE.

Ryan, James and Lennon – We enjoyed doing activities on the smart board using Mangahigh for maths week.

Elenta and Aaron – I enjoyed playing snakes and ladders for smart start to practice counting and working fairly with a partner.

Ana and Alan – We enjoyed making a class numberline with Mrs Stewart.

Leo and Matthew – We enjoyed practicing rounding to the nearest 100.

*Home Learning Opportunity* – Please ask your child to round a number to the nearest 100 e.g. what is 178 to the nearest hundred?

Julia – I enjoyed doing spelling pyramids with this week’s 10 words.

Angelina – I enjoyed learning about Safe as part of our GIRFEC work. We talked about places we feel safe and places we feel unsafe.

Maeve – I enjoyed reading more of our class novel ‘My Brother’s Famous Bottom Takes Off’.

Have a great September weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂


P2/3 Weekly Update

What a busy week it has been in P2/3! Thank you to everyone who came along to Ninian’s Natter on Wednesday.  It was lovely to see you all and for the children to share their Maths Week Scotland learning with you.

In Maths we have been investigating odd and even numbers.  We loved using the Coconut Odd or Even game to help us learn.  Do try it at home and let us know how you get on.  Look out for odd and even numbers when you’re out and about and tell us if you spot any.

Our Maths Week Scotland investigations have kept us busy and we’ve explored lots of concepts including numbers to 100, shape, number bonds, money and problem solving.

In Literacy we linked our writing to Emotion Works and wrote about feeling excited.  We thought about capital letters, full stops and connectives.  Next week we’re writing about a time when we had to say sorry. Well done to this week’s Star Writers, Abigail and Blake.

In spelling our focus has been on learning our P2 and P3 key words.  The P2 words this week were new, no, not, on, one , said, she and so.  The P3 words this week were from, go, going, has, her, here, if and into.  Everyone loved spelling their words with pipecleaners!

We loved reading The Cultivated Wolf in Word Boost and explored some fabulous new words – racket, improve, ignore, budge, emerge and ache.  Can you use these words in a sentence at home?

In handwriting we’ve been reviewing the formation of the letters n, m and h.  Can you find any creative ways of working on forming these letters?  It may involve pencils, crayons or paint!

In topic we were so excited to finish our class novel, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, and rounded off our learning by compiling Owl Fact Files.

Next week we start our new topic on The Senses.  Look out for updates on our senses experiments!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Maths Week in Primary 6

This week in primary 6 we have been doing lots of activities for Maths Week.

We completed a murder mystery at the cinema with Mrs McMullen and we had to work out different sums to find out who the murderer was.

We also created our own parabolic designs were we had to join all the numbers together for example 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3 all the way to 10. Today we have been creating curves of pursuit.

On Wednesday we were using our problem solving skills to build a bridge. Our bridge had to be strong enough for a toy car to go over. We had a budget of £100 to buy paper, cellotape or paperclips. It was great fun!

Written by Ryan and Marcella

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 with lots of exciting learning.  The children would like to share their highlights.

Caspar and Aiden  – I loved running the Daily Mile.

Abby – I liked using adjectives to write a description of Plop the Owl.

Bernice – I liked making big numbers using Numicon.

Paul and Poppy  – I liked playing games in PE.

Rutendo – I liked doing handwriting warm up exercises.

Freda – I liked making a sparkly picture of nocturnal animals.

Daniel – I liked making a firework picture for our topic.

Mirren and Nathan – I liked writing u, w and e in handwriting.

Isla – I liked making number sequences in maths.

Abu Bakr – I liked working with my friends to make a 100 square.  Twice!!

Mark D. – I liked learning about the cogs in Emotion Works.

Mark K. and Blake – I liked Smart Start when we made star pictures at the collage table.

Lloyd – I liked playing the coconut ordering game on the SmartBoard.

Joshua – I liked learning about nocturnal animals.

We’ve had a great week reading about Six Dinner Sid in Word Boost.  This week’s boost words are agile, swoop, appetite, dare, require and defend.

P2 spelling words covered this week are can, came, for, had, have, him, his and my.

P3 spelling words covered this week are call, come, could, did, do, down, eat and first.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P6 Weekly news

Brought to you by our Lead Learners, Mark and Louise.


We have been doing rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000s.  Its been tricky remembering the rule but we are getting there.  We have also been doing lots of Number Talks and remembering our strategies.

We have been doing Tennis in PE – we learned how to do rally’s and set up fun stations to practice our skills and ball control.

We were describing a setting in our writing with Mrs Kerr.  I really enjoyed this (Mark).

We are reading Pig Heart Boy, we were looking at the tough decision Cameron had to make and cannot wait to find out what happens next.

We have had a busy week and we are very excited to get stuck into Maths Week Scotland next week.

Have a great weekend from Primary 6! 🙂


P6/7 Blog

Another very busy week in P6/7! Our Lead Learners for this week, Ailie and Beth, wrote the following class BLOG:

This week we had Mrs Young on Monday Mrs McMullen on Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Howley on Tuesday and Friday. We did art with Mrs Howley which was drawing portraits of our selves. Today we set our learning goals for this term and yesterday the P7’s had a lesson from Mrs McDonald the maths teacher in St Margret’s. Today we had an AWESOME!!! Assembly lead by the House Captains.

Ailie and Beth

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