Primary 5R Weekly News

Another busy week in P5R:

As part of our Science topic this week we took part in some science experiments. We were learning about using different processes to separate mixtures of materials. This is what we did:

  1. We mixed salt and water together and then we had to wait for the water to evaporate to see the salt crystals appear.
  2. We mixed rice and paper clips and we used a magnet to pick up and separate the paper clips.
  3. We mixed sand with water and for this we used a funnel and used a filtration process to separate the sand from the water.
  4. We mixed raisins and flour and then we used a sieve to separate the raisins from the flour.

In P.E. we played tennis and we also played Jailbreak and Boil the Kettle.

For Word Boost we made up sentences using our Boost words.

We practised our new spellings.

We wrote a story about a girl called Francis who disappeared into the darkness.

We had a special assembly for  ‘Wee John the Janny’ who is retiring today and we all gave him a card with our special messages and pictures.

It was European Day of Languages this week and we took part in a quiz to see where in Europe all the different languages are spoken.

Congratulations to Sophie for being awarded the Praise Postcard this week!

Katie and Pawel

Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

P5D Weekly News!

P5D weekly update!

Welcome to P5D’s weekly news! We have had a busy week learning new things and celebrating with our St.Ninian’s family.

We learned about rounding numbers to give estimated answers to calculations in maths and have been working out how to read different scales.

‘It was hard to read different scales in the beginning but I still enjoyed it.’ – Aaron

In art this week, we used line to create landscapes of a setting in our novel, Mudge Park.

‘I liked using line to add colour to my landscape.’ – Kasia

We have started our science topic about materials and have been focussing on separating materials. We received a message from a local supermarket to tell us that their products had spilled in the back of the delivery truck and were all mixed up! We had to work out the best methods to use to separate flour from raisins, salt from water, paperclips from rice and sand from water! We learned about filtration, sieving, evaporation and magnetic attraction.

‘It was really fun!’ – Emily

‘It was interesting.’ – Kasia

‘I liked the using the magnets.’ – Rhia

Now that we have completed our class novel, we wrote letters to Mr Mudge telling him all about or adventures and to thank him for his help. We used informal language and focussed on using paragraphs.

‘It was very interesting because we wrote our own letter.’ – Michelle

‘It was fun writing the letter because I like writing!’ – Morgan

Finally we had an assembly to celebrate Wee John the Janny’s retirement.

‘It was sad but it was fun as well!’ – Levente

‘It was emotional but we will still remember him!’ – Emily

‘He was always really nice to us.’ – Michelle

‘He is very funny and makes me laugh when he dresses up!’ – Sophie R

Congratulations to Sophie D on being awarded our praise postcard this week.

Have a great weekend, Miss Diamond and P5D!

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we have been doing Jazzmatazz. In Jazzmatazz we have been improvising on xylophones and the glockenspiel. We also learned to sing some songs whilst playing a tune. We had to copy the beat that Mike was playing on the piano.

In maths this week we have been continuing to learn about decimals and some of the class have been learning to put decimals into an order. In number talks we have been sharing lots of strategies and learning from one another.

In writing we have been using a visual stimulus based on a twisty road and had to write an imaginary story.

We have been continuing with our class novel Pig Heart Boy and this week we had a visit from an author to reading his book Fairy with the broken wings.

Have a lovely weekend!

Shannon and Finlay

Lead Learners

P4 Weekly News!

Hi Everyone!

Here is what we have been up to this week:

Marcus and Angelina – We liked playing handball with sports leaders who came to our school. This is to prepare for the handball festival in 2 weeks.

Alan and Kayden – We liked playing hockey with Mr McCurdy.

Yaroslav, James and Ryan – We liked doing a tricky subtraction number talks and figuring out how to solve it.

*Home Learning Opportunity – Try this tricky number talks with your child: 124 – 57 = ? Talk about the strategy which they would use to solve this.*

Abdullah and Filip – We enjoyed doing mindfulness colouring.

Lennon and Aaron – We liked doing kickstart in writing. We do this to learn from our mistakes and act on feedback.

Zoe, Chloe and Julia – We liked doing addition in maths where we coloured a picture in based on the answer to the sum. We also liked writing a postcard from America as if we were with the family in our novel!

Alishba, Maeve and Oma – We liked going to assembly for ‘Wee John the Janny’. We also liked doing subtraction in number talks.

Wojciech and Matthew – We liked doing music activities with the NYCOS teacher.

Vanessa, Elenta and Annayah – We liked doing races in handball and mindfulness colouring.

Ava – I liked working with Mrs Scott doing maths.

Madison – I liked doing maths this week.

Leo – I liked doing a maths assessment about number.

Lilly, Ana and Alice – We liked talking about what to do in an emergency and how to keep safe. We also liked watching Newsround.

Ahmad and Harry – I liked going to the Tennis after school club.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Getting too many messages from us?! Here’s some app information …

268 people have downloaded our school app – have you?

We are now sending messages to parents via the app and we know that there are a lot of messages to read! Please see this helpful guide to help you only get the messages that you need / want.

App Messages Information

Please pop into school on Thursday if you need some help with your app.

Thanks for your continued support.

P3 Weekly Round Up!

A quick week it has been!

The boys in girls in P3 have packed in so much learning to three short days!

We are so excited to begin our science topics! Mrs Scott will be exploring the Skeleton with the class and Mrs Conway will lead the learning about the sun, moon and stars – with a focus on the patterns of night and day! We have started to think about both of these and the things we would like to learn about.

Wednesday saw a class vote for our new class novel! The choices were Fantastic Mr Fox, How to Train Your Dragon and Gangsta’ Granny. As How to Train your Dragon and Gangsta’ Granny got three votes each we asked those who chose Fantastic Mr Fox to vote again… which led to Gangsta’ Granny as the overall winner!!! We will read short parts of this novel as a class over the next few months at suitable times in the school day. We continue to promote reading for enjoyment in our class – if there’s a novel or book that your child enjoys at home, please allow them to bring it to school to read for enjoyment on Wednesdays/Thursdays 🙂

This week saw the end of our symmetry topic in maths – and a tricky topic it has been! Some of the boys and girls moved on to creating symmetrical block patterns, which we found quite tricky. Here is a great symmetry matching game which explores reflective symmetry, perhaps you could try it at home?

This morning we had our first pupil committees! The P1-3 committees are play based and range from outdoor learning to games to Mini Glee! This was a big hit with our boys and girls and we are already looking forward to the next meeting!

Keep an eye on your post over the coming days as today we popped some important mail in the post box 😉

At the end of the day today we reflected on our week and the things we enjoyed the most;

Ephraim ‘we were playing a game called poisonous ball in PE, I enjoyed that you got to throw your ball and if it hit the other teams bench their bench would be poisoned’

Amber ‘I liked doing my committee today – it was arts and crafts – I made one painting and one drawing’

Klaudia ‘I really enjoyed the committees. I did the mini glee – we are going to perform on the stage!’

Adam ‘ I liked when we were doing our textbook work in maths’

Sahara ‘I loved posting my letter’

Kerr ‘I liked doing the picture of the world in RE’

We are looking forward to distributing homework on Monday which reflects the changes in our home learning policy following feedback from pupils, parents and staff – stay tuned! 🙂

Have a fantastic weekend!

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

It has been a short week but there’s been lots of learning going on in P2/3!


In spelling we have continued to work on our P2 and P3 key words.  This week’s words for Primary 2 are they, two, we, when, with and you.  Primary 2 have now completed their key words so will move on to spelling patterns next week.   This week’s words for Primary 3 are like, little look, made, make, me, more and much.  Primary 3 will continue to work on key words next week.

We’ve had great fun working on our n, m and h in handwriting and everyone loved working with the chunky crayons.  Our focus this week was on using the correct starting point for each letter.

It has been a revision week in Word Boost this week when we’ve consolidated all of the vocabulary introduced in the last three books.  The children demonstrated a fantastic understanding of all their new words!


In maths Primary 2 have been working on numbers to 100 and P3 have been working on numbers to 1000.  We have had great fun ordering lots of numbers!  Everyone liked playing the Helicopter Rescue game to help us count on and back.



Primary 2 have been busy building numbers to 100 using cubes and Primary 3 enjoyed identifying numbers to 1000 on the smartboard using the Numbers to 1000 activity.


Everyone was excited to begin our new Science topic on the Senses this week.  We began by investigating our sense of touch – ask your child what they learnt about touch. The class worked together to create a report on their experiment and then illustrated it.  Look out for our report in our Talking Book.


The highlight of today was the start of Pupil Committees!  P2/3 loved heading off to do STEM, arts and crafts, mini glee, outdoor learning, one world, games club and book bugs then sharing their experiences afterwards.  What a lot of effective contributors we have in the class.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie


P2 Weekly Update

A short week, jam packed with exciting learning!  Here is an overview of our week.

Literacy – Mrs Young worked with the children on Wednesday and focused on the last Charlie and Lola story “Whoops but It Wasn’t Me!”.  From this the children made some Charlie and Lola puppets and then wrote a story about a time when they accidentally broke something.  Our star writers were Micah, Robert and Oliver, well done!  Next week we will be visiting the local library and we will be able to borrow a book to bring back to school.

Topic – Our class focus on The Charlie and Lola stories has now finished and we are looking ahead to next week when our science block of work begins.  Our Science work will initially focus on water, so the children have been sharing their ideas as to what they would like to learn about water.  Here are some of the suggestions;

Thea – find out what is in water (what it is made of) and why it is clear?

Abigail – how much water does it take to fill a cup? (measuring)

Jack – how to be safe with water and when doing science, using goggles and things like that.

As part of our core learning within the topic of Water we will be investigating water in its three states.  This will involve using investigation skills and linking our learning to real life.  One planned lesson is to show how we use water in cooking and we will make a vegetable pasta dish.  The ingredients will be dried pasta, olive oil, carrots, onions, mushrooms and red and green peppers.  If for any reason your child cannot eat any of these ingredients please send Mrs Currie a note and we will adapt the recipe to suit.  Discuss the topic of water at home with your child and please leave a message if you or your child have any other suggestions of activities or research/investigations that we could carry out as part of this topic.

Maths and numeracy – the children are now looking at ten frames in their Number Talks.  Here is an example of a ten frame Number Talks, you can try this with your child at home.

We have also explored partitioning a 2 digit number into its tens and units.  The children have learned that in the number 25 the 2 tens digit stands for 20 etc.  Here is an example of partitioning,

Now try this one.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

Short week in Primary 6

Weekly Blog

This week we have been doing more Place Value in our Maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1000000.  We had a visit from a new Maths Teacher, Mrs Heather, who helped us with number talks and explained that we have to give lots of details when we are talking about our strategies.With Mrs Kerr we did decimals, we were also rounding to the nearest whole number.


We continued doing Jazzmattaz, we were learning how to play a Xylophone and a Glockenspiel – we played along with the piano.  We also sang lots of jazz music.  In P.E. we have been doing tennis practice rallying and playing a game called Jailbreak.  This was really good fun.

Our Jazz Band so far!!


We continued reading our class story, Pig Heart Boy.  We are really enjoying the book.  We are also watching it on BBC and comparing the many differences with the book.


We are really looking forward to learning more about our new topic, Solar System.  We have been asked to bring in any books or space related things we have from home.  We have also started our new Committees and are excited for our next meeting.

Written by Joshua (Lead Learner), Adrin, Kacper and Shannon.


Have a great weekend from all of P6 and Mrs McMullen.

Primary 5R Weekly News

We have had another short but busy week. Here are some of our comments:

In Writing we continued a story starter about an old cottage and we used descriptive openers – Kate

In PE we played Jailbreak and Boil the Kettle – Kuba

This week we were given our new reading books – Pawel

We started to discuss our new Science topic and we all shared our ideas with Mrs Reeves – Maya

We learned that the Statue of Liberty has changed colour over the years as it used to be a gold colour as it is made of a metal called copper – Carly

This happened due to a chemical reaction as the copper statue reacted with water and gases in the air which turned into copper carbonate, making the statue become a green colour – Emma

We learned how to talk about our families in Spanish – Sophie

We wrote some bidding prayers in R.E. – Orla

We had a Number Talks specialist come in to see us and we talked about lots of different strategies including the ‘Niamh strategy’ – Jack

We all enjoyed starting our new committees today – Emma

By Niamh and Alexis

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

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