P5R Weekly News

This week in primary 5R…

  • We had a visit to the library and we each chose a new book to take back to school.
  • In maths this week we completed our triangle information posters and we presented it to our class in groups.
  • During writing we learned how to layout and write a science report.
  • We learned how to log on to our GLOW accounts and we all started to make our own Power Points that we can access at home.
  • We continued to learn how to introduce our family in Spanish.
  • We took part in some balance and stretches during P.E.
  • In RE we learned that if you love God you love your neighbour, so the two most important commandments are loving your neighbour and loving God.
  • Congratulations to Cameron who received this week’s Praise Postcard!


By Sophie and Seamus

P5R Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves!



P2/3 Weekly update

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a lovely break. It has been a short but busy week in Primary 2/3.


We made a start on our new topic, “Our Local Community of Livingston”   by investigating our needs and wants and creating posters.  We then made videos to share our opinions and developed our digital literacy skills by using the iPads. There was lots of great discussion and sharing of ideas.


Everyone enjoyed spelling this week as each child chose the words they found particularly tricky to work on.  There was a choice of activities – word building with straws, finger painting the words using autumn colours of paint, creating word searches and working with whiteboards. Lots of great individual learning went on.

We have continued to build the reading culture in P2/3 and everyone loved BEAR time today.  Don’t forget to bring your bear every Friday!  The concentration and focus in the class is lovely as all the children read to their bears.

Maths and Numeracy

In numeracy this week we have worked on our addition skills and learnt to write lots of number words.  Everyone liked playing the Fruit Splat game to help us read number words quickly and we worked on ordering numbers on the net books using a Topmarks game.


Have  a lovely weekend from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


Short week P6

P6 Weekly blog

This week we did not go to school on Monday because of the October break.

We went back to school on Tuesday and we did a maths assessment which was based on place value. Also on Tuesday we did reading after the maths assessment.

On Wednesday we did another maths assessment after that we did number talks where we had to think of at least two strategies to work out an adding sum. We drew haunted house pictures with different shapes. At the end of the day we did P.E.

On Thursday we did reading in the morning and after that we did number talks. Also we coloured in our haunted house pictures.

On Friday we started a new fitness topic in PE and we did a new challenging workout in the classroom which was related to our fitness topic in PE

By Sean Gracie and Oliwia Niklarz

Welcome Back From Primary 4!

It has been a great first week back in Primary 4. Read on for more information about what we have been doing!

Julia and Madison – I liked creating a leaf for our class charter. I went to the garden to pick one and then copied it.

Marcus – We finished our class novel – I liked the book because I liked learning about New York.

Harry and Ahmad – I liked setting new goals and colouring the GIRFEC wheel in.

Wojciech and Zoe – I liked learning about how the sun and the moon affect the tides and the ocean on Earth.

Aaron, Ava, Annayah, Oma, Alan and Abdullah – I liked doing fitness for PE.

Leo, Chloe, Ryan, Angelina, Matthew and Lennon –  We liked playing Helicopter in PE.

Filip – I liked doing number talks especially Countdown.

Elenta – I liked going to the tennis afterschool club.

Alice – I liked doing money worksheets where we had to add and subtract amounts of money.

Kayden and Yaroslav – I liked doing Minecraft themed Yoga in PE.

Lilly – I liked doing adding sums with money.

Maeve – I liked taking part in a competition to name a gritter for West Lothian Council.

Ana – I liked writing about a Haunted House for Halloween.

Vanessa – I liked learning about verbs in grammar.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford.

P2/3 Weekly update

What a fantastic week it has been in Primary 2/3!

In Science we investigated our sense of sight and learned that we see things upside down.  We found out that our brains puts it the right way round for us! We explored how blind people can cross the road and use braille without sight.  We also investigated our sense of taste and found out where our taste buds are then tried lots of different tastes – sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

In Literacy we had fun celebrating National Poetry Day and listened to poems, shared poems and read poems.

We wrote about our Most Magical Meal in writing – come and have a look at our writing jotters and read our wonderful stories.  We all loved reading the work of our Star Writers and sharing our stories with our talk partners.

Everyone loved visiting the library on Tuesday and choosing books to take back to the classroom.

In spelling, Primary 2 have been learning the ea pattern and Primary 3 have continued to work on their key words.  We all loved reading our new Word Boost Book, Beaten by a Balloon, then learning and using some fabulous new words – glance, bound, hideous, barrier, powerful and promptly.

In Numeracy we have been adding, sequencing and ordering numbers as well as improving our number strategies in Number Talks.

We’re all looking forward to welcoming you to our class next Friday for Stay, Play and Learn.  All the children have also been asked to bring a bear and a favourite book/ story/ comic to school next Friday too for BEAR (Be Excited About Reading) as we continue to build our reading culture in P2/3.

Have a wonderful weekend.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P5R Weekly News

Yet another busy  week in P5 and we have been learning how to do lots of new things:

In Maths we have been rounding numbers and in Number Talks we have been revising our subtraction strategies. We have also been learning the names of different angles and we have been identifying triangles by the length of their sides and also their angles.

In Writing we wrote about Francis part two, where we wrote about what happened next to the girl in our story from last week.

In R.E. we have been thanking God for all the things we have and we have been learning how prayer can help us in our life. We have been discussing what people were respected in the time of Jesus and we have been talking about Jesus helping the Tax Collectors and the Sinners.

For Word Boost we have been learning some new words and their meanings and here are some examples: ‘stooping, flickering’ and ‘thundered’. We have been using these words throughout the week.

In Spanish we have continued to talk about our families and we are going to learn about pet names next week.

We are continuing to read our reading books and we are still enjoying our class novel, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling. It is amazing!

In Spelling we had some new spelling words. We all have challenging words this week but we were all still successful.

In Science we have had fun learning about the difference between dissolving and melting and we have been testing different materials to see if they are soluble or insoluble in water. We tested salt, sugar, coffee, flour, rice, chalk, gravy and sand.

For our homework task we all read an extract from Harry Potter and answered questions about it.

In P.E. we have been learning Tennis skills and playing practice games. We also had a choice to take part in dancing.

Congratulations to Jack for being awarded the Praise Postcard this week!

The Lead Learners this week are Kate and Daniel.


By Kate and Daniel and P5R


P4 Weekly News!

Hi Everyone!

Each week just seems to be getting busier and more fun!!! Here is what we’ve been doing this week:

Harry and Alan – I liked playing hockey for the second last time this term.

Filip, Aaron, Ava, Oma and Abdullah – We liked doing Handball with the Sports Leaders from James Young High School. It is the Handball Festival next week and we are so excited!

Wojciech – I liked doing maths smart start this week.

Madison and Lennon – We liked learning about keeping healthy. We had to draw round Lennon and write post its about how to keep healthy then stick them on the drawing!

Maeve and Zoe – We liked learning about money in maths. We had to use coins to work out problems. This is a life skill and it was fun!

*Home Learning Opportunity – If you visit any shops this weekend ask your child to add some prices together and involve them in paying if you are using cash!*

Angelina – I liked when the NYCOS teacher came to teach us some songs.

Alishba – I liked writing a pretend email to the president. This is linked to our class novel because the family are meeting the president in the next chapter!

James and Ahmad – We liked doing number talks this week. We have been doing more subtraction calculations.

*Home Learning Opportunity – Try 100 – 49=? Please ask your child to talk about the strategy they used to get to the answer.*

Julia – I liked designing a healthy packed lunch when we were learning about how to keep healthy.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Ford and Primary 4 🙂


Weekly Blog in P6

The weekly blog

We have been doing a grammar topic of the first men on the moon, learning about their suits and the journey to the moon. In Music, Mrs Steel showed us how to play notes on the recorder.

On Tuesday, we learned about the space and the eight planets named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus ,Jupiter and Neptune.  WE made up our own phrases to allow us to remember them in order.

On Wednesday we had Jazzmatazz, learning our  school song with xylophones and glockenspiel and having three different compositors. Kacper and Oliwier made Lama bell, Dominika and Vennesa made falling down the rainbow and last but not least Shannon and Freya made just dance.

We have also been exploring our number talks strategies and are now much more confident with telling our strategies.

We were so delighted that we got a Tweet from Judy Murray about our tennis skills.

We had a great week, we are looking forward to learning more Space topic next week.


Happy weekend, from Aoife and Kacper and all of P6.

Primary 3

Hi everyone!

Another very busy week in Primary 3, phew!

In Number we have been counting in 10s and 100s so we are using bigger numbers.

In Adding we have been working on our strategies to add within 100.

In PE, we have been focusing on our hand to eye coordination. We played Skunk Tag, Rock Paper Scissors as well as throwing/catching with a partner. These games also helped us think carefully  about the importance of good sportsmanship when someone is the winner and team work skills.

Here are some of our reflections on learning this week.

Brooke – We have been practising our spelling words in different ways. I have been learning that some words end in _ffs and others in _ves.

Ephraim – I like using the Spelling Challenge cards to stretch and exercise my brain.

Kerr – We made a very special class card for John our Janny who is leaving today. We will miss him a lot. There are lots of different bones in our body and they all have different names like pelvis, collar bone and backbone. We have been learning about compass points – North, South, East and West.

Riley – I learned that we have a shoulder blade.

Ephraim – I learned that we have a knee cap.

Stefan – In between the compass points you get South West and South East.


Lucy – We were learning about the Sun, Moon and Earth. It takes 24 hours for the Earth to move all the way around. When you are an adult you have more than 200 bones.

Amber – Your bones are hard.

Kaitlyn – We drew pictures of the Sun and Moon using warm and cool colours. When you are a baby your bones are not very strong. They get stronger as you grow. Your knee cap can bend.

Klaudia – We have a rib cage and there are parts of your body inside it.

Mrs Heather was in our class for Number Talks and she was very impressed at how well we could talk about Number strategies.

In Grammar, we have been looking at nouns, verbs and adjectives. We have been looking for them in our reading books, listening for them in The Cultivated Wolf and trying to notice if someone uses one. We are finding it tricky to tell the difference. So, we have decided that from next week we will be focusing on verbs.   Try this Verbs game below: http://www.softschools.com/language_arts/grammar/verb/balloon_game/


This week, our Word Boost words were ache, ignore, budge, improve, emerge and racket. Our story was ‘A Cultivated Wolf’. It had an unusual context and the children loved it, especially as it was about a wolf who grew to love reading – just like lots of our Primary 3s!  Word Boost words next week are nudge, nervous, astonished, continue, separate, co-operate and our Word Boost story is going to be ‘Myron’s Magic Cow’.

Have a lovely weekend, from Primary 3.

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

Primary 2/3 have had a great week as we continue our learning adventure.


In spelling this week P2 have explored the ‘ea’ sound.  They loved listening for ea sounds in a song and spotting ea words in the lyrics.  You can listen to our ea song by clicking below – can you spot the ea sounds?  Everyone decided that they would like to use whiteboards to reinforce their learning this week.

Primary 3 are working on key words and this week learnt the words must, now, off, old, only, our, or and other.

We all wrote a story about when we visited the doctor or the dentist.  Look out for the fabulous stories in our jotters and spot the capital letters and full stops as well as some openers and connectives.

The Obvious Elephant was our Word Boost  book this week and we learnt the words confident, curious, obvious and bewildered.

Everyone had a busy time on Thursday when we went on an adjective hunt and found a huge range of interesting adjectives in the class library.


This week we have continued our learning on addition and subtraction and counting to 100 for P2 and 1000 for P3.  We’ve been ordering numbers, counting on and back and building numbers with the concrete materials.   The Counting Caterpillar game will help you to use your knowledge of place value to put numbers into order.

In Number Talks we’ve been working with numbers up to 20.  How many ladybirds can you see?  How do you know? Can you think of another way of doing it?


We have continued to explore our senses this week and went on a sensory walk on Wednesday to investigate textures in the playground.  There was much discussion on how we could record our findings but the children decided that the iPads would work best. We then made sensory collages when we returned to the classroom.


Finally, we had a wonderful assembly on Thursday to say farewell to John the Janny who retires this week.  We wish John all the very best.

Have  a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


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