P2/3 Weekly Update

Here are some of our highlights:

In writing this week we all wrote fabulous stories, recounting the story of Peace at Last.  We worked especially hard to reread our work and worked really well with our partners. Our focus was to use capital letters, full stops and fantastic openers.  Our star writers, Abby and Bernice, were delighted to visit the nursery to share their stories.

Primary 2 children were really excited to begin rehearsals for the Nativity this week.  We’re looking forward to sharing this learning with you.

Everyone worked hard during Smart Start, especially when investigating maths through play. The  children decided that the best way to record their learning was to use digital technology rather than paper – great idea!


Digital learning has been a focus this week and the children have worked hard to login to Glow at home.  We have been so impressed to read about the children’s wider achievements and to see the photos as well as to receive emails from the children.

In Number Talks we have been using the Rekenreks online to build our understanding of number.  “How many can you see?  How do you know?”  have been key questions in class. The children have been really confident in sharing their strategies.

We’re looking forward to Cool to be Kind week next week, especially Odd Socks Day on Monday.  You can get a sneak preview of the  Choose Respect song for Odd Socks Day 2018 by clicking the image below.  We can’t wait to join in with the song!

We’re also looking forward to our cinema visit next week.  Please remember to complete the permission slip and return it to school.

P6 Learning Week

We have had a really good week this week in Primary 6. We had our very first visit of the year to the Lanthorn Library, we chose a personal reading book.  This week our reading focus has been reading for enjoyment so it was perfect timing.

We have continued focussing on subtraction and addition in numeracy and have been making really good progress. Today we evaluated our learning and Evaluated our work to provide a rule for completing column sums. We used our assessment is for learning skills to create a three step strategy to solve column sums. Some children were desperate to use their rules and apply them to challenging 9 digit addition sums. Well done, Mrs McMullen was very impressed at the positive mindsets shown by all of P6 towards maths.

We have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and about the 100 year anniversary. Today we created our own poppy pictures on top of the poem, Flanders Field. (Pictures to follow next week)


We we have been exploring OneNote and will continue to do more next week. We have sent lots of emails to Mrs McMullen. 😁


Have a lovely weekend 😁

Primary 3

Primary 3 Learning

Hi everyone!

Here are some of our highlights from Primary 3 this week which the children wished to share.

Exciting news! Primary 3 have decided that they are going to become authors of their own books. They are going to be writing their own imaginative stories through a writing process, just like real authors! We have started our setting this week and are very excited about it! We plan to produce our books, complete with front cover and blurb etc. Watch this space!


In preparation for our Writing lesson where we were describing a Fireworks Setting, we had some SENSORY experiences.

James – we were smelling hot chocolate, tomato ketchup and fried onions. This helped us imagine we were actually at a Fireworks display.

Kerr – we had a picture of a bonfire on the smartboard. It made us think we were at a bonfire because it looked realistic. It made popping noises.

Sahara – we opened our classroom door so the wind could come in and make us feel cold.

Klaudia – we had to put our jackets on, just as if it was a real bonfire night.

Kaitlyn – Mrs Scott splashed a little water on us at the end so we could pretend it was raining.


Dawid – We used chalk pastels to help us draw fireworks. It was a fun task to do. It helped me learn about the lines and shapes of fireworks.

Adam – Mrs Scott made a skyline on our classroom wall and our fireworks look amazing above it!

Lucy – I noticed that part of the skyline looks like the Macarthur Glen glass dome and the clock tower on top of Morrisons.

Stefan – I liked doing my fireworks art. It was really fun.


Kerr – I enjoyed making my poppy and I learned that people died during the war.


Klaudia – I enjoy writing in my author jotters because it is up to me  what I want to write about. I have been writing about the monster, the talking pen. Little Lucy and I am thnking of more characters.

Jarred – I am writing a story of my own called Super Poop. It is a detective story and a mystery. There is pizza and coca cola in it too and someone saves the day.

Amber – I wrote a story and it was called Boo the Hamster and his house.

Leigha – I’m writing a story called The Robbers and it is finished now.

Kaitlyn – My story is called Floofie Bunny and it’s fun.

Kayla – During Smartstart, I was showing my friends how to make 3d triangles using our collage materials.

Esmee – I am writing a story and it is funny. It is called My Cat Milo.


If you haven’t already, please return your child’s permission slip for the trip on Monday.


Have a fabulous weekend!


Mrs Scott and Primary 3

Primary 5R Weekly News

This is what we were learning this week –

For our maths and numeracy we started to discuss money and we looked at division.

We logged on to GLOW and we started to input our goals and update the details on our Community Profile pages on One Note. We all started to send emails to Mrs Reeves.


We read a book about poppies and we talked about the 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day.

In writing we were trying to think of what silence would sound, feel, look, taste and smell like, all of them are imaginative thinking! We wrote silence poems as calligram poems using pictures.

For our topic we are learning about enterprise. We are preparing to make reindeer soaps and so we researched the best value materials and designed our product. Working in groups we researched what shops our teacher needs to go to purchase the materials and how much it will cost.

In PE we are focusing on fitness at the moment and we did a baby shark ab challenge and we worked with a partner to work on our core exercises.

During RE we talked about how God created the world in 7 days.

Congratulations to Katie and Pawel who both received Praise postcards. Well done!

From the lead learners Rachel and Emma.

Have a great weekend!


P5R and Mrs Reeves


Primary 4 Weekly News!

Hi Everyone,

This is what we have been doing in Primary 4 this week:

James, Ava, Harry, Angelina, Ahmad, Aaron, Filip, Lennon, Annayah, Alishba, Marcus and Alan – We liked doing PE. We were doing running to work on our stamina. We worked with a partner and had to run for 10 minutes whilst our partner marked down tally marks for how many laps we got. We tried to get 80 laps!

Madison, Yaroslav, Kayden, Vanessa and Wojciech – We liked doing number talks and towers sums. We have been adding money and working out the amount of change which we would receive.

*Home Learning Opportunity – If I spent £3.67 on a teddy and paid with a £5 note, how much change would I receive?*

Maeve, Chloe and Zoe – We liked doing writing. We worked in groups to come up with a Scots’ poem. We wrote about made up family members our poems were about ‘ma wee brother Ben’, ‘ma wee sister Lizzie’ and ‘ma wee sister Emma’.

Julia, Ana and Alice – I liked doing maths with a calculator.

Elenta – I liked doing adding money and working out money problems.

Matthew, Lilly, Leo and Ryan – We enjoyed doing Scotland research. We used the netbooks to look up facts about bagpipes, the saltire, Scottish cathedrals and Scottish monuments. We made posters and presented these to the class to share what we learned.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂





P3 Weekly Round Up!

What a fantastic week it has been in P3!

Routines and Behaviour

Mrs Scott and Mrs Conway have been SO impressed this week with the behaviour in P3! On Thursday we had almost everyone on our praise board 🙂 fantastic! We have been trying so hard with the routines in class – to help us listen to instructions, follow directions, show we are READY to learn, show RESPECT to our classmates and staff and to keep ourselves and others SAFE.

We have recently started earning table points which the boys and girls are really enjoying – if you are spotted being good, being organised, being ready to learn, being a good friend (amongst other things!) you can earn your table 10 points – the winning table at the end of each day get a special prize! We are thinking about team work and what makes a good team 🙂 ask your child if their table has won, and if they have any ideas to help their table earn table points next week.



We have continued to work on our WORD BOOST work. This week we read ‘Beware of Girls’. Our boost words were;







Can you child use these words in a sentence? We are aiming to build the vocabulary of our children and word boost helps us do that! Does your child know any amazing words that would make us go WOW? Let us know of any next week 🙂


Numeracy and Maths

On Wednesday we managed to consolidate our grid reference work with a Halloween problem solving task. We had Mrs Swann (parent helper) to help with our grid reference colouring challenge. Mrs Swann was so impressed at how little help the boys and girls needed! Well done! Next week Mrs Conway is hoping to introduce the boys and girls to a simple version of Battleships – have you got this game at home? Ask your child if they would like to play to support their learning about grid references 🙂

The boys and girls LOVE learning about place value – especially when we can watch the ‘Place Value Rap’! This is a bit tricky for our boys and girls but has taught us about how we write numbers from left to right, but build numbers from right to left!



We showed maturity and respect at our whole school mass on Thursday to celebrate the feast of All Saints Day. The boys and girls completed lovely prayers to some of the saints we discussed in class. Although the clip below is American, it helped us with our discussions about All Saints.



This week we had our committee group Friday – we split into our committee groups 9-10am on Friday morning and each of us explore something different through play. Have a look at our school twitter page to get an idea of the kind of activities we have been taking part in!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Primary 5R Weekly News

Sophie: We had our All Saints Day Mass on Thursday.

Pawel: We also had our Class Mass and we went with P5D.

Kate: It was Halloween this week!

Carly: On Tuesday we had our Halloween disco and there were  competitions for the best pumpkin, the best dressed girl/boy and the best dancer. The best pumpkin was Lennon  and the best dressed girl was Rachel  -both from P5R Well done to them!!

Cameron: During writing we wrote Halloween poems and we made them rhyme.

Sophie: We watched some spooky poem videos to get us in the mood!

Katie: We took part in a Halloween workout in PE, playing  Zombie Tig and Dodgehead.

Jack: In Word Boost we mimed out the meaning of the words.

Rachel: We talked about our new enterprise topic to raise money for the school fund.

Maya: In maths we practised our multiplication skills.

Brooke: In RE we wrote our own All Saints Day prayers.

Seamus: We had our committees this week.

Kuba: In the Digital Technologies we shared and sorted all the school devices and handed them out equally to all  the classes.

Cameron: In the Health and Wellbeing committee we made posters about kindness and we made them colourful to make everyone feel happier. We are also thinking about starting a healthy tuck shop in school.

Brooke: In the Community Links committee we were talking about taking part in a bag packing event.


This week the Praise Postcard was awarded to Niamh – Well done!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

Weekly News – Primary 4!

This week we have been doing lots of different things in Primary 4. Read on for more information:

Wojciech, Alishba, Oma and Abdullah  – Today we went to our committees. In Arts and Crafts Committee we made models with clay and fireworks pictures using glitter.

Annayah – I enjoyed going to Mini Glee Committee. We did some dancing and singing. We also practiced the song ‘you got a friend in me’.

Harry, Ryan, Yaroslav and Leo – We enjoyed going to STEM committee. We did some science experiments with magnets, electricity and water.

James and Vanessa – We liked doing number talks this week. We did lots of sums about money.

*Home Learning Opportunity – If I buy an RC car costing £5.29 and I pay with a £10 note how much change would I get? Use ‘counting on’ method to get from £5.29 to £10.*

Maeve and Ana – We enjoyed doing PE which was Halloween themed! We also did some ‘Just Dance’ to Michael Jackson’s song Thriller.

Lennon, Filip, Alan and Elenta – We liked going to One World committee where we tried different foods. We tried popadoms, bajis and sauce.

Zoe and Julia – We liked doing 9 tower sums in maths. We had to add amounts of money to find the total.

Angelina – I liked writing a book review of the class novel ‘My Brother’s Famous Bottom Takes Off’.

Alice – I liked copying a silly story in handwriting. We tried to do our neatest and best joins.

Matthew, Marcus and Ahmad – We liked going outside with the outdoor committee. We had to look for and collect items which related to Autumn. We brought lots of sticks back to school.

Lilly, Kayden, Chloe and Aaron – We had fun celebrating Miss Diamond’s 30th birthday yesterday!

Madison – I liked learning about the seasons in Science. We made posters to show the changes in weather and plants.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Ford and P4 🙂

One World Committee

Good evening,  just wanted to let the parents of pupils in the One World Committee that we will be having our Diwali feast tomorrow morning during our committee time. A letter was sent home with your child today detailing what we will be having to eat. There will be a choice of vegetarian pakoras, onion bhajis, poppadums and naan bread with pakora dip and mango chutney. If your child is unable to participate or have any of the food please let me know by sending in a note with your child tomorrow or replying to this message.

I am really looking forward to our feast tomorrow. I’m sure you child will tell you all about it when they get home.

Many thanks,

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3

Phew! Another busy week in Primary 3.

Primary 3s as Teachers

Kerr – We helped show the Primary 1s how to use a netbook. We used our own instructions that we had written during our Writing lesson.

Ephraim – I loved teaching the Primary 1s all the things that they needed to do to use a netbook.

Kyle – It was a fun thing to do to help the Primary 1s learn more about netbooks.

Sahara- My group was showing the Primary 1s how to log on to Sumdog.

Kaitlyn – We got to be like teachers by teaching a small group how to use a netbook.

Klaudia – I think it was really cool and fun to do. Some of the children were quite shy and I’d like to do it again to get to know them more. Then they might ask more questions!

James – Our netbook went out of charge when we were using it so we were able to show the Primary 1s how to plug the charger in and solve the problem.

Lucy – I thought it was funny because the Primary 1s were surrounding me when I was explaining things to them.

Amber – We were mini teachers teaching little children!

Primary 3 Author Jotters

Lots of excitement in Primary 3 this week! As part of our focus on Developing a Writing Culture across our school, we thought it would be a good idea to create more opportunities for free writing in Primary 3.  The wealth of quality  discussion from this stimulus has been fantastic and their enthusiasm has impressed both Mrs Conway and I very much. We may well need to move onto our second jotters soon! In just a few days, we have talked about some of the aspects of an Author’s process of writing including editing, changing ideas, doodling, drawing, illustrations etc – keep it up Primary 3!

Brooke – we got our first Author jotters this week. We can write our own stories and they can be made up as well. We can write about ourselves, it is up to us!

Jarred – I was reading my story to my reading group. They were my Audience and I was the Author.

James – Lucy read her story to me. I was her Audience. My story title was ‘Superpig’ as the pig called Wilbur in my reading book gave me the idea!

Adam – My story was a pretend one and I drew lots of pictures just like a real Illustrator.

Kaitlyn – I made a book and it was called ‘Floofie Bunny and Her Great Adventures’.

Kerr – I wrote some poems as our Autumn Shape Poem in Writing gave me some ideas.



We have continued to look at Place Value and developing our understanding of how numbers relate to each other when adding.

Ephraim – I liked getting to use the Diennes materials for hundreds, tens and units.


Our new Social Studies topic will have some different areas of focus around our Local Community. Primary 3 will be discussing this as a class next week and helping to form our plan on what would be helpful to learn. Watch this space!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Kind regards

Mrs Scott

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