P4 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 4 we have been learning and having fun. Read on for more information.

Annayah, Abdullah and Elenta – We were learning about St. Andrew today because it is St. Andrew’s Day today.

Angelina, Madison and Ryan – We liked doing Scottish Dancing in PE. We did the Military Two Step and Gay Gordons.

Alice and Ana – We liked doing Number Talks. We were doing doubles and near doubles.

Maeve, Oma and Alishba – We enjoyed learning about Scottish kings and queens.

Oma and Vanessa – We liked going on Glow.

Leo, Julia, Zoe and Lennon – We liked drawing a cow in the style of Steven Brown who created ‘McCoo’.

Alan, Angelina, Filip and Matthew – We liked creating a flyer to persuade people to come to visit Livingston.

Ava, Vanessa, Harry and Ahmad – We liked doing Just Dance in PE.

Wojciech and Aaron – We liked doing a St. Andrew’s drama in RE with Mrs Howley.

Lilly, Zoe and Julia – We liked walking to the Lanthorn and creating a map to help write directions in writing.

James, Lilly and Kayden – We liked coming to the Christmas Fair last night.

Filip – I liked doing the daily mile.

Have a good weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

Weekly Blog – P6 :)


Here is what we have done this week.

In maths we have been doing percentages and are progressing rapidly we are doing decimal points and finding percentages of money which we are all really enjoying it .

In writing we did a obituary about John Logie Baird a very interesting topic. John Logie Baird made the television and thermal socks along with night vision goggles and radars for WW2.

In class we made prayers for Scotland’s issues some of us got to read them at a cross school mass in the lanthorn for st. Andrews assembly. We went along with other schools.

In P.E we did Scottish dancing we did lots of different dances and magic Sean bet Olivia at rock paper scissors three times WOW, the dances we were doing were Gay Gordon, Virginia reel, Military Two Step and the Canadian Barn dance.
We have been using Onenote a lot to show what we have achieved and how we are doing in school.

In school we have been working on our chocolate reindeers  for the Christmas fair some of the reindeers were a total flop but most of them succeeded. One of the piping bags had a hole in it and we put in the cocoa powder then it exploded on Mark.
That’s all from us, hope you had a good time at the Christmas fair!

Jan, Aleksander, Krystian, Joshua and Maciej.

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

Preparation is underway for our school Christmas Fayre next week when P2/3 will have responsibility for the toy stall. We’ve been busy learning about coins and making posters for our stall. We’re still looking for donations so please hand in any toys to the office before Wednesday.

We’ve had great fun celebrating Book Week Scotland and loved our reading lunch on Thursday. P2/3 found some really creative places to cosy up and read.

Everyone loved receiving their Read, Write, Count bags and were excited to share all the literacy and numeracy gifts with their families. We had a lovely time in class sharing the stories and used the ideas to plan our Mighty Writer lesson for next week.

We’ve made the most of Book Week Scotland and everyone enjoyed cosying up in front of our (virtual) crackling fire to enjoy stories.

In writing this week we used Mighty Writer to help us to retell the story of Goldilocks. Look out for our stories on our writing jotters. In our version Goldilocks didn’t eat porridge but something else that was scrumptious! Congratulations to Abu Baker and Lloyd who were this week’s Star Writers.

Everyone is looking forward to hearing about the children’s favourite books next week and it has been lovely to read of the children’s thoughts on our school values this week in homework jotters and in online profiles.

In our topic this week we have looked at the role of the dentist in the community and thought about the skills that a dentist needs.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


Primary 3

Hi everyone

Another very busy week in Primary 3!

During Catholic Education Week which continues next week too,  Primary 3 showed great insight and maturity in their understanding of what poverty means – in terms of what you really need to survive.

We have been celebrating Book Week Scotland this week.  On Thursday we were able to ‘Bring a Book to Lunch’ on Thursday which was fun! Along with Primary 4, we were also lucky enough to attend an Author Visit event at the Lanthorn Library. We actually got to meet Badger the Mystical Muff – wow! Here are some comments:

“We love reading…” and “This was the best day ever!”

This morning it was the gifting session of our Primary 3 Bookbags as part of the Read, Write, Count nationwide initiative. Thanks so much to the parents who were able to manage along to our event. We hope it was informative as well as enjoyable for you too! The presentation powerpoint and other documents will be available via the app for you to access.

In Number, Primary 3 have begun to look at Subtraction and have really been focusing on the thinking process they use individually. To support this they have been recording their thinking on a number line – this has proven a little tricky as Primary 3 have also been challenged to create their own number lines. We have been using maths language such as to the decade, crossing the decade, multiples of ten, single digits etc. We will be continuing to build on this next week and use the context of our Enterprise topic to add/subtract money.

Next week, Primary 3 will be busy preparing for our Lollipop stall…. They will be working in teams to create the lollipop bases and make posters etc. A huge thanks to everyone who has taken the time to donate lollipops, shoe boxes and prizes – it is much appreciated!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Scott and Primary 3.

Primary 5R Weekly News

This week in Primary 5R:

In P.E. we played Swedish Long Ball and we had two teams, the fielders and the runners.

We also made some Road Safety Posters to enter for the school competition.

Using GLOW we have now finished our Spanish Power Points about our families and we shared them with the class.

We really enjoyed sharing our Number Talks strategies with our visitor this week.

As part of Catholic Education Fortnight we learned all about the lifestyle of people living in India. We discovered that many people have to make paper bags by hand in order to survive, so we all tried to make bags to see what it would be like.

We learnt how to write a newspaper report and we wrote about the people in India.

We identified different types of punctuation during reading.

In Spanish we revised how to say the date.

We started to learn about decimal numbers and fractions this week and we also learnt  how to divide by 10,100 and 1000.

Emma received the Praise Postcard today as she has worked very hard this week and contributed extremely well during our writing lesson discussions. Very well done!


By Kuba and Richard

Lead Learners


Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6 News

                              P6 weekly news


For maths this week we have been doing decimal numbers & also number talks .We are starting Financial Maths next week,  so far we have been doing addition, subtraction, multiplying and dividing using decimals. For number talks we had visitors this week, Mrs Smith and Mrs Heather. Mrs Purdie came in to tell us we had shown excellent skills and attitudes during our Number Talks.  We also had 2 children from our class to go to a maths number talks meeting also with Mrs Heather they did awesome.

In writing we have been doing an obituary writing based on John Logie Bard. We learned that John was not just an inventor but he was an engineer as well.He created the TV and also created thermal socks and also a razor that could not rust and finally soap.

In literacy we read our book The Desperate Journey.  It is about the Highland Clearances of Scotland and so far it is very good.  We also  made a prayer that we are showing to other schools at a big Assembly next week and finally we have been doing past tense.


Thanks for reading our weekly blog(:

by Adrin, Shannon, Zayah and Louise.

P4 Weekly News!

Please read about what we have been doing in Primary 4 this week!

Madison – I liked designing a poster with a road safety slogan on it.

Oma, Maeve, Ahmad, Alishba, Annayah and Ryan – We liked playing Swedish Long Ball in PE.

Ana and Alice – We liked logging on to the netbooks and using our GLOW accounts.

Zoe – I liked writing a kenning poem which uses 2 word phrases to describe something such as ‘grass-grazing’ to describe a cow.

Lennon, Marcus, Filip, Harry, Matthew, Alan and Leo – We liked going to the Lanthorn and meeting Badger from the Badger the Mystical Mutt book series.

Kayden and James – We liked going to the tennis after school club.

Angelina and Yaroslav – We liked doing a maths holistic question where we had to think about more than one thing at a time.

Wojciech, Lilly, Abdullah, Elenta and Aaron – We liked doing maths. Aaron, Abdullah and Elenta liked solving money problems and Wojciech and Lilly liked doing a maths holistic question.

Vanessa and Julia – We liked learning about Saint Francis with Mrs Howley in RE.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

Primary 5R Weekly News

Welcome back to awesome P5R. This week …


As part of our ‘Cool to be Kind Week’  in art we have created  posters with the theme ‘What RESPECT means to us’.

We started and some finished our Spanish power points using GLOW.

We discussed anti bullying and in drama we acted out some strategies to help deal with bullying and we tried  to guess the different strategies.

We all designed money posters describing the different forms of money.

We talked about advertising and we created advertisements for our Christmas Fair enterprise topic.

In Word Boost  we learnt new  words such as  ‘paced’  and  ‘jostled’.

In PE we took part in a Fitness Challenge and we also played Capture the Flag against the P5D and P5R won!

To celebrate anti bullying week  we wore odd socks  and for Children in Need  we  had a dress down  day.

Congratulations to Lennon for receiving the Praise Postcard this week. Well done!

By Carly and  Jack .

Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6 Weekly News

We had an amazing week in p6!!!

This week in p6 we have been doing maths. In maths we have been learning how to calculate decimal tower sums.

In PE we played dodgeball and we had a really good time.

Jan in our class is part of the road safety team with Ailie in p6/7. They presented a great presentation at assembly. Well done!

We designed posters for our functional writing on the true meaning of kindness.

On Wednesday and Thursday we had parent’s night in our class and we think we got some pretty good feedback.

Hannah and Adian P



Primary 4 Weekly News!

It’s been another busy week in Primary 4. Read on to find out about what we’ve been doing.

Lennon, Ahmad, Filip, Alishba, Aaron, Abdullah, Alan and Harry – We liked doing PE. We played chaos dodgeball and parachute games. The games were fun but they were hard so we needed to have a rest.

Marcus, Madison, Kayden, James and Oma – We liked designing our own tartan as part of our Scotland topic.

Maeve and Angelina – We liked researching different family tartans.

Yaroslav – I liked doing number talks. We were learning about money and we used different strategies including jumping on and tower sums.

Julia, Chloe and Zoe – We liked writing Scottish poems.

Annayah and Ava – We liked trying different Scottish food. We didn’t like the oatcakes or the salmon but we did like raspberries, cheese and fruit loaf.

Wojciech and Leo – We liked wearing odd socks and learning about choosing respect and being kind.

Ana, Elenta, Vanessa and Alice – We liked doing spelling activity cards with a partner.

Matthew and Ryan – We liked coming to parents night because we got to talk about what we were enjoying and what we needed to work on.

Lilly – I liked drawing round my hand and colouring it in with lots of different patterns to show that I am unique.

Have a good weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

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