P6 Weekly News

On Monday the first day of school after the winter holiday we were back from home to school we started off with a smart start to get our brains working. We did some other things to reintroduce our self to school.

On Thursday we did an obituary about Mary Queen of Scots and we started an art project on her as well. It was an interesting art piece because half of it was coloured and half dark.

On Friday we had a visitor that was the NSPCC and they told us the importance of calling them in an emergency.

Written by Adrin, Joshua, Jan and Mark

Happy New Year From Primary 4

We have had a great first week back to school in Primary 4. Read on to find out about what we have been doing.

Vanessa, Zoe, Ava and Ana – We liked writing about what we did during the Christmas holidays.

Matthew and Maeve – We liked making up a new year’s resolutions. Matthew’s was to tidy his room more and Maeve’s were to learn the 6 x table and do more exercise.

Marcus and Leo – We liked writing pink and green post its for vision and values week to show what we like about our school and what we would like to improve.

Oma, Madison and Yaroslav – We liked using different addition strategies to solve a number talks sum.

* Home Learning Opportunity – Try this number talks at home: How many strategies can you think of to solve 50 + 30 = ?*

Lilly, Annayah, Wojciech, James and Alishba – We liked doing PE. We started gymnastics.

Ahmad, Lennon, Alan, Harry, Aaron, Ryan and Kayden – We have started our school show and the auditions for speaking parts will be held today.

Alice – I liked learning the new P4 key spelling words.

* Home Learning Opportunity – Practice spelling the A words – about, after, again, always, am, an, another, any, ask and away.*

Filip – I enjoyed Fun 31.

Elenta – I liked doing time in maths.

Angelina – I liked doing a reading assessment with Mrs Scott.

Julia – I liked using counting on strategy to do a number talks with Miss Milne.

Chloe – I liked answering questions about what time is on the clock with Miss Milne.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Primary 2/3 Update

It is the last week of school for 2018!  What a week it has been, with so many fun activities.

Everyone had a fabulous time at our Christmas party on Tuesday and we even had  very special visit from Santa Claus.  Our dancing was amazing – we’d worked really hard to perfect our dances.

In literacy we wrote character descriptions of Santa Claus and did a great job describing him.  Look out for all the adjectives in our writing jotters.

On Tuesday we had a very special visit from Joshua’s mum who came to help us round off our Community topic by telling us all about her work at St John’s hospital.  We loved listening to Joshua’s mum and asking lots of questions!

Digital learning has been a focus in class this week as we used Microsoft Word to write ‘Merry Christmas’ then chose our own fonts, colour and size.  We even managed to record this learning using the iPads.

Our Christmas shop opened for business this week and we’ve had great fun using our numeracy skills to count money and give change.

Everyone has now updated their GIRFEC wheels and reviewed their learning for the term.  These are now on the One Note profiles and the children would love it if you could leave a comment once you’ve read them.

Another highlight of the week was a ‘Movie and Mince Pie’ afternoon where we all made our own mince pies – the pies smelt delicious!

Tomorrow is our Christmas singalong and we’re all looking forward to singing ‘Ring The Bells’l.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Primary 4 Weekly News!

Welcome to our final Primary 4 blog of 2018! Here is what we’ve been up to this week …

Leo, Madison and Lennon – We liked going to Crusader Court with the community links committee and the school choir to sing.

Alan, Harry, Marcus, Alishba, Annayah and James – We liked our Christmas party. Alan’s favourite part was playing Pass the Parcel. Annayah’s favourite part was doing Scottish dancing.

Julia, Aaron, Elenta, Kayden and Zoe – We liked watching Arthur Christmas.

Alice and Ana – We liked practising our song for the Christmas Sing-a-long. We are singing ‘Feliz Navidad’ which means Merry Christmas in Spanish.

Oma – I liked comparing Scottish artists and Spanish artists. We found out about an artist called Remedios Varo.

Maeve and Chloe – We liked watching Angela’s Christmas in RE. Angela took the baby Jesus from the crib in the church because she wanted to care for him and keep him warm. The message in this was that we should also show care and love and that Jesus is always with us.

Matthew – I liked watching The Polar Express at assembly.

Yaroslav – I liked doing Number Talks with Mrs Heather.

Lilly – I liked singing the 12 Days of Christmas. Every class gets a line to sing. We are singing ‘6 geese-a-laying’.

Filip, Ryan and Ahmad – We liked doing a drama script about baby Jesus in RE with Mrs Howley.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

Primary 2/3 Update

What a busy week it has been with 3 Nativity performances for our P2 children and then a visit to the pantomime for everyone!  Primary 2 did such a super job in the Nativity and we were all very proud of them.

We also all loved the pantomime.  It was so exciting to go on the bus, to watch the pantomime and we even got ice-cream at the interval!  On Wednesday we made posters to advertise the pantomime and remembered to include all the key information needed.

We have been busy working on our song for the Christmas sing-a-long on Friday.  Please try singing at home if you can.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

Primary 5R Weekly News

This is our news for the week:


In Art we made Christmas cards, where we stuck Christmas hats onto photographs of ourselves and then we decorated them and put them as a display on the wall.

We also went to see the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime at the Howden Centre and we all got a  free ice cream!

In P.E we did Scottish dancing and it was fun.

In Maths we are still learning about money and we used calculators to add up the amounts spent. We made up our own receipts and then we made up questions to calculate change and we gave them to each other to work out the answers. We also did multiplication and division.

In music we chose our Christmas song.

In writing we wrote a newspaper report about making soap reindeers for the Christmas fair.

We all watched each other’s presentations about famous entrepreneurs, which was really interesting.

In Smart Start we did a Christmas word boost.

And we went to see the nursery nativity.

Today is Christmas Jumper day and it was Christmas lunch on Wednesday.



Lead Learners

Katie and Pawel

Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves


Primary 6 Weekly Update

The blog

On Monday we went to the panto to see Jack and the beanstalk [version 2.0]

It was very well played and had an amazing plot  it also had a very fishy beanstalk.

After we came back from the panto we went to the nursery nativity it was very cute and nice.


On Tuesday we had a maths assessment it was tricky but some of us moved on to a harder assessment which we could score extra points for.

On Wednesday we had are Christmas lunch and it was delicious.

On Thursday since we missed P.E on Wednesday we did a sports quiz with Mr McCurdy. We also did co-ordinate reindeer it was really fun! J


Altogether it has been another great week in P6 have a great weekend and goodbye.

By Mark, Jan, Josuha abnd Adrin

Primary 4 Weekly News!

Hi everyone! Here is what we’ve been up to this week:

Angelina, Oma, Alishba and Ava – We liked doing writing. We wrote instructions for going on to our OneNote profiles on the netbooks. It was difficult but we found it fun.

Annayah, Elenta and Lilly – We liked doing Scottish dancing. We feel inspired to learn more Scottish dances.

Wojciech and Ahmad – We liked writing things which we like about ourselves on a mirror as part of learning about the GIRFEC indicator Nurtured.

Alan, Harry, Filip, Ryan, Julia, Marcus and James – We liked going to see Jack and the Beanstalk the pantomime.

Zoe, Alice, Ana and Vanessa – We liked doing maths. We were learning to tell the time using digital, analogue and written/spoken time.

Julia made us a lovely nativity scene at home this week which we have placed on our altar. Here is a photo of it.

Vanessa is leaving to go to Poland tomorrow for the Christmas holidays. She has written a message which we would like to share with everyone:

‘Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. On Christmas Day some of us open toys like cars and dolls but some people don’t. It is important that we remember everyone at Christmas. We do this to celebrate the birth of Jesus and we need to remind ourselves that this is the reason.’

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Primary 5R Weekly News

Another great week in P5R! This is what we have done…

Enterprise Topic

The class made soap reindeers for the Christmas fair this Thursday. Primary 5R and Primary 5D both made 40 reindeers per class so making a total of 80 altogether.


In P.E we started a new block of  Scottish dancing which we really enjoyed.


In maths we were learning how to add, divide, multiply and takeaway decimals.


In writing we did some peer assessment with our new Talk Partners. We looked at our last week’s work which was a ‘Ninian’s News’ report about people living in India, who survive by making paper bags.


Our homework is about an entrepreneur. We have 2 weeks to prepare a poster or a PowerPoint. Then we will present this to the class.

St Andrew’s Day

We learnt about St. Andrew’s life using a Bible to find the answers to some questions.

Well done to Richard for being awarded the Praise Postcard this week!

By Brooke and Michael

Lead Learners


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another busy week in P2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Paul – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Mark K. I loved Free Choice Friday at Smart Start.  I used ICT.

Casper – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Blake – I loved our Toy Stall at the Christmas Fayre.

Bernice – I loved the Christmas Fayre, especially when I got to see Santa.

Poppy – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Abu Bakr – I loved doing my book talk.

Mark D. I loved rehearsing for our Nativity.

Aiden I loved handwriting.

Daniel – I loved writing about firefighters in our topic work.

Rafay –  I loved writing about the dragon in Mighty Writer.

Freda –  I loved buying toys at the Christmas Fayre.

Nathan – I loved the Christmas Fayre.

Marcel – I loved PE when we were dancing.

Wiktoria – I loved learning Scottish country dances.

Rutendo – I loved Number Talks when we were using doubles and near-doubles.

Seren – I loved making signs for the Christmas Fayre.

Abby – I loved using money.

Abigail –  I loved everything!

Lloyd – I loved learning Scottish country dances.

Joshua – I loved doing my book report.

Oliver – I loved BEAR time.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

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