Primary 6 – :)

P6 blog 🙂

In Maths we have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages.  We have enjoyed this as it has been very challenging and we can understand when we might use these skills in real life.

In Literacy we were writing a summary on our new book and we did comprehension – we will be using a new comprehension tool in class, which we are really excited about as we get to self-assess and take charge of our own progression.  We also continued our new books.

In Writing we did a balanced argument for and against. We wrote it about mobile phones being compulsory. We enjoyed discussing both sides of the argument and were able to include persuasive language.

In Art we did perspective it means that you draw a creative and illusion picture that looks like it flows out of the paper.

We have been researching about the life of Mary Queen of Scots and the key events of her life that has helped to shape Scotland.

During RE we have been learning about suffering and that God helps us to get through difficult times.  Also that we can speak to people in our lives to help us if we are feeling sad or upset.



By primary 6    Peace out

P3 weekly news

This week has been a very busy week for Primary 3 as we prepare for the big show ‘A Blast from the Past’ and some of the children are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here are some of our highlights of the week!

Klaudia – I enjoyed doing sum dog in my smart start this week. I got lots of money questions right!

Esmee – This week we had our P3 class mass. I enjoyed doing a bidding prayer.

Brooke- We were learning action hymns for mass.

Sophie- We have been learning about money this week. I can give change from 20p.

James I enjoyed writing invitations for our school show. I hope you can all come to see it.

Kaitlyn- This week me Leigh and Kyle was the star writer for my Scots language Sentences from last week.

Dawid- Iam enjoying preparing for my first reconciliation . This week I learned I can go 2 different directions Ican make good  choices or bad choices. Itry my hardest to make good choices.

Ephraime-I like showing different ways of making money amounts.

Leigh- I am enjoying learning about what school was like in the past through our school show.

Lucy- I am enjoying practising for our school show . My favourite song is navy blue knickers.

Dexter- I have loved learning actions to go with the song six of the best.

Kyle- I love doing my song navy blue knickers.


Have a fantastic weekend. Stay safe and keep warm.

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

Primary 5R Weekly News

This Week in P5R we did the following…


In Maths we learned how to find fractions of a quantity and we revised how to tell the time.


In R.E. Mrs.Smith came in to watch our R.E. lesson.


We had a visitor in our class and they taught us about Robert Burns and his poems.


In P.E.  we did gymnastics and we did balances using ladders, ropes and hanging hoops.


In Word Boost we made up sentences with our words and we read our Harry Potter book.


We also had our show rehearsals and we watched a show at Dedridge Primary School called Pondlife.


We had an assembly about our new maths champions and our playground pals. Our maths champions are for people that are interested in maths and the playground pals would need to help buy all the new equipment.


By Seamus and Kuba

Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves


P3 weekly blog

This has been a very busy week for P3 as we are preparing for lots of upcoming events. We have enjoyed rehearsing for our show ‘A Blast from the Past’. Remember to practise your lines and songs at home.

Next week P3 will be going to St Phillips Church for their class mass. We have been practising our hymns and some of the children have been working on their bidding prayer. We would love if you could join us on Tuesday.

As our topic this term focuses on school in the past and how different they are from our school today, we have been doing Venn diagrams looking at objects you might find in schools in the past, present or both. We cannot believe children in the past were disciplined using a cane or belt!!!!

This week we have been celebrating Robert Burns. We learned about who he was and what he is famous for. We read some of his poems that were written in Scots.

We explored Scots language in more depth.We have created some silly sentences using Scots language and alliteration.


Riley – The doo was daft and cannae feel his bahooky.

Klaudia – The daft dug disnae daunce.

Amber – The dauncing dug is clarty.

This week in numeracy we have been working on subtraction. We have been looking at different strategies to work out calculations.


How many different strategies can you use to solve this calculation?


76 – 12


Have a super weekend


Mrs Wassell and Primary 3


Primary 6 Weekly Update

This week we wrote a discursive essay about school uniform being compulsory. We had to write a balanced argument looking at both the pros and cons. Here are some examples:

It is important to learn to dress correctly for future events your life, for example when you leave school or studying and you get a job.

On the other hand a con for keeping school uniform being compulsory it is way to expensive for the parent to pay for it every  year.

On Wednesday we went see a show at Dedridge primary school it was about these two boys that were best friends and then broke up and they never seen each other in 30 years! And they met in njjjan airport.

In maths this week we focused on simplifying fractions & the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.

In P.E we were learning how to control and make your moves fluent.

Thanks for reading our blog


P2/3 Weekly Update

What a busy week it has been in P2/3.

In Spanish we have revised our learning on numbers to 31 and have been working on saying our age to each other.  We had great fun using our language to play games and sing songs.

Everyone loved listening to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in Word Boost this week then discussing nouns,  verbs and adjectives. Our learning then too k us on to write our own stories about Jack and the Beanstalk using Mighty Writer.

We have extended our digital skills this week by using Microsoft Word to type our spelling words. We had great fun changing sizes and fonts.

In maths we have worked on addition, giving change and number sequences to 100. You can work on number sequences at home by counting in ones from different starting points such as 21, 39, 43. Remember to try and cross a decade when you’re counting.

Work has continued on our One Note profiles and it has been lovely to read of the children’s activities in the Wider Achievement section.

P2 have continued to investigate historical figures with local relevance and made fabulous fact files about St Margaret this week. Do visit our classroom to read the fact files.

Rehearsals continue for our P3-5 show and P3 are working extra hard to learn their lines and songs.

from Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie


P4 Weekly News!

Hi everyone!

It’s been another busy week in Primary 4. Read on for more information.

Alan, Alishba, Filip, Annayah, Chloe, Matthew, Ava, Lennon and Ahmad – We liked PE. We were doing rotation. We got to use the box and the rings and ropes on the frames. We also got to do handstands and forward rolls.

Aaron, Abdullah, James, Leo, Kayden and Ryan – We liked presenting our solo talks to the class.

Alice – I liked doing number talks. We have been focusing on different strategies for addition.

Wojciech – I liked doing a maths assessment on time.

Julia, Zoe, Maeve, Yaroslav, Marcus and Harry – We liked using Kapla for structured play technology. Julia built a circular frame with Zoe and also a chair. Harry and Marcus built a mansion.

Lilly and Oma – We liked doing a Literacy Carousel. We did reading, spelling, Kapla and made a PowerPoint about GIRFEC indicator of the month – Active.

Madison – I liked practicing for our P3-5 show ‘A Blast from the Past’.

Elenta – I liked using the Mighty Writer in writing. We were writing sentences about characters. We had to up-level our sentences by including adjectives and verbs.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

Primary 4 Weekly News!

This week we have been very busy in Primary 4! Read on for more information.

Lilly, Alishba and Chloe – We liked doing gymnastics in PE. We were focusing on rotation. Lilly did a one handed cartwheel and a front hand spring. Alishba and Chloe liked doing front walkovers.

Filip, Lennon, Elenta and Alan – We liked going to committees. We are in One World committee and we got to taste crackers and a sweet chilli sauce as part of learning about Chinese New Year.

Kayden and Aaron – We liked going to committees. We are in the games committee and we got to make our own board game.

Yaroslav, Ryan and Leo – We liked going to committees. We are in STEM play and we got to play with a non newtonian fluid which can also be called oobleck.

Madison and Oma – We liked doing a VCOP smart start where we had to think of 10 adjectives to describe a banana.

Maeve, Angelina and Zoe – We liked going to our committees. Maeve and Angelina are in Mini Glee and we got to sing the Toy Story song with the microphones. Zoe is in the outdoor committee and she liked playing toilet tig in the playground.

Oma, Wojciech and Abdullah – We liked going to Arts and Crafts committee. Oma made a picture of a tree with snow on it. Wojciech and Abdullah made things with clay.

Annayah, Alice, Ava, Vanessa and Ana – We liked rehearsing for the school show.

Julia and Harry – We liked playing with the Kapla as part of technology and literacy structured play.

James, Ahmad and Marcus – We liked going outside for outdoor committee. We got to play in hoops doing a Spanish colours and numbers game.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Happy New Year from Primary 2/3

Welcome back and a very Happy New Year from Primary 2/3!

It has been a really fun and busy week with lots of exciting learning.

In Maths we have been learning to give change and we have been counting coins, making different amounts of money, ordering amounts and working out change.

Everyone loved listening to our Word Boost story, The Dragon Machine, and we’ve been trying hard to use our new boost words – havoc, consult, wreck, advice, rattle and sink.

Our digital learning has focused on word processing this week and we have been experimenting with size, font and colour as we logged on then typed Happy New Year.  We were able to use our expertise to write instructions for other children on how to type using Microsoft Word.  This gave us a chance to use lots of fabulous sentence openers and amazing vocabulary.

Primary 3 took to the stage on Friday as they auditioned for parts in our forthcoming show, A Blast From The Past.  We’re all looking forward to rehearsals beginning on Tuesday.

We all thought hard about our school vision and values during Vision and Values week.  Look out for our work on our values in our learning journals.

Everyone loved learning about the weather in Spanish and in particular making Spanish fortune tellers to help us learn.

Next week we will start our home learning again so look out for the homework bags and jotters coming home on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


P5R Weekly News

This has been a great first week to start 2019! This is what we have done in amazing P5R  ….

Maths – In Maths this week we were learning some new things about Fractions.

Spanish- In Spanish we learnt how to say the weather in Spanish and the seasons.

PE – In PE with Mrs Reeves we played a game called Rock Paper Scissors Hop and with Mr Mc Curdy we did gymnastics.

Vision and Values week – we discussed the school values and then we recorded videos of people in drama scenes where they were following the values compared with similar scenes where they were not following the values.

Reading – we did a carousel and some people were reading with the teacher and some people doing Spanish handwriting.

Writing – We were writing about our New Year’s resolutions and deciding if we were able to change something we did last year what it would have been.  We were using this idea to help us make our New Year’s resolutions.

R.E – In R.E we had to act out the Magi/ the three wise men following the star to Jesus.

Art – We did a piece of art with Mrs Wassell and it was when you draw an outline of the side of your face and put ideas of things you like in it.

Show – we are practising a show called ‘A Blast From The Past’. Some people are auditioning to have a main part.


Lead Learners – J Katherine & Daniel , written by Katherine and Daniel J BYE BYE!!!

Have a great weekend from P5R and Mrs Reeves

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