What a wonderful family wellbeing week we had as our Parents came back to play and find out more about their childs experiences in nursery. For this come back and play experience we wanted to include our values. Each day the children explored what each value meant as we discussed these in a child friendly way with parents too.

Monday was LOVE, where children painted their hands and we discussed “who they love”. Some parents got in on the action too!!

Tuesday was KINDNESS day, Children were asked “what is kindness?” their voice were recorded and are on display on our values wall.

Wednesday was FRIENDSHIP where we promoted the importance of friendship and looking after each other on our Welly Wednesday Walk, and discussed who were our friends in nursery.


Thursday was HAPPINESS day, the children were to think of what made them happy and to think about feelings. Some children painted pictures of themselves “happy” and these are now in pride of place on our Values display in nursery.

There was no PEEP class on Friday, but this will be back this week coming on Friday 22/2/19.








Our P1 transition programme is beginning this month with a visit to the P1 class for World Book Day, the 28th and 29th of February. This will involve all the children listening to a story read by the P1 teacher to the children. A transition booklet and letter is to follow with all the details and dates you will need for your diary.

Hope you have all had a lovely holiday weekend!!

from the Nursery Team x

Primary 5R Weekly Update

Welcome back to another fantastic week in P5R!


PE – in PE we played Gang Rounders.  Most of the class went to a Basketball festival and we had 3 groups and each group played 6 games. Everyone really enjoyed it and St. Ninian’s did extremely well. We scored lots of goals and we were given a certificate for our school.

Maths­­- in maths we were learning about decimals and fractions – we built decimal towers with cubes and we were looking at mixed numbers, improper fractions and tenths. We also learnt about digital and analogue time and we had to convert different times to 24 hour times. We also played time bingo.

Show – we did 3 performances for our show ”A Blast from the Past” – we all enjoyed taking part, although some of us felt both excited and nervous. All the performances went really well and the audience loved it.

Writing – in writing we are writing a letter about the past like ‘A Blast from the Past’ and we are using tea bags to make the paper look old which we are going to use next week for our writing.

Reading – we did reading comprehensions and we enjoyed reading and answering the questions.

We also had visitors from Norway who came to see the school.

Well done to Emma and Jack who each received Praise Postcards for their outstanding efforts this week!

Have a great long weekend!

Written by Jack, Cameron and Kuba

Primary 5R and Mrs Reeves




P6 – happy weekend

The Weekly Blog!

Monday-On Monday we have been learning to convert 12 times to 24 hour. We also used the comprehension box and used lots of cards to solve problems that the cards gave us.

Tuesday-We finished our art, which took us a long time. The art we have done was to draw out our hands and feet and use straight lines to draw the body. We had a number talks session with Mrs Heather.

Wednesday-On Wednesday in maths we were problem solving time intervals, We also have researched places that were linked to Mary Queen Of Scots.

Thursday-Yesterday we did Maths Calculate a time Interval. We have done writing a Recount we only had 4 options to pick from A time I was scared, First day of school, Meeting my best friend and last but not least On Saturday i….

Friday – Today we learned about Sleep Scotland. We also had no internet all morning!!

Happy long weekend, from Aleksander, Kacper and Louise.

P2/3 Weekly Update

How quickly this week has flown by and super busy !

On Tuesday as part of Safer Internet Day we attended an assembly given by the Digital Learners. We followed this up in class by watching a short clip of children playing a game online, they had to make some choices and we all discussed what the safe options were and how we keep ourselves safe when online. It was also Chinese New Year and we found out that this year was the year of the pig.

We have really enjoyed having our Mighty Writer board up in class and as part of Smart start activity we got the opportunity to work collaboratively to compose a story using the board and put super openers and great conjunctions which we had as one of our success criteria in our writing.  We then read our stories to the rest of the class. In our writing lesson we wrote fabulous wintery poems using lots of exciting adjectives.

In Numeracy we looked at quarter past and quarter to the hour and started to work on subtraction. In number talks we looked at different strategies to work out how we reached the total.

Our wordboost book this week was Mr Beast Charlie and Dad go Monster Mad and our words were delay, pleasure, lug, lurk, satisfy and yank.

P2 continued to work on their People of the Past topic and learned about St John who has the local hospital named after him. They have written invitations to their P3 classmates to their showcase this week where they will share their learning.

P3 have been working so hard this week on their show A Blast from the Past and performed their dress rehearsal today. They are so excited to perform on Tuesday and Wednesday in front of families and friends. You are in for a treat!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


P5R Weekly Update

Amazing P5R!


We have had a very good week in P5R.


In PE we were doing gymnastics with the P6 class. We were using balances, flight and rotations. We were also playing on the monkey bars, slides and the beam. We were controlling balances using our core and body tension.


We have done two dress rehearsals this week. We were all very excited but nervous.


Someone came into our school to do mindfulness with us. We all felt calm.


Our new topic is France and we wrote down what we knew and what we want to know. We will start the France topic soon.


We have started a new reading comprehension box. Everyone had a lot of fun. We read a card and then answered questions.


In Writing we started to plan a letter to do with our show.


In Maths we made a fraction and decimal number line and we played decimal Bingo. This was really fun we also did Number Talks.

Our Maths Champs are Carly and Niamh. Our Playground pals are Brooke, Alexis and Emma.

Four people got chosen to talk about their jotters with Mrs Roy. The people who were chosen were Kate, Cameron C, Orla and Michael.

For a wee while we have another teacher in our class Called Miss Sommerville. She has come to see what we learn.



  • Emma, Brooke and Carly

Have a great weekend!

P5R, Mrs Reeves and Miss Sommerville

P6 Weekly News

P6 blog

In maths this week we completed an end of unit assessment in fractions, decimals and percentages.

We also did a fun maths challenge pretending that we were apprentices. We were set a challenge by Mrs Sugar aka Mrs Kerr which allowed us to use our knowledge of calculating percentages in real life situations.

In this weeks writing we wrote a recount about a personal experience.

In PE we done some more gymnastics using two skills control and fluency we also brought out special equipment to practice advanced skills.

Today we had to watch the primary 3-5 show and it was about the blast from the past it. There were lots of great songs and it was really funny.

That is the end of our weekly blog stay tuned for next week.

Bye 🙂

P4 Weekly News!

This week in P4 it has been one of our busiest weeks ever!! Here are some comments from us:

Elenta and Chloe – We liked doing a wordsearch in RE.

Maeve, Kayden, Madison, Marcus, Alishba, Ryan, Lilly, Ava and Leo –We liked practising for the show.

Filip, Alan, Harry, Abdullah, James, Aaron and Lennon – We liked doing PE.

Wojciech, Yaroslav and Zoe – We liked doing Mindfulness with Aly.

Angelina and Julia – We liked doing the dress rehearsal for the whole school.

Alice, Oma, Vanessa, Ana and Ahmad – We liked using the app ‘Paint’ to do artwork using the netbooks.

Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂

P3 Weekly News

We are feeling very excited and very tired in preparation for the big show next week. We have had a very busy week in Primary 3. Here are some of our highlights!

Brooke – I enjoyed doing the show in front of the whole school.

Dawid – I enjoyed Mrs Smiths assembly because we got an extra treat and got to watch ‘Sing’.

Klaudia – I enjoyed rehearsing lots this  week for the show.

Kyle – I liked singing the songs from the show.

James – I really liked the word boost story this week “Elliot the midnight superhero”.

Hayley – I loved doing gymnastics on the apparatus this week. My favourite was the monkey bars.

Esmee – My favourite thing in PE this week was doing handstands.

Amber – I liked the monkey bars too.

Lucy – I liked going upside down swinging on the bars.

Sophia – I learned how to give change from £1.

Riley – I have enjoyed listening to many stories in the bible during reconciliation preparation.

Ephraim – In numeracy this week, I enjoyed learning how to make arrays to help me with my times tables.

Klaudia – I like learning new strategies to use when adding coins during number talks.

Lucy – I enjoyed working with Mrs Heather to help learn new strategies in number talks.

Leigha – I am feeling confident about performing the show for our parents next week.

Mackenzie – I feel ready for the show.

Amber – I am excited to perform on the stage in front of the parents and families.

Kyle – We are all feeling happy for the show coming up!

Riley – This week in writing, we wrote an invitation to our families to invite them to ‘A Blast from the Past’. I was chosen to be one of the star writers because my invitation had a fantastic layout and I used adventurous vocabulary like exquisite.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Conway and Primary 3

P2/3 Weekly Update

The final week in January has been a busy one in Primary 2/3.

P2 have continued their investigations into people in the past with local significance and investigated James Young this week.  Look our for the fabulous fact files which they have produced!

P3 have continued with rehearsals for their show and it is looking great.  The show promises to be fantastic!

Everyone is looking forward to Safer Internet Day next week.  There are lots of great resources for parents at .

This week has seen the start of our time topic in maths.  We began by looking at the seasons of the year then the months of the year.  Everyone loved learning the months of the year through this song.

We also had fun sequencing the months of the year by playing this game.

Now that we’re all confident with the seasons and the months we have moved on to telling the time to o’clock and half past – quarter to and quarter past will follow this week.  We found this website useful to help us work on these times.

In reading we had the opportunity to reflect on our recent reading.  Everyone chose their favourite character from their reading book and drew their character then explained why they liked that character best.  It was great to see so many amazing adjectives in this writing.

Everyone was so excited to arrive in school on Friday and to see that our Mighty Writer board had been mounted on the wall so we can use it as much as we wish!

We had a fabulous discussion about feedback on our learning this morning.  23 of the 24 children decided that they liked spoken feedback rather than written feedback on their work so we’re trying to build more time for  this into our classroom.  We’ve explored Glow this week and tried recording feedback on our OneNote profiles- look out for more of this over the next few weeks.

Have a lovely weekend!

from Mrs Keegan and Mrs Caskie

Primary 5R Weekly Update

Here is a summary of all the activities we have been doing this week:

In PE we did gymnastics and we had equipment and we were using our core to stay in balances.

In Maths we were learning to tell the time on analogue clocks and on the work sheet we were writing the time in digital clocks then we self-assessed.


Afterwards we did a literacy carousel and in the carousel we did vocabulary cards, spelling patterns, practised our spelling words then we updated our goals on glow.


After that we practised our song words for our show ‘Blast from the Past’ and don’t forget to buy your tickets for the show if you haven’t yet done so and you want to come to see it!


On Tuesday the first thing we did was to finish off our carousel.  After break we did some fractions and we used the cubes to make towers and mixed numbers. After lunch for the rest of the day we practised our show.


For Wednesday in the morning we did an acrostic poem with Miss Somerville and then in PE we did gymnastics again and we were using muscle tension.


After break we went to RE with Mrs Howley and we learned how Jesus is fully man and fully God and the word for it is Divine.


After RE we did drama about 2 boys, one called Simon and one called Martin.  They were the main characters and the story was based around friendship.


For Smart Start on Thursday we finished off our Credit Union posters for the Credit Union competition.


Then we did music. In music we practised our show song with Mrs Smith and we got rated for the songs. We got mostly tens and a couple 9 and a couple 9 ½.


After break we worked with our Talk Partners, completing a planning mountain about Martin and Simon. Then we started writing the actual story about them.

After lunch we finished our writing about Martin and Simon.

Today we completed our Spelling tests and then we had another show rehearsal.


Written by this week’s Lead Learners

Maya and Lennon


Have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves






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