Primary 2/3 update

This week we had a lovely visit from Arch Bishop Leo Cushley.

On Tuesday we investigated Shrove Tuesday traditions and sampled some pancakes.  This led us to write imaginative stories about a runaway pancake on Wednesday.  We also  took part in our  Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent. We have spoken about our Lenten promises.

We celebrated World Book Day and had a super DEAR (drop everything and read).  We also listened to one of our favourite authors, Alex T. Smith, speak about how he finds inspiration for his writing and then visited ‘Story Detective Stations’ to create our own stories.  The stories we created were fantastic!  There was much excitement as Mirren and Abby headed off to Waterstone’s to choose some new books for our class library and our new books have been much in demand.

Karen from RHET visited us on Friday and helped us to plant potatoes as part of our Science topic.  We’ve entered a competition with other schools to see who can grow the heaviest crop of potatoes – but we’re most excited about eating our potatoes.

Another highlight on Friday was our story massage session when Mrs Stewart and Mrs McCabe taught us how to use massage.  We all agreed that it helped us to feel peaceful and calm.

Our work in writing this week has focused on recounts and we’re developing our skills in using nouns, past tense verbs and time and sequence words.  Look our for our recounts next week.

In maths we’ve been working on subtraction and multiplication. P2 developed their digital skills during maths when they made videos to demonstrate how we use arrays to solve multiplication problems.

Have a great weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P2/3

1 Plus 2 Spanish Boost Words

We are currently practising and embedding the following Spanish phrases throughout the School:


What colour tray would you like today?

¿Qué color de bandeja te gustaría hoy?


I would like a green/red/blue/grey tray please.


Me gustaría una bandeja verde / roja / azul / gris por favor.


Don’t forget to keep practising them at home too!


Katie Pawel

1plus2 Language Ambassadors.





Primary 5R Weekly News

This week we have been very busy as usual.

Reading –Well done to Cameron C and Kate who went to Waterstones to get 4 books for the class. The books they chose were: Bad Dad by David Walliams, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, Warrior Cats: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter and Epic Adventures by Tom Gates and Liz Pichon. We can’t wait to read them!

Health and Wellbeing – It was our last week for Bike Ability with our instructor Nic. We were all presented with certificates and badges.

PE – On Monday we were practicing our dribbling in basketball and on Wednesday we were playing football but we couldn’t communicate.


Writing – For writing we were doing a recount about our show that we did in February called… “A Blast from the Past!!!” and we had to use lots of past tense verbs. We had to write in paragraphs and   we had to do a title, orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.


Assembly – In assembly we were talking about being resilient. We were talking about a little orange figure called Skipper and how he went through ups and downs in his life. Later in class we discussed how Skipper’s emotions could change throughout a day.


By Kate, Niamh and Cameron C.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R



P3 Weekly News


Wow! What a busy week in St Ninian’s this week. We have got lots of learning and events to share with you.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed doing kick start today reflecting on all my learning over the last week and using the teachers comments to improve my work.

Esmee – I loved going to Waterstones with Adam to choose some new books for our clas. We even had a hot chocolate in the café.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed learning how to do story massage. It was very relaxing.

Dawid – I am enjoying preparing for my reconciliation.

Adam – I loved going to Waterstones with Esmee. I chose ‘Fing’ because I really like the author David Walliams.

Brooke – I liked PE this week playing football.

Lucy – This week I was chosen to get hot chocolate as a reward for my great attitude in class. It was fun!

Sophie – I liked writing this week. We wrote a Haiku poem about ‘Living Things’. We learned that a Haiku poem has 3 lines.

Klaudia – I liked clapping the syllables for words to help write my Haiku poem.

Leigha – In Science this week we learned all about food chains. One of the food chains we learned was leaf – caterpillar – mouse – owl.

Kerr – This week the Arch Bishop visited our School. We were allowed to ask him some sensible questions and some cheeky questions. Jarred asked him what age was he?

Amber – I liked having the role of messenger in the class this week.

Stefan – On Thursday it was World Book Day. We celebrated in class this week by making some new bookmarks for our books from the library and doing DEAR time. #

Riley – In Maths this week we have been learning multiplication. We have been challenging ourselves to learn the 3 and 4 times table.

James – We have been learning about the structure of a recount and the language features. I know that a recount uses past tense verbs because a recount is writing about something that has already happened.

We hope you have a great weekend and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Stay, Play and be well on Tuesday.

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Conway and P3


P4 Weekly News!

This week has been a very busy week for us. Read on for more information.

Alan, Harry, Wojciech, Abdullah, Leo, James, Julia and Ava – We liked making a book mark on World Book Day.

Madison, Kayden and Oma – We liked doing PE. We were playing football outside and inside.

Aaron, Ahmad, Yarsolav, Marcus, Chloe, Matthew, Annayah, Vanessa, Ryan and Lennon – We liked playing football. We liked winning and we had to work as a team and try to not fall out and play together.

Alice, Maeve, Ana and Alishba – We liked doing Mindfulness with Aly. We had a go at story massage. We also liked playing Russian Longball.

Ahmad and Oma – We liked going to Waterstones on World Book Day to pick some new books for our class.

Elenta and Vanessa – We liked doing writing on World Book Day. We liked drawing pictures which were in the story.

Zoe – I liked doing the writing assessment online.

Lilly – I liked working with Mrs Currie on maths. We did the 5 x table using dot patterns and playdough.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Sleep Scotland: Sound Sleep

Good morning everyone,

I recently was lucky enough to attend the Sleep Scotland Sound Sleep training and I was very excited to come back and share this with the St Ninian’s Family. As a school, Health and Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do and we have been learning all about the importance of sleep and its impact on our daily lives. I have attached a copy of the presentation for Primary parents and Nursery parents with additional notes for you to have a read over. The children from P1-P7 will  be participating in a series of lessons in class to  highlight the importance of sleep to them and also how it affects their learning.

Please contact me if you have any questions and I will upload different pieces of information over the coming weeks to support bedtime routines, how to get a good nights sleep and also checklists to support your child with this.

Many thanks,

Mrs Docherty


Nursery Parent Presentation with notes

P3 Weekly News


Myles – “I enjoyed making fair trade cake”

James – “I enjoyed starting our Science topic learning about living things.”

Sophie – “I liked using paints to make a seasons picture.”

Amber – “I have liked learning about time. I can tell the times quarter past, quarter to, half past and o’clock.”

Brooke – “I enjoyed making krispie cakes. They were delicious.”

Kaitlyn – “I enjoyed learning all about analogue time.”

Leigha – “I enjoyed learning multiplication. I liked playing the times table games on sumdog.”

Mackenzie – “I liked designing a poster about the characteristics of living things.”

Kyle – “In writing this week we wrote a bedtime story for the children in the nursery. I liked reading my story to the children in the nursery.”

Kerr – “I liked learning about multiplication using arrays. I like playing buzz to help me learn my times tables.”

Riley – “I really learning science. I can’t wait to do some experiments.”

Dexter – “I loved writing a bedtime story for the nursery. I read my story to some children in the nursery.”

Kayla – “I liked cooking this week. I made a krispie cake with milk chocolate. I loved liking the spoon and bowl at the end.”

Jarred – “In Spanish we made Spanish celebration cakes. They were amazing!”

Adam – “We got to write our ages in icing on our cakes.”

Sahara – “I have liked playing with the fairy dolls this week.”

Hayley – “I liked playing the pac man game in PE.”

Klaudia – “I liked learning all about living and non-living things in Science.”

Stefan – “I have enjoyed learning new vocabulary in word boost.”

Esmee – “I liked playing football in PE.”


Have a great weekend


P5R Weekly News

Welcome back to another fantastic week in P5R!


PE: We played football on Wednesday and basketball on Monday. We all enjoyed it.

RE: We did RE with Mrs Howley on Wednesday. We made posters about sin, friendship, repentance, and reconciliation.

Bike ability:  In bike ability most of us went out with Nicky, our instructor. We had a slow race.and it was fun!

Reading: We did a reading comprehension where we had to read a couple paragraphs and answer questions.

Maths: We learnt about the temperature of places around the world. We also played a negative number game.

Topic: We wrote about the artist Henri Matisse and made paper collages inspired by his work.

World Book Day: Cameron and Kate will be going to Waterstones to pick two books for our class.

By Brooke and Michael , Lead Learners

Hope you have a great weekend!

P5R and Mrs Reeves

P4 Weekly News!

Aaron, Harry, Ryan, Ahmad, Filip, Abdullah, Alan, Kayden, Wojciech and Lennon – We enjoyed doing football for PE with Mr McCurdy. When we were playing we had the experience of goalkeeping or being an outfield player. When you were watching you could steal some ideas from other people.

Yaroslav – I liked doing Number Talks. I like learning how to get better at subtraction. I can get my answer straight away now.

Matthew, Annayah, Filip, Angelina, Oma, Madison, Alishba and Marcus – We liked playing Russian Longball. 1 person had to roll the ball to someone who would kick it then the team would run to the other wall and back. The opposite team had to get the ball and like dodgeball they would throw the ball towards our legs to try and get us out.

Maeve, Chloe, Leo, Alishba and Annayah – We liked going to the P4 Cluster Assembly about Fairtrade. It was really fun and we got to learn some more facts about Fairtrade and how it helps. We didn’t know that gold was a Fairtrade product and we also liked hearing some Fairtrade songs from other classes. Chloe liked holding up the A for our acrostic poem which read FAIRTRADE.


Julia – I liked setting new goals to work harder. One of my new goals is to read more.

Lilly and Ava – We liked working with Mrs Currie for maths. We used play dough to make an array with dots. Lilly remembers that 4 x 5 = 20.

Vanessa and Angelina – We liked doing maths work with cylinders, spheres, triangular prisms and pyramids. These are 3D objects.

Alice, Ana and Zoe – We liked doing the reading SNSA which was an online assessment. We also liked going to Mindfulness.

Angelina and Oma – We liked creating a superhero to help us with the GIRFEC indicator Respected. Our superheroes powers were: a lasso which took away any fears and bully support.

Have a great weekend everyone!

P4 and Miss Ford 🙂


Friday again!! where do the weeks go when you’re having fun? Busy busy again this week, in with the new and out with the old as we took delivery of new furniture. The children had great fun playing in the boxes !! Welly Wednesday was wonderful as we looked around the environment for different things. We saw snow drops, crocus and a birds nest. In the afternoon we counted the ducks and climbed a fallen tree. All experiences to promote curiosity, investigation and life skills. 3 birthdays were celebrated this week, the children get to make their own cake and celebrate with their friends as we sing Happy Birthday to them. Friday has been so mild!! a little taste of Spring in the air, we were out in our garden and had story in the shed to finish off the week.



TUESDAY – Mrs Docherty will be in the nursery to speak to parents at 10.45 and 12.00 about Sleep and the benefits of a good bedtime routine.




Have a fantastic weekend everybody!! from the nursery team xx


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