P5R Weekly News

We have all worked hard this week. Here are some of our highlights:


Topic: P5R were learning to  play French games outside . We learnt how to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ using French numbers . We learnt it because our topic is France.

Writing: In writing we have been looking at a story called ‘The Apple Orchard’. It  is a recount so we used all the information we have learnt about writing a recount. We got to write about whatever we wanted, for example – our holidays, our weekend or anything else.

P.E.: In P.E. we played Football and we had a tournament to see who the champions were.  Fourth: dark blues,  third: yellows, second: greens and first: :light blues. We also played mini  basketball with Mrs Reeves.

R.E : In R.E. we were learning about St. Joseph. He was a carpenter and we did a crossword about him.

PM Writing : We did a video about recounts for Mrs Purdie including everything we needed to remember.

Maths: We were learning about hundredths and looking at the labels on bottles and packets to see if we could find any examples of hundredths on the labels.


Written by our Lead Learners: Kate and Daniel!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




P4 Weekly News!

Zoe, Ana and Julia – We enjoyed playing Swedish Longball in PE. We liked that it was one person at a time who had to run.

Vanessa and Alishba – We liked doing writing. It was about the story of the 3 Little Pigs but from the wolf’s side.

Elenta – I liked doing 2 and 3 x table work in maths.

Madison and Oma – We liked doing SumDog on the iPads and netbooks.

Lilly and Ava – We liked working with Mrs Currie. Lilly did a picture of arrays to give to her to show my learning – I learned 7 x 9 = 63. Ava got every array correct!

Filip and Abdullah – We liked doing football. Filip accidently hurt his hand which wasn’t so good but he still had fun!

Annayah and Chloe – We liked doing litter picking in the playground.

Ahmad, James, Harry, Matthew, Ryan and Annayah – We made a song up about litter picking.

Harry, Yaroslav and Wojciech – We liked writing a prayer in RE with Mrs Howley. We were also learning about Saint Joseph.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

P3 Weekly News

Here are some of our weekly highlights;

Sophie – I have enjoyed learning new strategies in number talks this week.

Adam – I enjoyed writing a recount this week in writing about our visit to the library.

Ephraim – This week Mrs Wassell brought in new construction for Fun 31! I love it. I have been making different robots.

Kyle – I like sharing my strategies in number talks.

Brooke – In PE I enjoyed doing running.

Hayley – I liked running too and racing the boys.

Sahara – I enjoyed PE doing running too.

Esmee – This week in maths we have been learning about time durations. It is challenging but I like to be challenged.

Dexter – I love Maths. I have enjoyed time and division this week.

Kerr – I enjoyed been challenged this week with time duration.

Riley – In science this week we learned about renewable and non-renewable energy. We learning about wind power and made our own wind turbines.

Jarred – I like doing division in maths. I can use my knowledge of the times tables to help me.

Amber – In Science I learned that powder doesn’t freeze but liquids do.


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Conway and P3

This week in P2/3

Here are some of our highlights from another busy week in P2/3.

Stay, Play and Be Well was a great success on Tuesday and it was lovely to have so many parents join us and share our learning.

In literacy we have focused on writing recounts with our new resource, PM Writing. Look out for our fabulous recounts in our writing jotters.

We had a lovely surprise this week when our new playroom opened for action. Everyone has had such a great time exploring all of the new activities.

In Spanish we have continued to learn weather phrases as well as learning our phrase of the fortnight. The children have taken the lead in next week’s learning and planned games to help them say the phrases now that they are able to listen to the phrases.

We were delighted to welcome Father on Wednesday as he helped us to prepare for Reconciliation.

Reading has been another highlight this week and everyone loved BEAR time when we read with out bears. We’re also reading a novel by ‘Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies’ by Pamela Butchart which is making us all giggle.

In maths we have been using arrays to help us multiply and everyone agreed that their favourite way to create an array was to use Cheerios.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

Primary 6 Weekly News

 This week we met our buddies and it was very exciting. We are looking forward to having this big responsibility.

All thanks to Mr,McCurdy in PE we had an option of Football, Basketball or Heady handball. This was great fun!

We are also very proud of some of our classmates as they participated in a Glee competition at Howden Parks Centre.  Well done girls!

We had PM writing and it was great and fun learning. We have book for the PM writing it was the ‘The Apple Orchard’. We are using this text to build on our knowledge of nouns, pronouns, verbs and past tense verbs. This is helping us to develop our writing skills and writing a recount.

For our Writing we wrote about being Nursery Buddies in PE. We have the chance to do this every Thursday and we really enjoy it. Please check out twitter to see us in action.

We have been working hard practicing for the ‘The Gospel Show’.  It is very fun to do and it’s exciting to see how it is all coming together.

This week was fun and exciting!

Written by Aidan P, Vanesa and Kacper

P5R Weekly News

Here is the news from P5R for this week:

Some of the girls in P5R went to the Glee competition last night and they came 2nd  place! They all really enjoyed it and they all received a medal for their hard work and great achievement.

We all took part to complete some scientific research about an explorer of our choice. We used the internet and made notes and then we presented our notes.  Some people chose to do a Power Point but most people chose to do a SWAY.

We continued to learn about  PM Writing, looking at past tense verbs, nouns and time and sequence words.

We also went to the library and chose some new books.

In reading we learned about an apple orchard.

For PE we played football and some people wanted to play inside and some out.

We learnt about St Patrick’s Day in R.E.

On Tuesday we had a Stay, Play and Be Well morning. There were four different workshops:

Mindfulness:  We learnt how to make a glitter bottle.

Online Safety: We answered questions sheets using a website and completed a word search.

Sleep Scotland: We learnt how to sleep and what to avoid in order to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Resilience: We worked in groups to design a poster about being resilient.

We also made aeroplanes and helicopters in Science. We had a competition to determine how far all of our planes could travel. Seamus managed to throw his for the longest distance – 10.06 metres!

This blog is from Katie & Pawel.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




P3 Weekly News

Primary 3 have had a fantastic week filled with lots of learning and fun. Here are some of our highlights

This week  in numeracy we have been developing our knowledge of the 3 and 4 times table. We love playing games to help us learn the times tables. Some of our favourite games are Buzz and Multiplication bumps. We have been learning about arrays to help us with multiplication. We used our knowledge of arrays to create array art.

In maths we  been learning how to convert analogue time into digital time.

We have been using a new writing scheme to help us to write a recount. This week we wrote our own recount about our morning routine. We have been learning about the structure of a recount and some time and sequence words to help us write our morning routine in order. (e.g. first, next, then, soon afterwards and finally.)

We enjoy learning about new spelling patterns in fun and creative ways. One of our favourites is tennis spelling.

We have been developing our reading skills and our understanding of texts by answering literal,  inferential and evaluative questions about our reading books. We have also been enjoying reading for pleasure with our new reading books from the library and the books Adam and Esmee chose from Waterstones last week. As a class we have chosen to read David Walliams new book ‘Fing’. We think it is fantastic.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning all about the characteristics of living things. This week we explored our outdoor area to find as many living things as possible. We found some really interesting living things like centipedes, woodlouse, caterpillars, stick insects, beetles, daffodils and lavender. We couldn’t believe how many living things are all around us.

On Tuesday we really enjoyed welcoming our parents to our class for ‘Stay, Play and Be Well’. It was a lovely afternoon sharing lots of our learning with our parents. We did some role on the wall to explore some body sensations and behaviours, we designed a boat for skipper to help us on our river of life, we had discussions about the challenges that we have faced and might face when on our river of life, we wrote letters to Skipper to ask him some questions about how he manages his emotions during difficult times and we did some story massage with ‘The Gruffalo’.

This week we had a lovely surprise. We have a brand new playroom to help us develop our creativity and imagination. There are lots of different activities and resources for us to play with.

Ask us all about it at home!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Conway and P3.


P4 Weekly News!

Matthew, Abdullah, Yaroslav and Ahmad – We liked doing football. We were playing a competitive match outside.

Alishba, Oma and Maeve – We liked Stay, Play and be well. We also liked doing the Numeracy SNSA assessment and PE.

Chloe, Kayden and Annayah – We liked playing Russian Longball. We are moving on to Swedish Longball next week which will be a bit more challenging.

Wojciech, Harry, Marcus, Ryan, James and Alan – We liked Stay, Play and Be Well. We liked doing mindfulness colouring and presenting a PowerPoint which we made for our parents.

Leo, Ava, Aaron and Lennon – We liked going to Mindfulness with Aly. We did story massage.

Angelina – I liked watching the Glee club performing.

Zoe and Julia – We liked doing the Numeracy SNSA.

Lilly – I liked doing Number Talks. We had to share our subtraction strategies. I also liked working with Mrs Currie. We were making arrays and groups. An example is 5 x 6.

Ana and Alice – We liked doing a drama about internet safety.

Madison – I liked playing SumDog on the iPad.

Vanessa and Angelina – We liked doing writing. We wrote a recount which is report about Stay, Play and Be Well.

Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂

Maths Champs – Quick Maths Ideas

As part of our job as Maths champs we have been discussing how we can inspire you all to do maths and numeracy practise that is easy and fun here are some ideas;

Play Around The World – One person in a group asks numeracy questions,  and then two others face each other and the first to answer moves onto the next person and they try to keep answering first.

Numeracy C-H-A-M-P-S – to play this one person is asking everyone in turn a numeracy question if you get it wrong then you collect the first letter in the word CHAMPS, if you get second question wrong you collect the next letter and so on and the first person to collect all the letters is out the game and the game starts again.

Maths Splat – This is like Around The World but you have to say splat before you answer otherwise you are out.

Lego/play dough numbers – Make the number given to you in lego or play dough.

Exterminator – A group spread out and then the teacher asks numeracy questions (1 step for an easy and 4 steps for a difficult) if you get your question right you move that number of steps and try to tig someone out the game.

Happy counting.


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