P5R Weekly News

Welcome back to another fantastic P5R blog!!!!

Maths – For maths we went outside in the snow and used our devices as compasses. We all had to face different directions such as: north, south, west, east, south west, south east, north west and north east.

Topic – For our topic France we watched a tutorial on YouTube of how to draw an Eiffel Tower. We all really enjoyed drawing them and they all turned out amazing. We also used French dictionaries to locate different French words and we made a poster and shared them with the rest of the class.

P.E – For P.E we were inside our classroom doing 5 rounds of workout with Miss Ford.

Mindfulness – For mindfulness we drew posters about how much we liked/did not like mindfulness.

On Tuesday we watched the P6 – P7 dress rehearsal for their show called The Gospel Show. We loved it!

Today we linked up with P2/3 as a team link. We watched them read their stories to us on the Smartboard and then we were able to give them feedback. It was good fun!

Well done to Cameron F for being nominated for the Praise postcard this week.



By Cameron C. , Cameron F. , Daniel, Orla & Brooke JJ.


Happy Easter!

Mrs Reeves amd P5R



P4 Weekly News!

It has been a busy final week of term in Primary 4. Read on for more information!

Harry, Wojciech, James, Alice, Maeve, Alan, Alishba, Oma, Annayah, Chloe, Aaron, Lennon, Filip and Leo – We enjoyed making an Easter Egg card in Art.

Matthew, Lilly and Ryan – We liked playing Swedish Longball in PE.

Kayden – I liked doing work on the 6 x table.

Zoe and Julia – We liked watching P6 and P7 performing The Gospel Show.

Angelina, Ana Madison and Vanessa – We liked doing writing. We did a recount about the story The Day the Crayons Quit.

Ava – I liked going to Mindfulness with Aly.

Elenta – I liked learning the 6, 7, 8 and 9 x table.

Have a very happy Easter and a great break 🙂


1+2 Spanish Word Boost

Here are the recent Spanish phrases we have all been learning  in class:


Can I have a pencil please?

 ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?


Can I go to the toilet please?

¿Puedo ir al servicio por favor?


I’m having a packed lunch today.

 Yo tengo lonchera hoy. 


Can I get a drink of water please?

 ¿Puedo tomar agua por favor?


Keep practising!

Mrs Reeves and the 1+2 Language Ambassadors

P3 Weekly News

We cannot believe Term 3 is nearly over! Time flies when you are having fun!

It has been a very busy week for Primary week. Here are some of the highlights;

In Maths this week we have been learning about division with remainders. We have learned how to work out division calculations using the standard method. This has been a big challenge for us but in Primary 3 we love a challenge! Here is a video to help us.

On Monday the SPL cup came to St Ninians with Lomond the Lion during our ‘Supermovers’ assembly. We loved learning to count and dance with Lomond.

Check out Twitter to see some pictures!

We enjoyed playing football this week out in the playground for PE. We had a mini tournament allowing us to play different teams in our class. He have been developing our ball skills over the last few weeks and was great to see us apply these skills when playing a game.

We also got to take part in the Tennis festival at James Young on Thursday. It was a fantastic afternoon and we all enjoyed meeting boys and girls from different schools. We got to play some games using tennis rackets and balls to help develop our skills. We had a ball!

In writing this week we continued to develop our skills for writing a recount. We read the true story of Grace Darling and wrote a recount of the story. We know that a recount should have an orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.

Tomorrow some of the children in Primary 3 will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They have been preparing very hard for this special day. Please keep all of the children in your thoughts and prayers as they embark on this journey.


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

P3 Weekly News

We cannot believe Term 3 is nearly over! Time flies when you are having fun!

It has been a very busy week for Primary week. Here are some of the highlights;

In Maths this week we have been learning about division with remainders. We have learned how to work out division calculations using the standard method. This has been a big challenge for us but in Primary 3 we love a challenge! Here is a video to help us.

On Monday the SPL cup came to St Ninians with Lomond the Lion during our ‘Supermovers’ assembly. We loved learning to count and dance with Lomond.

Check out Twitter to see some pictures!

We enjoyed playing football this week out in the playground for PE. We had a mini tournament allowing us to play different teams in our class. He have been developing our ball skills over the last few weeks and was great to see us apply these skills when playing a game.

We also got to take part in the Tennis festival at James Young on Thursday. It was a fantastic afternoon and we all enjoyed meeting boys and girls from different schools. We got to play some games using tennis rackets and balls to help develop our skills. We had a ball!

In writing this week we continued to develop our skills for writing a recount. We read the true story of Grace Darling and wrote a recount of the story. We know that a recount should have an orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.

Tomorrow some of the children in Primary 3 will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They have been preparing very hard for this special day. Please keep all of the children in your thoughts and prayers as they embark on this journey.


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3


Plastic Bottles!!

This week Mrs Purdie asked some people to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Simpson and we were seeing how many plastic bottles we waste every week. Paige, Lewis, Maxx, Louise and Sarah gave up their lunch time to help our school cut down on plastic.

So when we did this job we were all in different places around our lunch hall to collect used water bottles. Half of us were up at the sink and half was at the bins.  Then just before the bell went we all gathered up and counted the bottles. We wrote down the amount of wasted plastic bottles on a chart.

When people gave us their used water bottles we emptied out the excess water then put the bottles around the sink. We then counted them and wrote down how many we collected.

We worked out that per year we use roughly 16,800 plastic bottles!! This shocked us and we would like to do something about it. Our plan is to reduce the amount of plastic bottles we are using and make sure that any we do use are recycled responsibly. Our plan is to use jugs of water and cups at lunchtime.

We hope that other schools will do this too and together we can all help reduce plastic waste.

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we  had so much fun with all the teachers learning.

We completed our comprehension on Monday and our class had a lots of fun .

We did a maths assessment, it was a bit hard but we finished it all.

We also completed our writing assessment which was a recount.

For PE we played heady Handball with Miss Ford.

We did a talking and listening assessment.

After lunch on Thursday we helped nursery in PE.

Today  we had our Gospel Show Dress Rehearsal. It was nice to see everyone’s costumes.

Have a lovely weekend!

Written by Vanesa and Aleks


Primary 5R Weekly News

Welcome to the P5R blog….


Maths: In maths we were learning to try different strategies to calculate multiplication sums.

PE: In PE we did some football with Miss Ford on the field. We learnt how to dribble the ball and then we were split into our houses and we played mini games. We also ran around the track as a warm up and later we played King of the Ring.

Writing: In writing we redrafted our recount where we had to improve it by adding better vocabulary such as adjectives and conjunctions. We also edited it by checking our spelling and punctuation.

Assembly: In assembly we had a picture taken with the Scottish cup which is held right now by Celtic Football Club and also a picture with the mascot.

Health & Wellbeing: For health and wellbeing we talked about feelings.  We made a feelings ruler on a scale of 1 to 10 and we were asked challenge questions and we would place ourselves on the ruler depending on how we felt about that thing. We found out that people have different opinions and feelings about different things.

Art: We started to draw the Eiffel Tower as part of our France topic.


Science: We were learning about water this week. We discussed where it comes from and why we need it.  We made water information posters in groups and we presented them to the class.


Well done to Orla and Daniel for achieving Praise Postcards this week.



Written by Cameron F and Cameron C

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R



P4 Weekly News

Lennon, Filip, Kayden, Ahmad, Aaron and Leo – We enjoyed doing football for PE. We liked playing King of the Ring.

Lilly, Annayah, Ryan, Ahmad, Matthew, Alishba and Maeve – Lilly liked building a castle with Annayah, Julia and Mrs Wassell. Maeve liked making a castle with Ava, Oma, Ryan, Ahmad and James. Maeve made a cannon by herself! Alishba liked building a castle with Chloe and Zoe. Matthew and Aaron liked working together to build a castle.

Harry, Zoe and Chloe – We liked doing writing. We were writing about Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.

Abdullah and Elenta – We liked doing Maths. We have been doing the 3,4, 5, 6 and 10 x tables.

Angelina – I liked making a PowerPoint and poster about Balmoral Castle with Vanessa and Alice.

Madison and Ana – We liked playing Swedish Longball in PE.

Wojciech and James – We liked learning about magnets with Mrs Wassell. Harry and I found lots of things which are magnetic.

Chloe and Ahmad – We liked when the SPFL league trophy came to school with Lomond the mascot. Here is a photo of us with the trophy!

Primary 2/3 Weekly Update

This week our highlights have been:

We loved the tennis festival at James Young High School.  It inspired us to play more tennis and we enjoyed meeting new friends from other schools.

We have been busy making Mother’s Day Cards (sshh, it is a secret!).  Everyone used a range of skills to create beautiful work.

In Art we created Easter pictures with Mrs Young.

In PE we had great fun playing ball and running games.

Miss Young, a B.Ed student, has been working with us this week and we have loved having her in our class.

We have been busy caring for our potatoes in Science and we have been so excited to see them begin to grow.

Look out for our new ladders which we have created to help us when we are stuck.  Everyone brainstormed their ideas then we created our own ladder.

Our multiplication and subtraction skills are really improving and we’re looking forward to moving on to division soon.

We have all got our own ‘fuzzy’ and they help us when we’re sad, as part of our Building Resilience with Skipper programme. Everyone has shared experiences of when their ‘fuzzies’ have helped them this week.

In PM Writing we have continued to work on recounts.  Everyone agrees that it is easier to write our recounts in stages and that our recounts have really improved.  We have loved looking for verbs and adjectives in the texts.

Some children are looking forward to making the Sacrament of Reconciliation tomorrow and have worked really hard to prepare for this important step in their Sacramental journey.

Update from Blake, Mark D., Abu Bakr, Joshua, Lloyd, Paul, Mirren, Nathan and Abby.

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