P5R Weekly News

Here are some of our highlights for this week:

Carly: In PE  we did the high jump  and we jumped up to a height of 1m 45 cm .

Rachel: In maths we have been learning about how to measure  perimeters  in metres and centimetres (lots of fun!)

Brooke:  In PM writing we have moved on to a different story to learn about writing a description .

Katie, Orla, Kate:  In topic we have been preparing for our presentations for our Global Goals showcase.

Lennon , Richard ,Michael, Kuba ,Pawel and Maya:   On Thursday a visitor came to our class.  She was watching and helping us when we were learning and next week on Monday she is going to give us a Spanish lesson. We are very excited about this!

Emma, Daniel, Jack, Seamus  and Cameron C : We learnt how to use iMovie that is so much fun.

Niamh:  In R.E we were practising finding readings in the Bible and Mrs Purdie was watching us.

Alexis:  We made posters  for our Global Goals topic.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R



P4 Weekly News!

It has been a short but busy week in Primary 4. Read on to find out about what we have been doing.

Yaroslav and Elenta – We enjoyed doing written division in ‘step sums’.

Vanessa – I liked doing division in maths and I thought writing was fun.

Zoe – I liked writing about a helicopter. We were writing in the genre of description.

Kayden, Ryan, Aaron, Abdullah, James, Leo, Filip, Oma, Alan, Lennon, Ahmad, Matthew, Annayah, Alishba, Lilly and Marcus – We liked doing the high jump in PE. We are close to jumping 1 metre!!!

Alice, Julia K, Madison and Angelina – We liked doing art with Mrs Kerr. We were drawing illusions.

Julia C – I liked doing the spelling carousel. We did rainbow write, roll and spell, hopscotch and spelling pyramids. My spelling pattern is ‘th’.

Chloe, Wojciech, Harry and Maeve – We liked doing PM writing. We were writing a description about vehicles. We wrote about aeroplanes, buses, lorries and helicopters.

Ana – I have returned to school today after being on holiday in Tenerife! I went to Siam park and Lorro parque. My favourite one was Siam park!

Have a great weekend!


Primary 5R Weekly News

It has been another busy week in Primary 5R. Here are some of our highlights:


Sophie: The Glee club is practising another show from the past.

Carly: In P.E. we did the high jump. It was really fun! Anyone who managed to stay in jumped over a metre high.

Kate: We have moved on to a new story in our PM writing and this time it is a description about the moon.

Maya: For our new topic we are learning about the Global Goals and we are all making IMovies.

Michael and Kuba: We did some writing about our Global Goals using a netbook.

Rachel: In maths we are starting to learn about measure. We have been looking at length this week.

Maya: We mixed our P.E. and our maths together by using the trundle wheels to measure the new athletics tracks. At the end we all ran different races.

Michael: We also measured different items in the classroom to practise our measuring skills.

Brooke: In R.E. we were learning about different prayers, the Angelus and the Gloria.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R




P3 Weekly News

We have had a fantastic week. It has been very busy with lots of exciting learning. Here are our highlights;

Kayla – I liked making missing posters for ‘Fing’ and using adjectives to write a description of him.

Kerr – I liked learning about fractions this week.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed making posters about Scottish farming.

Myles – I liked making traps to catch ‘Fing’ when he went missing.

Amber – I loved doing the high jump in PE.

Sophie – I liked learning about farming.

Klaudia – I liked learning about writing description in PM writing.

Dexter – I liked using ICT to research about Scottish Farming.

Stefan – I liked seeing ‘Fing’ get caught in the trap.

Jarred – I learned how to find fractions on a number line.

Mackenzie – I liked learning about fractions this week too. I loved playing the fraction games on sumdog.

Leigha – I enjoyed assembly this week and liked the video about always looking up to your champions when you fall down.

Romera – I liked learning different jumps in PE this week.

Riley – I enjoyed doing fractions this week because we got to play fun games.

Esmee – I liked doing the long jump in PE.

Ephraim – I enjoyed working in groups to research Scottish farming.

Adam – I liked doing the words in a word challenge with my group.

Dawid – I liked learning about the eat well plate.

Lucy – I liked doing my fraction sumdog challenge. I won 250 coins.

James – I enjoyed writing descriptions of ‘Fing’ on missing posters.

Kyle – I enjoyed doing the high jump in PE this week.

Here are some of the songs we learned to help us learn about fractions.



We hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend.

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

P2/3 Weekly Update

It has been another busy week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share some of their highlights.

Abu Bakr and Blake – my highlight was learning fractions in our Fractions Factory.

Abby and Wiktoria – I loved listening to the story of the Demon Dinner Ladies.

Casper – I loved using the netbooks to write stories using Microsoft Word.

Bernice and Lloyd  – I liked doing the high jump in PE.

Aiden – I loved using the Chatterpix app then showing Abu Bakr how to use it.

Freda – I love Free Writing Friday.

Poppy and Seren – I like BEAR time.

Mark K and Mark D – I loved building with Kapla.

Oliver and Rafay – I like Fun 31.

Mirren – I loved learning to divide.

Daniel – I liked using the play area.  I like to use the kinetic sand.

Marcel – I loved gymnastics in PE.

Joshua – I loved making electrical circuits.

Rutendo – I loved seeing my name on the praise board.  My name was on it 3 times!

Nathan – I liked using numicon in the Fraction Factory.

Paul – I liked using the iPad to write a story during Smart Start.

Abigail – I liked learning about getting a sound sleep at night.

Isla – I liked writing a description.

Everyone has brought home a letter today about our exciting trip to the Scottish Owl Centre on Wednesday 15th May. Completed forms should be returned on Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

P4 Weekly News!

We have had a great week in Primary 4 and we have enjoyed meeting and getting to know our new pupil Julia K! Read on to find out more about what we have been doing.

Madison – I liked writing about a Road Train in the new PM Writing which we have been doing.

Elenta and Chloe – We liked doing division in maths.

Alice and Zoe – We liked doing a science experiment about sound using popcorn. When the sound waves were made the popcorn danced.

Wojciech – I liked doing First Communion preparations with Father Kenneth.

Alan, Angelina, Marcus, Annayah, James, Yaroslav, Kayden, Harry, Ryan and Matthew – We liked doing high jump in PE.

Ahmad, Lennon, Filip and Abdullah – We enjoyed doing science experiments to work out which materials were soluble or insoluble. We tested oil, flour, sand, sugar and salt.

Maeve, Ava, Leo, Alishba and Aaron – We liked playing Longball in PE.

Lilly – I liked doing multiplying and dividing by sharing.

Oma and Julia C – We liked using Sway to create a presentation with P5D.

Have a great long weekend!

Miss Ford and P4

P2/3 Weekly Update

What a fun and  busy week we have had in P2/3 to round off a fabulous term.

Firstly, congratulations to our P3 children who made their First Reconciliation on Saturday. The children were a credit to St Ninian’s!

We were all so excited to be the audience for the upper school production of The Gospel Show and were so impressed with the talent in the upper school.

We have continued to use our new learning ladders this week and made our own movie to share our learning .  You can see our movie in the OneNote profiles.  We’re all very proud of it.

Our writing this week was inspired by last week’s tennis festival.  When we left James Young High School to head back to St Ninian’s we all had tired legs and were tempted to hop onto one of the waiting coaches and ask the driver to take us back to school!  This made us think – what kind of adventure could we have on a bus journey?  So we worked in pairs to create imaginative adventure stories.  We read our stories to P5 this morning using Microsoft Teams and then P5 gave us feedback on our writing.


Multiplication has been key for P2/3 and we have worked on the five and ten times table.  Everyone was multiplying with great confidence by the end of the week.

We rounded off our Science topic by investigating the changing states of water and had great fun helping little lego figures escape from blocks of ice.  Much team work and excitement was involved.


Our digital learning skills developed this week as we not only programmed our Beebots, we programmed them to race against each other.

Have a lovely Easter break.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3


P3 last week of Term 3

Wow! What a fantastico week P3 have had.

Firstly, Congratulations to our P3 children who made their First Reconciliation on Saturday. The children were a credit to St Ninian’s!

We have been working hard on multiplication and division this week. Mrs Wassell challenged us with multiplying a 2 digit number by 1 digit with carrying. This was a real challenge but we love a challenge!

We have been doing lots of Easter inspired activities this week. We used patterns and colour to create Easter art. We focused on the Easter story this week and had a fun quiz to test how well we listened.

We wrote fantastic Easter haiku poems in our writing.

Today was very exciting as Mrs Wassell told us that David Walliams liked our tweet about our class novel ‘Fing’! We are Twitter famous here in St Ninian’s.

The Easter Bunny came and left us a special treat today. Yum Yum.

Have a lovely holiday,

Mrs Wassell and P3

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