Primary 5R Weekly News

Here are some of our our highlights for the week:

P.E: In P.E we did Cross Country and also we did some sprinting.

Maths: In maths we were estimating and weighing items in the classroom so we had an idea of what kg and grams feel like. Also we made posters about kg and grams.

Topic: We had to finish our Global Goals Sway presentations and we also had to perform our IMovies and Sway/PowerPoints to our parents as part of our Global goals showcase.

Spanish: In Spanish we were learning how to say fruits and vegetables.

R.E: We created our own prayers to Mary. We decorated our prayers and some of us shared them with the class.

Achievement Assembly: P5R went to the Achievement Assembly. Some people from our class were able to speak about the St. Ninian’s football team because they are currently first in the league.

Comprehension Box: Our class were continuing to do some comprehensions.

Our class were also playing a game outside called Quick Draw Maths for National Numeracy Day.

By Kuba and Cameron F (Lead Learners)

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R


Weekly news from the amazing P2/3

It has been a really busy week in P2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Blake – I liked doing the quiz at the Owl Centre.

Abby – I liked using Kahoot!

Poppy – I liked learning about owls at the Owl Centre.

Rafay – I liked building stamina in PE.

Wiktoria – I liked visiting the play area at Polkemmet Park.

Abu Bakr – I liked sending and replying to emails.

Rutendo – I liked using adjectives in writing.

Casper – I liked construction at Smart Start.

Bernice – I liked making compasses.

Mark K. – I liked using my OneNote profile for my learning conversation.

Nathan –  I liked Fun 31.

Freda – I liked the play area.

Daniel – I liked programming the BeeBot.

Marcel – I liked reading in the reading corner.

Oliver – I liked reading and I love my new book.

Paul – I liked the shop at the Owl Centre.

Isla – I like listening to the story of The Demon Dinner Ladies.

Joshua – I liked helping to take photographs for National Numeracy Day.

Mirren – I liked dividing in maths.  I liked working with Joshua.

Aiden – I liked using Letter Join.

Lloyd – I liked writing a description of my school bag and using boost words.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P2/3


P4 Weekly News!

We have had a busy week in P4 this week! On Sunday we will celebrate First Holy Communion for 10 of our class. We wish Matthew, Marcus, Wojciech, Leo, Filip, Chloe, Julia, Vanessa, Alice and Madison a very happy day!

Angelina, James, Julia K, Abdullah, Kayden and Zoe – We really enjoyed doing writing. We were writing a description about the swimming pool which we went to on Wednesday.

Wojciech, Harry, Aaron and Yaroslav – We liked splitting a drawing in half and colouring it in to show our differences for GIRFEC included.

Annayah, Julia C, Madison, Filip and Leo – We liked decorating a t-shirt to show our back up team just like Skipper.

Alishba, Alan, Chloe, Ava, Elenta and Maeve – We liked going to Bubbles to do a swimming assessment. We had to do front crawl and back crawl.

Ana and Alice – We liked using an iPad to take pictures in our playground. We did this for National Digital Learning Week! Check out our class twitter page for some tweets and photos. @missrford

Matthew, Vanessa, Marcus, Ryan, Ahmad and Lennon – We liked doing ICT and PE. In ICT we added our goals to OneNote, made a Sway, used paint app to create a picture and used an iPad to take photos. In PE we enjoyed long distance running around the pond to improve our stamina.

Elenta and Oma – We liked doing division in maths.

Lilly – I liked doing speed tables, times tables and playing quick draw for National Numeracy Day on Wednesday.

Have a great long weekend!

Miss Ford and P4

P3 Weekly Highlights

Jarred – I enjoyed the sumdog challenge for homework this week.

James – I enjoyed Maths this week making a human graph outside.

Dexter – I enjoyed learning about Mary in RE. I know we think of Mary during the month of May.

Kerr – I liked doing PE this week working on our stamina by running.

Dawid -I liked making a data gif on the computer this week with my learning partner.

Amber – I liked doing Art this week creating a farm scene using patterns and colour.

Lucy – I liked sprinting in PE this week.

Esmee – I enjoyed making the farm house in Art.

Sophie – I liked writing a description of my school bag in writing.

Leigha – Sprinting was fun.

Kayla – I liked art this week using colour and pattern to create a farm.

Kaitlyn – I liked learning about bar graphs and tally marks this week.

Romera – I liked writing all about my school bag.

Sahara – I enjoyed going to the park with my friends.

Myles – I liked doing leaf rubbings this week in the garden.

Stefan – I enjoyed creating graphs this week on the computer, paper and a human graph.

Adam – I liked doing the human bar graph too.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed reading in the garden this week.

Check out Mrs Wassell’s twitter for lots of pictures of our learning.

Hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

P3 Weekly News

It has been a short but busy week this week in Primary 3!

We really enjoyed Writing a description of a Candy house this week. We had to use lots of adjectives to describe it.

We worked hard evaluating term 3 goals and setting ourselves new learning goals this week! We are going to work very hard to achieve success with our goals before we go into P4.

We had lots of fun doing art this week with Mrs Kerr. We had to draw round our hands and feet to create a picture of us falling. We had to think about what our facial expression would be!

In maths this week we continued to learn all about fractions. We are very confident finding a fraction of an amount and can use our knowledge of division to help us. We explored the outdoors and found ways to demonstrate our understanding of fractions.

Have a great weekend

Mrs W and P3



Primary 6 Weekly Blog!!

Hello guys this is Aleks coming up with the weekly blog!

This week we had so much fun.We did a great divisibility test it was great.We did EAL Buddies on Tuesday and Thursdays.We did PE we did the High Jump we started at 90 centimetres we kept on going with 10 cm and then all of a sudden everybody got elimanated apart from me and Mark we tried 145 and we touched the line and we both got elimanated but Me and Mark and Jack quinn got all 140 it was the highest in the school.

I will see you on the Blog Again Next Week Goodbye!!!


Check out our dancing for #FunkyFriday


We made a beautiful RE display for Our Lady, with May being the month of Mary – we specifically looked at the story of Our Lady’s apparition in Fatima

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