P3 Weekly highlights

Kayla – I enjoyed moving up day today because I got to see my new class.

Kerr – I enjoyed the maths challenges this week because it was challenging.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed sports day because I got fitter.

Brooke – I liked sports day because we got to do lots of fun activities and races.

Myles – I enjoyed sports day. My favourite activity was tug of war.

Amber – I liked sports day and tug of war too.

Sophie – I enjoyed moving up day because I got to make new friends.

Dexter – I enjoyed moving up day because we got to play a good detective game.

Stefan – I liked funky Friday playtime today because I got to play with my sister in the upper playground.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed going to my new class because I got to make a collage for my initials.

Leigha – I enjoyed Sports day because of the races.

Riley – I liked the races in sports day because I came first place.

Esmee – I enjoyed moving up day because I got to see my new class and got to play the detective game.

Ephraim – I liked sports day because I was in the top 3 in the race.

Adam – I liked moving up day because I got to colour.

Dawid – I enjoyed moving up day because we got to do a balloon all about me.

Lucy – I enjoyed PE when we were doing just dance.

James – I liked PE this week doing just dance and in my group we got to do group balances at the end.

Kyle – I liked playing capture the flag in PE because we won!


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3

P6 Weekly News

What a wellbeing week we have had!!

Some of our highlights have included;
Parkour, football, dance, tough mudder and hand massage!

Our task of the week was to learn hand massage and deliver sessions to the rest of the school. The classes and teachers who we fitted in have given us rave reviews! Ask your child to give you one over the weekend.. they have had plenty practice this week!

Thank you to all the parents who provided their children with sponsor money for our tough mudder event! Mr McCurdy is very thankful to have had the opportunity to raise some much needed funds to support sport in st ninians!

We talked a lot about mental and emotional wellbeing and the physical changes our bodies go through as they grow. Your child may have some questions for you over the coming week 🙂

Chicken skewers were made on Wednesday and were a great hit with the class! Check out the recipe on BBC good food https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/chicken-skewers-tzatziki

Follow @Mrs_Conway10 on Twitter to see some photos and videos of our week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Conway and P6

P4 Health Week!

What a brilliant health and wellbeing week we have had!

Here are some of the things we have been learning about:

Judo, the effects of exercise on the human body, sleep vs screen time, football, skipper, the human skeleton, first aid, the eatwell plate, food technology – making fruit kebabs and pitta pizzas, synergy fit and flex, yoga, mindfulness, allergies, our senses, tough mudder, a question of sport quiz, information handling, tae kwon do, being a good friend, hand massage, parkour, learning conversations and goals, God’s loving plan, netball and basketball.

Here are some photos of our learning in action!

P5R Weekly News

We have had a really busy couple of weeks. Here are our highlights:


Last week:

On Wednesday morning we made pizzas.

On Thursday it was our election day and all the different houses voted for the new House Captains and Vice Captains for next year.

Orla, Brooke and Jack went to Deans High School to take part in the Triathlon races. They did really well and they all came back with a medal!

We all went to the library and then we went to the park.

We all went to the Bowling Club in Murieston and took part in some games – it was really good fun!

We were learning how to calculate area of a rectangle using a formula: A=BXL.

In P.E. we played Extreme Dodgeball with new rules. We had a ‘Joker’, a ‘Queen’ or a ‘King’ in each team. If the King or Queen was hit then the whole team was out, so we had to protect the King and Queen.

This week was health week.

Rachel: We learnt some different football skills which was good fun.

Sophie: We all worked in groups to research different body systems and we prepared and presented our findings to the class.

Kate: Then we went to Relax Kids where we learnt different calming strategies.

Niamh: We went to Dynamic Earth for the day. We learnt about the rain forest, icebergs, time travelling, the animals that used to live thousands of years ago, volcanoes and how astronauts made their first trip to walk on the moon.

Richard: We also had a workshop where we learnt about the effect plastic has on the environment.

Michael: We learnt about negative and positive peer pressure and how to deal with difficult situations.

Cameron: Mr McCurdy set up a Kahoot Question of Sport quiz which we all took part in.

Kate: We all took place in an obstacle course and it was really rainy, slippy and muddy! It was really fun and Jack came first and Kate was the first girl!

Niamh:We then took part in a golf lesson where we learnt the difference between a putter and a driver.

Rachel: Some people from St. Margaret’s came to take us for a dance lesson. At the end we all performed a dance for Mrs Reeves to see.

Richard: We all loved the Parkour where we were practising swinging backwards and forwards.

We finished off the day with hand massages with Primary 6.

The Glee girls went to the Centre and we performed all our songs twice and raised a lot of money.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R

P3’s Wellbeing Week highlights

This week has been Wellbeing week. Here are our highlights;

Kayla – I enjoyed hanging and balancing in Parkour.

Kerr – I liked balancing and jumping in Parkour too.

Kaitlyn – I liked showing the football coach our tricks in football.

Brooke – I enjoyed football playing rock, paper, scissors with our feet.

Myles – I loved the tough mudder because I like running.

Amber – I enjoyed Parkour because I like balancing.

Sophie – I liked doing the tough mudder getting very muddy.

Klaudia – I liked going to Bankton park.

Dexter – I enjoyed just dance.

Stefan – I liked walking Wednesday when we walked through the woodlands.

Jarred – I liked the parkour when we played the Zombie tag.

Mackenzie – I liked doing tough mudder in the rain.

Leigha – I enjoyed the tough mudder because it was super tough at some parts.

Romera – I liked tough mudder too because I liked getting muddy and wet.

Riley – I liked getting very muddy too in tough mudder.

Esmee – I liked getting a hand massage from the P6 children. It was very relaxing.

Ephraim – I enjoyed doing the Taekwondo because it was fun.

Adam – I liked doing just dance because it was funny.

Sahara – I liked doing tough mudder because I got so muddy!

Hayley – I liked doing just dance.

Dawid – I enjoyed doing Taekwondo because I liked kicking the pad.

Lucy – I liked doing the squat challenge in synergy.

James – I liked doing Yoga because it was very relaxing.

Kyle – I enjoyed Yoga because I got to relax.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

Primary 4 Weekly News!

Maeve and Angelina – We liked finding out that Mrs Purdie had won Headteacher of the year!

Alan, Wojciech, Oma, Alishba, Yaroslav, James, Harry and Abdullah – We liked doing the science showcase for our parents. We showed our weather journals, rainfall measuring bottles, electrical circuits, rain dance, water cycle and a tornado in a bottle experiment.

Madison and Ava – We liked being part of the house captain elections. It was interesting to hear from the P6s on why they would like to be house captain and we also enjoyed hearing who had been picked.

Zoe, Alice, Ana and Julia C – We liked doing PM writing. We were identifying nouns in an information report about ‘Gymnastics for Boys and Girls’.

Matthew, Filip, Julia K, Annayah, Lennon, Marcus, Kayden, Vanessa and Ryan – We liked playing dodgeball in PE. We added a joker and then kings and queens. This meant we could change the rules slightly to get people free.

Chloe – I liked learning about fractions on a number line. We had to work out where the fractions would go and what fractions were the biggest.

Aaron and Leo – We liked going to assembly. We had fun finding out all the good news!

Lilly – I liked doing circuits in PE. We did mountain climbers, hula hoops, skipping, sit ups and bean bag throw.

Ahmad, Alishba and Abdullah – This week in our religion we celebrated Eid. We got lots of presents from our families.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

P3 Weekly Highlights

This has been a very exciting week for Primary 3. One of the big highlights this week was visiting Mill Farm for our school trip. Check out Mrs Wassell’s twitter page for pictures! Here are our learning highlights of the week.

Kayla – I liked when the farmer brought Susan the sheep out to meet us and we could pat her.

Kerr – I enjoyed working on our rounders skills in PE.

Brooke – I enjoyed going on the nutty bouncer at Mill Farm.

Myles – I liked going on the go-karts on our trip.

Amber – I liked going on the go-karts too.

Sophie – I enjoyed going down the mine at Mill Farm.

Klaudia – The soft play was very fun!

Dexter – My favourite part of the trip was playing in the park.

Stefan – I liked climbing up on top of the tractors in the park.

Jarred – I enjoyed going to the indoor adventure park.

Mackenzie – I liked going to the adventure park too.

Romera – I liked bouncing on the nutty bouncer.

Riley – The train park was exciting.

Esmee – I enjoyed going on the tractor. It was very bumpy.

Ephraim – I liked going through the very dark tunnels in the museum.

Adam – I liked revising division this week.

Sahara – I liked going on the big tractor to see the animals.

Lucy – I enjoyed playing hide and seek in the adventure park.

James – I liked going to the shop to get a teddy for my little sister.

Kyle – I liked going round and round the track on the go-karts.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3

P3 Weekly Highlights

Kayla – I liked visiting the library because I love books.

Kerr – I enjoyed doing the sumdog assessment multiplication and division because it challenged me.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed going to mass for Ascension Thursday and singing all the nice hymns.

Brooke – I liked playing in the park with my friends.

Myles – I liked PE this week doing throwing and catching games.

Amber – I liked PE too playing rounders.

Sophie – I enjoyed learning about Judo this week.

Klaudia – I liked writing a description about under the sea.

Dexter – I liked using balance scales to measure how many cubes were equal to objects.

Stefan – I liked doing Harry Potter Maths this week.

Jarred – I enjoyed playing measuring games on the netbooks.

Leigha – I liked NYCOS because I enjoy singing.

Romera – I liked catching the beanbag in PE.

Riley – I liked PE because we got to play rounders.

Esmee – I enjoyed doing Judo because we got to do lots of fun stuff.

Ephraim – I enjoyed doing the amazing, brilliant and fantastic maths challenges about reading scales.

Adam – I liked doing the special sports champions assembly.

Sahara – I liked making lollipops in art.

Dawid – I enjoyed singing songs and playing games in NYCOS.

Lucy – I enjoyed NYCOS too. It was fun!

James –  I liked the assembly on Monday because we were all up and dancing.

Kyle – I liked Music this week with Mrs Smith.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Wassell and Primary 3


P5R: Two blogs for the price of one!

Here are our Class blogs for the last two weeks!

Last week:


PE- we learned how to perform relay races. In sprinting you had to learn how to move really quickly. We had to learn the best way to hold the baton so it could be passed on safely and quickly. Also about developing a quick reaction.

Writing- In writing we were writing a description about something of our choice for example a pet, house or place. We used our knowledge of  structure having to have an introduction, characteristics and an evaluation. We liked being able to choose what we wanted to describe.

Outdoor learning day-on Thursday we went to four different activities. We used the outdoor environment to build a cat bed for a regular visitor to our nursery! We had to look around for letters in our environment and solve a puzzle. We also had outdoor PE with fitness stations and it was fun getting to do PE in the fresh air. We had to find different natural objects such as a leaf, a stone, a stick, a piece of grass and a daisy. Each object linked to a number puzzle which we had to solve.

By Brooke and Michael


This week:

Another amazing week in primary 5R. Here is what we have been doing …


Mass – The whole school walked down to the Lanthorn on Thursday. We went because it was Ascension day.


French – In French we learnt the French words for feelings and we read a French book called ‘The small caterpillar who was always hungry’. We also learnt the days of the week.


Maths- In maths we did some division because we thought we needed some practise to get better.


R.E- In R.E. we were learning about Ascension day with Mrs Howley.


PE- With Mr McCurdy we made our own games in groups with different objects like tyres, balls, Frisbees, hurdles, cones and many more.


We had a Judo taster lesson and then they gave us leaflets to see if we wanted to join their club.


Bowls- Special people came in and they taught us how to play bowling. Then they gave us fliers to see if we wanted to go to their bowling club.


Art- In art Mrs Young was helping us make flip flops with unique patterns on them. Then we cut them out and put paper straps on them.


Assembly- In assembly, a man came in and taught us dances and phrases like “July” and they are meant to help you relax.


Written by Kate and Niamh!


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P5R

P4 Weekly News!

We have had another busy week in P4. Please read on for more information.

Alan – I liked doing PE on Monday with Miss Ford. We did circuits and my favourite station was sprinting.

Alice, Julia K, Filip and Aaron – We liked doing PE on Wednesday with Mr McCurdy. We made up our own games in a group. Alice and Julia K’s game was to roll the tyres down the hill and the winner was the person who’s tyre travelled the furthest.

Oma – I liked playing fraction games. We had to match a picture and a fraction.

Lennon, Lilly, Elenta and Leo – We liked doing fractions questions in maths. We were working through mild, spicy and hot.

Zoe, Angelina and Julia C – We liked recording the weather on our weather journals. We recorded the weather every morning this week.

James, Vanessa, Kayden and Yaroslav – We liked writing an information report about African Elephants.

Chloe, Ava, Ryan, Marcus, Matthew, Harry, Annayah and Alishba – We liked doing a Judo taster session. We enjoyed doing partner games especially when we had to run up and down the mat without letting go of the stubs. We also liked playing a game where we had to lie on top of our partner and they had to try and escape from underneath us! Harry enjoyed the game where you had to try and pull your partner over your shoulder.

Madison – I liked writing a prayer to the Holy Spirit asking for strength and guidance.

Maeve and Angelina – We liked working in a group to build an electric circuit. Maeve’s group was the first group to achieve the challenge which was getting the light bulb to switch on.

Wojciech – I liked going to church for Ascension Mass. I enjoyed receiving Holy Communion again.

Have a great weekend!

P4 and Miss Ford 🙂

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