Primary 6 Weekly News

We have had a busy week in primary 6. Here are some of our comments:

Richard: We started making our class birthday cards which was fun.

In PE we had fun doing Just Dance with Mr McCurdy and we played an Indian game called Cabady.

Emily: We enjoyed played Opposites in PE.

Seamus: In maths we looked at 2D shapes.

Lennon: We had our class photo taken to go outside our classroom.

Kuba: In RE we wrote prayers.

Maliha: In Music with Mrs Nichol we had lots of fun and we had to answer lots of different questions about music.

Richard: We all wrote comments about the feelings and emotions of the different characters in ‘Wonder’.

Rachel: We all wrote a diary entry from the persective of August, and we had to write about how August felt at Halloween when Jack and Julian were talking about him behind his back.

Rhia: We were learning about Place Value in Maths.

Carly: We completed our class charter. We also revised our Spanish Boost Words from last year. Kate: We started writing for Free Writing Friday.

Brooke: I enjoyed writing about Kali my dog.

Niamh: I wrote about a little cat.

Cameron: I decided to write about my birthday party.

Jack: I wrote a fun story about Batman.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and Primary 6.


P4 Weekly News!

Our first full week in P4 has been a very busy one! Read on for more information:

Lloyd, Rutendo, Mark and Sahara – We liked when we did a character description in writing. Lloyd, Mark and Rutendo described Mike Teavee and Sahara described Veruca Salt.

Aiden – I liked doing PE. On Monday we played rounders and on Wednesday we played Handball.

Romera – I have enjoyed listening to Miss Ford reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Abigail, Poppy, Daniel and Oliver – We enjoyed running the daily mile.

Rafay – I liked going out to play at playtime. I have been playing with my Roblox toy.

Marcel, Hayley and Freda – We liked creating a silhouette of Mr Willy Wonka. We coloured in a background and then cut out a black outline of Mr Willy Wonka.

Nathan, Paul and Casper – We are looking forward to Fun 31. Nathan and Paul are going to use paper for art and craft and Casper is going to make paper airplanes.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed doing a maths booklet. It was a recap of what we have covered last year.

Wiktoria – I liked colouring in a flower to make a welcoming display for our classroom.

Bernice, Isla and Adam – We liked finishing our ‘thinking’ pictures. We got a photograph taken looking like we were thinking then we drew lots of pictures of things we like and things we think about.

Abby – I liked doing a collage of my initials. Everyone else did theirs on the moving up day but because I was on holiday I got to catch up this week.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

P3/4 Weekly News

Here are some of the highlights of our week;

James – I enjoyed writing this week because we were writing character descriptions for the characters in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Kayla – I enjoyed creating silhouette art for Willy Wonka.

Dexter – I liked PE this week. We did juggling using bean bags.

Thea – I enjoyed Numeracy this week colouring halves and quarters.

Yasmin – I liked doing PE this week because we were learning how to play basketball.

Sophie – I liked doing PE with Mrs Wassell. We were playing ‘Plank ladders’.

Klaudia – I liked playing a number games using a dice. We had to roll the dice and decide if we wanted the number to be a hundred, tens or units and the group with the highest number won.

Kyle – I enjoyed playing basketball in PE.

Kaitlyn – I liked doing the Willy Wonka silhouette art.

Jarred – I liked developing my hand eye coordination in PE.

Dawid – I enjoyed writing prayers in RE.

Kerr – I liked doing Music with Mrs Nichol because we got to play games.

Amber – I liked reading this week. We had to read a passage from Willy Wonka about what the Chocolate Factory looked like. We highlighted the important information and then drew a picture.

Stefan – I enjoyed the Willy Wonka art this week.

Brooke – I enjoyed the Willy Wonka art too.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

Nursery news


Our first blog entry of the new session and what a fab week it’s been!

New children, new friends, new staff and new beginnings x

Welcome to all our new families and children and welcome back to all our returning children and families. Our children have had a fantastic first week exploring what’s on offer and meeting new staff and pupils.

We had fun outdoors and met Mr McCurdy too!

Cant wait for next week to introduce more new children to our family!

Have a great weekend !!

Love from the nursery team xx

Primary 6 Weekly News

Welcome back to everyone at St. Ninians! We have all had a fabulous start to the new session in Primary 6!

Here are some of our comments:

Carly: We completed a ‘Figure it out!’ maths sheet, where we created sums to give out facts about ourselves. Then we had to solve the sums to find out whose sheet we had.

Brooke: We started reading the book ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio as our new class novel.

Sophie YM: The book is about the importance of what you are inside.

Cameron: We had to describe the characters in Wonder.

Jack: In PE we played a dice game called Dice Dash.

Carly: We started our new Class Charter.

Sophie R: We played a game where we scrunched a ball of paper (containing interesting facts about ourselves) and threw it in the air. Then we all had to search for a ball and work out who the information was about.

Maya: We decorated our Free Writing Friday jotters.

Rachel: We had an assembly about all the new things we are going to do this year.

Niamh: We are making Ready, Respectful and Safe posters.

Carly: In RE we discussed our hopes and fears.

Sophie YM: We had a spelling test.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Reeves and Primary 6


Welcome to Primary 4!

We have had a great start to Primary 4! Please read on for more information about what we’ve been doing and what we’ve enjoyed.

Daniel – I liked PE with Mr McCurdy. We played chaos tig.

Marcel – I liked creating my new learning goals. I want to get better at dividing and football.

Wiktoria – I liked writing a postcard about my holidays. I played Pokemon during the holidays.

Abby – I liked doing maths problem solving. My favourite question was one about making 10s.

Poppy and Isla – We liked smart start. We liked working with our team to earn house points.

Bernice – I liked when Miss Ford told us about our new class and showed us where to find things.

Rutendo and Casper – We liked sorting our class library. We sorted it in alphabetical order by the author’s surname.

Rafay and Mackenzie – We liked doing the daily mile.

Freda – I loved doing art. We made a picture showing all the things we are thinking about. If you visit our classroom you will be able to see it when it goes up on the wall.

Abigail, Paul, Oliver and Adam – We have enjoyed everything which we’ve done in P4 so far.

Mark – I liked doing a drama scene for the class charter. Our drama scenes showed us being ready, respectful and safe.

Aiden and Lloyd – We liked seeing our collages which we made on the moving up day on the wall in our new classroom.

Sahara and Hayley – We enjoyed RE with Mrs Howley.

Nathan – I am looking forward to Fun 31 today.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

Back to School for P3/4

This week we welcomed back P3/4 to school. It has been a short but busy week getting our classroom ready for the year and getting to know our new class mates and teacher. Here are some of our highlights;

Thea – I liked playing the dice game in PE.

Sophie – I enjoyed doing the all about me art.

James – I enjoyed our smart start challenges this week. They stretched my brain.

Stefan – I liked doing the warm-up  in  PE this week because it was Tag.

Brooke – I liked drawing lots of pictures all about me for Art.

Kayla – I enjoyed doing the all about me art too.

Hannah – I liked doing the dice game in PE too.

Kaitlyn – I liked taking pictures for our birthday wall.

Lucy – I enjoyed working in groups to do some role play in Drama for our class charter.

Dexter – I liked making our termly goals. These help me to learn.

Amber – I liked doing Drama to show how to be ready, respectful and safe.

Kerr – I liked writing this week because we wrote a postcard to Mrs Wassell telling her all about my holidays.

Ephraim – I liked playing in the upper playground.

Klaudia – I liked playing in the upper playground too.



We hope you have a lovely weekend and we will catch up with you all next Friday.

Mrs Wassell and P3/4


P3’s Memories!

What a fun year we have had filled with lots of lovely memories.


Kayla – My best memory from this year is when we went to Mill Farm.

Dexter – My favourite memory was finding out my new class!

Stefan – My favourite memory was wellbeing week.

Brooke – I liked the tennis festival.

Kerr – I enjoyed sports day.

Amber – I liked finding out Mrs W is my teacher next year.

Lucy – I liked the races in sports day.

Leigha – I liked sports day because of all the fun activities.

Esmee – I enjoyed planting basil.

Dawid – I liked finding out we are going to have a picnic today.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed going to Mikl farm.

Kyle – I liked watching Sherlock Gnomes last week.

James – I enjoyed playing capture the flag because P3 won.

Romera – I liked sports day.

Myles – I loved sports day too.

Riley – I liked tough mudder during wellbeing week because it was hard.

Adam – I liked showing my book to Bankton Primary.

Sophie – I liked playing Harry Potter maths.

Have a great summer!

Mrs Wassell and P3

P4 Final Blog!

This is our final blog of P4! What a quick year. Here are some of our favourite things from this week and also some of our memories from the year:

Angelina – I enjoyed moving up morning and meeting our new teacher, Miss Diamond. We made a collage with our initials in the middle.

Elenta – I enjoyed learning about angles in maths.

Oma and Vanessa – We enjoyed doing RE with Mrs Howley. We were learning about Corpus Christi.

Chloe – I enjoyed writing about health week. It was an information report assessment.

Alan – My favourite memory from P4 was going to see Badger the Mystical Mutt at the Lanthorn.

Yaroslav, Ryan, Ana, Alishba, Alice and Annayah – Our favourite memory from P4 was doing the show, A Blast From the Past. Yarsolav can even still remember his lines!!!

Ahmad, Matthew, Marcus, Aaron and Lennon – We are looking forward to ending P4 with a class picnic after playtime.

Zoe and Lilly – We enjoyed Mrs Purdie’s leaving assembly even though it was sad.

Wojciech and Leo – We have enjoyed all of P4 because we have met lots of new friends.

Filip – My favourite memory of P4 was watching the pantomime.

Madison – I liked doing PE. I like playing dodgeball and longball.

Julia K and Julia C – We liked watching the talent show this week. Well done to everyone who entered especially the people who entered from our class – Chloe, Vanessa, Oma and Angelina.

Maeve – I enjoyed all of P4 but one of my favourite memories was when we went to Dynamic Earth.

Have a great summer!!!

P4 and Miss Ford 🙂

P2/3 Weekly Update

This week our highlights have been sports day, moving up morning and harvesting our crop of potatoes.  It was lovely to see so many of our families at sports day when the children worked so well together, displaying lovely sporting manners and team work.  We’re all looking forward to the final week of P2/3 – what a fantastic year it has been!

The children would like to share some of their highlights from the week with you:

Casper – I loved taking part in the West Lothian Sumdog competition.

Mark D. – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Joshua – I liked playing with my friends in the big playground.

Wiktoria – I loved meeting my new teacher on Moving Up morning.

Nathan – I loved making potato soup.

Marcel – I loved meeting my new class.

Abu Bakr – I loved showing our visitors around the school.

Bernice – I loved sports day because I won the race.

Poppy – I liked making potato soup.

Lloyd – I liked digging up our potatoes.  I got a big one!

Paul – I liked making my initials with my new teacher.

Seren – I liked making potato soup.

Abigail – I loved listening to the story of the Bolds.

Freda – I loved Free Writing Friday.

Rafay – I loved sports day.

Aiden – I loved using the play room.

Daniel – I liked PE because we played dodgeball.

Blake – I liked grating potatoes to make soup.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P2/3

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