P2 Update

Primary 2 have had a fantastic week filled with exploring what we can make with junk materials, attending our St. Ninian’s Feast Day mass and going on our first visit to the library.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Scott-I liked playing in the play area outside. It’s so much fun. I played with the lego and built a helicopter.

Mara – Our topic is The Lorax. We drew Truffula Trees and other things to do with the movie and the book on a diagram.

Pati-We did yoga. We sang ‘rawwr’ like lions.

Logan-I liked the kinetic sand in the area and the block launcher.

Joshua-I built a ship out of cardboard.

Cordelle-We were making things outside with cardboard and anything else we can find.

Connor-Writing for Free Writing Friday was good. I wrote about The Lorax. I was trying to copy the story and write some other stuff.

Lucas-Our yoga was a theme park yoga this week. It was a fun fairground yoga.

Lucy-I was making things out of shiny paper in our area.

Emilie-I enjoyed making my shop out of golden paper and cardboard. It’s a gold and shiny shop.

Michelle-We made our brains before and now we can look at them to remind us mistakes are good.

Roma-Mistakes are good. I remember making them in P1 and you get better and better at it.

Liam-I liked writing.  I liked using the Mighty Writer board. It helps you write.

Anna-I liked doing the diagram for The Lorax. I put in mine the tower, the characters and our cinema.

Celine-We made our own Truffula Trees and I like looking at them now they are on our window.

Primary 6 Weekly News

We have had a busy week. here are some of our highlights:

In Maths we have been using a compass to draw accurate circles. We enjoyed it because we learnt from our mistakes.

In P.E. we played hockey and blindfolded football. It was really good fun because we couldn’t see each other!

This week some of us started our Bikeability Level 2 course.

We completed our colour wheel display and we named it our ‘Roller coaster of emotions’.

We have been talking about our class novel ‘Wonder’ and we have all been really enjoying it.

In Music we listened to three songs and had to write down the different instruments, if it was fast or slow, soft or loud, high or low.

In Writing we wrote an ‘I am’ poem from the viewpoint of August, and we had to include similes and metaphors.

We have started to update our Community Profile pages on One Note.

We practised our handwriting during Smart start.


Free Writing Friday:

Carly: I wrote a story about Fluffles the lost cat.

Orla: I wrote a Halloween acrostic poem.

Rachel: I wrote a new precept: Never Give Up!

Sophie: I wrote about me doing Hip Hop dancing and hairstyles.

Angel: I’m writing about the best teacher ever.

By Sophie Young Murray and Angel

Lead Learners

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and Primary 6




Thinking about our week in P3

(Title supplied by Micah)

The children would like to share their learning highlights with you.

Abigail loved using the rocket rounding game on the netbooks to help her to round numbers to the nearest 10.

Ibad loved using his hands to juggle in PE.

Micah loved sharing his creations from the play area with the class.

Oliver liked solving problems and making decisions in the play area.

Victoria loved learning about the seasons and developing her art skills as she created a winter collage.

Joshua liked investigating floating and sinking.

Milena liked reading and writing 3-digit numbers.

Seren loved visiting the library and choosing a book.

Mark loved creating a model of a boat.

Amelia loved Free Writing Friday.

Cooper liked using the netbooks and using his username and password to login.

Evie loved coming to Meet the Family and updating her OneNote profile.

Hanna loved Free Writing Friday too.

Christopher loved improving his hand co-ordination in PE.

Leon loved creating his own 4-digit numbers.

Eve loved making her spelling key words with pipe cleaners and recording her learning on the iPad.

Maja liked writing about vanilla ice-cream on Free Writing Friday.

Alasdair liked listening to the story of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Riley liked showing his mum our classroom at Meet The Family.

Mirren liked reading 3-digit numbers.

Jiya liked investigating the seasons through her art work.

Kayla liked writing about Brownies in Free Writing Friday.

Mati liked juggling in PE.

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3

P4 Weekly News!

Hi everyone,

Please read about what we have been doing this week.

Hayley and Aiden – We enjoyed the spelling carousel. Hayley’s favourite activity was painting words and Aiden’s was making the words out of Kapla bricks.

Mark, Casper and Paul – We enjoyed writing a poem with rhyming words. We chose a character from the book and made our poem about them.

Rafay and Tomasz – We liked doing literacy homework. We drew a picture of our favourite character and wrote some adjectives to describe him.

Freda – I liked doing rounding for maths homework.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed playing Handball for PE.

Poppy, Daniel and Abigail – We enjoyed doing a mindfulness colouring sheet of Mr Willy Wonka.

Bernice – I liked watching Newsround. I learned about racism in football.

Sahara, Marcel and Wiktoria – We enjoyed going to St. Ninian’s feast day mass.

Oliver and Abby – We enjoyed doing estimation in maths.

Lloyd – I enjoyed doing music with Mr Glen. We did clapping rhymes and learned about beat.

Rutendo – I enjoyed hymn practice.

Nathan – I enjoyed finishing each day by reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Have a lovely September holiday weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford

P3/4 Weekly News

Highlights of the week:

Lucy – I enjoyed PE this week playing different ball games.

Kayla – I liked played Handball in PE.

Stefan – I liked numeracy this week when we were rounding and estimating.

Taha – I liked smart start this week doing a mindfulness colouring of Willy Wonka.

Dawid – I liked throwing all the balls in PE.

Kaitlyn – I liked working with my class to write a rhyming poem about Charlie Bucket.

Hannah – I liked when we did the rhyming poem about Charlie.

Esmee – I liked rounding and estimating this week.

Thea – I liked doing reading task maps about Charlie and the Chocolate factory this week.

Myles – I liked writing a poem about Charlie with my class.

Leigha – I enjoyed playing handball in PE.

Klaudia – I enjoyed liked doing hand, eye, coordination games in PE.

Dexter – I liked colouring the Willy Wonka Art.

James – I liked rounding and estimating in Maths this week.

Have a lovely long weekend

Mrs W and P3/4

P6 Weekly News

This week in the amazing p6 we were doing:


Maths: In maths we were doing 2D shapes. We were learning what a

parallel line is; it is when two sides are the same distance apart.

Music: In Music we were listening to a song, then guessing what song it was with Mrs Nichol.

Writing: We were writing about a time when we had lots of changing emotions.

R.E: We were writing the Our Father and we were also writing it for our class prayer book.

P.E.: On Monday in PE we played a game called Indiana Jones, we all thought it was amazing and we want to play it again!

We all wrote our class precepts which are kind words to help us live our lives happier.

We started to do a new Smart Start rota this week, so we each had a turn to try 4 different activities. We loved doing it.

We enjoyed our Free Writing Friday.

Rhia: I wrote about my Gran’s birthday. I am proud of my work because I wrote a piece of writing that is true and it’s about my favourite time of the year.

Sophie YM: I wrote about my Show Jumping Day. I am proud of my writing because I have never done show jumping before.

Morgan: I wrote a story about a girl called Honey. I am proud because I love writing and making stories.

Maliha: I carried on my account about my first day in P6.

Katie: I wrote a story about a lost puppy.

Sophie YM: I wrote about my show jumping.

Maya: I wrote about when I got my dog.


Congratulations to Jack for being awarded this week’s Praise Postcard!


By Richard and Jack (Lead Learners)



Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6

Weekly News from P3 Superstars

It has been another busy week in P3 and we have so much to share with you!

Cooper loved Number Talks when we were learning to make tens.  He loved putting his thumb up to show us that he had  a strategy.

Leon loved rounding numbers in maths.

Amelia loved recounting the story of The Enormous Crocodile and thinking of lots of different time openers.

Oliver loved making a concertina crocodile.

Maja loved programming Beebots and working with her friends.

Alasdair loved joining letters.  We were working on c,o, a and d.

Mark loved programming the Beebots to travel all around the classroom.

Kayla has loved exploring different authors and reading in our book corner.

Abu Bakr loved creating an autumn collage.

Micah liked doing yoga in PE.

Victoria loved listening to the story of The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Christopher loved PE.

Hanna loved reading and writing numbers to 100.

Robert loved making tens in Number Talks.

Seren liked making moving crocodiles with paper fasteners.

Evie loved throwing and catching in PE.

Abigail loved spelling our P3 key words with play dough.

Joshua liked using the iPads to video learning with the Beebots.

Eve loved using our boost words to play games.

Ibad loved doing Just Dance in PE.

Riley loved recounting the story of The Enormous Crocodile.

Jiya loved using the netbooks in maths to work on her rounding skills using the Rocket Rounding game

Milena loved creating our own fitness routine to use in the class.

And Mirren just loved everything.

We’re looking forward to more exciting learning next week when our new Word Boost Book is the Obvious Elephant. The boost words for next week are confident, curious, examine, connect, obvious and bewildered.  Our spelling key words are if, into, from, go, going, has, her and here. In numeracy we will be working on naming and ordering hundreds then reading and writing three-digit numbers.  And it will be our last week on our IDL topic ‘The Enormous Crocodile’.

from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P4 Weekly News!

This week we have been trying to work hard and follow the school rules. Please read on for more information from some of our class.

Poppy – I liked doing rounding in maths.

Freda – I really liked learning about the history of chocolate.

Aiden – I enjoyed maths. I like rounding.

Abigail – I enjoyed PE. We are learning how to play Handball.

Wiktoria – I enjoyed playing Handball because I got to be the goalkeeper.

Romera – I liked writing a letter to Willy Wonka. My letter was to ask Willy Wonka if I could go and visit his chocolate factory.

Sahara – I liked writing a letter. I drew a picture of the tiny people called Oompa-Loompas.

Abby – I enjoyed playtime. Me and Wiktoria played Pokemon.

Paul – I like doing maths. I find it easy to round to 10.

Lloyd – I liked playing the rake with Nathan.

Tomasz – I have enjoyed playtime this week.

Oliver – I enjoyed playing Zombie Tig at break.

Adam – I enjoyed playing with Mackenzie at break.

Bernice – I enjoyed tidying the library and putting all the books back in order.

Isla – I have enjoyed everything this week.

Nathan – I enjoyed playtime.

Rutendo – I liked reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Mackenzie – I enjoyed playing Handball.

Mark – I enjoyed rounding to 10 and 100 in maths.

Marcel – I liked playtime. Me and Dawid were playing a game of running away from Ephraim.

Casper – I enjoyed playing with Nathan. We played Zombie Tig.

Rafay – I enjoyed smart start when we were trying to work out a 9 letter word which was volcanoes.

Daniel – I liked maths. I know how to round to the nearest 10.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

P3/4 Weekly News

We have had a great week filled with lots of learning and fun. Here are some of our highlights;

James – I enjoyed Numeracy this week because we were rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

Ephraim – I liked playing the rounding 3 in a row game.

Stefan – I enjoyed PE this week doing some hand, eye coordination games.

Kyle – I liked playing Handball in PE this week.

Yasmin – I liked PE too this week because we were juggling with bean bags.

Thea – I liked designing a chocolate bar and a sweetie during smart start tasks.

Klaudia – I enjoyed rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

Kaitlyn – I liked doing the Maths Challenge for rounding. They were very tricky.

Sophie – I liked playing the one word story game we played during writing.

Dawid – I liked designing my own chocolate bar and sweet.

Dexter – I enjoyed playing games in music with Mrs Nichol.

Lucy – I liked playing the rock, paper, scissors ladders when the boys played against the girls.

Riley – In writing this week we wrote a persuasive letter to Mr Willy Wonka to persuade him to give us a golden ticket.

Amber – I enjoyed writing this week.

Brooke – In Spanish we were revising the colours.

Hannah – We learned about the history of chocolate and made a timeline.

Leigha – I liked sharing ideas for our learning on the Pupil Voice are of our planning wall.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Wassell and P3/4


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