A Busy Week in P3

At the end of Maths Week Scotland, the children in Primary 3 would like to share their highlights with you.

Abu Bakr liked reaching his goals when he published his story in PM writing.

Christopher liked throwing and catching in PE.

Mirren liked counting backwards in maths.

Eve liked learning new boost words in our story, “The Cultivated Wolf”.

Micah liked working with others to construct a big model in the play area.

Evie liked spelling on the netbooks.

Cooper liked creating a robot in the play room.

Victoria liked creating a seasons collage and exploring different textures.

Hanna liked throwing and catching in PE.

Abigail liked investigating pushing and pulling forces in the playground.

Alasdair liked sorting out toys for pushing and toys for pulling.

Mark liked playing footbag in PE.

Seren liked hunting for adjectives in the garden to help us plan our writing.

Milena enjoyed working with Lewis, our work experience student.

Riley liked mini-football.

Oliver liked counting backwards in tens on our Promethean board.

Amelia liked exploring pulling forces in science when she did a tug of war.

Joshua liked investigating forces in the playground and using an iPad to record his learning.

Maja  liked using exclamation marks in her writing.

Ibad liked illustrating his narrative writing.

Mati liked counting backwards in hundreds.

Please take a look at our One Note profiles as we’ve been finding lots to put on our WOW walls this week!

from Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3

A busy week in P3/4

Here are P3/4 highlights of the week;

Dawid – I enjoyed writing this week. We wrote a narrative about a character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I picked Augustus Gloop to write about.

Kayla – I liked creating a venn diagram with sweeties.

Klaudia – I enjoyed writing too. I chose Veruca Salt to write about.

Esmee – I liked PE this week. We had a wee surprise when it was Miss Ford doing PE.

Dexter – I liked going to the Pond to see what if different from the woodlands in Dedridge to the forests in Africa where they grow Cacao pods.

Kyle – I liked PE this week with the S5 students who were preparing us for the handball festival.

Kaitlyn – I liked going to the pond to see all the differences between forests here and in Africa.

Lucy – I liked writing this week. I wrote about Veruca Salt.

James – I enjoyed the blether stations in the garden this week because we had to try and make as many number questions as we could.

Amber – I wrote about Veruca Salt too this week.

Jarred – I liked doing the Venn diagrams to show what was the same and what was different between Dedridge woodlands and Africa forests.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs W and P3/4


What a wonderful week in the learning journey of our young children in the nursery

Tea parties, dancing and Picnics started off the week.



Tuesday gave the new children their first experience of the local library. We all kept Safe and were so well behaved on the walk there and in the library. The book we read in the morning was ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, the afternoon children had three books for Bookbug week.

A great big thank you to all of our parents and family members who attended our MacMillan Coffee Morning!! Such a worthy cause and together we raised a whopping £115.42!!!


We hope you’ve all had a great weekend and can’t wait to start the fun all over again on Monday.

from the Nursery Team xx



Our GIRFEC focus this month is Healthy.




FRIDAY- session 2 PEEP class with Mrs Beattie

Primary 7 Weekly News

A busy week in P7!


We have been enjoying learning about measure in maths – some of the work we have been doing is to estimate, then measure to see how accurate our estimation is. At home can you play a game that involves estimating length the  measuring? Or maybe you have some tips of your own for estimation that you could share?


In writing we have been learning about Narrative as a genre – we looked at a narrative called The Swooping Eagles and used the structure to create our own animal narratives. We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 8th oct to our Stay, Play and Write session – so you can see a little bit about what writing is about for us!


We are looking forward to beginning our classroom economy next week! Part of our maths curriculum includes learning about and being able to budget and manage money. The class will earn £5 classroom currency for various jobs such as having full PE kit… they will be expected to pay £30 per week for their desk and chair (non negotiable) and the class shop will open during fun 31 where they can spend their money on various treats! Well done to Lorenzo for winning our design competition with his St Ninians design – and Finlay for coming up with the name St Ninian’s Nickles 🥰


We had a P7 meeting on Friday to discuss some of the issues we have coming up – including our Risk Factory trip on Tuesday!


Have a wonderful weekend!

One of the things you will learn about at stay, play and write is how much we love free writing Friday!

Working Hard in P3

It has been a busy week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights.

Eve liked reading a narrative story in PM writing and looking for nouns and verbs.

Christopher and Victoria liked building a home for a bear in Science and thinking about which materials to use.

Joshua liked construction challenges during Smart Start.

Seren liked getting a new book in her reading group.

Milena liked counting to 999 and finding numbers before and numbers after.

Alasdair liked working in the play area.

Oliver liked writing a story about The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me.

Ibad liked investigating materials in Science.

Evie liked working with others to build a home for a bear.

Micah liked trying our new Promethean Board.

Robert liked role play when he was playing at schools.

Leon liked construction in Fun 31.

Maja liked building stories using Mighty Writer.

Milena liked creating sounds in music.

Riley liked investigating freezing and melting in Science.

Abigail liked our ‘Hot Seat’ plenary in maths.

Kayla liked everything this week!

from P3, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keeegan

Primary 2 Blog

This week the class have been working more on ‘doubles’ in Number Talks and have started to learn about counting in twos. We have been trying to get outside for our learning across the curriculum and pupils have given ideas for more things we could do outside and we can’t wait to share more of our learning with you.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Paul – Our topic. We learned about water. We had people acting for how we would feel if we had an ice cube or water on us.

Mara – Boost Words were fun. We learned about words like ‘creep’.

Joshua – I’ve been counting in twos and fives.

Emilie – We’ve been learning that all animals need water, even lady birds.

Shea – Butterflies need water too! We also did lots of counting in twos.

Luke – We learned about how most of the world is water.

Liam – I liked using a textbook in Numeracy. I even chose to use it for Smart Start.

Michelle – I liked doing writing about The Gingerbread Man.

Scott – I liked doing that story too. I was very good at writing this week and it’s going on the wall.

Lucas – We learned that about 70% of the earth is water.

Paul – That’s more than half of the planet.

Anna – I loved writing. We did a retelling of a story.

Roma – I liked water too. We learned about it as a liquid, an ice cube and boiling.

Cordelle – We read and watched the story of The Gingerbread Man and used our Mighty Writer to help us

Logan – Fun 31 was good. I went to the garden.

Jane – I liked colouring in things that need water to live and leaving out the ones that don’t.

Amelia – I like reading my reading book. We get a new one on Monday.

Connor – We did spelling by finding rubber ducks and suitcases in the garden with hidden words.

Pati – We made our own

from Miss Lydon and P2

P6 Weekly News

P6 have had another busy week. Here are some of our highlights:

Rachel: In Writing we wrote a narrative about an animal.

Andrew: In P.E. we played some new games.

Jack: We played tennis using our hands.

Lennon: We played hockey.

Calvin: In Maths we learnt about decimal fractions.

Sophie R: We made 3D shapes with straws and playdough and also we made 3D nets.

Cameron: For Free Writing Friday I wrote about a footballer.

Richard: We got our first homework of Primary 6.

Jack: We were all given our new reading books.

Maliha: It was the first collection for Credit Union today and lots of us were taking part for the first time. It was really fun!

Orla: I enjoyed making the 3D paper nets this week.

Seamus: In R.E. we learnt about the Liturgical Calendar.

Jack: We learnt that there are different colours for different times like Christmas, Easter, Advent and Lent.

Lennon: It was fun playing a ball game in Music.

Richard: I enjoyed using different instruments to make music.

Pawel: I liked making my own songs.

Carly: We also learnt about the different coloured robes that the priest wears in R.E.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6


P4 Weekly News!

We have had a fun and chocolate filled week this week! Read on for more information.

Bernice, Paul, Wiktoria, Casper, Aiden, Tomasz, Romera and Lloyd- We liked chocolate tasting during IDL on Thursday. We tasted 4 different types of chocolate and we had to use an adjective to describe the taste.

Mackenzie – I liked doing spelling tasks with my spelling group.

Mark, Adam, Oliver, Abby and Abigail – We liked writing a recipe for a new chocolate bar. We used the idea of Melanie’s Raspberry Shortcake chocolate bar from the Inside Cadbury’s TV documentary.

Nathan, Poppy and Marcel – We enjoyed playing Handball in PE.

Sahara – I liked going to assembly today. We learned about respecting ourselves and we sang some songs.

Rutendo – I liked finishing watching the Inside Cadbury’s TV documentary.

Freda – I enjoyed doing maths this week. We were counting forwards in 1s, 10s and 100s.

Daniel – I have enjoyed reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We are almost at the end of the story.

Isla – I enjoyed watching Newsround.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Ford 🙂

P3/4 Weekly News

P3/4 have had a super week this week. Here are some of our highlights;

Sophie – I enjoyed the chocolate tasting this week. They were delicious! My favourite was the Galaxy chocolate.

Dexter – I liked learning all about the colours in Spanish.

Jarred – I liked playing Handball in PE this week.

Klaudia – I am loving reading our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

Esmee – I liked learning about 2D shapes with Mrs Howley.

Kerr – I liked learning how to play handball this week.

James – I loved the chocolate tasting this week. I had to be a chocolate judge and give a review on each of the chocolates. My favourite was the normal dairy milk.

Chloe – I liked playing handball in PE this week.

Yasmin – I liked playing handball in PE.

Dawid – I enjoyed the chocolate tasting this week and trying to guess what each one was.

Taha – I liked PE this week.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed the chocolate tasting too.

Lucy – I enjoyed going to the library at the Lanthorn this week.

Riley – I liked writing this week because we got to write a recipe for our own chocolate bar creation.

Amber – I liked going to the library at the Lanthorn.

Leigha – I liked getting a new book to read in class at the library.

Kayla – I loved the chocolate tasting. Galaxy was my favourite because it was amazing.

Hannah – I enjoyed playing handball in PE.

Ephraim – I enjoyed the practise at the handball festival at PE.

Stefan – I liked numeracy this week counting in 1’s, 10’s and 100’s with numbers up to 10,000.

Brooke – I enjoyed chocolate tasting. I thought the 30% less sugar dairy milk was the best because it tasted smooth.

Thea – I liked playing handball this week.

Kyle – I also enjoyed PE this week.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week for more updates on our learning.

Mrs W and P3/4

Primary 2 Blog

We had a short and busy week this week in Primary 2. We started learning about water for new topic in class. We are working on tens and ones for our number work as well. We decided to try reading our story outside in the garden this week too.

Some pupil highlights are below:

Shea – I liked playing out in the area outside the classroom. I made a bottle with lots of stuff inside.

Pati – We were writing about ‘Stick Man’. I liked the dog and stick man playing with fish.

Scott – I made a big giant plane at school.

Anna – I like our new topic. It’s science.

Lucas – We went on a water hunt for our topic. I like taps the best.

Connor – I liked going on the water hunt. I like when we saw lots of water outside.

Layla – I loved going for a walk. It was for my committee. It was so much fun.

Cordelle – I was in that committee too. We went to a swan pond and the swans had their babies and they were following us.

Rojin – I went to Art Committee/ We had to do a dot and then circles around it and then a big square. I had loads of fun.

Jane – I loved doing art too. I can’t wait to show my work at home.

Roma – When I did my special work in maths on tens you told me I did a great job.

Emilie – I liked doing maths. We had to count our tens and count our ones and find the answer. I also loved the committee. I picked Hakuna Matata for our song!

Joshua – In Mini Glee committee I chose ‘We Will Rock You’.

Lucy – I made a pirate ship at school this week.

Mara – I made a big car with red and blue in it.

Michelle – I liked doing spelling. I liked creating words on whiteboards with magnetic letters.

Luke – We did our milk and story in the garden outside.

Freya – We got to write about ‘Stick Man’. It’s a book and I like when Santa rescued him.

Liam – I made a robot this week.

from Miss Lydon and P2















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