P2 Weekly Update


This week we focused on the features of descriptive writing and some pupils chose to use our learning during Free Writing Friday today.

‘Bear Time Reading’ was introduced and allows pupils to choose something to read, get comfortable and read with a teddy. We want to do this every Friday.

We are finishing our focus on addition for numeracy and continuing to explore time for mathematics.

Parental Involvement

Try this penalty shootout game to help with addition: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/543/Maths-Penalty-Shoot-out

Pupil voice

Lucas – We did our class song. I like that our school’s name is in it.

Lucy – I liked in maths when we had a sum and there was a missing number in it and we worked it out.

Mara – We learned the ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sound.

Cordelle – There are two ways to spell that sound.

Anna – I liked Irish dancing after school this week.

Pati – We went to the library. We listened to a story.

Paul – In P.E. we were climbing on monkey bars.

Emilie – I liked doing our writing. We imagined a new person coming to join our class.

Liam – I liked Free Writing Friday because I wrote about my sister. It’s her birthday.

Shea – I liked reading. I love getting a new book.

Logan – I liked Irish dancing too. We learned our Irish skips.

Luke – I liked doing reading. We got a new book this week.

Rojin – I liked doing the nativity practice.

Jane – I liked writing about stuff we chose for Free Writing Friday.

Connor – I liked our new maths cards that we can choose and mark ourselves. I like doing lots of numbers.

Amelia – We were allowed to choose what to write about.

Freya – I liked writing today because I wrote about friends.

Joshua – I liked finishing our bonfire art pictures.

Roma – I wrote about Pudsey today because today is Children in Need.

Scott – I went to mini football yesterday and we played tig and football. I love it.

Michelle – I made shapes in our play area.

P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Literacy – We have been working in our reading groups to answer questions about our reading books. We have also been writing directions of how to get from one place to another using a map. This is called procedure writing.

Numeracy and Maths – We have been learning the names of 2D shapes and 3D objects. In Number Talks we have been practising our addition skills.

Health and Wellbeing – We have been focusing on the GIRFEC theme ‘Achieving’ by talking about and creating comic strips of us achieving something. We also celebrated anti-bullying week this week by reminding ourselves of what it means to be a good friend.

IDL – We have been learning about science, enterprise and food technology. In science we learned that water is the only substance on earth that can be found in all 3 states: liquid, solid and gas. Water changes by freezing and boiling.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Abigail – I enjoyed doing IDL. I went to Science and Enterprise. I learned how to change water from a liquid to solid and from liquid to gas.

Sahara – I enjoyed watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We are comparing the old movie with the new one. My favourite part was when all the characters came out of the factory. I have noticed that in the old movie there is an extra bit that is not included in the new one. It is when Willy Wonka gets mad at Charlie!

Freda and Rafay – We loved IDL. We went to Science and Food Technology. We made rice crispie cakes by using a microwave to melt chocolate then mixing the melted chocolate with the rice crispies. Our cakes were delicious!

Oliver – I enjoyed RE. We learned about Saint Columba and Saint Margaret. Saint Columba lived on an island in Scotland called Iona and Saint Margaret helped the poor.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Have a go at writing directions to get somewhere which you have visited this week/weekend.

Number Talks – If you can do 3 + 4 you can do 303 + 4. Talk about this strategy with someone at home and try to get an answer.

HWB – What have you done this week that makes you a good friend?

IDL – Talk to someone at home about the temperature which water must be at in order to freeze and to boil.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

P3/4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

Literacy – This week in reading we have been focusing on creating questions for our reading books. He have been exploring literal questions and evaluative questions. In writing we have been learning how to write directions to get from one place to the next. This is called Procedure Writing. We have also had a focus on digital literacy this week where we watched the new ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and compared it to the old film ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’. We discussed our preferences and explained why.

Numeracy – This week we have been developing our mental strategies to work out calculations through our ‘Blether Stations’ with our talk partners. We have also been working on addition this week and have explored adding 2 and 3 digit numbers with carrying in the written method. Some of the children have been working on some different addition strategies e.g. near doubles and pairing numbers to make 10.

Health and Wellbeing – We have been celebrating anti-bullying week and World Kindness Day this week. We have been discussing about what makes a great friend and sharing qualities that we see in others through out ‘Special Person of the Day’.

IDL – We have been developing our enterprise skills this week as we prepare to make our own creations to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We have been working in teams to create a company name and logo. In Science we have been exploring melting, freezing and boiling. We have used what we have been learning about melting to create delicious Chocolate Krispie Cakes.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

It’s your lead learners Kerr and Lucy here! Here are our weekly highlights:

This week has been lots of fun. We have enjoyed PE this week as we were working on our hand eye coordination using balls and cups. We also liked the IDL afternoon because we got to do play, food technology, science and enterprise. On Tuesday all the school from P4-P7 went to the Cinema to see ‘The Grinch’. We thought it was funny! In our class we started the ‘Special Person of the Day’ for World Kindness Day. We like this because it makes people feel happy because people say nice things about them. We also loved Art this week. We made remembrance pictures.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

This week we have been learning how to write a set of directions to get from one place to another.

Can you draw a map and write a set of directions to get from your house to somewhere you like to go? It could be the local park, woodlands, a friends house or a family members house.


P3 Weekly Highlights

Learning Overview

It has been a busy week in P3 and we have many highlights to share.  In Word Boost we loved listening to the story of Myron’s Magic Cow and learning the boost words astonished, co-operate, nervous, separate, nudge and continue.  In reading we have focused on using punctuation to help us read with expression.  As we thought about how to #MakeA Change in our school for #AntiBullyingWeek we created instructions on how to be a good friend. Our focus in writing these instructions was to identify clear steps and to use strong verbs.

Maths has been great fun as we have been learning how to add using number buddies and doubles and we have come up with lots of creative ideas to help us learn including using rekenreks, counting beads, number squares and counters.

Our work on resilience has continued as we have considered what activities make us feel good and then we used our drama skills to mime these feelings.  The children had so many great ideas such as reading, swimming, baking, running, gardening and dancing.

And of course our visit to the cinema was great fun….

Pupil Voice

“We have learnt how to join letters and to keep our letters the same size” Christopher, Mark and Mirren.

“In Anti Bullying week we talked about helping each other in the playground.  We have all tried to be extra-nice to each other” Micah, Victoria and Ibad.

“We have written imaginative stories using the Mighty Writer board.  We shared our stories with the class and recorded them using iPads” Evie, Eve and Abigail.

Parental Involvement

Help your child to add using doubles to 20 e.g. 6+6, 7+7 then progress on to near doubles e.g. 6+7, 7+8.  The materials in the maths bag will come in handy here.  We loved listening to this song to help us learn – click here to listen.

Hit the Button is a great game to play to work on doubles too.


Primary 6 Weekly News

Weekly Overview:

  • Numeracy: Looking at addition and subtraction using a standard written method.
  • Maths: Drawing 2 lines of symmetry (horizontal, vertical and diagonal)
  • Literacy: PM Writing focusing on Procedure.
  • New Class Novel: ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross MacKenzie. P6 will be looking at Boost Words regularly as we read this book.


Pupil Comments:

Richard/Kuba/Orla: We enjoyed programming and playing with Marty the Robot. We used Scratch to make him move in different directions – it was good fun!

Michael/Carly/Jack: In Writing we all wrote Halloween poems and we worked in groups to create our poems. We typed up our poems using netbooks, printed them and then shared with each other.

Alexis/ Emily: On Tuesday we all went to our Pope Francis Faith Award Mass. All of us taking part in the Pope Francis Award received yellow wrist bands from the priest.

Rachel/Carly: We also had the school Halloween disco on Tuesday evening. The party was really good fun and those of us in the Community Links committee helped with the infant party.

Kate: There was a pumpkin competition and there were lots of brilliantly decorated pumpkins on display.

Emily: I was surprised and happy to win the best pumpkin. My pumpkin was decorated as a blue cookie monster!

Niamh: We all shared our Science presentations in front of the class.

Richard: In RE we were learning about a prayer called The Memorare.

Brooke/ Maliha: On Monday we had lots of fun in PE playing Planet Football games. In PE we were learning about weight and we did heavy weights and low reps.


Next Steps:

Help your child to practise their addition skills by letting them add up different items from your shopping receipts. They could check their answers using a calculator.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6


P2 Weekly News

Some pupil highlights from this week are below:

Emilie – We had our Halloween disco. I liked dancing with Freya and Lucy.

Michelle – We made candles for All Saints’ Day.

Shea – Please stay far back from fireworks. We learned to stay safe during fireworks.

Paul – Keep gloves on if you use a sparkler.

Lucas – Make sure you don’t get hurt with fireworks.

Freya – This week we had a hand and had to write adults that keep us safe at home and at school.

Connor – I liked doing Health and Wellbeing and drawing pictures for different words like ‘safe’.

Rojin – We wrote about people that keep us safe.

Anna – I liked the Halloween party. I loved the donuts on string best.

Pati – I liked what we were writing because it was for Halloween.

Lucy – I liked when we were doing writing. We wrote an acrostic poem.

Amelia – We could choose to colour spooky pictures at Smart Start.

Roma – We looked at our clouds we made for what makes us special.

Joshua – Do not throw fireworks or you could get really hurt.

Liam – I liked maths. I liked the Halloween code breaker challenge.

Luke – I liked the writing poems when each line started with a special letter.

P4 Weekly News

We have had a busy week in P4. Here are some comments from some of our class:

Bernice, Nathan and Mackenzie – We liked coding Marty the robot. Bernice and Nathan made Marty kick a ball.

Lloyd, Hayley, Mark, Casper, Wiktoria, Aiden, Adam and Paul – We liked writing a recount about our class trip to the chocolate factory called Cocoa Bean.

Abby and Marcel – We liked doing true and false in maths. We were learning about greater than, less than and equal to.

Rutendo and Abigail – We enjoyed celebrating All Saints Day at mass today.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown

P3/4 Weekly News

P3/4 had a fantastic week this week. Here are some of our highlights:

Esmee – I enjoyed learning about coding this week using Marty the Robot. I programmed Marty to dance. He wiggled his hips.

Lucy – Writing was great this week as we wrote a recount about our visit to the Chocolate Factory. I had to include a title, orientation, sequence of events and a personal comment.

Klaudia – I enjoyed our halloween art afternoon when we got to use a variety of skills to create different pieces of spooky art work.

Kyle – PE was great this week. We got to do tug of war.

Dexter – I enjoyed word boost this week. We learned lots of new vocabulary from our class novel. We learned what each word meant and worked together with our learning partner to create exciting sentences using the words.

Brooke – I liked doing the obstacle course in PE this week.

Stefan – I liked PE on Monday. We played lots of games to help improve our fitness.

Kaitlyn – I liked doing the halloween activities. My favourite was the spooky free writing. I wrote a story about a dog called ‘Woof’

Dawid – I liked playing charades to show my understanding of the new boost words.

Kerr – I liked spooky free writing. I wrote a story about some people who went into a haunted house for an award ceremony.

James – I enjoyed ‘All Saints’ Mass this week. The hymns were lovely.

Amber – I liked doing some Halloween art activities this week. My favourite was the pumpkin printing.

Kayla – I liked STEM this week where we were learning about coding. I asked Marty the robot to get ready. He straightened his back and moved his eyebrows.

Riley – I liked doing a variety of activities in PE this week to improve my fitness.

Ephraim – I enjoyed writing a spooky Halloween story. It was called ‘Messi gets possessed’.

Taha – I liked doing the Halloween Art activities. My favourite was creating a night scene with the moon and a bat.

Thea – I liked playing with Marty the Robot this week. I asked him to dance.

Chloe – I liked spelling this week. We got to paint our spelling words and use collage to create our words.

Have a lovely weekend!

P3/4 and Mrs W

P3 Weekly News

It has been a busy week in P3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Mark and Leon enjoyed programming Beebots with a partner.

Abigail liked creating a charter for the Play Room.

Eve liked developing her creative skills in the modelling area in the Play Room.

Micah loved the Halloween PE obstacle course.

Joshua liked solving problems to create a robot in the modelling area of the Play Room.

Mirren liked comparing big numbers in maths.

Amelia and Cooper enjoyed our Halloween activities, especially the mindfulness colouring and listening to spooky music.

Seren liked creating a picture of the seasons using chalk and different textures.

Milena and Victoria loved the Halloween party.

Riley liked working on spelling patterns using marker pens.

Abu Bakr loved partitioning numbers in maths.

Jiya liked building numbers using the concrete materials.

Hanna and Maja liked translating the Play Room charter in to Polish and recording it for other children.

Robert liked creating our Play Room charter in Russian for other children to understand.

Oliver liked learning about The Real Me as we explored resilience.

Alasdair and Christopher enjoyed Number Talks with the Rekenreks.

Evie liked learning about greater than and less than in maths.

Kayla loved working in the writing area in the Play Room.

from Mrs Keegan, Mrs Caskie and P3





Welcome back to term 2!!

Lots of fun events await us this term and we cant wait to share them all with you.

This week saw the launch of our word boost initiative with the children. The story we read this week was “The Selfish Crocodile”.

The boost words that you can work speak about and encourage with your children are;





Welly Wednesday was great fun this week as the children were rolling down the hill through the leaves and collecting leaves to build a fire pit.

Thank you to our parents who stayed behind for our first Breakfast blether and Noon Natter on Thursday. This is a time for you to have a break and get to know other Parents and guardians in the nursery Staff room, free of staff. We  hope this provided a little bit of sanctuary in your day. The next one will be in November.


Halloween is a focus in the nursery at the moment, the children have been recording their ideas and memories in our Talking Floor Book.

Have a great weekend everybody!!! from the Nursery Team xx






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