Primary 3 Update

Learning Overview

IDL – This week we have investigated the Solar System, the Sun and the Moon. This learning was suggested by Micah, Evie and Seren when we planned our topic last week.  Highlights were heading out to the playground to use our bodies to create a model of the sun with the planets orbiting around it then taking part in a scavenger hunt in the garden to collect pictures of the planets then arrange them in the correct order from the sun. We loved working in teams to create our own solar systems – especially when we got to write on the tables to label our diagrams!

Literacy – This week our Word Boost book has been ‘The Wild Girl’ and our boost words are grubby, snug, certain, tough, pile and wild.  One of our focus areas in reading was nouns and we’ve been busy hunting for nouns in our reading books.  In writing we wrote a description of Mr Eejit from our class novel, The Eejits and we’re expanding our knowledge of Scots language too.

Maths  – In numeracy we have been adding and subtracting single and double-digit numbers.  We’ve used number patterns, known facts and counting forward and backwards to help us.  Everyone had great fun choosing whether to use hundred squares, counting beads or number lines to support their learning.  Our work on telling the time continues and we’ve been playing games to help us to tell the time to o’clock, half past and quarter to and past.

Health and Well-Being Our work on Resilience continues and we have been exploring activities to help us relax as well as talking about our emotions.  Our focus in PE has been gymnastics.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights

Mati I liked making a diagram of the solar system. We hunted for the planets in the garden.  Then, we arranged the planets in the order of the solar system and drew the sun on the table.

Abigail I liked reading the Eejits because it is very funny.  We understood some of the words.  We also wrote descriptions of Mr Eejit.

Seren I liked going to the library because I chose a book which I really like.  It is about going to a vet.

Home Learning Opportunities

IDL – ask your child to share what they have learnt in Science about the solar system.

Literacy – look out for nouns as you read story books with your child.

Maths – try this game on Top Marks to consolidate skills in telling the time  We’ve had great fun playing it in class!

P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

IDL – We have been learning about the Titanic. We have learned what happened on the Titanic by gathering evidence. The sources which we used were researching using the internet and watching a recount from Eva Hart who was a passenger on board. We learned that these are reliable sources of evidence but we do need to double check when researching online as not everything is true!

Numeracy and Maths – We have been finishing the topic of money by doing word problems, calculating change and number talks linked to money.

Literacy – We have started a new PM writing genre called Exposition. This is a one sided argument. We know you have to have time sequence words.

HWB – We have been doing balance in gymnastics. We have also been working in cooperative groups to achieve a challenge.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Aiden and Casper are this week’s lead learners. Here are some comments from them:

Aiden – I enjoyed doing research on Titanic. I liked trying to find information on the internet using a laptop.

Casper – I enjoyed doing the Titanic work especially when we were researching and making a poster to share with the class.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

IDL – Ask your child to share a fact they have learned about the Titanic.

Maths – How may different ways can you use notes and coins to make £10?

Literacy – Think of something you feel strongly about. What could your reasons be if you were writing an exposition about this?

HWB – This month’s GIRFEC theme is Active. Get active this weekend!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

P3/4 Weekly News

Teacher Voice

This has been a very busy week in P3/4. We been learning all about exposition texts this week. We have explored the structure of an exposition text and the language features. We enjoyed using conjunctions to create our own sentences.

In Maths this week we have been exploring money. We have been learning the shop keepers method (counting on) to help us. This has been quite challenging but we love a challenge in P3/4.

We have started our new IDL topic ‘The Titanic’ this week. We are extremely interested in this topic and have many questions about the disaster. We are enjoying using research to answer these questions. We have discussed various sources of evidence we can use and the reliability of these sources. The children really enjoyed hearing Eva Hart’s memories from being on ‘The Titanic’.

We have been learning new vocabulary related to our topic. As a class we worked together to create our own ‘Titanic Dictionary’. We used our dictionary  skills to find the definitions and added illustrations to help us understand what each word meant.

We have also been learning all about emotions and feelings this week. We have discussed these feelings and shared times we have experienced these feelings. We have talked about ways to manage our emotions when we are feeling sad or angry.

We started gymnastics this week in PE. We worked with our ELF (effective learning friend) to create interesting balances.

Pupil Voice

This weeks lead learners are James and Myles. They are here to tell you all about our week.

This week we have really enjoyed our new Topic ‘The Titanic’. We watched an interview with one of the surviving passengers Eva Hart talk about her memories from the Titanic. She was only 7 years old when she was on the Titanic with her Mum and Dad. We did some research about the Titanic in groups and created posters with 5 interesting facts. In Maths we have been learning about money. We learned the shop keepers method to calculate change. We started gymnastics this week. It was fun! We have been learning how to write an exposition text this week.

Home Learning

Titanic Big Talk

Ask a family member about what they know about the Titanic.

Share facts that you have researched this week with them.


Go to the shops with an adult. Buy two products and add together the amounts.

Can you calculate how much change you will get?

Check your receipt and change to see if you were correct.


Can you find 5 conjunctions in a book at home?


Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

Merry Christmas from P3

It has been such a busy last week of term with our Christmas party, pantomime, crafts and baking.  We even managed to use our Spanish counting skills while we were making our truffles!

Everyone loved exploring visual literacy through the Christmas story of the Bear and the Hare and retelling the story.  These fabulous stories are on our One Note profiles for you to read.  We used our addition and subtraction skills to play Christmas-themed maths games too.

Have a lovely Christmas and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2020.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P2 Weekly Update


We had a great last week filled with activities. We had our pantomime and lots of fun at our Christmas party.

Have a lovely Christmas!

Parental Involvement

Have fun joining in with this song all about subtraction:

Pupil voice

Connor – I loved making our truffles

Paul – We made stick pin Santa art

Rojin – I liked doing yoga in class

Michelle – I liked writing about Winter and designing an elf

Mara – I loved our pantomime

Liam – We did shading for art with Mrs Currie

Amelia – We did our last tidy up of the year. Next time it will be 2020

Pati – We did truffles. They were delicious!

Logan – We designed our own snowman or snow lady

Shea – I liked getting to watch some of Happy Feet with milk and story

Roma – We did Winter pictures with Mrs Currie

Joshua – My favourite part of the pantomime was when Mrs Currie and Miss Diamond had to go on stage

Lucas – We played tig in PE with Mr McCurdy

Emilie – We made angel decorations with cupcake cases and sparkles

P4 Weekly News!

This week in Primary 4 we have been getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Here are some of the things we have been doing:

  • We enjoyed our Christmas party
  • We learned some Spanish Christmas phrases and traditions
  • We discussed the message behind the John Lewis Christmas advert
  • We presented our solo talks
  • We worked in groups to design a new sleigh for Santa using our STEM skills and junk materials
  • We enjoyed watching the pantomime – Snow White!

We will be taking our IDL Christmas booklets home today so we can do some of the activities over the holidays as home learning!

Have a great Christmas and a very happy new year!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

Primary 3 Update

Weekly Highlights

We all loved watching Primary 1 and 2 perform the Nativity story this week  We were very impressed with their talent!

In maths we have been learning to tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.

In literacy we have been writing expositions about why we should eat healthy snacks.  Look out for these in our writing jotters.  Handwriting has been a focus and everyone is making fantastic progress with their joined writing.  Talking and listening has been a key area of learning as everyone presented their book talks and got involved in peer-assessing their friends.

Resilience has been our focus in health and well-being and we have been creating recipes for a Growth Mindset.

Everyone has developed their creative skills this week as we have made Christmas trees and angel decorations.  These will be coming home next week.

In addition to all of this we have completed assessments in reading and writing.  What a busy week!

Pupil Voice

  • We loved singing Santa Shark to our parents at the Christmas Singalong!
  • We loved playing games when we were telling the time.
  • We all did a book talk about our favourite book.
  • Creating Christmas trees was fun.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

This weekend please support your child’s learning in maths by telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter to and quarter past on an analogue clock.

Reading books have been collected in for the term but please spend extra time with your child reading favourite stories.  We’ve loved listening to Christmas stories online this week.


P7 Weekly Round Up!

Weekly Highlights

In literacy this week we completed our final writing assessment and spelling assessments of 2019! The P7 group were so engaged in making stickers for our Christmas Fair enterprise task that we decided to focus on procedural writing to provide instructions about how to make stickers – we are hoping the P6/7 class will test them out to give us feedback on our efforts. We have all enjoyed the new approach to spelling and Mrs Conway and Mrs Scott have loved seeing our progress across all of our written work!


In numeracy this week we have looked at pattern and angles. We used pattern to create mandala designs as part of our Pope Francis Faith Award work – they are beautiful. We have revised angles to activate our prior knowledge this week so that we are ready to challenge ourselves in January! Perhaps you could start to look for angles in your environment and name them?


The big news of this week was our upper school election. The boys and girls were so engaged in creating their political parties, manifestos, tag lines, logos and party political broadcasts. We delivered these to the upper school on Thursday morning then opened the polling station in the upper area. Congratulations to the Coping Campaign who were the winning party – making Hannah Prime Minister and Aria Deputy Prime Minister.

Pupil Voice

Abi I LOVE the political parties!

Krystian I like doodling when we are listening to our class novel.

Harley I think my football career needs to be put aside – I’m going to work at polling stations instead!

Neve In a normal election Hannah wouldn’t have been PM, she would have been our local MP

Joshua Jeremy Corbyn had to resign because the labour party lost the election. Boris Johnson is Prime Minister.

Home Learning

This weekend if you find yourself with a spare few minutes please discuss our Human Rights Day assembly with your child – the home task this month is to think about which of the Children’s Rights is most important to you and your family and find ways that the Government is supporting this right J

Remember to keep up with us on Twitter!

Primary 6 Weekly News

Learning Overview:

This week we have been consolidating our learning for this term’s interesting topic of discrimination. We have used group work to discuss the issues regarding the definition of discrimination and we have looked at how different groups of people are affected due to reasons such as skin colour, gender, age, religion and even disability. We have learned about Rosa Parks and had fun creating drama scenes in connection with this. We finished this topic through our writing this week where we wrote about the importance of treating everyone equally, using the genre of exposition.

We have been assessing our learning and understanding in numeracy and looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been very successful with our methods and use of different strategies although we all need to continue to practise learning our times tables and understanding of worded problems to identify the calculations within them.

We have been busy presenting our class talks where we have researched into different jobs and possible careers for our futures. We have been particularly discussing the skills for work and making links where possible to the skills we are learning at school. We have all made a fantastic effort and we have been focusing on including an introduction and a conclusion which has really improved our presenting skills.

Pupil Voice:

Carly: We went to Advent Mass and Father Kenneth put baby Jesus in the crib.

Angel: We did a presentation about people who have inspired us.

Sophie R: We have been taking part in a house Sumdog competition.

Brooke: We have been sharing our talks about careers that interest us.

Sophie YM: We learnt a new dance in P.E.

Katie: We all sang ‘Last Christmas’ during the Cake and Carols, in front of parents, grandparents and other visitors.

Lennon: We wrote about discrimination for writing and we all wrote an exposition stating that everyone should be treated fairly.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities:

Continue to practise learning your times tables to help you improve your multiplication and division skills.

Practise presenting your solo talks for next week. We are looking forward to hearing them!


P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Health and Wellbeing – On Friday we looked at our jotters and improved our work by doing kickstart. We did Christmas Just Dance in PE with Mr McCurdy.

Literacy – We did a recount of the Nativity story for RE and Writing this week.

Numeracy and Maths – We have been focusing on number bonds and we did a Christmas crackers task to find the other half of a number bond.

IDL – This week in our IDL carousel we did some Christmas crafts. We made paper chains, star baubles and paper angels.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Aiden – I was one of the lead learners this week. I enjoyed making star baubles in IDL. After I made it I used it in the play area as a ninja star!

Abby –  I was one of the lead learners this week. I enjoyed using paint and black paper to make a Christmas card. We will be writing these next week and giving them to someone 🙂

Isla – I enjoyed IDL. My favourite task was mindfulness colouring to make a bright and colourful paper chain.

Wiktoria – I enjoyed doing Dungeon Runner in PE with Mr McCurdy.

Paul – I enjoyed IDL. My favourite task was spending time improving my skills in the play area. I made things out of paper.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Practice your solo talk which you will be presenting to the class next week! We are looking forward to hearing them!

Maths – Try some number bonds at home. Ask someone to give you a number and see if you can work out what you could add to it to make a number bond or to get to the next friendly number.

For example: 46 + what makes 50?

46 + what makes 100?

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

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