P3 News

Learning Overview


This week we have been focusing on writing explanations and we wrote about the life cycle of a plant.   The writing was really impressive with fabulous openers, paragraphs and topic vocabulary.

Our Word Boost book was Black Dog and our boost words were demand, agree, follow, shrink, barricade and opportunity.

In Spanish we have learnt about weather phrases and days of the week.


In numeracy we have used think mats which have helped us to use pictures to solve problems and in maths we have explored length. Everyone has had great fun measuring tables, doors and each other!


This week we have explored the science of flight, programmed Beebots to travel around the classroom, investigated the work of Steve Jobs and written code to solve Minecraft puzzles using code.org 

Pupil Voice

Abu Bakr – I liked learning to code on code.org  We had to watch a video to find out what to do then we used programming skills to move a Minecraft character and solve challenges.  We set the target of writing 10 lines of code.  We managed to write 21 lines of code!

Victoria – I liked creating x-ray pictures of my hand.  Xrays are a medical invention.  We created x-ray pictures with blac-k paper and paper straws.  I was proud of my work.

Milena – I liked learning to programme Beebots to travel in a shape.  We chose a square.  We could record our learning using an iPad.

Home Learning

Keep working on addition and subtraction using this game


Try writing some code at code.org

Next week we will be learning about Internet Safety. Please take time to discuss internet safety with your child https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2020

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Caskie, Mrs Keegan and P3

P2 Update


This week we have been busy learning all about game design and jobs you can do to be involved in creating games. We had our trip to Pizza Express where we learned about how to make a pizza and secret ingredients that make it delicious.

In maths we have continued to learn about money and were trying to work out how to buy more than 2 items at a shop with only a certain amount of money to spend.

In Spanish we are learning about colours and made little Spanish colour flowers for our literacy working wall.

Parental Involvement

We have been using Voki to create characters. Have a go at home: https://www.voki.com/site/create

At the shop try to encourage your child to help pay with small coins or read totals on shelves.

Our Word Boost words are:

· Return

· A clump

· Remove

· Wonderful

· Suggest

Discuss the meaning of each of these with your child.

Pupil voice

Anna – We made characters on netbooks. My character was a fairy.

Emilie –We learned about jobs to make games. You can be a sound artist, a writer and loads more.

Shea – We did recycling too.

Roma – We went to Pizza Express. We made our very own pizzas.

Mara – We wrote about friends. It was an exposition.

Amelia – We learned about technology. We learned about coding too and had to code each-other.

Lucy – We used Voki on the computers. That’s what we used to design a game character.

Liam – We did loads of work on gymnastics in PE.

P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Literacy – We have been continuing Exposition in writing. The purpose of this is a one sided argument. This week we wrote about Article 31 – All children have the right to play.

Maths – We have been learning subtraction strategies in Number Talks. An easier way to -9 is to -10 then +1. We have been doing pattern in maths. This week we linked pattern to times tables.

IDL – This week we did a Titanic STEM design challenge. We used lego, scrap paper, dolls and things from home to design and build a model of a Titanic cabin.

HWB – In PE we have been doing gymnastics and yoga to strengthen our bodies.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Our lead learners this week are Rutendo and Paul. Here are some comments from them:

Rutendo – I enjoyed building our Titanic cabin. I worked with Lloyd and we chose to design and create a First Class cabin. In our cabin we put nice wallpaper, bedding, 2 chairs and a cupboard for suitcases. These things made it First Class.

Paul – I also enjoyed building our Titanic cabin because we used lots of luxury furniture like tables, chairs, a bed and a sofa. Daniel and I used lego and some of Aiden and Tomasz’s craft materials to make our cabin.

Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Try to think of something you have an opinion on and write an exposition. Remember to include the statement of position, series of arguments and concluding statement.

Maths – Make your own patterns and ask you parents to solve them! These could be shapes, numbers, letters or anything you can think of.

IDL – If you have materials at home you could try to make another Titanic cabin. Be creative and use your STEM skills!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

Primary 6 weekly News

Learning Highlights:


This week our main highlight was our ‘Scotland the Brave’ show and we thoroughly enjoyed performing in front of our families this morning. We loved acting, narrating, and singing all the Scottish songs.


We have been revising our knowledge of fractions in Numeracy this week and we have been calculating fractions of a value.


We have started to plan and write explanations and we will be practising this genre over the next couple of weeks.


Pupil Voice:

Calvin: I liked Science and we made paper helicopters.

Kate: I have learnt about different types of energy and I have really enjoyed learning this.

Maya: I learnt that when we held the helicopters up in the air they had potential energy and when we let go it changed to kinetic energy.

Maliha: I enjoyed jumping over the vault in P.E.

Angel: In P.E. we did balances and rolls and we jumped on the vault.

Daniel : I really enjoyed rehearsing for the show.

Michael: I learned how to write an explanation.

Kuba: I learnt how to find fractions of a number.


Home Learning:

We would like to be asked about telling the time on an analogue clock as we will be starting to learn about time next week. We also need to keep practising our times tables.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6

Primary 7 Weekly Round Up!

Weekly Highlights

In Literacy this week we have enjoyed exploring our new group novels; The Boy Who Grew Dragons, Goodnight Mr Tom and The Escape. Two of our novels are set in the war – we have been captivated by the context of the war and using this opportunity to explore new vocabulary. We are thinking about digging deeper into the text to use our analysis skills to figure out what message the author is conveying.


In numeracy we are continuing to explore strategies for multiplication and division. We have banned the use of ‘bus stop division’ and are now calling them ‘algorithms’ – very fancy! Maybe at home this weekend you could practice as a family? Try 148 divided by 5 and ask your child to explain to you the maths involved!


In HWB we have been exploring the theme of discrimination. After a very tense game of noughts and crosses, where the crosses were favoured over the noughts, we discussed what it feels like to be treated unfairly. We talked about what sectarianism is and how it is teased out in our class novel; Divided City.


Pupil Voice

Ryan B I learned about discrimination and inequality.

Mirren We learned about how to do division – it was a recap because I could already do it.

Dominika I learned about light and dark colours in art.

Brooke I learned to work with people who I wouldn’t usually – I didn’t know I would be as good at it.


Home Learning

This weekend it would be great for our pupils to show their families ‘Torn’ by Kelly Coyle and talk about what they have learned through exploring the piece of art. We talked about how the picture is a metaphor for something and we aren’t going to take it for its literal meaning as we can dig deeper to understand what the message behind it is.

Opinion Blog: ‘Torn’- An interview with Artist Kelly Coyle

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P3/4 Weekly News

Learning Overview

This week P3/4 have been working very hard on their learning.


We have continued learning all about money and have been using different strategies to help us calculate total amounts and change. We were showing different ways of making amounts using coins and notes.

We have also been working on time this week. We can tell the time in 15 minute intervals and 5 minute intervals using analogue and digital clocks.


We enjoyed a visit to the Library this week to select a new book and the librarian read ‘The Gruffalo’ to us. We love reading in P3/4 and enjoy having opportunities to read our own books as well as having a book read to us at the end of the day.

As it is Robert Burn’s Day this weekend we have focused on Scots language. We enjoyed hearing ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots and shared lots of our own favourite Scots words. These included ‘bahookie’, ‘mingin’ and ‘tod’. We then had a challenge of sorting Scots words with their meaning.


In writing this week we wrote an exposition text about ‘Safety on Ships’. We used our learning about ‘The Titanic’ to help us recognise what was very important to keep all of the passengers and crew members on board safe. We know that an exposition text is a one sided argument.


We have continued to develop our gymnastic skills in PE. We have been using some of the equipment to help us do balances and rolls.

Pupil Voice

This week’s lead learners are Brooke and Kaitlyn. They are here to share their learning highlights.

We have enjoyed PE this week doing gymnastics. We were on the vault and we could do flips.

We enjoyed watching some videos about the Titanic.

We learned about St Francis of De Sales in RE.

We got to watch P5/6 Assembly about Scottish History. It was funny!

We wrote a one sided argument about Safety on a ship.

We read a passage about Robert Burns and had to answer some questions about his life.

We watched the Gruffalo in Scots and learned some Scots words.

Home Learning

Big Talk 

Share some of the Scots Language that you have learned  this week?

What are your families favourite Scots words?


Can you find all the different things in your house that displays the time?

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell and P3/4

P4 Weekly News!

Learning Overview

Literacy – In writing we have been doing the genre Exposition. This is a one sided argument. This week we wrote to shipbuilders asking them to make sure they have lots of safety features on board their ships to avoid another disaster like Titanic happening again.

Maths – We did a maths assessment about money. We have now completed this topic and will be moving on to something new next week! We also used SumDog this week to practice our numeracy skills.

IDL – We have been learning about Robert Burns and Scots’ language. In Art with Mrs Howley we drew a rose because one of Robert Burns poems is about a red, red rose. In class we learned some Scots’ words like wheest = be quiet, haver = talking nonsense, bonnie = fine, ben = mountain, auld = old.

HWB – In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We have been practicing our jumping, balances and sequences.

Pupil Voice – Our Highlights!

Our lead learners this week are Wiktoria and Lloyd. Here are some comments from them:

Wiktoria – I liked when we were writing our Exposition because it was really fun to watch the Disney Cruise Line Safety Video and find out about all the safety features on a modern cruise ship.

Lloyd – I enjoyed drawing a red, red rose in art. I liked that it had 18 steps which we had to follow. It was quite tricky!


Next Steps – Home Learning Opportunities

Literacy – Practice this week’s boost words which are linked to Titanic. Ask your child what they mean:

collision, capacity, voyage, wreckage, luxury, navigate

Maths – Practice the 2 times table. We have been using this as a number talks strategy – doubling.

HWB – January’s GIRFEC theme is Active. Do something which keeps your mind active this weekend. E.g. a wordsearch, a puzzle etc.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs Brown 🙂

P6 Weekly News

Weekly overview:

This week in writing we described a picture of some WWII evacuees.

In P.E we took part in gymnastics in groups or pairs with our new P.E. teacher Mr Cummings.  We were working on our balances and rolls and we put them together and did a sequence. We are going to share them with everyone in our class next week.

In R.E we learned about Jesus being baptised at the river Jordan were Jesus was baptised by

John the Baptist.

In maths we learned about equivalent fractions and although we found it tricky we managed to do it.

In science we learned about different types of energy we also learnt that we need to get lots of sleep to get energy and we enjoyed it.

In art we coloured in a picture with light pens on the white paper and dark pens on the grey paper.

We practised our lines and had lots of rehearsals for our Scotland assembly/show.


Pupil Voice:

Sophie YM: I enjoyed learning about energy for our new Science topic.

Angel: I enjoyed learning about fractions because it helped my understanding.

It was really good fun having gymnastics with Mr Cummings.

Kate: I have really been enjoying practising for the Scotland the Brave show.

Brooke: I really liked doing the news report for our homework activity this week.

Maya: The drama was fun in R.E. with Mrs Howley.


Home  Learning Opportunities:

Suggestions from P6:

We are keen to take part in outdoor activities and anything creative!

Can we try a family trivia quiz night?

Ask us about this week’s boost words (what they mean, whether they are nouns, adjectives, verbs or adverbs and if we can use them in a sentence).










Have a great weekend!

Mrs Reeves and P6




Primary 7 Weekly Round Up!

Weekly Highlights

In Literacy this week we have been preparing for our trip to Sky Academy Studios. On this visit we will be splitting into four studios to create a trailer for our own movie/tv show. In groups of four we have looked at genres and created storyboards to illustrate the beginning, middle and end of our story. We will use our writing lesson next week to re-draft these and vote for our four favourite boards to use on the day.


In Numeracy we are getting our heads around word problems. Before Christmas we discussed how difficult we find word problems so we have started taking ten minutes at the beginning of our numeracy learning sessions to work with talk partners to solve word problems together – we have been looking at word problems that use multiplication and division. Perhaps you could come up with some at home together?


In HWB we have started our gymnastics block! We have been very happy to have Mr Cummings from St Margaret’s with us for our Wednesday PE slot and will continue to work on the gymnastics shapes, balances and creating sequence showing good posture. We have also begun our new Building Resilience unit where we are looking at our emotions and how complex they can be. We watched a smashing video of a wee baby who experiences some serious emotions in the space of one minute – watch together and enjoy, then discuss those emotions.

Pupil Voice

Daniel – I learned that when you are diving by ten you move all the digits to the left in the place value board.

Ryan T – I learned that away back when in Glasgow all the Catholics were said to support Celtic and all the non-Catholics supported Rangers – in my family half support Celtic and half support Rangers.

Ambra – I learned that Martin Luther King Jr helped people be equal even though they were born a different race.

Haseeb – We have been drawing and writing a story board. I chose fantasy/horror.

Abi – In PM writing we have been learning about the explanation genre.

Home Learning

This weekend it would be great to discuss discrimination as a family. It is a central theme in our class novel, ‘Divided City’ and has been interesting to discuss following our learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Next week all P7s are going to enter the Action on Sectarianism poster competition which will allow us to explore sectarianism in more depth.

Remember to follow our adventures on twitter;

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 2 Blog


Happy New Year!

This week we had our first trip to the library of the term. We made cakes and then wrote a set of instructions on how to make them.

Our topic focus is topical science and we have been learning about plastic in the ocean.

In Maths we have started learning about  money. This week we revised the coins and discussed what the different coins looked like and what their value was. We also ordered the coins from 1p to £2. Next week we are going to start working on how much activities.

Drama was fun as we were learning about ‘tableau’, this is like a still image. We all worked in teams, chose a scenario and then made a ‘photograph’ of it. We then had to guess each others tableau. You can see these on Twitter.

Parental Involvement

Ask your child to explain what the words below mean. They are our Boost Words for this week:






Pupil voice

We made a poster with what we will do more and less of for 2020 and here are some of our ideas:

-More writing on whiteboards

-More excellent listening

-More kindness

-More netbook activities

-Less shouting out

-Less saying ‘I can’t do it’



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