P7 Weekly Blog

This week on Monday, we had an assembly with Mrs Purdie about how our school values are getting a bit old now and that we will be introducing new ones. We also are re-doing the infant and middle area toilets, and painting the upper area ones. 


Then on Tuesday we had our P.E with Miss McCormack and we were doing our solo gymnastics routines that we had written down in our jotters from last week. We peer assessed each other, focusing on skill, technique and performance. We also (in partners) did a fact file on someone related to Mary Queen of scots. We had to write where they were from, who their parents were and how they are related to Mary. 


Then on Wednesday, we had our second slot of P.E with Mr McCurdy, where we did gymnastics using the equipment. Then after we had our R.E with Mrs Howley, where we learned the story of St Paul (Saul). After lunch we went over to Dedridge primary to watch a show that took place there. The show was about friendship – one man played all the parts!  


On Thursday, we did  Art inspired by Chuck Close, which when we added all our pictures together it made a picture of Robert Burns. Mrs McDonald came in and taught most of us for Maths. The people who work with Miss McCormack had £800 and could go on a holiday and choose 2 activities. 


Then today on Friday, We had our active themed assembly by the house captains,  and we were just finishing off some unfinished tasks. 


Thanks for reading. 

Isla and Rachel W

P6/7 Weekly News

Pupil voice:

This week we had lots going on but these are the main events that people enjoyed:

One of the things  that  happened this week is we went to Dedridge primary school to watch a one man show. It was called ‘Pondlife’ and was a a story about friendships and bullying. It was a very powerful performance and gave everyone things to think about and discuss.

Aria :We went to Dedridge PS to watch pond life (one man show)

Lorenzo:I liked the show at Dedridge primary because it was so much fun.

Brooke :We went to Dedridge primary to watch a one man show and it was really funny.

Ivana :This week we went to a one man show called pond life in Dedridge Primary by Catherine Wheels Production.

Jay : We went to Dedridge Primary School and watched a show.

Daniel: We went to Dedridge P.S  a one man show

Also this week we watched a documentary about Mary Queen of Scots. It told the story of Mary and her life. We also wrote thought bubbles as if we were Mary at different times in her life.

Lauren :We have been doing some things on Mary Queen of Scots.

Harley: We watched a Mary Queen of Scots video  and it was good because I learned more about her and her family.

Neve: We watched a video on Mary queen of scots.


We started a new block in PE last week and this week we got to pick a skill to work on.

Abi : This week in PE we did gymnastics and I worked on my handspring on vault.

Toni: This week we used the proper gymnastics equipment

Some other thoughts:

Ambra :The P6’s worked on some revision on fractions, decimals and percentages

Mirren : We have been Auditioning for parts of the Gospel show


Another busy week had by all!!

Ailie, Brooke, Mirren, Abi

P6/7 weekly news

This week’s events:

 The NSPCC came to our school to talk to P6/7 and P7 about different types of child abuse and how to deal with it and who to talk to.

Lauren: We done a NSPCC workshop with 2 ladies, called “Sarah and Karen.”

Thomas: The NSPCC came in for a workshop and gave us these kits to do.

Ivana: We done a NSPCC worksheet, it was fun.

Brooke: We done our NSPCC workshop it was really fun.

Matt: This week we had the NSPCC.


Exciting things happening in the Upper Area:

We are starting a show called, “The Gospel Show.” And this Friday we are holding auditions to have different parts in it. The people judging will be, Mrs Roy, Miss McCormack and Mrs McMullen.

Toni: This week we found out that P6, P7 and P6/7 are doing a show and we got a part of the script as well.

Ethan: On Friday we’re auditioning for the Gospel Show.

Our new Block in P.E.:

We started a new block in P.E which is gymnastics and so far we have been taught to do different balances, rolls and rotations skills.

Beth: This week we have been working more on gymnastics in P.E.

Abi: This week in P.E we did gymnastics for our next block.



This week in Spanish we learned more about our familia (family) and how to say their names in Spanish. We also did our familia tree in Spanish.

Jay: We done Spanish with Mrs McMullen about a family tree.

Ryan: We were learning about the different family member’s with Mrs McMullen in Spanish.


This week in writing we got a little creative and did imaginative piece of writing about the Stuarts and the Tudors (Mary Queen of Scots family tree.), we wrote facts sheets on more information about them.

Abi: For writing we wrote about May Queen of Scots family tree.

Haseeb: In writing we wrote an Imaginary story.



This week was our first week back at committees, and the Mini Vinnes are holding a Toys and Book donation, the deadline is Thursday the 21st of January, it is a donation! Not something we must buy, let your child hand it in to the P4 classroom (Miss Ford) also it can be unused or old toys.

Lorena: On Friday we went to our committees, I really enjoy mines as we fulfil our roles as house and vice captains.


From P6/7 and Mrs Roy, have a good weekend!!!








Primary 7 Weekly News

It has been a busy first week back for primary 7!

Oskar – Writing was good this week I think I did a good job.

Maxx – For writing this week we had to split our paper in to 4 sections: me, my school, my local community and my world. We then had to set goals/resolutions about what we wanted for each area in the future.

Gaby – I enjoyed working with Mrs MacDonald for maths this week, we were working on fractions and percentages.

Lukasz – This week I enjoyed PE with Mr. McCurdy – We started our gymnastics block.

Viet – I enjoyed doing an art activity with Mrs Wassell about what is inside my head.

Charlie – I enjoyed doing our task map for our group novels.

Lucas – I enjoyed seeing all my friends after the Christmas holidays.


It has been a very busy week and all pupils have been working hard.
Primary 7 have a very busy term ahead and will continue to try their very best in all our school and class activities.

P6/7 Weekly Blog

This week was amazing for the children in p6/7 because after a long Christmas break they finally saw their friends again!

Here’s what everyone had to say about their first week back:


Ambra -This week we learned about percentages.

Ivana – We did a Mary Queen of Scots family tree.

ALL-We had Mrs Wassell for Art this week and everyone in the class loved making silhouettes and talking to her.

Ethan-Me, Kalin and Bea went to Mrs Purdie’s office to help make new school values by going to p4 –p7classes asking them what they like and dislike about our school.

Cole and Bea-Today the NSPCC came for a visit in St Ninians to tell us that we can always call Childline and that they taught us that we shouldn’t keep our worries to ourselves.

They told us if we were worried all we have to is call (0800 1111).


By Cole and Abi (Lead Learners)

Primary 7 Weekly Blog

This week we have been doing Christmas dancing with primary 6/7. On Wednesday we did something different for writing we used the new John Lewis advert to inspire us. We made a story board of pictures of a celebrity who got a present that would end up being their career/passion. On Monday we went to go see the panto it was about Jack and the Bean Stock it was about jack’s son and  daughter taking the golden gees back to the giant. On Tuesday we done printing with ink we got a paper plate and had to draw a Christmas theme picture with a purple pen and whatever we coloured in purple it would come out white   we would pick a colour and role it in to the paper plate and push it on to paper

Maxx- Today is Christmas jumper day so we can come to school in a Christmas jumper.

Rachel W-we did a  solo presentation of who is inspirational  scot I done Gordon Ramsay. I also enjoyed playing countdown.

Charlie – I enjoyed the pantomime – it was really funny.

Joseph – I enjoyed number talks this week.

Lewis – I enjoyed working with Mrs Heather’s group for number talks.

Chloe – We had our Christmas dinner on Wednesday – we had a massive chocolate reindeer.

Viet – I enjoyed creating the story board.

Lukasz – For Christmas lunch I had macaroni cheese.

P6/7 Weekly News

Pupil Voice collected by Harley and Matt.

This week in P6/7 we have being doing all sorts of fun things.

Ambra: we went to the watch Jack and the Beanstalk at Howden park centre.

Jay: I enjoyed making the Christmas tree decoration

Haseeb: I enjoyed learning about Democracy in my local area

Bea: This week we made Christmas art, and hung them up on our classroom doors, we made a Christmas tree with a lot of snow around it.

Abi:This week I went to the panto with p4/5 because I was off.

Ethan: we went to jack and the beanstalk panto on Monday at howden park centre.


Teacher voice:

Another busy week which started with a visit to the Pantomine, all had a great time including the staff. We used this visit as a stimulus for our writing and we all wrote recounts of our visit.

In Art we created a step by step chalk picture entitled, Snowstorm, these are now hanging outside our classroom entrance and look very festive!!

Fractions has been the focus in numeracy and we have been looking for examples of these in real life for homework. we are all more confident in finding fractions of amounts, simplifying fractions and working with equivalent fractions.

In RE we have been discussing HOPE and PEACE, as this is significant during the period of Advent. We also used some reflection points from Fr Kenneth to help us think of how we could make time for ourselves during Advent.

Our brass and choir were asked to perform at Friday’s Cake and Carols Service – a proud moment for them all!!


Our busy week

Pupil voice:

This week has been a very busy week for P6/7, many exciting things have happened!

Cole: The P7’s made Santa’s Grotto and Santa came to our school last night at the Christmas Fair.

Brooke: I enjoyed doing Santa’s Grotto at the Christmas fair.

Bea: This week we started Christmas dancing and we had a great time, we even helped the nursery learn some Scottish Country Dancing.

Neve: We started Christmas dancing in PE.

Lorenzo: I enjoyed dancing

Joshua: We did Scottish dancing

Matt: We did Scottish dancing.

Ambra: We did Scottish dancing.

Lorena: This week P7 got to go to St. Margaret’s academy for a science lesson and did some experiments.

Ivana: I learnt how to use a Bunsen burner.

Haseeb: We learnt how to make paper bags.

Abi: I enjoyed my gymnastics competition because I came second place.

Beth: This week the gymnastic team went to compete, my team came 2nd and I came 1st individual I was so excited.

Aria: I went to a gymnastic competition and we came 2nd and 3rd

And this was our busy week.

Teacher voice:

As you heard from the pupils they have had a really busy week.

Our P7’s went to St Margaret’s Academy for their first transition visit. Dr McAllister led them in a Science lesson where they got their bunsen burner licence, learned how to draw scientific diagrams and worked with a partner to complete a science investigation.

Our P6’s went to the Lanthorn to participate in the P6 Cluster Assembly to celebrate St Andrew’s Day. They sang the hymn ‘Follow Me’ and some of the children read out the prayers they had written for Scotland.

As part of Catholic Education Week we learned about life in India and how families had to make paper bags to sell – 10 bags would earn you 1 rupee. The children worked in teams/families to try to make as many bags as they could in 1o mins (thanks to Mrs Reeves for the demonstration). On average each team/family made 17 bags. We all agreed that this must have been a tough job for the families as they would have to work very long days just to make a basic amount to live on.

There was also great excitement in the class this week as we prepared for the Christmas Fair. Santa’s Grotto looked amazing-well done everyone! A special mention to my ‘little elves’ who helped out last night, they did really well!! They raised £160 on the night!!!!!

We started Scottish Country Dancing this week. Mr McCurdy asked us to assist him in teaching the AM nursery some Scottish Dancing, it was lovely to see the older children helping the younger ones, smiles all around!!

Well done to Aria, Beth and Abi who competed in the gymnastics competition this week – they were fantastic ambassadors for our school and came back buzzing with excitement!

Next week we will begin learning more about our country, ‘Scotland’ as part of our interdisciplinary learning. We will also be changing our class altar to purple to celebrate the beginning of Advent.

I finished the week by attending a mass at St Margaret’s Academy this afternoon which was offered for teachers in West Lothian.

Image result for jesus the teacher

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Roy and P6/7

P7 Weekly Blog

P7 Weekly Blog – Lead Learners Vanessa and Paige


This week in primary 7, we have started our Scottish Dancing block in P.E. and we have started with a few well known dances.

Some of the P7s went down to St Margaret’s academy for a science lesson, which was a great experience.

We all worked together to finish our science lesson in class by completing a graph of our results.


Last night we had our Christmas Fair, which was of to a great start. We raised over £2000 for our school. We sold loads of things like toys, snacks, raffle prizes and knitted wear including, ninian the minions, small Christmas teddies, hats and scarves. It was a SPECTACULAR EVENT!!!!!

Some of the girls went to a gymnastics competition at Chraigswood sports centre and come back with a ton of medals. Vanessa, Beth, Emily and Abi got 2nd place as a group and Brooke, Marcella, Louise and Zayah got 3rd as a group aswell. Beth also got 1st place as an individual. We all enjoyed the good experience!!!

In Maths we started doing Fractions and they are not really hard. We worked on something like Fractions of an amouts and all that kind of stuff.


Pupil Voice:

Grace:This week I enjoyed setting up for the Christmas fair

Rachel w I liked the Christmas fair.

Sarah-  I went to the the gymnastics competition and I found it fun and it was an good experience.

Isla – Mrs McDonald came in and taught.

Primary 7 Weekly News

This week some of the Primary 7 class went up to St. Margaret’s for a science lesson. The lesson included learning how to draw scientific equipment and learning how to use the Bunsen burner safely. We also had to carry out an experiment to find the best insulating material. The rest of the class were helping the Primary 1’s while everyone else was out and they will go to St. Margaret’s nest week.

For writing this week we were re-writing the Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We were doing Fractured Fairy Tales, where we changed some parts of the story as if we were writing a completely new one.

Visitors also came in during Maths to watch us do Number Talks. We have been focusing on fractions this week and calculating fractions of an amount use bar models.

Pupil Voice:

Chi-chi: I enjoyed doing the bar modelling.

Rachel W: I had fun in R.E. most of the time. We also did fitness.

Kerrigan: This week we did the take your book to lunch, it was fun J

Isla: We made posters on what makes our Catholic school great!

Rebecca: I enjoyed doing the writing for a twisted Fairy Tale story.

Maxx: This week two people from Primary 7 discussed Number Talks with Mrs. Heather. I was one of them.

Lewis: We did dodgeball in P.E. with Mr. McCurdy.

Zara: Mrs. MacDonald came in to teach us bar graphs.


Some of the class will be going to rugby tomorrow and they’re really excited!

Good luck to the girls playing football today!

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