This week has been so much fun,
Here are some of the exciting things we did:
House Captain Elections
This week some P6’s were in the running for House and Vice Captain. And the House Captains are:
Calder: Captain: Marcella Vice: Joseph
Glasserton: Captain: Mark Vice: Mirren
Whithorn: Captain: Evie Vice: Jan
Galloway: Captain: Adrin Vice: Brooke
Pupil voice:
Ambra: We did the house/vice captain event .
Neve: We got told who the house captains are.
Ailie: We tried for house captain.
Mirren: I got vice captain for Glasserton and it was really exciting!.
Brooke: I got vice captain for Galloway and I was really happy.
P1 buddies!!!!!!
This week we also took our buddies down to P1 for the first time. Everybody was so happy and so were their buddies.It was a little emotional for the parents.
Ryan: I enjoyed being with my buddie at P1.
Joshua: We got to take our buddies to primary 1.
Jay: We got to take our buddies to P1.
Scotish Education Awards
MRS PURDIE WON!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Purdie won the Scotish Education Awards. Two of our P6 pupils went with her, Lauren and Jan, everyone was so happy that she won.
Lauren: I went to the Scotish Education Awards and Mrs Purdie won the head teacher award.
Thank you for reading our blog and we hope you have a great weekend!!!!!! Remember it’s Wellbeing Week next week so come prepared for indoor and outdoor activities all week.
From P6/7!
Written by: Ailie & Brooke