Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Lots of learning happening in primary 6/7 this week. We are all back in the swing of learning!
Primary 6 pupils have set their learning goals and primary 7 will be setting up their profiles soon! (technical difficulties!)

We have been enjoying reading more of our class novel and have focused our literacy learning around this. Hopefully we will finish the novel next week, ready to start group novels after the September weekend.

We all spoke about the Pope Francis Faith Award. P6 pupils will be starting their journey this year if they are taking part and primary 7 pupils will continue their journey. Miss McCormack aims to have this up and running by October.

Primary 6 pupils who took part in Bike Ability last year have been invited to complete level 2. Letters sent home today.

Pupil Comments:

Ethan:  I enjoyed  doing  rugby

Emma: I enjoyed when we did writing for a day with mixed emotions

Aaron: I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes

Louise: I enjoyed reading part 4 of Wonder

Joshua: The Games Rugby Games With Mr McCurdy Were Fantastic, Can’t Wait For The Weeks To Come

Hasan: I enjoyed rounding because I remember it more and I know how to work it out.

Aidan  this week I  enjoyed doing rugby with Mr Mcurdy

Sean:  I enjoyed reading about jack in wonder

Oliwier: I liked the PE lesson the games were fun I hope to do more.

Kasia- I liked writing about personal emotions I liked writing about my story

Adrin:I enjoyed  Rugby with Mr McCurdy

Joseph: I enjoyed doing the captains assembly

Mark: I really liked doing the house captain assembly

Jan: I really enjoyed doing and preparing the House Captain Assembly

Evie: This week I really enjoyed preparing & doing the House Captain assembly

Ailie: I enjoyed writing about personal Emotions

Zuzanna: I enjoyed reading wonder

Kacper: I enjoyed attending the house captain assembly

Levente I enjoyed doing Spanish and learning new words.

Huda I enjoyed free writing  Friday.

Robbie: I enjoyed music. We sang songs and played games.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

A busy week in primary 6/7 with lots of learning.

Primary 7 were visited by the Show Racism the Red Card team on Monday and really enjoyed the input. We have read more of our class Novel and have learned more about some new characters.
In numeracy we are working on place value and rounding, as well as learning about angles and symmetry in maths.

We have started our rugby block in PE and will be outdoors in all weathers! Please be prepared for OUTDOOR PE on Mondays and Wednesdays this term.

Pupil Voice:

Kacper – I enjoyed playing doge ball with my friends

Jan-I enjoyed rugby training and expanding our rugby skills

Evie- This week I enjoyed Rugby in PE it was my first time playing rugby

Joseph- I enjoyed doing the captains video

Mark-I enjoyed math with Mrs McdonaldJ

Adrin-I enjoyed rugby for the first time.

Joshua-I enjoyed dodge ball, it really got me excited. J

Sean- I enjoyed writing the diary entry for Wonder

Aidan – I enjoyed dodgeball and rugby.

Oliwier- I enjoyed playing dodge ball and the book called Wonder XD

Ethan – I enjoyed reading more of  wonder

Hasan – I am really looking forward to see what will happen in wonder.

Huda – In maths P6 have been learning shapes and angles

Emma – I enjoyed when we did free writing Friday

Levente-  I liked writing down the St Ninian’s  prayer and decorating it.

Aaron – I liked everything lol

Kasia – I liked art  because we got to do shades and chose every positive word to go with our portrait which was in the middle of our art picture.

Robbie –we done lots off math

Ola – I liked reading  part 2 of wonder from  Via

Ailie – I liked starting to read Via’s  part in wonder

Louise – I liked doing P.E . We played doge ball.

Zuzanna -I liked art because we could create ourselves and only two features for your face.

Primary 6/7 Weekly Bolg

Welcome back primary 6/7.


The first week in primary 6/7 has been exciting.

The primary 7 pupils have been spending time helping their buddies and are all doing a great job.

In PE with Mr McCurdy we played football and will be starting rugby next week.

We started our class novel, Wonder. So far we are enjoying it and looking forward to reading more. We found out that the main character has Treacher Collins Syndrome and is starting school for the first time at the age of 10.

Primary 6 had their spelling test and primary 7 had their first whole year group meeting.
Primary 7 pupils who would like to be prefects should return their contracts by Wednesday 28th August.

Today we had great fun solving clues to unlock the box! We had to use maths skills, Spanish and de coding skills to find the answers to lead us to the keys.

We wrote a letter to our future selves that we will get back at the end of the year.

Our classroom is becoming more organised and we are all settling in well.

We are all looking forward to having the best year ever!!!



Teacher Voice:

A reminder that PE days this year will be Monday and Wednesday.

Wellbeing Week News from P6/7

Wellbeing Week has been a great success in P6/7 this week. We have experienced a range of lessons and activities that promote a healthy lifestyle focusing on physical, emotional, social and mental wellbeing. See Twitter for some photographs and videos!

Here are some of the highlights:

Beth – I enjoyed the dance session with St Margaret’s.

Lorena – I enjoyed the Tough Mudder.

Matt – I am looking forward to the House Basketball games this morning.

Cole – I liked the Tough Mudder.

Thomas – I am looking forward to the basketball games later on today.

Bea – I enjoyed Tough Mudder with our P1 buddies.

Ivana –

Toni – I enjoyed making apple swans with Mrs Conway.

Caiden – I really liked playing golf.

Ethan – I enjoyed football.

Ailie – I enjoyed the dance lessons.

Brooke – I enjoyed tennis.

Mirren – I enjoyed Parkour, it was climbing and jumping on heights.

Neve – I enjoyed food technology, we made chicken skewers with tzatziki dip.

Abi – I enjoyed parkour.

Ambra – I really enjoyed golf.

Aria – I enjoyed hand massage.

Lauren – I enjoyed playing tennis.

Haseeb – I enjoyed making chicken skewers.

Joshua – I enjoyed football.

Ryan – I enjoyed golf.

Daniel – I enjoyed parkour.

Lorenzo – I enjoyed cooking.

Jay – I enjoyed doing Tough Mudder.

Harley  – I liked Tough Mudder.

P6/7 Weekly news

This week has been so much fun, 

Here are some of the exciting things we did: 


House Captain Elections 

This week some P6’s were in the running for House and Vice Captain. And the House Captains are: 

Calder: Captain: Marcella   Vice: Joseph 

Glasserton: Captain: Mark   Vice: Mirren 

Whithorn: Captain: Evie    Vice: Jan 

Galloway: Captain: Adrin   Vice: Brooke 

Pupil voice: 

Ambra: We did the house/vice captain event . 

Neve: We got told who the house captains are. 

Ailie: We tried for house captain. 

Mirren: I got vice captain for Glasserton and it was really exciting!. 

Brooke: I got vice captain for Galloway and I was really happy. 


P1 buddies!!!!!! 

This week we also took our buddies down to P1 for the first time. Everybody was so happy and so were their buddies.It was a little emotional for the parents. 

Ryan: I enjoyed being with my buddie at P1. 

Joshua: We got to take our buddies to primary 1. 

Jay: We got to take our buddies to P1. 


Scotish Education Awards 

MRS PURDIE WON!!!!!!!!!!  

Mrs Purdie won the Scotish Education Awards. Two of our P6 pupils went with her, Lauren and Jan, everyone was so happy that she won. 

Lauren: I went to the Scotish Education Awards and Mrs Purdie won the head teacher award. 



Thank you for reading our blog and we hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!  Remember it’s Wellbeing Week next week so come prepared for indoor and outdoor activities all week.

From P6/7! 

Written by: Ailie & Brooke 



Primary 6 Weekly News!

What a week for our boys and girls of P6 this week!


Some of the biggest news of the week came in the form of house captain elections! As the P4, P5 and P6 classes split into their house teams there was an air of anticipation in the school… The staff were blown away by the confidence of our young people and the fantastic communication skills they displayed in delivering their presentations to their peers. There were stickers, tshirts, imovies, sways, PowerPoint- the lot. Mrs Purdie announced the new captains and vice captains at the assembly that afternoon – we are delighted to congratulate Evie, Jan, Mark, Brooke, Adrin, Mirren, Joseph and Marcella and wish them every success in their roles next year.


Some of our other candidates were understandably disappointed but we spoke about the work we have been doing to ‘build resilience’ and took comfort in the other roles and responsibilities we will have as the Primary 7 cohort next year! It was lovely to see how supportive and compassionate our children are in this situation.


As if we thought any news would be bigger than the house captain elections…….. but Mrs Purdie has only gone and won the headteacher of the year award!! The boys and girls are SO excited for her (as you could see on our Twitter video) and couldn’t wait to congratulate her in person!



In amongst all this excitement, some of our pupils completed the west Lothian schools triathlon event at Dean’s CHS which resulted in them receiving a wonderful medal! We also had lots of fun with our P1 buddies on their induction days on Tuesday and Wednesday!


Next week is wellbeing week – we have been tasked with the challenge of learning hand massage to deliver to the rest of the school over the course of the week – make sure to ask for yours on Tuesday!


Have a great weekend!

Have your say! How can we use PEF to support all children and families at St Ninian’s?

Last year we received £63,000 funding from the Scottish Government’s Pupil Equity Fund to help close the poverty related attainment gap.

We used this money to:-

  • Have an extra support for learning teacher (Mrs Scott) to provide extra literacy and numeracy support in all classes
  • Employ a Polish Pupil Support Worker to support children who are learning English
  • Run a PEEP (family learning) class for parents and nursery children
  • Reduce the cost of after school clubs, camps and trips
  • Employ a Speech & Language therapist to work with identified groups of children from nursery – P3
  • Provide high quality professional learning for all staff.
  • Purchase new writing resources for P1-7 to improve children’s attainment in writing
  • Employ an extra teacher to support us with Number Talks across P1-7
  • Purchase a numeracy home learning kit for P2-4 pupils – these will be launched in August
  • Purchase new netbooks and iPads for each class

We will receive £60,000 PEF funding this year.

What do you think our school should STOP, START and CONTINUE to do to help all our children make progress and to support all families?

Please add your comments below.

Primary 6 Weekly Round up!

What a busy week!

Some of our highlights have included;

Jan; I’ve enjoyed learning how to make good iMovies!

Vanesa; I enjoyed missing number sums in maths

Marcella; I loved sprinting at PE!

Zayah; I found PE tricky because I got tired…

Ryan; Aidan P’s mistake of the week made me think…

Joshua; I think it was writing about Our Lady of Fatima (that was my favourite too – Jospeh)

We were delighted to welcome so many of our parents and carers to our Global Goals showcase this week! We will be working next week to upload the videos to our One Note profiles so you can access these at home if you weren’t able to make it on thursday!

P6 talked today about being connected – as we learn about Building Resilience Mrs Purdie has asked that all children bring in a photo or drawing of their ‘champion’ – a family member who looks out for them, helps them etc 🙂

Enjoy the long weekend!




P6/7 Weekly News

Teacher voice:

What a busy week for all of us in P6/7!

The focus has been preparing for our Global Goals showcase with our families.

Miss Lydon led the class in a tutorial for Imovie and the DoInk app on Monday to set us up for the week ahead.We were all working in our teams to film clips for our movies. This was happening all around the school with groups setting up filming areas with props, green screens, costumes, etc. Then we were given time to edit our clips and create an imovie project. For some of us this was a new experience and we had to rely on one another’s support and guidance.

By Thursday we all had our trailers and films ready to present to our families. This was a great afternoon with lots of families coming along to support us. Miss Lydon and I were really proud of all the groups!! See Twitter for photos.

It was also National Digital Learning Week so our movie projects were a great way for us to develop our digital skills and be creative!

National Numeracy Day started with a puzzle to crack during Smartstart and then we continued our learning about measure in mathematics.

Our P7 House Captains and Vice Captains led their final assembly about ‘INCLUDED’. They did a great job and we want to thank them for all of their efforts this year.

Next week the P7 pupils will be holding a Bake Sale during Parent’s Evening to raise funds for their leavers event in June, any donations of home-baking would be appreciated and should be handed into P7 classrooms on Wednesday morning.

Pupil voice – our highlights of the week:

Toni – Running 2 miles during PE!

Bea – Our showcase!

Thomas – The House Captains dance performance at assembly!

Cole – Writing a description about mobile phones!

Ethan – Winning maths countdown this morning!

Matt – Counting the money for Malawi and my last assembly!

Lorena – Our final House Captain assembly!

Beth – Filming and editing our imovie!

Brooke – Our showcase!

Jay – Our showcase!

Abi – Our showcase!

Mirren – Filming our movies!

Daniel – Editing our films!

Joshua – Our showcase!

Lorenzo – Making a movie!

Ryan – Filming our movies!

Ambra – Showcase event!

Harley – Filming our movie!

Lauren – Art – making artwork for Global Goals!

P6/7 news

Teamwork has been awesome this week in P6/7 across our learning experiences. Well done everyone!

There has been a buzz about the place as we prepare for our showcase event next week.

All groups were putting the finishing touches to their research and storyboards in preparation for filming our movies next week. Our wall display is looking great with mind maps, posters, leaflets and photographs.

In maths we have been focusing on measure and have had lots of opportunities to put this into practice this week in  practical lessons.

In numbertalks we continue to develop our mental strategies for division and have updated our maths working wall.

It got noisy in PE as we were all cheering one another on in the high jump. It was great to see so many people jump heights they didn’t think were possible! Well done to Ethan and Matt who cleared 1m35cm. Crab football was also good fun with Mr McCurdy.

Miss Lydon had her tutor visit this week and we were all really proud of how well it went for her!

Good luck to Beth and Abi from our class and also to Emily P5 and Vanessa P7 who are competing in a gymnastics competition tomorrow, go girls!!

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