Primary 6/7 News

This has been another busy week for Primary 6/7. For our Science topic, we have all been designing and making Science laboratory shoe boxes and this week we brought them into school and started to discuss them. We also attended the Achievement assembly on Thursday, where we enjoyed listening to the junior concert band.  Sally was lucky enough to win the award for going the extra mile in our class. In Maths we have begun our new topic about time and we are going to be learning about converting 12 hour to 24 hour times next week.

We had the opportunity to watch the Primary 1 and Primary 2 boys and girls take part in their Infant Nativity which was fantastic and started to get us all in the mood for Christmas! After that we started to practise our class Christmas song in preparation for our sing-a-long next week. We also learned some Christmas Spanish vocabulary and listened to the Christmas story with Mrs Keegan.

Today was our ‘Dress as your future job’ day so most of us came to school dressed as our dream jobs. We had teachers, basketball players, vets, a swimmer, a paleontologist, a nurse, a lawyer, a footballer and even a secret spy to name but a few!

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Have a great weekend!

From all of primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we had our P1-7 achievements assembly, with Miss Smyth. Freya from our class won the award for going the extra mile in class. In maths we continued to learn how to calculate the perimeter and area of 2D shapes. In RE, this week we wrote a class Litany and designed boarders to display these around our classroom. Our science topic for this term, ‘The Solar System’, is coming to an end. This week we learned more information about Mercury and individually came up with rhymes to remember all of the eight planets.  Joshua from our class has been on a special trip to France this week and he brought holy water back for everyone in our class from his trip to Lourdes.




By Mark and Jack

P6/7 News

This week in P6/7 we have had a jam-packed week and it has been brilliant! As this week is Scottish week, we researched information about St. Andrew and made posters. On Wednesday the P6s practised descriptive writing about Scottish landscapes and then we decorated our work with a tartan border. We also had a visit from a Scottish story teller who told us all a story called ‘Our Scotland’ which we really enjoyed. In P.E. we are still taking part in Scottish dancing and this week we were practising with the P7s.

We are currently completing division in maths and although it is a little bit hard, we are really enjoying being able to choose what group we go in and we are coping with it fine!

Today we had our Ninian’s Natter and this time we had 4 different carousel stations (learning conversation with Mrs Reeves or a partner, personal study and research for our science topic). We are also continuing with our daily learning conversations with Mrs Reeves.

By Charlie C P6/7

Primary 5/6 News

This week in P5/6, a Scottish story teller came and told us about the Loch Ness monster in Scotland by acting out a funny story. He also sang a song about the roman people battling and he told funny jokes. In French this week we received French post cards and letters from pupils at Pumpherston Primary School and  we wrote replies back to them. This week was our Scottish focus week, we learned lots of information about St Andrew, some new Scottish words and we designed and made Scottish place mats.

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By Aaron, Ross and Moiz

Primary 6/7 News

This week we have been really busy as usual! On Tuesday all the Primary 6’s went to the Lanthorn and took part in a St Andrews Cluster assembly with pupils from several other schools. We all discussed the life of St Andrew. Then on Wednesday we had a fantastic time when ‘The Travelling Tuba’ paid us a visit and we took part in a  music workshop where we all worked together to produce a piece of Brazilian music which we later performed in front of the whole school.

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We have been making great progress with practising our multiplication skills in Maths this week and now feel ready to move on to some division next week! In French we wrote some Chinese portrait poems which described ourselves in many different ways. We continued to perfect our Scottish dancing in P.E. although this week we danced to modern music for a change!

Have a great weekend from Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6 News


We have had another busy week in p5/6. We presented our learning on ‘who was St Andrew?’; at the St Andrews cluster assembly. Linked with our class Goals, we have added a leader board to our display as so many children in our class have been achieving their goals! In maths this week we finished off our multiplication topic and started our topic on shape, we learned how to estimate the perimeter of a 2D shape. In Literacy we all wrote an imaginative story about a mission in Space, we worked with a partner to improve our adjectives in our writing. On Wednesday we had a visit from The Travelling Tuba, everyone really enjoyed this! We had the chance to play different instruments and learned how to play salsa music. At the end of the school day we presented our piece of music to the rest of the school.


By the whole of Primary 5/6

Primary 6/7 News!

Experiment 1 021  Experiment 1 015


This week in P6/7 we have been learning about pets in Spanish we made posters about the different kind of pets. They have very unusual names like un perro (dog), un conejillo de Indias, (Guinea pig)and  un caballo (pony/horse).

This Wednesday we started our Scottish dancing. Mr McCurdy said that we all participated well and worked hard. Then on Thursday we did Scottish dancing again but with Mrs. Reeves she said we all did well too! We have been working on our Science topic over the past few weeks. In our investigation into mould, we have found out that the mouldiest bread was the wet bread in class and also the wet bread in a dark cupboard. The least mouldy were the slices that were put in the fridge and in the freezer.

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In maths we have been doing co-ordinates with Mrs Keegan and played a few games to do with co- ordinates like battleship, finding the co-ordinates and spelling out the co-ordinates.


On Thursday we had a special visitor from the SSPCA who told us  about endangered animals in the wild like the red squirrels, grey squirrels, various birds and much more.

By Emily and Catherine and Eve.


Have a great weekend from all of P6/7 and Mrs Reeves!

Primary 5/6 News

In maths we learned another multiplication strategy, how to times by 10,100 and 1000. In Science, we worked in teams to make table signs by researching facts about our chosen planet, in the solar system. In literacy we learned how to recognise and use proper nouns and comparative adjectives. The boys from P5/6 are very pleased because they won the football game, 4-3 against Dedridge, on Tuesday. Yesterday we had a very busy day as our class went to our class mass in the Lanthorn Parish. Also the SSPCA came for a visit and we learned about pet patrol.


By Freya and Broady.

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Experiment 2 P6-7 009 - Copy Experiment 2 P6-7 011 - Copy Experiment 2 P6-7 021 Experiment 2 P6-7 022

This week in Primary 6/7 as part of our Science topic we have been looking at the results of our mouldy bread investigation and we also took part in another investigation looking at the effect of salt  when we try to freeze water.

In Writing, we finished our Middle Ages stories and we learnt some facts about the Black Death. We tried a new system in Maths, which allows us to choose our activity and decide if we want to try an extra challenge task.

On Thursday those of us in Whithorn were able to go to Pizza Express as our prize for winning the house points and the rest of us all enjoyed attending our class mass at St Philips along with other members of the community. Afterwards we were delighted to have a chance for a short play at the park!!

Finally we finished off the week with a Dress Down Day in support of Children in Need.

By Nikki and Freya L

Primary 5/6 News

In P 5/6 this week, we all enjoyed dressing down to raise money for ‘Children in Need’ today. In maths we have all learned how to use rounding to multiply two digits by 1 digit numbers. Kaden taught the class how to round and multiply because he felt very confident. This helped some of us in the class as we watched the video of Kaden. In reading we learned about to, too and two through a rap and making up our own raps. In our Science topic, we have learned about the scale of the solar system and next week we are going to make our own solar system in the playground. Our table teams now have planet names and we are in the middle of designing posters for our tables.


By Billie & Kornelia

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