Primary 5/6 News


This week started with some disappointing news as our Primary 6 skiing and snowboarding trip was cancelled. After that we found out this week was going to be different as we were going to be doing a Growth Mindset topic! On Monday we discussed what we already knew about growth mindset and then in groups we discussed what we wanted to learn about growth mindset. Some of the suggestions were how does our brain work, how do we make decisions and how do we stay positive? These questions became our plan for the week .Before we learned anything more about Growth mindset we all did a quiz that told us if we had a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. It was very interesting to find that we only had two people in our whole class that had a growth mindset. We then learned who discovered the growth mind set theory and what growth mindset and fixed mindset really means. We then researched how our brain works and the different parts of our brain, which was very interesting! We worked in teams to create posters to show what we were learning over the week and these will be displayed in our upper area. On Thursday we thought about a time we had struggled and how we overcame our struggle by not giving up. We used these events to write a letter to future students telling them how important it is to have a growth mindset and overcome struggles. At the end of our letters we gave future students advice on how to develop a growth mindset. At the end of our topic we did an experiment to see if anyone in the class had developed a growth mindset over the week. We repeated the quiz we did at the start of the week and were amazed that everyone in the class had developed a growth mindset. We all found the topic helpful and it taught us to persevere even if we struggle as that’s when we learn the most. Have a lovely weekend.


Primary 5/6 & Miss Bell

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P6/7 Weekly News

Primary 6/7 have all been working hard as usual! We have been carrying out lots of research for our Victorians topic and we have even been  learning facts about Queen Victoria in French! This week we  have  been finding out information about the terrible conditions of child labour during the Victorian times and we have used our facts to help us write a report as part of our writing. In drama we have started to create short scenes where we have been reporting on the issues of child labour and we peer and self-assessed our work by recording ourselves and watching the videos on the Smartboard. We are going to continue with this over the next few weeks, so that we can improve our performances.

We are all excited about the thought of next week. Some of the Primary 6s are going to be Skiing or Snowboarding at the start of the week and the rest of us are going to be involved with a mini-topic, where we will be working with some of the other pupils from Primary 5/6. On Thursday we will be able to all share our experiences, which will be really interesting.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


Primary 5/6 News


In writing this week we had all week to think about a significant event in our life that we wanted to write about.  We learned how to write a personal recount, the four key things we needed to include in our writing were Chronological order, Past tense, 1st/3rd person and descriptive language. We peer assessed our work and today some of the class were able to share their work with the class and also the pictures they brought in linked with their writing work.

In our short read we learned how to recognise the purpose of a text, the four purposes we focused on were, to entertain, to describe a personal experience, to inform and to persuade. We enjoyed working with our table groups to decide what the purposes of 3 different texts were.

We are learning about symmetry on our maths morning on a Tuesday. This week we were practicing how to rotate symmetrical patterns, you can see some of our symmetry work in our talking book.

In our class we have a talking book, Joshua and Mark designed the front and back cover of it. We add our learning in social studies, science and maths in to it. Here are some pictures of our work in our talking book so far.

Today during Ninians Natter we were able to evaluate our ‘’ goals, we wrote our next steps in our profiles and added new goals to our class goals display.

By: Sophia and Mark

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Primary 5/6 News



This week in P5/6 during topic we worked on our drawing skills by using photographs of Mary Queen of Scots to create our own self -portraits of her.

In maths this week we have been learning more about fractions, how to recognise equivalent fractions and how to subtract fractions. We made fractions posters to put up in our classroom to remind us of our learning about equivalent fractions e.g. 2\6 =1\3. We used our cups again to play fraction subtraction and become confident with addition and subtraction with fractions. In writing we wrote a personal account about what qualities we have that make us good friends. This linked to what we have been learning about Mary Queen of Scots and the friends she had. To help us think of qualities a good friend has, we listened to you’ve got a friend in me and footprints in the sand, we took key words from the lyrics to help us. Today we got a special treat, we got to watch the primary 3 and 4 Burns show. It was fantastic!

By Kaden & Billie

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Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Another busy week for Primary 6/7! As part of our topic, have been learning about all the different types of jobs that the poor Victorian children had to endure. In particular we were looking at the children that were sent to the workhouses, those who had to go down into the mines and the children who were forced to clean the chimneys. We continued to use this as our focus for our drama this week and here we are:

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We have continued to learn about Fractions in Maths and we also were able to do some of our measurement learning outdoors with Mr Hunter which was good fun.

Today we all saw the dress rehearsal in preparation for the Primary 3/4 show on Monday. It was amazing! Very well done to everyone in Primary 3 and 4!

By Emily and  Orla


Have a great weekend.

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

P6/7 Weekly News

This week Primary 6/7 have been working very hard as usual! We started our new topic about the Victorians and the P7s in our class are now joining together to work with the P7 class to learn about Democracy.  We linked drama with our topic this week, and we looked at several photos of Victorian children and created some short scenarios. We all think we are going to love our new topic!

In R.E. we have been learning about the seven sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Communion, Marriage, Holy Orders and Sacrament of the Sick. For Maths we have started learning about decimals and fractions and we are now able to identify proper and improper fractions and convert them to mixed number. We have been learning about weather, days of the week, months, and seasons during Spanish and French.

During Writing we have been describing what we think of when we listen to happy and sad music and we have also been discussing how the differences in pitch can affect our feelings. We had some really varied ideas and thoughts!

We have been continuing with flight in gymnastics, making routines on our own and with partners. On Wednesday Dallas, Callum, Charlie, Alice and Aimee, along with a few more pupils from other classes stayed in after school to help Mr McCurdy with gymnastics  with all the teachers. We really enjoyed helping out and demonstrating our fantastic gymnastic skills.

By Charlie, Orla and  Dallas

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6

This week, in maths we learned how to add fractions together using cups, there was half cups, quarter cups and whole cups, this really helped us understand how to add fractions because we had a picture in our head. On Tuesday we revised lines of symmetry and we will continue this next Tuesday. During our short read this week, we worked in groups to find alternative words with the same meaning, practising our thesaurus skills. We also had to check definitions using a dictionary.   During topic, we learned what primary and secondary sources are. By using secondary sources we learned new information about Mary Queen of Scots and created posters to display our learning in our class talking book. We used our knowledge of Mary Queen of Scots to write a diary entry about a key event in her life. We now know the various features of a dairy entry and we were able to use time connectives to write our own diary entries.


By Joshua and Isabella

Primary 6/7 News

This has been a short week to start the New Year but we have had a very positive start!  We have all been thinking about our school values and how important they are to us at St. Ninian’s. We have been learning about the origins of New Year’s celebrations and we have also been thinking about having a Growth Mindset when writing our New Year’s resolutions for 2016! We hope we will be successful with them.

In P.E. we have now started gymnastics and our focus is currently flight and in Spanish we have been remembering the words for the days of the week and also learning the months of the year.

To finish off the week some of our Primary 7s are off on a rugby trip later this afternoon and we hope they have lots of fun and tell us all about it next week.


Happy New Year and have a great weekend.


Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6 News

This week in Primary 5/6 it has been a short week.We started our history topic, which is focused on ‘Mary Queen of Scots’. We have already learned that when Mary was 6 days old when her father died and she became queen. Miss Bell has been reading ‘Mary Queen of Scots and all that’ to us.

In math we have been learning about fractions, numerator and the denominator. We have been practicing our skills by playing a game called “Complete me”.

In P.E we are working on flight in gymnastic we had to plan and preform a show which had to have at least 3 flights in it.

It has been Vision and Values week in St Ninians. The value our class choose to focus on was ‘Being the Best We Can be”. We discussed that we all need to recognise our own achievements and be proud of ourselves. By reflecting on last year and thinking about how we can be the best we can be, our class wrote New Year’s resolutions.

By: Sophia and Jessica

P6/7 Weekly News

What a fabulous festive time we’ve had this week!

We have been learning lots of Christmas vocabulary in both French and Spanish and we had lots of fun on Tuesday wearing our Christmas jumpers and enjoying our delicious Christmas lunch.

Then we were thrilled to enjoy the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime on Thursday  which made us all laugh so much! After that we had our Christmas party which was a huge success and we all joined in with our Scottish dancing.

Several members of our class took part in many activities involving the school choir and the brass band. We also performed ‘Walking in the Winter Wonderland’ for our Christmas sing-a-long and we were so excited to be able to sing at the Coffee and Carols too.

Now we are ready to enjoy our Christmas holidays and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves


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