Primary 6/7 News

This week we have been very busy as usual.

For our topic we have been learning all about the brain. We made some model brains to help us learn about the different parts of the brain and to discover which areas control the many different processes and thoughts that we have. We then created drama scenes to explain how our brain works.

Brain models 001 Brain models 002 Brain models 003 Brain models 004 Brain models 006

During P.E. we practised the 200 metres and continued with our Daily Mile to help us prepare for the Cross Country run next week.

We also learnt the names of different parts of the body in French.

In Maths we played some active games to help us use probability language to describe how likely something might happen.

Have a great weekend!

By Natasha, Rachael, Charlie, Freya, Aimee and Rebecca


Primary 5/6 News

In PE this week our class has been learning about shot putt, we now know how stand properly , twisting our hips, getting power from our legs and how to throw properly.

As part of our healthy eating topic we researched how to read nutritional labels on the back of packaging and did a survey to find out how much fruit and veg our class eats. We will do this survey again at the end of our topic to see if this improves. We have also been designing different packaging for our Eatwell Plate display. We had an interesting discussion and debate on Monday when we had to put different food and drinks into unhealthy or healthy categories, providing a reason for our choice. Here are some pictures of the survey we did…


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Using our knowledge of why we should all eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, how to write a letter and  learning how to use persuasive techniques we all created persuasive letters trying to convince people to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day.

We continued to practice multiplying 4 digits by 1 digit in maths. We also started our circles topic this week. We know the different parts of a circle, the circumference, radius and the diameter. We learned how to find the center point of a circle, calculate the radius and diameter and also the circumference using pi- 3.14. We will be continuing our circles topic next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Bell & Primary 5/6


Our skiing and snowboarding adventure

Primary 6 had a fantastic time skiing and snowboarding! I was very impressed to see all of the children persevering and encouraging one another over the 3 days. On day 1 we all learned how to put on the ski/snowboard equipment on, so that we could do this independently the next 2 days. We had a lot of fun falling over and getting used to our ski’s and snow boards. By lunch time the children were attempting to use the tow lift to go up the slope. This was a big challenge for our snowboarders but we got there in the end! By day two the children were gaining confidence and going higher up the slope, learning how to turn, stop and control their speed. On Day three most of the skiers took on the challenge of skiing down from the very top of the slope! We have a great video of this! The weather was beautiful, we all enjoyed having picnic lunches on the grass and some of us even managed to get sun burn by the end of the three days. Everyone tried their best over the three days, listened to instructions and all up for a challenge. Well done to our Skiers and snowboarders. Here are some pictures of the skiers, I will add the snowboarding pictures as soon as I have them next week.

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Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Bell

Summer Fair


Our Summer Fair is on Saturday 7th May 10am till 12noon. Pupils were issued a leaflet in school bags this week.

The event needs a large number of volunteers to man the stalls and we really struggle to get people to help. May be you could help for 1 hour or may be 2 hours? Volunteers can be parents, carers, grandparents, aunties/uncles – all family members are welcome to lend a hand. Get in touch via facebook or leave your contact details at the office – WE NEED YOU!

Message from Fundraising/Parent Council

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Primary 6/7 have had another busy week! We have been continuing to learn about decimal numbers and have been multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 and we have also been dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 to create decimal numbers. We have all made a great deal of progress with this and have been receiving lots of purple dots!

In writing we spent time looking at our Victorian newspaper articles and we made improvements to make them even better, by using interesting openers, connectives and interesting vocabulary.

We have now completed our Charles Rennie Mackintosh drawings and we are very pleased with the finished pieces of work. Some of them are already on display and they look amazing!

We all enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters yesterday as part of  World Book Day. As you can see we had a wide variety of different characters visiting our classroom yesterday, ranging from Alice in Wonderland and Matilda to the Joker!

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Last night some of our class attended the Film Club and we saw ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Dog days’. There were over 100 children who turned up to see the film and we all had a fabulous time! We are already looking forward to the next film!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Primary 6/7 have been feeling healthy and fit this week by jogging a daily mile around the school every day! We began on Monday and we are all feeling much fitter and look forward to our daily challenge! Today we ran with the Primary 1s and we helped them to complete their daily challenge too!

Daily mile 023 Daily mile 028 Daily mile 029 Daily mile 034 Daily mile 036 Daily mile 037Daily mile 087

In maths we have been continuing to learn about decimals and we have been focusing on reading decimal numbers from a scale and rounding decimal numbers to tenths and whole numbers.


During our reading lesson, we worked in groups to make posters to help us explain the important features of a newspaper article.

Daily mile 001  Daily mile 005


We used these skills to help us complete our writing assessments, where we all adopted the role of a Victorian reporter and wrote a Victorian newspaper article about the issues concerning child labour during Queen Victoria’s reign.

Continuing with our topic, we started to learn some facts about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and in Art we started to create some Art Deco roses in the style of Rennie Mackintosh.

Finally, yesterday we completed our last session of our Circle of Friends groups. We have really enjoyed participating with the games and the discussions about friendships and how we can improve friendship problems and be better friends.

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

This week in maths we have started a new topic, learning about decimals. We revised how to read and interpret decimal numbers and we practised how to put them in order. We all discussed the importance of decimals in our daily lives, in particular whenever we want to spend any money!

For P.E. we have now started to play Rounders. This week we learnt how to play ‘Gang Rounders’, which meant that several players could be waiting on a mat at a time, hence the title. We all really enjoyed participating at this.

As part of our Primary 6 topic we have prepared some research about Victorian inventions and discoveries for homework.  Today we began presenting our findings to the class and we gave encouraging feedback to each other.

During French this week we all practised singing a French song about food. We made a recording of our singing and we are going to enter it into a competition so please wish us all good luck with that!

Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

As part of Technology week, Primary 6/7 have been having great fun, setting up as small teams of engineers.  We have all taken part in a project to build and test ‘Robokid’ vehicles. The robots were designed by Scottish engineers at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh.

First we built our robots…..

Technology 001 Technology 002 Technology 003 Technology 004

Then we used our problem solving skills to ensure they were all wired correctly.

Technology 013

Then we learnt to use the robot and control it through a cable controller….

Technology 009 Technology 010 Technology 011 Technology 012

And finally it was time for our driving competition!

Technology 055 Technology 060 Technology 066 Technology 073 Technology 074 Technology 076


We also had a fabulous time yesterday with a visit from Jenny from Quality Meat Scotland. We learnt all about the importance of buying Scottish meat and we discussed healthy foods. After that we helped prepare, cook and eat some fajitas which were delicious!

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Enjoy the long weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we learned a lot about technology. Primary 6 had the opportunity to do the ‘RoboKid’ topic. We had to work in teams to build and test our robots. The teams came up with fantastic names like Robo, Wheelie and Bob. We also had to learn how to control and drive our robots round obstacle courses we created. On Monday, primary 5 went on a trip to the fourth road bridge education centre. They learned about different types of bridges and how they were built. They got to build their own mini bridges and try on safety clothes that would be worn when building the new bridge.


On Thursday a women called Jenny, from Scotch Beef, came and taught us about why eating red meat can help us grow, be strong and give us iron. She taught us how to make beef fajitas and some people in our class got to help prepare the fajitas. They were yummy. After our fajitas lesson we came back to class and took notes on what we had learned. Next week we will use these notes to help us write our own Beef fajitas recipe.

On Wednesday it was Ash Wednesday, Father Paul came along and led Mass, we received our ashes and reflected on what Lent is.

We have started our Money topic in maths. We have been learning how to solve different money word problems and we will continue this next week.

By Mark, Mikolt and James

Primary 6/7 Weekly News

Due to the bad weather conditions at the start of the week, many of our Primary 6s were disappointed to discover that the skiing/snowboarding trip had to be postponed. However in true St. Ninian’s style they soon bounced back as we all took part in a mini-topic about having a Growth Mindset. We learnt many things including how to change a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset. We took part in drama activities, played games, designed posters and created Power points. We also took part in a quiz at the start of the topic and then again at the end of the topic and discovered that nearly everyone had a Growth Mindset by the end of the week! What a fantastic result!

Growth Mindset 001 Growth Mindset 002 Growth Mindset 003

Aside from the topic work we have continued to thoroughly enjoy participating in gymnastics for P.E. and have all improved our skills using the apparatus.  Today we attended our different committees and we are all looking forward to next week which will focus on Technologies and will involve some very different activities for us all to get involved with.


Have a great weekend!

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Reeves

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