P6 Weekly News

Another fun week in Primary 6!

We started our week by visiting the library where we all took out a book to read in class.  We were given a special class library card allowing us to keep the books for a little bit longer.  We also recorded our song for the school Christmas CD.  It was very professional and all pupils were excellent! We are now recording artists!

We’ve been building on our renewable and non renewable energy knowledge this week. We completed a group task involving lots of problem solving to work out the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources.  We then focused on wind energy and created paintings of wind farms and poems all about the wind.

Here are some comments from the pupils this week:

Edwin – This week we have been writing a wind poem for our topic which is energy sources.

Erwin – This week we have been recording our Christmas song [Rockin’ around the Christmas tree].

Erin Roy – On Tuesday we went to the library, the lady read us a story, she told us a bit about the library then we got to choose a  book!

Emily- This week some of the girls went to a gymnastics competition and some got a medal!

Emma-This week we painted some wind pictures and they look Amazing! We also went to the library and we chose a book to bring back to school, it was really fun! Our writing this week was about a wind poem!! THEY LOOK AMAZING! So this week was really fun and creative!

Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in the gymnastics festival, I’ve heard you were all fantastic!!

Next week the pupils will be given some research homework about renewable energy – have a think about what you already know.

Enjoy your weekend!

P7/6 Rocks!

Good afternoon everyone.

It has been another fun packed week in P7/6.

Our Science topic this week was really rocking!  We learned all about the structure of the Earth and spent sometime drawing and labelling diagrams which show the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust.  From here we became geologists and learned about different types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.  It was great to get a chance to touch and hold all these rock samples and not just use pictures. We were even then able to identify rocks from their colour and texture!  The rock and roll lifestyle of a P7/6!

In Maths we have continued working with decimal numbers and improved our ability to mentally add and subtract decimal numbers.  We also consolidated our knowledge of multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.  This formed part of our Maths glass wall learning.


For our writing we completed our series of lessons on “Cool To Be Kind” and we completed diary entries from a refugee’s point of view.  We used emotional language to convey feelings and the finished result was some very powerful pieces.  These have formed a display in our classroom.


Well done P7/6.  have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie

Primary 6 News

This week our learning has focused on the Rights of the Child, especially the rights of refugee children.  The pupils have worked very hard this week ending with our class assembly today.  Thank you to everyone who came along to our assembly, it was lovely to see so many of you. The pupils were all fantastic – well done every one!


Here are some pupil comments from this week:

Leon-we have all worked hard for this assembly and finally we have put together all our learning and showed the school

Declan-this week we had CRAZY PJ DAY a day were we all came in in our PJ’s.

Nicola-we have been learning about a refugee called Malak and how she was in a boat with her mum and different people going to Greece from Syria.

Erin-this week in French we were working on our French video for the competition. If we get through we go to Edinburgh to visit the French institute.

Erwin-this week in numeracy we have been working on decimals and fractions.

Ben-We have been learning about the rights of the child and we put all of our learning together to make a class assembly on the rights of the child.

Emma-Today we had our p6 assembly and it was amazing, it went very well and we were in our pjs. It was really very funny!!!

Ciara-this week in class we made little box cards.  Inside it has a picture of the stable where Jesus was born or the three kings. We can use them as Christmas cards.

Kieran-In literacy we’ve been busy doing reading, punctuation sheets and our books: Stig of the Dump, Millions and Goodnight Mr. Tom.

We completed our daily mile in our PJ’s today, have a look at some of our photos.

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Finally our popcorn challenge total is now 474!! The pupils have reached the first stage of their prize; let’s see if we can reach 800 over the next 4 weeks.


P7/6 Blog Post

Here are the highlights of the week from some of our class,

Danielle – This week in P.E we did Christmas dancing and the girls had to dace with the boys!                                                                                                                                                                                                           Billie- This week was Cool To Be Kind week. I got a certificate for being kind, I was very happy and a lot of people got one as well .

Jessica- This week we made Christmas crackers some people made 2!

Aaron-in assembly we listened to p6 who were showcasing thier class assembly.

Next week we will be recorded singing a Christmas song.  We have been practising hard in class, but if you would like to get a little extra rehearsal time use the following backing track,


I can’t believe Christmas is coming so quickly!  However we still have time to brush up on our Maths skills.  We have been working on multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Everyone has got on really well with this!  For an extension think about how would you multiply a number by 400?  What strategy would you use?  Look at his question and if you have the answer and a strategy you could describe post a reply (extra Dojo point!).

3.4 x 400

Our writing this week was linked to the Cool To Be Kind theme.  Mrs Docherty led us in this lesson and the children all developed and wrote some moving and amazing prayers!  As part of their inspiration for the prayer they used the song “We are the World” charity song that was first recorded in 1985.  Such a powerful lesson!

To round off Cool To Be Kind week the children dressed up in their PJs and had crazy hair to run their daily mile.


Next week we will be continuing to look at our Science topic which will focus on rock formation.  The children will learn about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and will be able to classify different samples.  Can’t wait!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie


P7/6 News

Here is the news from our class,

Danielle – “This week in maths we learned about co ordinates and decimals.”

Jessica- “This week in writing we have completed a report on a science carousel we  did on Wednesday.”

Darryn- This week we did writing on our science carousel. We did four activities so we had to write four sub headings in our report.”

Aurora – “This Friday I went to hot chocolate Friday because I was  good and I am proud of my self . Good good job me.”

Billie-  “This week we have been learning how to turn fractions into decimals. It was very fun and hard.”

Thank you to these children for volunteering to share their highlight of the week on the blog post.

As was mentioned we completed a four station Science carousel lesson on Wednesday afternoon.  The learning intention was to find out about electrical safety and how to build a circuit.

Station 1 – Building a simple circuit.  The children used the electricity kits in school to build a simple circuit with a battery, bulb, wires and a switch.  When the switch was closed the bulb would light.  Then we took the switch out of the circuit and they had to use a variety of different items (metal spoon, plastic spoon, peg, paper clip, balloon) to put into the circuit to see if the bulb would light. The children learned the vocabulary conductor and insulator.

Station 2 – Matching game.  The children had to match photographs of different circuits to circuit diagrams.  To be able to complete this they had to learn the electrical symbol for the various components.

Station 3 – The Electric Detective.  This is a short film showing the dangers that electricity can pose when not used correctly.  If you want to have a watch click on the link below.

Station 4 – Switched On Kids Website.  The children used this website to learn about electrical safety as well as other facts and information about electricity, such as how it is made?, how do we get it into our homes?


As you can see there was a lot of learning going on and the children were developing their collaboration, team work and problem solving skills, which are are all part of our focus from the Skills Framework for this term.

In Maths we have been converting decimals to fractions and looking at the second decimal place (hundredths).  We have been working using pictorial guides and locating these on a number line.  Our interactive Maths wall focused on strategies used in our Number Talks mental addition calculations.  Some of us used partitioning, tower calculations, friendly numbers and so on.  Next week the Number Talks focus will be subtraction.  Have a go at this one and for an extra Dojo point post a response of the strategy you used.

91 – 19

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Currie

Primary 6 News

It was great to see all the parents this week for very positive discussions about all the learning in p6 so far.  Remember to fill in the parent/pupil comments on the notes pages and return them to the yellow folders in class.

It was also great to hear what the class had been discussing at home for their ‘Talking Homework’. It’s good to see so many families doing their bit to look after the environment.  This ties in very well with our new topic and our current RE work.  Talking Homework will be included every week this term so please take 5 minutes to discuss it at home.

Here are some pupil comments about our learning this week:

Edwin – This week we were writing an imaginative story. We tried to include good VCOP and key words in our story. I wrote a winter story. It’s all about a holiday to New York but the flight got cancelled because of the heavy weather. I enjoy writing and it’s so fun too.

Rugare – We were working on ideas for our assembly for next week. Parents are welcome to come along too.

Shiv – We continued our paired reading with P1M.

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Erin O – This week we did decimals and fractions in our maths and we turned our fractions into decimal places.

Aliza – This week we learned about our new topic which is all about fossil fuels and energy sources. On Wednesday and Thursday we learned about renewable and non-renewable energy. We done a quiz as a class and we got them all right.

Kalvin – In P.E we’ve been learning different fitness workouts, that block is over now and we have to do Scottish dancing ;-; that’s all from Physical Education

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Kieran – We all did numeracy which is decimals and fractions. We did a carousel, the stations were sumdog, textbook, active maths, and 100 square.  For 100 squares we had to draw a square and colour it in using 4 colours then work out the fractions and decimals of each colour.

Another fantastic week Primary 6, well done! The current total for our popcorn challenge is 343, keep up the good work.

P7/6 News (Channel)

I would like to start this blog post off by saying a huge well done to all the children for their amazing assembly that they put on this morning.  I was so proud of the effort from everyone.  If you did not get a chance to come along and see it our assembly was based around the main idea of a News Channel.  We had two presenters in the studio (Freya and Luke) and then different segments in the programme.  These segments included,

  • a wonderful weather report from Billie, Broady and Isabella where they described how to make a tornado in a bottle which was linked with our learning about the USA
  • a sports round up from Tristan and Jack, which showcased some of the football skills we have learned during our PE block
  • an entertainment review from Danielle and Sophia, of the novel “The Squint” by Leslie Howarth which had been our focus for the first six weeks of this session
  • a roving reporter, Mark, and his interviewees, Jessica, Oskar, Mikolt and Aurora who all described life in P7/6 (and Aurora revealed the identity of the Friday Hot Chocolate thief!!!)
  • a Foreign Affairs report from Kornelia and Rachel who described how we have been learning Spanish in class
  • a look forward into the future from Ross and Aaron, explaining our focus for this term
  • and that’s not all folks, a presentation to Miss Ross who will be leaving our class today to go and work with one of our infant classes (there was a tear in her eye!) from Colin and Moiz

And then back to the studio!  As you can see we packed a lot in and every child participated at a level they were comfortable with.  This type of event really allows the children to develop their skills of being effective contributors and confident individuals.  Well done!

Apart from rehearsing for our assembly this week we have also been busy with other areas of our learning too.  In our writing we used the theme of Fireworks to write some poetry.  We chose to complete a shape poem and within our piece the challenge was to use as many interesting and amazing adjectives as possible!  All jotters have gone home this weekend in preparation for parents meetings next week, make sure to look out for this piece of work.

In Maths we are continuing to look at decimals and fractions.  Our work this week for the P7 children were to add and subtract two numbers with up to two decimal places mentally.  There was a fabulous board game, matching game and connect four game to deepen their skills in this area.  P6 were focusing on converting a mixed number (wholes and tenths) into a decimal number and they used various resources such as the online resource Education City as well as cut and stick exercises to learn this skill.  I have included a link to the BBC bitesize teaching site which has a section all about fractions, it covers some of the aspects we have looked at but also goes on to look at finding equivalent fractions so that fractions can be ordered from smallest to largest.  These are all concepts which will be covered over the next few weeks so you can get a head start by having a look at this.


As part of the homework set this week everyone was asked to log onto the SumDog online resource.  This looks like it will be a fabulous resource to help boost mental agility in Maths.  Passwords are glued into the back of the homework jotter.  If for any reason you cannot get onto SumDog at home there is a class only homework club every Tuesday at lunchtime where the i-pads will be available specifically for those children who are not able to access it at home, so please come along.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Currie

Primary 6 news

This week we started lots of new things.

We have started paired reading with primary 1M, we met our partners and listen to them read.  We will do this every Wednesday morning.  We also started thinking about our new topic.  This term we will be focusing on fossil fuels and renewable energy.  The class have provided lots of excellent ideas for their learning this term; it will be a great topic!  We have been working on decimals this week, using our existing knowledge of the four number processes to complete calculations and games.

Here are some class comments from this week:

Leon – I hope we learn lots of new facts about our new science topic.

Amera – In class we learned about SCIAF and MISSIO. It was good to look at what other countries look like and comparing then to our country. We created posters for our RE wall.

Rugare – We wrote a spooky story in class.

Kieran – We have been working on decimals in textbooks, netbooks and worksheets.

Declan – We also have a new thing called popcorn challenge. All of the tables try to get at least 400 pom-poms to get a movie in the afternoon and 800 pom-poms for a full day of fun.

Mia- This week we have been writing scary stories and we made firework pictures with salt, glue and paint.

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It has been another week full of hard work for Primary 6.  The class total for out popcorn challenge is currently 259!! Fantastic team work so far, keep it up!  All pupils have their jotters home with them this weekend.  Please try to take some time to look through them together and discuss their learning so far in primary 6.

P7/6 Engineers

It has been a fantastic STEM week!  We looked at James Dyson and some of his inventions and improvements that he has made to everyday pieces of equipment such as the vacuum cleaner and wheelbarrow.

With Miss Ross the children have been building bridges out of straws.  The children have learned about team work, logical thinking and problem solving through this activity.  Everyone’s bridges managed (some only just!)to hold 1.5kg.  Well done.  On Thursday we had a visit from a Civil Engineer called Alison.  She helped us understand about good bridge design which we then were able to use to help us build our straw bridges.


TALKING is going to be a major focus this term in Literacy.  Next week will see the introduction of talking homework.  The purpose of this is to encourage the children to construct coherent and informative arguments and statements orally so that in turn they will be able to write in well constructed sentences.  There is no need for the children to record anything in their jotter about this homework, but they will be asked to contribute to group and class discussions throughout the week.

Homework club will start up again on Tuesday in class at lunchtime.  Anyone who needs support or extra time to complete their homework should make use of this opportunity.

In Maths this term we will be focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages.  Already the children have been looking at the link between fractions and decimals by converting tenths from one form to another.  Everyone has enjoyed good success with this so far.  Here is a game for you to continue to practise and extend your skills with this concept.



Well done class,

Mrs Currie

Primary 6 Weekly News

This week was STEM week and we’ve been very busy working hard on lots of activities.

We started with a class pipe cleaner challenge.  Working in small groups we were given instructions to build the tallest free-standing structure.  We were working against the clock and things got really tricky when we were only allowed to use one hand for 2 minutes, and then had to work in silence for 2 minutes! But we all managed and worked very well as part of a team! Mia So, Nicola and Shiv managed to build the tallest structure.  We discussed their techniques, including a wide and stable based that was even strengthened by twisting pipe cleaners together.

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We were also focusing on the Great Barrier Reef this week.  We went on an interactive journey with David Attenborough.  We were able to watch videos of the Great Barrier Reef online, allowing us to see all the life under the sea.  It was also very interesting to see what the future holds for the Great Barrier Reef and as a class we discussed coral bleaching and the causes of water pollution and sea temperature increase.  We then used the videos for inspiration to create our very own Barrier Reef boxes.  For this activity we worked in pairs and used various craft supplies to create the Great Barrier Reef in a shoebox.  The final results are great! Take a look at some of our boxes!



This term our PE focus will be fitness.  Mr McCurdy introduced us to some Crossfit exercises.  They were quite difficult but everyone was working hard.  We had a few sore muscles the next day but this means we were working very hard! Miss McCormack led a fitness class during PE on Thursday, with everyone really focusing on getting the most out of each exercise.

Our class mass this week went very well.  Well done to all P6 pupils for representing our school in the community, everyone was very impressed!

Primary 6 have also started a new class reward system – ask your child all about it, we are all very excited!

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