A week of fun and laughter in P6/7

Our chosen lead learners this week were James and Isla who did a great job of capturing some of the highlights of the week for us to add to our blog and Talking Books.


In spelling we worked as a whole class to discuss spelling strategies and words that are commonly misspelled. Each team had to think of as many strategies as they could and then share them with the class. We then focused on 3 of these: make a song, make a mnemonic and does it look right.

We enjoyed this catchy tune to help us with there, their and they’re.

Can you make a mnemonic for the word ‘people’, post your efforts on our blog post for an extra dojo point?

In literacy we also learned about the work of author’s and how many stages it can take before having a finished piece of writing. We had a go at this and tried to up-level our diary entries from last week by revising, editing and redrafting. This led us nicely into an online meeting with Pamela Butchart, author of many children’s books. We logged onto BBCLive to hear about her work and joined in with the session by making sound effects, answering questions, having a go at illustrating and tweeting, we were delighted when we were mentioned on the BBCLive event and Pamela even tweeted us privately after the event!

Inspirational Maths Week

Wow, where do we begin…This week was all about mathematical mindsets and being creative in maths. We started the week by working in teams to create 2D and 3D shapes with a 7 foot piece of rope in the outdoor space. Lots of laughter, confusion, creativity, frustration and success was had by all! We then examined our own mathematical mindsets and carried out a class questionnaire which led for some interesting discussions. We made some mathematical mindset keys for our tables and maths working wall.

We studied the work of a famous artist/sculptor, Sol Lewitt, and how his work connected to mathematics. The best part was then working in teams to create our very own sculptures using marshmallows and cocktails sticks. Mrs Howley had us learning more about symmetry and did some fun activities connected to this.

Thursday was one of the favourite lessons as we, the pupils, led the lesson by sharing the maths activities we had worked on for homework last week, everyone had made a great effort with these.

Throughout the week we also took part in Numbertalks , the Sumdog contest and Mathanagrams. It was great to see some of the parents getting involved to through dojo. Congratulations to Oskar, Shiv, Mia Stewart and Max for completing the 1000 question Sumdog competition and to Mrs Nicol for winning the parents mathanagram quiz on dojo. A big thank you to the parents who also came along to Ninian’s Natter, it was lovely to see you taking part in some of these activities.


On Tuesday the P7 children accompanied their P1 buddies to mass at St Philip’s. It was a lovely morning and well done to the P7’s for taking their roles so seriously and supporting the younger children.We celebrated St Ninian this week and participated in a beautiful mass on Friday morning. Mrs Purdie awarded us some extra playtime to celebrate the day. The Parent Council also organised a fantastic Scottish afternoon to continue the celebrations. Mrs Roy’s quiz team, the numpties, came 2nd! Everyone got into the spirit and had a fun afternoon!

Have a lovely long weekend, see you all on Wednesday.

Primary 6/7 and Mrs Roy


P6/7 weekly update

In literacy we wrote a diary entry as if we were the main character in the story. We focused on chapter 3 this week, at the end there was a bit of a cliffhanger as Michael went overboard. We can’t wait until next week to find out what happens next… Some of us were brave enough to read our diary starters to the class to help motivate and inspire others. We even put a tweet on Twitter, Chi-Chi is famous!! Remember to follow our class @mrsroy16 as we regularly Tweet throughout the week. We also worked in teams to do some comprehension work, that was good fun!

We have been playing maths games to help us develop our understanding of place and value, eg.  maths pacman, roll the dice, roll and stick game and close to the target. Some of us also did a maths population task using the http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ website. It was really interesting as it was a live website and people were being born every second! Cole and Max also made a place value poster for the maths working wall.

Don’t forget the Sumdog Maths Contest is now live until next Thursday, points means prizes!

In PE we were doing some more rugby skills. We had the ‘ Scoop Pass’ competition, James, Nicholas, Leon and Shiv were the scooping champions this week. This game involved concentration, speed and co-odrination. We progressed onto some rugby skills focussing on the ‘back pass’, this took a few attempts to master, Leon was hilarious at this activity as he kept getting confused about when to run and when to pass.

Chi-Chi and Krzysztof were our first Lead Learners and did a great job taking responsibility for the Talking Books this week – well done guys!

Our classroom is taking shape now and there is some fabby work on display for you to see when you next visit us. Remember Ninian’s Natter is on Thursday 14th September 6-7pm if you want to drop in for a blether and some Inspirational Maths activities.

Some pupil highlights:

Cole enjoyed the maths work this week.

Chi-Chi enjoyed using the population site.

Rachel W enjoyed doing the homework challenge.

Remember next week is Inspirational Maths week so come prepared as we may be taking the learning outdoors at times. We are hoping to also start using AAL – Anytime, Anywhere Learning for those who have returned their contracts. Please load the Class Dojo and Sumdog apps onto your device if possible, both are free apps.

Have  a great weekend!

P6/7 and Mrs Roy

Time flies by in P6/7

James gave us the title of our blog this week as we discussed how quickly the week had gone.

It all started on Monday where we did some focused vocabulary work linked to our class novel, everyone agreed that it was a pretty tricky task as we had to guess what the word meant by using the text surrounding it then look up it’s actual definition in the dictionary. Do you know what these words mean – reproached and suppurating? Place value is our focus in numeracy this week and we did some paired, independent and group tasks on Monday morning using resources like dominoes and flashcards to play different games to develop our confidence in reading different numbers. The afternoon saw us being introduced to Emotion Works, a whole school HWB resource. Again we linked this to our novel and used the emotion cogs to unpick each of the characters feelings in chapter 1 whilst working in teams.

On Tuesday we were very excited to start our rugby block with Mr McCurdy and everyone came well prepared for the outdoors! We had our first numbertalks session and showed Mrs Roy our explanation skills and mathematical thinking. In our novel study we read chapter 2 and were introduced to our Blooms Superheroes which will help us develop our reading comprehension skills this year. We all chose which questions we would like to tackle and tried to match these up to the superheroes. The afternoon continued with a novel theme and we started some ‘Hokusai’ inspired pictures, we used pastels to try and recreate the famous ‘Great Waves’ painting. Mrs Roy was in awe of our artistic skills!

Writing was a focus on Thursday morning and we used a previous talk lesson linked to our novel to write a balanced argument with the title: Sailing around the world. Everyone gave it their best shot and tried to use persuasive language. In numeracy we began to split numbers and partition them, as the numbers got bigger this became more difficult. We will continue to focus on this next week.

Friday ended the week nicely as we finished our earlier art work and got to do our first Big Maths Beat that challenge. We also went outside with Mrs Roy for a fun rugby session where we learned how to play banana tig with a rugby ball and practised our passing in small teams. The sun stayed out and we didn’t get wet, so that was a bonus.

This week we also welcomed Mr Turner to our class, a 3rd year student training to be a teacher, he will continue to work alongside Mrs Roy each week to support us in our learning.

And finally, the UN Ambassador’s came round all the classes this morning to announce that we had successfully achieved the Level 2 Award for RRS. We were all really pleased especially as some of the people in our class were in that committee last year. Well done everyone!!

Pupil voice:

Louise – We played rugby and it was lots of fun.

Isla – We did Big Maths on Friday.

Amera  – Rugby was fun and wet!

Isabel – Our Kensuke’s Kingdom collage is now up on display and looks good.

Rachel H – We all dressed down today to raise money for charity.



Welcome Back, Primary 6!

Wow! What a great first week back. We have all returned to school with eagerness and positivity to match our inspirational classroom door! Read on for more information about what we’ve been up to.

Taylor, Zara and Lorena: For Maths on Thursday we went outside and did a scavenger hunt. It was really fun because we got to combine maths, AAL and outdoor learning!

Chloe: This week we had a vote on our class charter and ‘Despicable Me 3’ won!!!!!!!

Lukasz: This week in PE we all played dice dash with Mr McCurdy and did an interval training fitness circuit with Miss Ford.

Lucas: This week in writing we did a recount of our summer holidays in the style of a postcard. Some of us had never sent a postcard before because they are so old fashioned now (hahaha!).

Jay-P: On the first day of school we got to see all our friends again and Miss Ford was super kind to all of us. We all had fun for the first day and my favourite thing was doing our artwork initials.

Rebecca: This week we started a novel topic and the book we will be doing is called ‘Pig Heart Boy’. I think it will be a good book.

Have a great weekend everyone!

We’re back……

Well what a great start to the year it has been, everyone has been really enthusiastic and raring to get started!

The week began with some creativity and we worked in small teams to create a class song/rap and wordle. We used the mindmaps we had made on our moving up day in June to help us. It was lovely to see the confidence in many as they stood up in front of a new class to perform. Follow us on Twitter @mrsroy16 to see some of the videos we took.

Our Wordle is now at the heart of our new class charter which has taken the theme of ‘Animals’ as voted by the class. Everyone came up with suggestions as to the content of our charter and this is now on display for all to see.

We have enjoyed taking part in the ‘Door Challenge’ this week and made an emoji themed door display. We discussed what emoji represented each of our personalities and then made mini emojis for display. They look great!

We started our class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Murpurgo. We have listened to an audio of chapter 1 whilst following the text in our shared books. There has been lots of scope for discussion and one of the first debates we had was about sailing around the world, are you for or against? We came up with our arguments and then presented these to another group using persuasive and emotive language. Everyone thought it was great that they got to argue with one another!! We have also started creating a class collage which is coming along nicely.

Pupil Voice:

Shiv: We did face portraits with Mrs Howley.

Nicola: We did our own animals for our class charter.

Mia Sok.: This was a fun week.

Rachel W: It was a good week.

Isla: At PE with Mrs Roy we went out and played rounders.

Chi-Chi: We made emojis that represent us and put it on our door display.

Amera: I liked PE because we played rounders.

James: I enjoyed the self-portrait task because I usually don’t do that.

Nicholas: I liked drawing the animals.

Leon: This week was fun.

Isabel: An amazing start to the school year.

Rachel Mc: This week was amazing. We were making a boat and sea for display on our class novel.

Louise: We did today’s number of the day and we did it on whiteboards.

Mia St: We got to stick tissue paper to a wave outline for our display.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you next week!!


Primary 6 weekly news

Another busy week in primary 6 and not long to go now until the summer holidays!

It was great to see so many parents at sports day – thank you for coming and well done to those who took part in the parent races!

Here are our comments for the week:

Declan- This week we had moving up day and I’m in P7.

Mia So- This week we went to our new classes, I’m in P6/7 …… yayyy!

Mia St- This week we done Micro Fitness outside and we had to knock each other of the platforms, it was fun!!

Kalvin- My highlight was the tug of war on sports day.

Ben- This week the Fire Service came in and we got to fire a hose.

Reece- This week we had transitions into P7 or P6/7.

Neave- This week we had our transition days and we were doing fun activities from 09:00- 12:00.

Jennifer- I like transitions.

Emily – This week we went in our new classes. I am in P7 and we get Miss McCormack again.

Deacon- We did raves at sports day.

Kieran- We had sports day, it was great.

Aiden- This week I won the Sumdog competition.

Emma- This week has been amazing!! Because on Wednesday we had sports day which was amazing and on Monday we had the inflatable wrecking ball and the Fire Service.

Ali- In sports day Whithorn came first in the races.

James- I really enjoyed moving up day and we even got sweets!

Shiv- on Tuesday we got to use an inflatable.

Amera- On Friday at assembly Mrs Purdie gave out sweets, but she had a backup behind them. It was so fun!!

Rayn- we had sports day, I enjoyed it.

Aliza- we had P7 transitions this week and sports day.

Erin R- on Monday we had the Fire Service come in to talk to us about Fire safety.

Rugare- I enjoyed transition day.

Isabel- this week was transitions and in P6/7 we did the marshmallow challenge and we all got to eat marshmallows.

Krzysztof- This week I really can’t choose, was the wrecking ball more fun or was the transition day funner, but both were.

Have a great weekend! 🙂


Our technical issue from last week has been resolved!

Here are the photographs from our class trip to the WW2 Linburn war museum.

We learned so much as well as consolidating our learning from this topic.  The alphabet quiz was great…although Mrs Currie had to be disqualified for cheating (I started writing answers in before he had said go…too eager and competitive!).  Freya and Sophia were the overall winners, well done girls! We were able to handle real equipment as well as have a go a feeling how heavy and hard it was to use some of the weaponry from that time!  Can you name the three people in the gas masks?

In school this week we had a visit from the Rights Respecting School Assessors.  Tristan and Aurora represented our class at the meeting and they did a great job.  Well done to the whole school for their efforts and we just cross our fingers that we are officially awarded the level 2 in August.

In maths and numeracy we have been revising and consolidating our knowledge of the topics we have covered.  It has been amazing to see how much we have learned and this gave some of us the valuable opportunity to get additional teaching and practise in areas that we are not fully confident in.  This will continue for the next two weeks.

In RE we have been learning about The Holy Trinty.  As an additional activity, think of three ways to describe the roles you have in life, Mrs Currie is …a sister, a mother and a teacher.  You can post your three descriptions here for an extra dojo!

Have a great weekend.

Primary 6 Weekly News

Another busy week in primary 6!

Here are our highlights.

We have been working more on our class novel Pig Heart Boy. This week we thought about questions we could ask the main characters at a press conference. We then held our own press conference where we had to take on the role of one of the main characters. Some of the role play skills were excellent!!

We also used Pig Heart Boy in our writing this week to write a diary entry as one of the characters.

We had a visit from the Rights Respecting Schools team on Tuesday and it went very well! All pupils answered all questions excellently, highlighting how much effort they have all put into their learning this year. It was great to see how knowledgeable you all are – well done!!

For PE this week we completed the 200m with Mr McCurdy and joined up with Primary 5 to play some outdoor games. We competed in our houses to win points! It was an excellent afternoon with great teamwork – well done again!!

Hope you all have a great weekend – we have a busy week next week so get lots of rest!

Primary 6 Weekly News!

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 6! We have had lots of extra responsibilities with the 7’s being at St. Margaret’s. Everyone has stepped up to the challenge – well done!

Everyone also helped their buddies settle in to their transition day in primary 1 and went to the infant area at break time to help play some games and show them around.

Everyone who presented for the House Captain elections were excellent! Lots of hard work went into the speeches and presentations – you should all be very proud! Congratulations to everyone who took part and I’m sure our House Captains will do a great job next year!

Class Comments:

Aliza- This week a lot of children from p6 competed in the house captain election. We just found out today who the captains are: Glasserton- Erin O as House and Kalvin as Vice, Galloway- Emily as House and Amera as Vice, Calder- Emma as House and Erin R as Vice, Whithorn- Mia So as House and Ben as Vice.

Declan – This week in p6 we were learning about God’s loving plan and learning the proper names for some body parts.

Emily- this week we learned about God’s loving plan and today we found out the house captains and I was house captain for Galloway! With Amera as vice.

Ciara-Next week we are being assessed by the right respecting school so then we can get our 2nd level and also we found out who is next year’s house captain Glasserton Erin O and Kalvin, Galloway Emily and Amera, Calder Emma and Erin R, Whithorn Mia so and Ben.

Emm,a-This week we learned about God’s loving plan and we watched the p1 assembly it was adorable we also got told who was house captain and vice captain and I got house captain for Calder I was shaking and I started to cry happy tears!!!

Erin O- this week our buddies started their P1 transitions my buddy is called Isabelle she is in P1M. At assembly we got told who our house captains for next year our I’m house captain for Glasserton.

Amera-this week we people who wanted house captain or vice had to write a speech and then you had to present  them to your house and I done my speech it went very well and Emily got captain for Galloway and I got Vice for Galloway it was amazing!!!!!

Kalvin-What an outcome to the elections I am vice captain of Glasserton very surprising to say the least.

Erwin-This week we went to show our nursery buddy their new p1 class and it was sooooooo cute.

Edwin-we did a powerpoint about a sport person and I did mine about Stephen curry who plays for gold state warriors , I was quite shy but I tried my best it went well.

Nicola – this week we went to our buddies to help them go to their new classroom p1r they had so much fun at their new classroom.

Nicholas – on Wednesday this week our P:E teacher Mr McCurdy took us for about 1 hour 20 minutes we did fitness activities like 1 to 10 and rotation fitness.

Ali-On Thursday the whole school  watched the glee show with some p5s and 1 p6.


Have a great weekend!

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