This Week in Primary 6/7

This week in Primary 6/7 we have been very busy! In R.E with Mrs Howley some people painted rocks from Saint Ninian’s cave and we were also drawing pictures looking out from St.Ninian’s Cave. In Maths, P7’s worked on Maths Grids with Mrs McDonald from Saint Margaret’s and P.6 were with Mrs Young doing word problems with three digit numbers.

We used the context of our class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom, to write about setting using interesting and descriptive language.

In P.E we were playing rugby with Mr McCurdie. Daniel got a golden ticket for helping in the lunch hall and he gets to have hot chocolate Friday.

We had a whole school Mass for St. Ninian’s feast day on Friday.

Bea: I enjoy working with P.6 on our novel Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Toni: Mrs Mc Donald taught us to use a grid method to times hundreds by hundreds, I enjoyed this.

Ivana: I enjoyed the writing lesson, using descriptive language to describe the setting of a desert island.

Brooke: I found the Maths tricky because I had to work out what to do but I got more confident.

Ailie: I loved outside Rugby with Mr. McCurdy.

Harley: I enjoyed writing this week. I liked reading about Robinson Crusoe. Have a nice week end .

P6 Weekly news

Brought to you by our Lead Learners, Mark and Louise.


We have been doing rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000s.  Its been tricky remembering the rule but we are getting there.  We have also been doing lots of Number Talks and remembering our strategies.

We have been doing Tennis in PE – we learned how to do rally’s and set up fun stations to practice our skills and ball control.

We were describing a setting in our writing with Mrs Kerr.  I really enjoyed this (Mark).

We are reading Pig Heart Boy, we were looking at the tough decision Cameron had to make and cannot wait to find out what happens next.

We have had a busy week and we are very excited to get stuck into Maths Week Scotland next week.

Have a great weekend from Primary 6! 🙂


P6/7 Blog

Another very busy week in P6/7! Our Lead Learners for this week, Ailie and Beth, wrote the following class BLOG:

This week we had Mrs Young on Monday Mrs McMullen on Wednesday and Thursday and Mrs Howley on Tuesday and Friday. We did art with Mrs Howley which was drawing portraits of our selves. Today we set our learning goals for this term and yesterday the P7’s had a lesson from Mrs McDonald the maths teacher in St Margret’s. Today we had an AWESOME!!! Assembly lead by the House Captains.

Ailie and Beth

September GIRFEC theme – SAFE

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

GiRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children. To help make sure everyone – children, young people, parents, and the services that support them – has a common understanding of what wellbeing means, we describe it in terms of eight indicators. (see wheel)

Each month we focus on one of the indicators in class and at assembly. This month we will focus on SAFE.

In school some of the activities we will do the develop this theme are:

  • House Captain assemblies to look at being safe in school 
  • Fire alarm drills to make sure children know what to do in the event of a fire 
  • Every child will identify 5 key adults they can talk to – at school or at home

Working together at home is a really valuable part of this topic. Below are some ideas for family learning around this theme. We would love you to share how you get on!

  • Repeat a road safety routine whenever you are out and about.
  • Introduce your child to people who help us in the community.
  • Discuss how to make an emergency call and the dangers of doing this when there is no real emergency.
  • Make a list of people and their phone numbers your child could contact in an emergency and display it in your house.
  • Discuss the best way to react/respond to this situation with your child – a stranger makes contact with your child online and asks for their personal details. What should they do?


A busy week in P6/7!

A busy week in P6/7!


We are enjoying Kensuke’s Kingdom our class novel for this block. We have discussed the feelings emotions portrayed by the characters in the book and related them to our lives. We then looked at our leisure activities and how the help us to relax. We began our block of rugby with Mr.McCurdy and we need to remember outdoor P.E. kit for this block. In maths, we have been working on improving our Mental Maths through topmarks activities. We have been doing well in our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. P7 pupils have continued to do a great job in buddying our new p1 children while p6 boys and girls did an excellent job in perfecting last week!

Primary 6

We have had a busy and hard working week in our classroom.

This week in maths we have been doing place value for whole numbers from 1 000,000 and beyond. We have been identifying the value of digit within a whole number and recognising and writing numbers in words.

In writing we have been using our senses to help with describing a setting. We used this to help us to describe different settings from our class novel Pig Heart Boy.

In art we were drawing the main character Cameron using colour to think about emotions. We used charcoal to represent the character Cameron’s feeling of sadness, anger and loneliness.

In PE we have been developing our tennis skills with Mr McCurdy. We have been practicing our gentle swing technique.

Written by Louise, Marcella and Aoife

Family Fun Morning – 1 plus 2 Languages

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer

Welcome to Primary 6/7

It’s been a great first week in primary 6/7 and everyone has been very enthusiastic to start our learning. Everyone looks great in their full school uniform – very smart, grown up and ready to learn.

We have started our new class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We will be using this as our literacy and topic focus. The pupils have been enjoying reading the novel so far and are looking forward to finding out more about the main character Michael.

We have created our new class charter and agreed on what we think is best for our classroom. We have spoken about the three themes for our school: Ready, Respectful, Safe. 

Important information for this term.
PE days for this term will be Monday and Wednesday and pupils will be outside for Rugby (outdoor kit needed including trainers).
Pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in the classroom.
Pupils should be ready to learn by bringing a sharp pencil to school everyday and any other equipment needed for that day.
Pupils should also bring a full bottle of water every day, which can be refilled if needed.

It’s been a great week working with primary 6/7.
Mrs Young

Welcome to Primary 6

It’s been a great first week back, so lovely to see everyone looking so refreshed and ready to learn after a lovely summer break.  So smart and grown up in their lovely uniforms.

We have already started our new class novel and this will be our Literacy and Topic focus, Pig Heart Boy.  The pupils are enjoying it so far, it covers so many interesting themes, including lots of science.

We have created our new Class Charter and agreed on what we think is best for our classroom.  We have spoken about the three themes for our school; Ready, Respectful, Safe.

Important information for this term.

PE days this year are Monday and Wednesday.

All pupils should have indoor shoes for wearing in class and PE lessons.

Pupils should be ready to learn; all pupils should bring a sharp pencil every day and a full bottle of water, which can be refilled if needed.

Mrs McMullen works on Monday, Tuesday and every second Friday.

Mrs Kerr works on Wednesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays.

We are looking forward to a great year in Primary 6,

Mrs McMullen & Mrs Kerr

1+2 Languages Family Fun Event

Please click on the link below to find out more about a family event taking place on 8th September from 10am – 12noon.

Learn to dance Flamenco and enjoy a croissant in the French café!
Please register your interest with your school by Monday, 3rd September to book your place! Cost per family: £1

1+2 Family Fun Morning Flyer


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