P6/7 Weekly News

This week our lead learners Cole and Joshua took charge of our blog post and gathered pupil voice to help them.

On Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Roy was teaching us about decimals and made it fun. We watched a video as our starter activity and then some of us used tenth strips or did written tasks. We can now read, identify and sequence decimal fractions.

The P7’s went to meet their buddies this week for some paired reading, it was nice to catch up with them all. We helped them with reading and spelling.

This week Mrs Roy was teaching us how to use GLOW and we learned how to email. We all had to email Mrs Roy and then choose someone else in the class to email. We entered the WLC Name a Gritter Competition via our emails. We know we have to be sensible when using GLOW. It is important that we bring our devices to school each day to allow us to log on and use the different tools, we are also going to be starting our GLOW profiles.

In writing we wrote letters to NASA applying for a job to work there. We had to write about our skills, achievements, talents, etc.

In PE we are focusing on fitness with Mr McCurdy and Mrs Roy.

Today our school basketball team are playing another school – good luck to everyone!!

GIRFEC theme for October – HEALTHY

Our House Captains and Vice Captains led fantastic assemblies this week by promoting healthy lifestyle messages. They reminded the children about healthy packed lunch choices and the importance of getting regular exercise. They had also recorded a special video message from Mr McCurdy who was so proud of our 2 PE lessons each week and the numbers of children attending after school clubs.

The Captains have challenged the whole school to start Fruity Friday by bringing in a piece of fruit for snack each Friday. We look forward to seeing everyone’s healthy snack this Friday!

Well done to our Captains. #stninianskidscan

Primary 7 Weekly Blog

Lucas-this week in P.E  we did contact rugby and tackling with the tackling bags.

Oskar-when the girls were away we had free time to go on one note and add our goals and go on the chat .

Lucas and Oskar-this week in writing we had our assessment and it was about if animals should be kept in the zoo.

Kalin-i enjoyed doing the pivot animator and we made loads of animations.

Lewis- i liked doing rugby with the St Margret pupils.

Brandon- We were doing fun stuff on pivot animator while the girls were at there fitness.

Sarah-  at fitness I liked the football .

Lewis- When the girls went away boys got to go on the computers and some people got to go on piviot animator.

Oskar-we did the poems about refugees.

Rebecca- All the girls went to an Active Girls Day in James Young High School and my favorite part was the Aerobics which really stretched my muscles.

Vanessa: I had fun doing the girls fitness day because we met loads of new people and did loads of sports!!!!!!

Maxx- this week S.T Margrets students came and Ethan and Megan did rugby and we done tackling with them.



A reminder for Monday

We have our Risk Factory visit. The bus will be leaving at 8:45 so it is very important all primary 7 pupils arrive to school in plenty of time.
Please bring a packed lunch to have on return to school.


Have a great weekend

Weekly Blog in P6

The weekly blog

We have been doing a grammar topic of the first men on the moon, learning about their suits and the journey to the moon. In Music, Mrs Steel showed us how to play notes on the recorder.

On Tuesday, we learned about the space and the eight planets named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus ,Jupiter and Neptune.  WE made up our own phrases to allow us to remember them in order.

On Wednesday we had Jazzmatazz, learning our  school song with xylophones and glockenspiel and having three different compositors. Kacper and Oliwier made Lama bell, Dominika and Vennesa made falling down the rainbow and last but not least Shannon and Freya made just dance.

We have also been exploring our number talks strategies and are now much more confident with telling our strategies.

We were so delighted that we got a Tweet from Judy Murray about our tennis skills.

We had a great week, we are looking forward to learning more Space topic next week.


Happy weekend, from Aoife and Kacper and all of P6.

P6/7 Weekly News

Where do we begin, what a busy week it has been!


We used a science text and identified our 8 BOOST words for the week, they were pretty tricky! Each day we will be doing a different activity liked to our BOOST words. During PE we went outside with Mrs Roy for rugby and did some rugby circuit work. It got messy especially at the station where we had to lie on our stomachs and then race to the rugby ball!! We finished reading chapter 7 of Kensuke’s Kingdom and learned more about the relationship between Michael and Kensuke. Everyone took part in Numbertalks and we enjoyed sharing our strategies. The Solar System is our mini science topic this term and we were learning about constellations and the different parts of the solar system.


Today we worked in our reading groups and did some work on our HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), we will be using these across the curriculum throughout the year. Mr McCurdy took us outside for our final rugby practice before our rugby festival next week with the other P6 and P7 classes. Jazz was great fun as we were composing and playing our own tunes which we will be performing at a small concert next Thursday at 11am, parents welcome to come along. Synonyms were the focus in Wordboost today, not as easy as it looked! In science we explored the planets and then a did a house quiz to see what we had remembered.


It was National Poetry Day and we studied the poem, ‘Russian Dolls’ written by Rachel Rooney. Mrs Roy brought in some real Russian Dolls to help us visualise the poem and we listened to a recording of Rachel reading the poem. We all had a go at unpicking the layers of our character and wrote our own poems, we then shared some of these on Twitter, follow us at @mrsroy16 or @StNiniansPS. Rachel Rooney was very impressed an sent us some personal tweets. In numeracy we revised rounding numbers up to 1million as this was something which we all agreed needed a bit more work, this will be followed up with a homework task next week. In RE we spoke about discipleship and identifed how we could be closer to God.


We started the morning with Numbertalks and played Countdown, Brooke and Haseeb got really close to solving it, here are the numbers if you want to try it at home – 100, 50, 75, 3, 10, 7 – target number was 423. Then we played Quick on the Draw during Wordboost and worked in teams to think of ways to visualise all of our BOOST words. Then we went to our House Assemblies.

Other news

Ethan took part in the WL Schools Cross Country event at Dechmont representing our school and he came 4th which was a fantastic achievement!!! Well done Ethan!!!!

The P7 girls took part in the Active Girls festival at JYHS and all behaved perfectly and joined in with all activities.

Our P7’s will be going to the risk factory on Monday morning, remember to bring a packed lunch.

Pupil voices

Aria: Pupils came to help from St. Margaret’s

Mirren: This week we did Jazz mattaz with Mike and we are practising for the show.

Haseeb: In writing we did a poem about a Russian doll and we wrote 7 verses and emotions in it.

Abi: We did PE we did rugby we got wet and covered in grass and we were cold.

Abi and Bea: This was our first week when Mrs. Roy came back, we were all very excited and ready to learn with her. And we had a wonderful with her this week.

In maths we did number talks we put our thumbs up if we got a answer and put our fists up if were thinking

Thanks for reading our blog

Bea, Abi, P6/7 & Mrs Roy




Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we have been doing Jazzmatazz. In Jazzmatazz we have been improvising on xylophones and the glockenspiel. We also learned to sing some songs whilst playing a tune. We had to copy the beat that Mike was playing on the piano.

In maths this week we have been continuing to learn about decimals and some of the class have been learning to put decimals into an order. In number talks we have been sharing lots of strategies and learning from one another.

In writing we have been using a visual stimulus based on a twisty road and had to write an imaginary story.

We have been continuing with our class novel Pig Heart Boy and this week we had a visit from an author to reading his book Fairy with the broken wings.

Have a lovely weekend!

Shannon and Finlay

Lead Learners

P6/7 blog

On Monday we made a display about Kensuke’s kingdom which is our class novel. We did the Matilda challenge if you want to see it go on the St Ninian’s twitter page. On Tuesday the P6’s did symmetry and we also did R.E and we were looking at what the Priest wears on certain times of the year. On Wednesday we had jazz with Mike,  Cole and Matt made a song about rice krispies. On Thursday we had John the janny’s leaving assembly. On Friday Mrs Roy came back and we talked to everyone about what they like and what they don’t like.

Pupil voice:

Bea-We made Kensuke’s Kingdom pictures of a wave and a sunset with a boat. We also wrote arguments about whether zoos should be banned.

Caiden-Today we discussed Ready, Respectful, Safe and made posters for our charter.

Ethan – We had Mike for Jazz.

Cole – On Wednesday we introduced tackling in rugby.

Lorena – On Friday Mrs Roy came back and we all spent time getting to know one another which I really enjoyed.

Teacher voice

It was lovely to return to work today to such a wonderful class of committed, enthusiastic and kind pupils. They have made my return smooth and kept me updated on all that has being going on. I am looking forward to working with each and everyone of them throughout P6/7 and I am sure we will have lots of learning, laughter and fun!! Just a final word to thank the children, parents and staff for their support for the last 5 weeks, it has been greatly appreciated. Mrs Roy xx

Written by the lead learners, Thomas and Mirren

Short week in Primary 6

Weekly Blog

This week we have been doing more Place Value in our Maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1000000.  We had a visit from a new Maths Teacher, Mrs Heather, who helped us with number talks and explained that we have to give lots of details when we are talking about our strategies.With Mrs Kerr we did decimals, we were also rounding to the nearest whole number.


We continued doing Jazzmattaz, we were learning how to play a Xylophone and a Glockenspiel – we played along with the piano.  We also sang lots of jazz music.  In P.E. we have been doing tennis practice rallying and playing a game called Jailbreak.  This was really good fun.

Our Jazz Band so far!!


We continued reading our class story, Pig Heart Boy.  We are really enjoying the book.  We are also watching it on BBC and comparing the many differences with the book.


We are really looking forward to learning more about our new topic, Solar System.  We have been asked to bring in any books or space related things we have from home.  We have also started our new Committees and are excited for our next meeting.

Written by Joshua (Lead Learner), Adrin, Kacper and Shannon.


Have a great weekend from all of P6 and Mrs McMullen.

Maths Week in Primary 6

This week in primary 6 we have been doing lots of activities for Maths Week.

We completed a murder mystery at the cinema with Mrs McMullen and we had to work out different sums to find out who the murderer was.

We also created our own parabolic designs were we had to join all the numbers together for example 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3 all the way to 10. Today we have been creating curves of pursuit.

On Wednesday we were using our problem solving skills to build a bridge. Our bridge had to be strong enough for a toy car to go over. We had a budget of £100 to buy paper, cellotape or paperclips. It was great fun!

Written by Ryan and Marcella

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