Primary 6 Weekly Blog!!

Hello guys this is Aleks coming up with the weekly blog!

This week we had so much fun.We did a great divisibility test it was great.We did EAL Buddies on Tuesday and Thursdays.We did PE we did the High Jump we started at 90 centimetres we kept on going with 10 cm and then all of a sudden everybody got elimanated apart from me and Mark we tried 145 and we touched the line and we both got elimanated but Me and Mark and Jack quinn got all 140 it was the highest in the school.

I will see you on the Blog Again Next Week Goodbye!!!


Check out our dancing for #FunkyFriday


We made a beautiful RE display for Our Lady, with May being the month of Mary – we specifically looked at the story of Our Lady’s apparition in Fatima

P6 News!

A busy week in P6!


On Monday we enjoyed some athletics games for PE including ‘rock, paper, scissors, chase’ – we are building our skills in movement and will be looking forward to our P6 cross country event later in the month!


In Number talks, we have been looking at multiplication. Mrs Conway has been learning so many new strategies from the class – her mind has been blown! We are spotting patterns and simplifying problems to help us find our answer. This will continue over the next few weeks.


In Word Boost we made connections through creating posters which gave a description of selected words using words and pictures. Can you child remember any of our boost words?! Are they starting to use any advanced vocabulary at home? Leave a comment to let us know:)


We are really excited about our Global Goals showcase (Thurs 16th May) and spent lots of time this week working with our groups to come up with ideas for our imovies! If you want to chat about the global goals at home a good starting g point t is to watch this video as a family;

As we reflected on our week some of the class shared their highlights;

Sean – our global goals work…

Jan – learning about divisibility in maths…

Sam – athletics, high jump with Mr mccurdy

Mrs Conway – that we managed to clean the filter on the projector and it stayed on for longer than ten minutes at a time…..


Next week (short week!) we are going to be working on finishing our global goals presentations and updating our OneNote profiles! We will also be saying cheerio to Mrs Kerr as she finishes on Thursday for her maternity leave 💚

P6/7 Weekly News

P6/7 busy week!!! 

Pupil voice

This  week in primary 6/7 we have being doing lots of hard work. 

 Everyone-We learned  about the 17 global goals everybody  got put into teams and worked on one of them. 

Everyone-In writing we wrote about how good our school is and we got to choose our title. 

Everyone-In PE we did high jump and it was super duper FUN!! And everybody enjoyed it. 

Teacher voice

This has been my first full week working with P6/7 and I have loved getting to know the class. The energy and enthusiasm in this class is amazing!

This week we have been working hard on introducing measurement, our new topic in mathematics. We have been measuring our own items around the classroom and converting the measurements. We wrote all about St. Ninian’s for descriptive writing and learned pets in Spanish so it has been a busy week for all of us.

We had an entertaining drama lesson with some very funny improvised sketches to warm up and then made ‘freeze frames’ about one of the Global Goals in teams. Photos should be on Twitter so check them out! Our topic wall is starting to look amazing with all of the work we have been doing ahead of the showcase.

Miss Lydon




P6/7 Weekly News

Welcome back everyone to our final term in P6/7! It’s going to be a busy one!!

This week we welcomed Miss Lydon who has joined us from the University of Glasgow and will remain with us until the end of May. She will be planning and leading some of the learning experiences this term alongside Mrs Roy.

We also welcomed 2 students from Edinburgh University who will be assisting Mr McCurdy in PE lessons this term. The focus will be athletics so come prepared for indoor and outdoor lessons. Bring a water bottle!

Our new topic will be ‘Global Goals’ and our class have been split into teams to work on researching a goal of their choice and then creating a movie about it. These movies will be premiered at our topic showcase in May – all welcome to come along!!

In writing this week Miss Lydon asked us all to imagine what our lives would be like in the year 2030 – we had some great ideas!! Mrs Roy was not happy as she was envisaging her life at an older age!!!

In literacy we have been learning about the ‘Description’ genre and next week we will have a go at writing some descriptions. We have also been looking at structure of texts.

In numeracy we had a go at investigating number patterns – square numbers, cube numbers, Pascal and Fibonacci – it was pretty tricky!

Some of our P6 pupils went to Lowport this week for an overnight stay. They all agreed that it was a great experience!

A gentle reminder that all pupils should have a separate pair of soft shoes for indoor wear to protect the flooring and for PE lessons in the gym hall. Thank you.

Pupil voice

Mirren- I went to camp this week and it was really fun and i enjoyed it.

Beth-I liked working in our groups for our new topic (Global Goals.)


P6/7 share their final blog of the term!


We have had a busy term doing all sorts of fun things! Here are some highlights of this week and term 3. 

The Gospel show has been a big part of this term. We went live this Wednesday and Thursday, and there has been a lot of pupil voice about it: 

Ryan- This was our last week of the Gospel show and I was the priest in the good Samaritan.  

Ivana- The Gospel show went live! It was very fun, especially as I was Jo. 

Beth- A highlight for term 3 for me would be ‘The Gospel show.’ I loved practicing for the show. The two shows were amazing! 

Mirren- We have been really busy this week doing the Gospel show because we went LIVE! 

Neve- This week we had the show!!! 

Matt- We performed our show (the Gospel show) 

Bea- Last day of term, final day of our Gospel show! Many fun things have happened. Looking forward to term 4! 

We also did P.E on Wednesday: 

Thomas- Me, Ethan, Joshua and Ryan played football for P.E. 

Toni- This week in P.E Miss Ford said we were playing Superman rounders, which was really fun. 

This week we went with the Deputy head, Mrs Smith and we done the stations of the cross: 

Ambra- We done the stations of the cross with Mrs Smith. it was tiring but fun at the same time 

On Thursday morning everyone paired up with the person next to them and they animated a game or name on the coding site ‘Scratch’: 

Caiden- We used scratch to code our own games. 

The whole class also did Easter art on either A3 or A4 paper: 

Lorenzo- I liked it when we did art 

The P6’s went to meet their P1 buddies and enjoyed it a lot: 

Jay- This week my buddy was sick but eventually I got to see him. 

This was a very exciting week and term for P6/7. All of us cannot wait for term 4!!!!!!!!!!! 


  • Ivana & Mirren!!!  

1+2 Spanish Word Boost

Here are the recent Spanish phrases we have all been learning  in class:


Can I have a pencil please?

 ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?


Can I go to the toilet please?

¿Puedo ir al servicio por favor?


I’m having a packed lunch today.

 Yo tengo lonchera hoy. 


Can I get a drink of water please?

 ¿Puedo tomar agua por favor?


Keep practising!

Mrs Reeves and the 1+2 Language Ambassadors

P6/7s chaotic, crazy class weekly news


P6/7 has had a week full of chaotic, crazy memories! To start of the week we had a special surprise organised by our wonderful depute –head teacher Mrs Smith.

Pupil Voice

Thomas: The league cup came in and everyone got a picture with it.

Ethan: The SFFL cup came to our school on Monday.

Joshua: The league cup came to our fantastic school and we got a picture with it.

That was just the beginning of our crazy week, next up was the birth of Baby Angus James McCurdy! Welcome to our St.Ninians family.

Pupils Voice

Jay: Our P.E teacher Mr McCurdy has had a baby called Angus.

Aria: Mr McCurdy son was born a few day ago which we are very happy for him.Congagulations

Lorenzo: I liked when we saw Mr McCurdy’s baby.

To fill in for Mr McCurdy we had our fabulous Miss Ford.

Pupil Voice

Beth: On Wednesday Miss Ford took our P.E lesson which was great fun! We done heady handball.

Later on our Netball team gave an amazing performance at Wednesday netball league and came back with the result of winning the league. Well done guys you deserve it!

Pupil Voice

Matt: The netball team and I won the netball league.

Mirren: I went to a netball tournament and WE WON!


Art with the authentic Mrs Young!

Pupil Voice

Lauren: We have been doing art with Mrs Young for Easter art cards.


P6’s exciting buddy meeting!

Pupil Voice

Abi: This week I seen my buddy and we ate lunch together!


Finally The Gospel Show is in action!

Pupil Voice

Bea: This week we had a Gospel Show practise, with our costumes. Next week we go live, can’t wait! Everyone looked amazing!

Toni: This week P7, P6/7, P6 had our first dress rehearsal for The Gospel Show!

Daniel: Today we had our first dress rehearsal.

Neve: We had our first dress rehearsal.

Ambra: P6/7, P6, P7 done our first dress rehearsal for the Gospel Show and all the costumes were awesome.

Caiden: We had our dress rehearsal today.


That’s the end of our chaotic, crazy class weekly news by our wonderful lead learners Lorena & Brooke for this week, have a great weekend guys!


Primary 6 Weekly News

This week we  had so much fun with all the teachers learning.

We completed our comprehension on Monday and our class had a lots of fun .

We did a maths assessment, it was a bit hard but we finished it all.

We also completed our writing assessment which was a recount.

For PE we played heady Handball with Miss Ford.

We did a talking and listening assessment.

After lunch on Thursday we helped nursery in PE.

Today  we had our Gospel Show Dress Rehearsal. It was nice to see everyone’s costumes.

Have a lovely weekend!

Written by Vanesa and Aleks


P6/7 weekly news

The Gospel Show

Rehearsals have been going well as we approach our final week of practices. We are all looking forward to trying on our costumes to help us get into our characters. The pupils are also working on invitations for our special guests, the backdrop and a program.  Next week we will begin practising with the lights.

Ethan: We managed a full run through this week.

Daniel: We now have the stage and microphones set up for rehearsals.

Ambra: I’m really excited about the dress rehearsal.


We continue to learn about Science using the theme of ‘Journeys’. This week we have carried out some experiments to help us with this, eg. creating lunar rover models, Matilda’s floating feat, etc. See Twitter for photos!!!


P6 continue to meet weekly with their nursery buddies.

Ryan: I really enjoyed being with my buddy and we played lots which was fun.

Joshua: I played with my buddy and read a story.

Aria: I met my buddy and played with magnets and dolls.

Brooke: I went to see my buddy on Thursday and we played games and read stories, it was so fun and fantastic!

Abi: This week I got to go and see my buddy, Anna, we read a book called ‘Superworm’.


On Monday morning we joined up with the P6 class for a fitness session, there were some legs on Tuesday! We also continued our ball games block of learning.

Jay; We played 5-a-side football and our team came second.

Mirren: We did PE outside and played football, it was fun.

Year of the Playground

Today we had a visitor from the Grounds for Learning team who met with pupils and staff to discuss our outdoor spaces and how these could be improved. He is going away now to write a report and we should hear back after the Easter holidays his ideas!

Matt: I met with the gentleman to discuss our playground and how it could be improved.

Positive Recognition

Well done to Ivana who got the praise postcard home this week, we were focusing on using our voices wisely in class.

Ethan also received a positive phonecall home from Mrs Purdie – congratulations!

Matt was the leading pupil in the West Lothian Sumdog Contest – there were 3063 pupils participating!!!! Great job Matt-we are all very proud of you!

Our class got into the top 50 schools – 144 classes entered across West Lothian – another achievement to be proud of!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Roy & P6/7



P6/7 Weekly news

Pupil Voice:


Cole: This week we went to high school and Mr Purvis helped us to draw a seashell.

Caiden: This week we went up to St Margaret’s we did science, art and swimming.

Thomas and Ivana: The p7’s went to St Margaret’s for transition and went for swimming, science and art.

Lorena: Group B had their transition on Monday at St Margret’s which was an amazing experience to have.

Matt: I and the P7’s went to transitions.

Ethan: On Monday I and 18 other p7’s went to St Mags for transition.


Lauren: P6’s got to see their buddies on Monday.

Neve: P6’s got to meet our buddies and we played with them.

Daniel: The P6’s saw their new buddies on Monday.

Ambra: on Monday I met my buddy Mahnoor I played with her in the Nursery I had a lot of fun. The best part was we drew and danced.

Abi: p6 this week met our buddies Anna is super cute.

Mirren: I met my buddy on Monday and I got Kevin it was really fun because we got to know them.

Brooke: on Monday p6’s got to meet our buddies we got to play with them and become really good friends.

Joshua: we met our buddies and played with them.

Stay, Play and Be Well

Bea: This week we participated in Stay, Play and Be Well. We got to pick two different stations. They were called;  Resilience, Mindfulness, Online Safety and Sleep Scotland.


Harley: this week in PE we did 9 minutes of basketball handball and football it was good for people to try new sports.

The Gospel Show

Beth: we have continued the show and we are getting much better with the songs and words.

A reminder that costumes are due in on Monday 18th please in a labelled carrier bag.

Written by Daniel and Bea

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