P5 News

Dress as your “dream job” was a huge success.  I really enjoyed chatting with children about their aspirations.  I was very impressed with the thought behind some of their careers.

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In Science we learned the vocabulary SOLVENT, SOLUTE and SOLUTION.  And we are now all aware that melting and dissolving are different processes.

Something to think about!

If you have a salt solution (water with salt dissolved in it) can you separate it back into just water and salt?  How?

Christmas is almost here…

Next week we will be having our Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner on Tuesday.  Our class Christmas party will be on Thursday afternoon, please remember to give your child a note if they are to go home to change for the party.  We also have to prepare a class Christmas song for our end of the year assembly, find the link below to our song and get practising.


We used some Spanish Christmas vocabulary to create our own Spanish Christmas cards.  If you want further practise with your pronunciations this is the website we used.


Next week we will wrap up our work on time.  We recapped our knowledge of analogue time and digital time.  Keep practising at home and in particular be working out time intervals from timetables etc.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5/6 News

This week in primary 5/6 we had our P1-7 achievements assembly, with Miss Smyth. Freya from our class won the award for going the extra mile in class. In maths we continued to learn how to calculate the perimeter and area of 2D shapes. In RE, this week we wrote a class Litany and designed boarders to display these around our classroom. Our science topic for this term, ‘The Solar System’, is coming to an end. This week we learned more information about Mercury and individually came up with rhymes to remember all of the eight planets.  Joshua from our class has been on a special trip to France this week and he brought holy water back for everyone in our class from his trip to Lourdes.




By Mark and Jack

Dissolving or melting in P5?

It was St Andrew’s day on Monday and we all took some time to revise our knowledge about St Andrew.  We watched a short video clip and then using our Letterjoin handwriting copied some information into our jotter.  We drew the Saltire flag and now fully understand how our flag represents our Patron Saint St Andrew.

In our Science we started to discuss dissolving.  Many children talked about how sugar will MELT in the water, this raised the question is melting and dissolving the same thing?  We conducted a dissolving investigation and started our first formal Science report.  We will be continuing to look at the question of dissolving and melting next week and we will try to understand why these are two different processes.  If you want to get a head start on this watch the below clip.

We will continue to link our learning next week when we complete an exercise about famous Scottish Scientists and we will appreciate that Scotland has a very rich Science background and that this is something to be very proud of and to strive to continue into future generations.

I can’t wait for next week when we will have time to share our Science Book homework projects.  I have been hearing about some of the amazing investigations and learning that has been happening, I am so excited!

There is just enough TIME left to talk about Maths.  This week we have revisited telling the time from analogue clocks and then converting this into digital time.  For your homework I wanted you to find as many opportunities to tell the time this week so hopefully everyone has had lots of practise.  This will be our Maths focus next week too.

Have a lovely weekend, and wrap up warm!

Primary 5/6 News

This week in P5/6, a Scottish story teller came and told us about the Loch Ness monster in Scotland by acting out a funny story. He also sang a song about the roman people battling and he told funny jokes. In French this week we received French post cards and letters from pupils at Pumpherston Primary School and  we wrote replies back to them. This week was our Scottish focus week, we learned lots of information about St Andrew, some new Scottish words and we designed and made Scottish place mats.

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By Aaron, Ross and Moiz

P5 News

This week some of our P5’s had a trip to the Cathedral in Edinburgh with Mrs Thomson.  The children found this a very interesting experience as they were given access to areas which they would not normally be allowed to go in the Cathedral.  The children who did not attend this trip were involved in the Travelling Tube performance in the school.  Again this was a very informative, as well as enjoyable, experience as the children participated in a workshop where they created their own music.

This week we also had our Class Mass in St Philip’s small chapel.  The children were impeccably behaved and participated well in all aspects of the Mass.  Our thanks to Father Paul who helped to prepare us for this.  Many members of the Parish commented on how impressed they were with the children.  Everyone earned an extra Dojo point, well done!

We still had that sinking feeling in our writing this week as we continued our theme of “Floating and Sinking” as part of our Wonderful Water topic.  We studied the sinking of the Titanic, learning facts and timelines.  We then used this to create a newspaper report about the incident.  Here are a few examples,


Well done P5.  Next week we will move onto investigating dissolving and have our first attempt at writing a scientific report.

Primary 5/6 News


We have had another busy week in p5/6. We presented our learning on ‘who was St Andrew?’; at the St Andrews cluster assembly. Linked with our class Agar.io Goals, we have added a leader board to our display as so many children in our class have been achieving their goals! In maths this week we finished off our multiplication topic and started our topic on shape, we learned how to estimate the perimeter of a 2D shape. In Literacy we all wrote an imaginative story about a mission in Space, we worked with a partner to improve our adjectives in our writing. On Wednesday we had a visit from The Travelling Tuba, everyone really enjoyed this! We had the chance to play different instruments and learned how to play salsa music. At the end of the school day we presented our piece of music to the rest of the school.


By the whole of Primary 5/6

P5 news

This week we have continued to work on our Science topic “Wonderful Water”. We followed up our work on floating and sinking and learned about buoyancy. Mrs Chirinos shared her knowledge of scuba diving with us which was really interesting. We also shared our Science learning to date with the whole school at our Friday assembly. The feedback that we have received has been very positive and the other classes were particularly impressed with the disappearing colour wheel!  Well done P5 your delivery was excellent.  I was really proud of you.

We also had a visit from the Scottish SPCA on Thursday. This was excellent! The focus was on wild animals, learning about their distinguishing features, habitats and how we can help if an animal is in trouble. We shared a lot of stories from our own personal experiences.  We had a chance to be animal detectives by  playing a game where we had to identify the animal from footprints, colour and habitat.

In our Health and Wellbeing learning this week we discussed anti-bullying and created posters showcasing our knowledge of different forms of bullying and how to seek help.

Another fantastic week P5, well done.

Primary 5/6 News

In maths we learned another multiplication strategy, how to times by 10,100 and 1000. In Science, we worked in teams to make table signs by researching facts about our chosen planet, in the solar system. In literacy we learned how to recognise and use proper nouns and comparative adjectives. The boys from P5/6 are very pleased because they won the football game, 4-3 against Dedridge, on Tuesday. Yesterday we had a very busy day as our class went to our class mass in the Lanthorn Parish. Also the SSPCA came for a visit and we learned about pet patrol.


By Freya and Broady.

Plain Sailing for P5

This week we have been learning about the famous Scientist Archimedes.  We learned the story of his “Eureka” moment and used this as our focus for our writing.  We all became reporters for the morning and wrote our own article about Archimedes discovery.  We had a “Mission Impossible” to include quotes in our articles, we all achieved this and learned about using speech marks effectively.  Great work P5!

Carrying on our theme of water in Science we have started to look at floating and sinking.  Why do huge (and very heavy!) metal ships float?  This was the question we asked ourselves as it challenged our idea that heavy things sink.  Using blu-tak we made a ball shape and dropped it into water, and of course it sank.  Using the exact same blu-tak we had to investigate how we could change the shape to make it float.

Reece said “I think it has something to do with the amount of surface on the water that it takes up that makes it float”.

Most groups had some success!  Try it out at home but don’t use play-doh as this goes yucky in water, Mrs Currie knows after a very slimy incident with orange play-doh!  We hope it will be plain sailing (this was meant) next week when we continue the investigation into why ships float.

In Maths we have continued learning about fractions.  Our focus was finding a fraction of an amount.  Using our times table knowledge and our division skills we worked hard on this.  Please use the help sheet given out at Parents Meetings to help you quicken your recall of your tables.

Have a great weekend.

Primary 5/6 News

In P 5/6 this week, we all enjoyed dressing down to raise money for ‘Children in Need’ today. In maths we have all learned how to use rounding to multiply two digits by 1 digit numbers. Kaden taught the class how to round and multiply because he felt very confident. This helped some of us in the class as we watched the video of Kaden. In reading we learned about to, too and two through a rap and making up our own raps. In our Science topic, we have learned about the scale of the solar system and next week we are going to make our own solar system in the playground. Our table teams now have planet names and we are in the middle of designing posters for our tables.


By Billie & Kornelia

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