Hi everyone!
Here are some extension activities to try if you are looking for a little more than what is on the home learning grid.
I am so impressed with all your hard work so far this week! Keep it up 🙂
Mrs Brown
Hi everyone!
Here are some extension activities to try if you are looking for a little more than what is on the home learning grid.
I am so impressed with all your hard work so far this week! Keep it up 🙂
Mrs Brown
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well. I will continue with our spelling advice and helpful hints today to help you support your child with spelling.
Yesterday I talked a little about mnemonics and so will continue with these today. This is a great way to support the spelling of tricky words, words which we can find difficult to spell. I have included examples of some of these below:
Some:   Sit   On   My   Elephant
Come:   Climb   On   My   Elephant
Said:     Sam    And    I   Dance
Because:   Billy   Eats    Carrots    And     Usually    Some    Eggs
For the next set of words pretend you are at the dentist:
You:      You    Open    Up
Our:     Open    Up     Richard
Your:      You    Open    Up     Richard
More mnemonics to follow tomorrow.
Some other strategies for supporting spelling include:
Does it look right?:Â Â Write the word on a piece of paper and see if it looks right – try it another way
Rules:Â Â Â Is there a rule you know that could help?
Ex:Â Â Skip+ing =Â Skipping remember to double the last letter of there is a single short vowel before it when adding on your suffix
Lok – looked: remember it’s ed
Best guess:Â Â Have a go, underline your guess and then check it later
Tomorrow we will continue with mnemonics and move onto writing support also.
Mrs Docherty
Good morning everyone,
We hope you are all well and managing to work from home. It has been busy here at St Ninian’s PS as we are opening for children whose parents are key workers and providing free school meals to those who need it.
It has been great to hear about how your learning is going at home via the blog, Teams and Twitter. We are all very proud of you, it is great to see how you are all showing resilience and supporting one another in your classes and families.
Remember to take time to have fun as a family and make special memories.
Mrs Smith and I will be posting daily and your teachers are all very busy responding to your emails and Teams files.
Have a good day everyone, and we will keep in contact!
Mrs Smith and Mrs Roy
As a School and Nursery, Health and Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do and we have been learning all about healthy lifestyles and resilience. The importance of a good night’s sleep is part of this learning and so I have attached a copy of the Sleep Scotland presentation for Nursery and Primary parents with additional notes for you to have a read over. This advice and information helps to support good sleep routines which has a huge impact on our children’s daily lives.
Please contact me if you have questions on any of the Powerpoints or if you would like more information. I will upload different pieces of information and resources over the coming days and weeks to support bedtime routines, how to get a good night’s sleep and also checklists to support your child with this.
SS Parent Presentation with notes
SS Nursery Parent Presentation with notes
Mrs Docherty
Good morning,
Following on from yesterday’s spelling advice and link I am sharing further strategies to support your child with spelling.
Some ideas/strategies that are useful for children are below:
I will add more mnemonics tomorrow for tricky words to support spelling.
Mrs Docherty
As we embark on our home learning I have provided a useful link with tips on how to support your child with spelling. This gives you useful ideas and hints on how to develop spelling and encourage your child to have a go.
If anyone would like a copy of the High Frequency words I have attached a copy of the first and second hundred with ideas on how to use them. These can be extended up to the ninth hundred words if required. Please just send a response and let me know if you require further sets.
Mrs Docherty
Learning Overview from Primary 3/4
Primary 3/4 have chosen to share the following learning from this week!
In Literacy we have been improving our accuracy and understanding at using their, there and they’re.
We also wrote Haiku poems about Spring and they had to have a syllable rhythm of 5, 7, 5.
In Maths we were using what we have learned so far to convert digital times to analogue times and vice versa.
For example
‘quarter to one would be 12.45’
‘half past six would be 6.30’
In PE we have been learning some of the rules for Basketball matches eg ‘bouncing the ball when running’ and ‘taking two steps with the ball in your hand’
As a class, most of Primary 3/4 tried hard to keep running for the whole of the Daily Mile.
‘We kept encouraging each other to keep going and that helped us’
Pupil Voice – Our Highlights…
We practised our times tables. We had to make sure we had the correct answers so we could complete our coloured mosaics properly. It was fun.
We are very proud at how hard we worked and focused when completing our SNSAs as well.
Home Learning Opportunity
This idea of creating cloze sentences is a good one! Â Make some sentences with spaces for words. Someone in your family has to decide which words will fit so that the sentences still make sense.
Learning Overview
Primary 4 definitely impressed me with their positive attitude to learning and enthusiasm for all tasks. Thank you for a lovely few days!
In Literacy this week part of our focus has been on self-editing. We had to fix sentences  which had spelling mistakes, no capital letters and no full stops. With our partner, we used  our dictionary skills to help us find the correct spellings for the tricky and unfamiliar words. Some of the words were long but we didn’t give up and managed it!
In Maths we continued to develop our understanding of Time. Building on what we know already about o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past we have been converting digital times to analogue times and vice versa.
For example,
‘quarter to 12’ would be ’11:45’
‘quarter past 3’ would be ‘3:15’
‘twelve o’clock’ would be ’12:00’
Time can be tricky but reading, writing and drawing the different times has helped us. We also really enjoyed competing with each other to win Time Bingo!
In Number Talks, our focus was to identify and explain different strategies to solve two step addition and subtraction word problems. Mrs Scott thought our strategies were very detailed and clear!
In PE this week we have been working in pairs to develop our Basketball technique at performing chest and bounce passes. We have also used B.E.E.F. to help us.
B – maintaining balance
E – Â focusing our eyes on the target
E – positioning our elbows properly
F – following through with stable hand and elbow movements
We all contributed to a valuable discussion about ‘Peace’ and what it means to us. Some of our ideas were –
‘Peace is important because it helps us be calm’
‘Peace is important because it means no-one is fighting’
‘Peace is important because it means people can work things out’
‘Peace is important because it means we can take time out when we need it’
Our Highlights…..
*We worked very hard on our SNSA tasks and liked accessing the different activities on the netbooks.
*We loved using the Kapla blocks to build amazing structures together eg a shop, a bridge, tall towers with lots of different levels.
*We also really liked creating face sculptures using 3D paper sculpture techniques. If a sculpture is in the round then it can stand on its own and be seen from all sides. If a sculpture is in relief it is attached to a background and can’t really be seen from the back. Some of us created animal faces and others created faces simply from our imagination!
Home Learning Opportunities
It would be fun at home to make more sculptures from paper. We liked being creative!
Mrs Scott and Primary 4
Today the P5-7 pupils took some time to create our ‘Happy News’ newspaper – we hope you enjoy it with your family and it brings a smile to your face!
Literacy Learning
In writing we wrote an exposition about Fun 31. We had to include time and sequence words, a title and sensing verbs.
Our class novel is ‘I was there…Titanic’ and we also have ‘The Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies’.
Numeracy/Maths Learning
We have been working on our 3 and 4 times tables using tower sums.
STEM Learning
We made a waterproof boat in teams using waterproof items and materials, eg. foil.
We also made cabins for the Titanic using junk.
In Science we did an iceberg experiment.
We used QR codes to research the Titanic.
Home learning
Why don’t you try to make a boat as a family and try to see if it floats? Take some photos and put them on your WOW wall.
Keep working on times tables at home whenever you can using this link for games.
Pupil Voice
Kyle – I enjoyed making the boats in Science and Technologies.
Taha – I liked making a Titanic cabin.
Klaudia – In PE were doing gymnastics.
Leigha – I enjoyed writing this week.
Yasmin – I liked writing to Mrs Smith about Fun31.
Riley – I liked making the Titanic cabins.
Ephraim – I enjoyed PE because we were climbing and did an obstacle course.
Thank you to our lead learners, Lucy and Dawid for our blog this week.
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