Choose one of the tasks below for today’s challenge –
Forgive someone for something that made you feel sad or hurt your feelings.
Say sorry to someone you have hurt or upset.
Charity begins at home, where we daily make the choice to give our time, our attention, our affirming smile, and give generously. But charity must not stop there, because for Catholics “home” is universal, and our family is as big as the world.
Fasting is a path to peace and happiness. That’s right: fasting, the practice of abstaining from food or drink for meals, days, and even weeks at a time, is one of the most powerful ways we have of becoming closer to God and finding true joy. Self-denial leads to a greater sense of wholeness. That’s why Christians have fasted for thousands of years, and it’s why Lent, the 6-week period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is a time of serious fasting.
Remember to comment below and let us know how you get on.
Loving God,
you call us back to you with all of our hearts.
I feel your call for me deep in my heart
and I know you want me back
as much as I want to return.
Please, Lord,
give me the wisdom to know how to return.
Make my journey back to you this Lent
one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.
Saturday 4th March
You can tweet us @StNinianPS , send it via the school Facebook page, sent it via Dojo or e-mail me (
Lent isn’t always about giving up things.
Remember to post below and tell us how you get on with the challenge.
Let us know how you get on!
It has been a short but really busy week in Primary 2/3. Our highlights included celebrating Catholic Education Week by creating recipes for our Community of Faith and making jelly then writing instructions to help others make jelly too. Everyone loved the Daily Mile today as we saw lots of signs that spring is coming.
These are some of the children’s thoughts:
Maeve ‘We made jelly as part of our Anniversary celebrations. We wrote instructions for how to make jelly then we ate the jelly. It was very tasty!’
Harry ‘Yesterday we had a maths carousel. I was learning how to subtract by playing Sumdog, using the iPads, playing games and figuring out tricky sums.’
Rachel ‘I liked writing instructions for how to make jelly. I was thinking about using openers and connectives.’
Brooke ‘We had a lovely assembly with Father Kenneth and he told us all about his visit to Jerusalem and where Jesus was born’.
Chloe, Carly and Brooke ‘I liked setting goals for the rest of the term. It helps me to remember to focus my learning.’
Levente ‘I liked playing Hit the Button with Kuba in maths’.
Kuba ‘I liked writing a recipe for a Community of Faith. We wrote instructions and I’m good at instructions. ‘
Oma ‘We did check ups in maths. It helps us learn.’
Michelle ‘We learnt about the River Nile in our Egyptians topic. We made notes in our Learning Journals and made signs for the wall.’
Pawel ‘I liked running the Daily Mile when I was running fast’.
James ‘I wrote my name in hieroglyphics. I felt really happy.’
Have a lovely weekend.
From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Primary 2/3
The end to our short week, it was lovely to see all of the children in Awesome P3 today.
Catholic Education week 2017
The children have been learning about the Beatitudes. They chose one and linked it to a movie character to show their understanding.
Sophie YM – I enjoyed writing about the beatitudes, although it was a little bit difficult.
Kate – I thought learning about the Beatitudes was very fun.
Alexis – I liked it because people were helping me and it was fun.
Father Kenneth – Assembly about Jerusalem
Father Kenneth visited us this week and shared photographs and interesting information from his recent trip to Jerusalem.
Ola – Very interesting and I liked the pictures.
Robbie – I enjoyed saying prayers with Father Kenneth.
Richard – I liked singing the hymns
Emma – I enjoyed it as I learned information about Jerusalem I didn’t know before.
This week in maths the children have continued to develop their understanding of equivalence in coins. They have been working really hard and enjoyed using the money in ‘real-life’ situations.
Cameron – It was hard at first to use all the money but then I got better at it
Michael – We were learning about money that was greater than and less than.
Library – Primary 3 had a lovely trip to the library today, they were able to have some free time to explore the books and to choose one that they wanted to read in class.
Emily – I enjoyed choosing a book because there are so many to pick from.
Maliha – I enjoyed looking at the books to choose one I could read
Kate – I enjoyed getting to choose a book that can challenge me
Orla – It inspired me because it made me think that i should read more.
Ava – I like it as it can help me to read harder books and not get my words mixed up.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and looking forward to being back to normal again next week
Mrs McMullen & Awesome P3
Primary 2/3 have had a really special week, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of our school. Archbishop Cushley celebrated mass with us on Wednesday which was really lovely. All the children received a beautiful prayer card with a picture of St Ninian and a prayer to St Ninian on the back.
Everyone had a great time on Pupil Fun Day with cake, a party, arts and crafts and movie time. What a day to remember!
We have been busy with final preparations for our school show next week. Everyone has been perfecting their fabulous singing and amazing dance moves. The dress rehearsal today went really well and we’re looking forward to sharing our work with our families next week.
We have also been in touch with our friends in Spain, at Colegio Público María Inmaculada. It is in the town of Cabeza la Vaca. We were excited to send them drawings and Spanish writing from International Week.
Some of our highlights from this week are:
Levente – I enjoyed rehearsing for the show.
Annayah – I enjoyed making superhero posters with Chloe on Fun Day.
Maeve and Carly – I liked Fun Day when we watched a movie in the hall.
Kuba – I liked rehearsing for the show. Levente’s hair is really good.
Chloe and Angel – I liked painting superheroes on Fun Day.
Matthew, Brooke and Oma – I liked improving my maths skills on Sumdog.
Andrew – I liked our class party on Fun Day.
Aaron – I would like to do more Sumdog next week.
Zuzanna – I enjoyed singing at our Anniversary Mass.
Alishba – I liked listening to the Brass Band at our Anniversary Mass. They were fantastic.
Pawel – I liked making my mask for the show.
Maya – I enjoyed making Egyptian bracelets.
Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3