Good morning!

It’s Friday so that means self-assessment time.

As it is a short week, there is less work for you to assess. Here is an extra challenge for you. There are six differences between these pictures. Can you find them all?

Health and Wellbeing

This week we focused on Les Mills for PE. Pick your favourite routine and think of a reason why it is your favourite e.g. I think  ‘Wanna Go Crazy’ is the best because I love the air guitar dance move. This is sharing your opinion.

The Pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GkiHHYoHa4&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R&index=19

Robot Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-ulfVFtFBs&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R.

Wanna Go Crazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnmK0LS7xrA&list=PLWdOE2WgqFYYoVdHUA4NK1sJ57sd6736R&index=5


Check how you got on with our facts and opinions work:


Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Lydon


As we look back at another week of learning, friendships, support and hope we realise what a journey we have been on and indeed are still on. Hopefully for all of you things are starting to fall into a new normal and a new routine that works for you all.

While things have changed and we are all adjusting, what is important is to remember that when we come to the end of this part of the journey we are all here for you and as we get closer to that time we are getting more and more excited to see you all.

They always say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I know that is the case for us at St Ninian’s. When we remember the words of our song of the week from Monday “Rise Up ” by Andra Day please keep in your minds the lines:

All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
We will rise

This song means a lot to me and I have used it as a writing stimulus in school which resulted in amazing pieces of writing based on hope, strength and courage. Please know these are the qualities you are showing at the minute and we are so appreciative of your support and engagement. Our special quote for this week is:



We know that as a school and as a community we will grow even stronger through this and look forward to a new chapter of learning, laughter and fun.


Have a lovely  weekend with each other, continue to make special memories and please stay safe.

Mrs Docherty


Home Learning Grid

Good morning, P2! How are you getting on with your work on facts and opinions? It can be quite tricky sometimes. Here is one fact and one opinion that I made. Can you work out which one is the fact and which is the opinion?

  1. I prefer sunny days.
  2. I am a teacher.

Here is your learning grid:

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Spelling Activity Suggestions


Let’s develop our science and literacy. Here is a link to a short video to learn all about the rhinoceros beetle.


Would you like a rhinoceros beetle as a pet? Why or why not? Can you write down or tell someone else at home two facts about the rhinoceros beetle?


Count how many dots are below. How did you count them?

Miss Lydon

P2 Mrs Currie Daily Post Thursday 7th May 2020

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Home Learning Grid

Good morning, P2! How are you getting on with your grid.

A couple of weeks ago I planted some seeds in a pot in my garden and they have started to grow, have a look!

It was a mixed packet of seeds so I have no idea what colour the flower will be. When it does flower I will post another picture.

Have you planted any seeds or plants?


Let’s develop our science and literacy. Here is a link to a short video to learn all about the rhinoceros beetle.


Would you like a rhinoceros beetle as a pet? Why or why not? Can you write down or tell someone else at home two facts about the rhinoceros beetle?


Count how many dots are below. How did you count them?

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Currie


Mrs Docherty: Early Years Writing Support Day 2 7.5.20

Following on from yesterday’s support we will continue with how to support your child with writing in the early years. There are many processes taking place when your child is writing from thinking of ideas, getting the vocabulary and grammar and the transferring it onto paper, never mind the handwriting aspect too. Through this whole process your child is able to share what they have learned and what they know.


For today we will look at a few more ideas to help you to support your child with how to develop their writing skills and foster a love of writing.


  1. Help them to get started

Children can often find it difficult to get started and a blank page may be overwhelming for them. This is where you can help. You could give them the first few sentences or even words to help formulate ideas and thoughts for their writing. A good way to do this is to start with a question and then create a mind map or create a bank of words form their answer to the question. This could be: What did you see on your walk today? Who is the character in your story? Where is your story taking place?  Allow your child to then free write using their thoughts.


  1. Connect their interests

Think about your child’s interests. What is their favourite story, who is their favourite character, what is their favourite activity or toy? Whatever their interests are connect them to their writing.


  1. Create Story Prompts

A fun way to do this is to cut out pictures from magazines with characters and settings on them. I have included a link for the story We’re going on a Bear Hunt with visuals for setting and characters  that could support your child to write the story and sequence it.





These are a few more ideas to help you when supporting your child with writing and we will conclude with our final ideas on Tuesday. As always please get in touch if you have any questions or would like more ideas/resources for writing

Take care everyone,

Mrs Docherty

P2 Mrs Currie Weekly Grid Wednesday 06.05.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you’ve had a lovely relaxing weekend.

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Look out for something new coming soon!

Next week we are going to be trialling using a new online reading resource called The Bug Club on the site Pearson Active Learn Primary.  At some point this week you will receive a group call email giving you details on your child’s log in details.  Next Monday (11.05.20) alongside the grid I will post a “How To Login Guide” and how to use it.  This resource will allow your child to have a book set for them by myself.  You and your child can then read the book aloud to each other and as you progress through (some of) the books there are quizzes to be completed.

Have a lovely day today.


Home Learning Grid

Good morning, P2! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Here is your learning grid for this week:

Learning Grid Week 5 Short Week

RRS Article of the Week P2 06.05

Spelling Activity Suggestions

Look out for something new coming soon!

Next week we are going to be trialling using a new online reading resource called The Bug Club on the site Pearson Active Learn Primary.  At some point this week you will receive a group call email giving you details on your child’s log in details.  Next Monday (11.05.20) alongside the grid I will post a “How To Login Guide” and how to use it.  This resource will allow your child to have a book set for them by myself.  You and your child can then read the book aloud to each other and as you progress through (some of) the books there are quizzes to be completed. Alternatively, there will be additional activities to go alongside your child’s book.

Have a lovely day!

Miss Lydon

Welcome back after the long weekend!

Welcome back after a few days off!

I hope you have all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend at home with your families. I enjoyed going for walks and doing some planting in my garden. I even met some St Ninian’s families whilst I was out walking, it was so good to chat and hear how you were getting on.

Last week our teachers were contacting families via phonecall and they were all so pleased to get this opportunity for a quick chat and update on how you were all getting on. If they couldn’t get you they left a message or we sent a groupcall just to check in and to offer our support. Please contact myself or Mrs Smith if there is anything we can support you with via email or at St Ninian’s on a Monday when we are working in the HUB school.

This is a short week of learning for you and your teachers will post your learning grids online. Last week I sent out lots of virtual Golden Tickets and I am looking forward to seeing who the teachers will nominate this week.

As May is the month of Mary, Fr Kenneth has kindly recorded a video message for the schools of the Livingston & East Calder Parishes. It would be lovely if you could dedicate some time to this during your week for prayer and reflection, https://youtu.be/bK4Vnz46ldI

West Lothian are releasing challenges every Monday named ‘INspired’, these are challenges designed to challenge your skills, knowledge and understanding. It would be great if some of our children and families could give these a go. You can access the challenges via the blog https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/stayinspired/ or via Twitter @StayINspiredWL.

As a staff team we are always keen to gather your views so with this mind we have prepared a short survey about the continuation of learning during this school closure which we would appreciate you taking the time to complete. It can be accessed with this link and we have also sent it out via groupcall https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuBppqbcNrLJgsDJUrQoNQVhmpOqtObtFXaczyMQaxXrPDCg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Have a great week and stay safe!

Mrs Roy

Mrs Docherty: Early Years Writing Support Day 1 6.5.20

This week we will focus on another key area of Literacy which will be writing.  Throughout the week we will look at fun ways for you to support your child with writing which will build upon all of the previous advice on our other literacy skills: reading and spelling.

Writing is a great way for your child to communicate. We will focus on ways you can make writing exciting from fun activities to daily reading and writing sessions. This will help you to continue to build your child’s skills through our distant learning.  Here are some writing tips for home.


  1. Reading

One of the first ways to support writing is through reading. Reading helps to increase your child’s vocabulary and this in turn supports your child in using these words in their writing. Try reading together every day with your younger children.


  1. Materials

Try different materials, fun pens and pretty paper can be motivational.


  1. Space

Just like your reading space create a quiet space for writing and provide some stimulus: this could be a story you have read, a favourite toy, or an experience you have had ex your walk in the woods.


  1. Purpose

You could encourage your child to write for a variety of purposes such as a shopping list, a menu for your evening meal, or even send a letter to someone.


  1. Technology

Technology can be used to support writing. Get  your child to send an email or produce a story using word.


I have added a few resources to help stimulate writing through games below. You could create a pirate or fairy adventure or even create your own monster and describe it!! Have fun.

Fairytale-Story-Telling-Prompt_ver_2 (1)


Writing-Activity_ver_4 (1)


These are a few ideas to help you get started when supporting your child with writing and we will continue with more ideas tomorrow. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like more ideas/resources for writing.


Have a lovely day,

Mrs Docherty


Good morning! I have finally managed to solve the technical issues with Sumdog. I will keep the spelling challenge open until Friday next week so that you have time to complete it if you would like to. Good luck!

It’s Friday so that means self-assessment time.

Let’s use the traffic lights to help us assess our work today.

What colour will your work for the week be?  Remember if you give any of your work red try to come up with a goal you could set yourself to help you work on the skill.


To assess your spelling get someone at home to call out the words from the weekly grid and you write them down.  How many can you spell correctly?

How did you get on with the reading skill of using inference.

For the bench picture I thought the bench was old was because it looked like there was some old faded paint that you could still see a little bit. I’m not sure I think it looks comfortable to sit on because the slats on the seat part are all at different heights so this might dig into you when you sit on it.  I think this bench is in a park because of the green grass that was all around it.  I used my imagination for who I think might sit on this bench and I decided it might be a giant because the seat has a dent in it from where the huge giant was sitting.

For your free writing use this writing skills success criteria to assess how you got on.


Word Problems answers:

Extension word problems worksheet:

Data Handling Answers:

Remember there will be no blog post until Wednesday next week as Monday and Tuesday are school holidays.

Miss Lydon

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