Health Week with P2M

What a busy week for us. We have all had a fantastic (and tiring!) health week full of lots of fun activities.


Here is a list of ALL the activities we participated in:

Body combat, bootcamp, football, basketball, gymnastics, yoga, relay races, rounders, daily mile, trim trail, food tasting, healthy food pictograms, reading and sequencing the very hungry caterpillar, aerobics, synergy fit and flex, trip to the park and our favourite – micro fitness assault course.

Here is a sneak preview of our week but check out the school facebook page for all of our pictures. Here is a link for the photos:


Below please find some links of some of the activities we used in class this week.

Cosmic kids yoga of the very hungry caterpillar:



P2M Health Week Homework

Literacy: Finish off your reading book at home.

Topic: Check that your fire alarm in your home is working. Ask an adult to help you.

Health and Wellbeing: below are a range of different activities. You may wish to choose a different activity each day.

  1. Go to play in a local park or in your garden with an adult.
  2. Create your own daily mile – ask someone at home to help you with this.
  3. Create an assualt course in your home or in the local area. Time yourself. How long did it take you to complete it? Can you try to do it again even faster?
  4. Find a set of stairs in your house or outside. Run up and down them 5 times. How quick were you? Can you do it quicker?
  5. Go a walk in your local area. What did you see on your walk?
  6. Help someone at home make a healthy snack or meal. What did you have?
  7. Try to eat your five pieces of fruit or vegetable each day. What did you have?
  8. Try to drink your five glasses of water a day.


Leave a comment below each day you complete a different activity and tell me what you done. I can’t wait to read all of your comments.

P2M Weekly News


This week in P2M our big maths focus was ordering numbers. We worked on ordering numbers from smallest to largest and largest to smallest. We had to read the words largest and smallest and remember what they meant. We completed lots of fun activities and games to help us practise this.


We have continued with our number topic of division. This week we finished off learning about sharing and began to learn about grouping. We also learned how to read and write a formal division sentence and solve using cubes. We enjoyed taking it in turns at being the teacher and a carousel station. Have a go at home using the link below:

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Our maths topic is continuing on time and we are becoming superstars at telling the time (o’clock and half past) on an analogue and digital clock – we can even convert between analogue and digital. We participated in some active maths game and some interactive games. Have a shot at the game at home using this link:


We have continued with our athletics block of learning in PE and enjoyed participating in the 60m race event outdoors. We also took some of work outdoors into the garden this week since it was such lovely weather!


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Have you heard all about our special visitors this week? The fire brigade came in to tell us all about their job in the community. We even got to have a shot of the hose in the fire truck! Miss Boyes couldn’t resist getting involved in all the fun too…

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Fantastic future firefighters in P2B!


This week in numeracy we began our division topic. We started off by learning how to share objects equally. We played an interactive game where you had to share the objects and find out the answer to the division calculation.
The link below will allow us to play the game at home. When playing the game we begin by choosing the moveable objects option in the middle.

At one of our other stations we had to read the problems on the playdoh mats and solve them by sharing the playdoh out.
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We have been practising our spelling words too! Miss Boyes has included useful spelling websites in our homework. The websites have  fun games for us to practise our spelling words. We have been encouraged to use it at home and update Miss Boyes on how we got on with our games.

In writing this week we worked on our ability to use question marks. We chose a character- doctor, police officer, vet and fire fighter and we thought of different questions we would like to ask them about their job. We wrote some great questions. Here are a few:

Interviewing a police officer- Do you use computers at work?- Cameron
Do your road cameras work?- Hasan
Interviewing a doctor-            How do you make yourself feel better?- Emma
Where do you get the medicine?”-  Angel

This week we went on another trip to the library to return our books. We also got to choose a new book to read in class. We love reading our books!


Also this week we had a special visit from the firefighters. This was very exciting because the firefighter told us all about his job and also told us what actions to take if we think there is a fire in our home.

It is very important that our smoke alarms are working, so we have been asked to check them!
We will receive a dojo point if we do. For homework next week we are being encouraged to make our own fire exit plan! The fireman also had Miss Boyes volunteer to wear the firefighter uniform. Miss Boyes looked like a real firefighter and said that the uniform was heavy. The firefighters have to get dressed quickly so they can get to the fire as quick as possible.

After Miss Boyes dressed up as a firefighter we were very lucky and got to go outside to see the fire engine! We even got to use the fire hose that the firefighters use to put out the fire.
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We are really looking forward to health week! Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

P2M Weekly News


This was just a short week for us but we managed to cram a lot of exciting learning in! When we returned on Wednesday we had PE with Mr McCurdy and everyone is really enjoying learning and participating in athletics. This is part of our interhouse championship and all the children are loving the competitive side to this block of PE. We also enjoy outdoor learning with Mr Hunter on a Wednesday. This week with Mr Hunter we learning all about lifeboats and their important job. We then thought about what would make a good lifeboat and made our own using tinfoil, we tested our boats outside in the water tray.

We continued with our current project of building a ‘People Who Help Us’ town. Our buildings are now complete and we enjoyed playing with them in our structured play this week.


Our structured play block finished this week and we are very excited to find out our new stations structured play next week. Watch this space…

To finish off our busy day on Wednesday we went to the library to return our library books and choose a new one. Did you ask your child what book they picked?


We all enjoy our story writing lesson on a Thursday. This week, we tried out a new concept in our writing. Everyone was given the same story starter: “Suddenly there was a loud bang and the moon fell from the sky. I was…” The stories were all fantastic and everyone has super imaginations. Have a look out for these stories next time you have the opportunity to look in our jotters.

We wanted to learn about vets as part of our topic. On Friday we had some special visitors to our classroom. We learned about how to care of pets properly and what to look out for in case our pets need to go to the vet.


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P2M Weekly News

What a fun week in P2M.

Our spelling is beginning to get a little bit trickier. We now know all of the original long vowel patterns in the vowel house and their alternatives. Have a look at how full our vowel house is.


So, we are now beginning to learn about the differences between these patterns. This week focused on the ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ sound. We learned that the ‘ai’ sound is used at the beginning and middle of words and the ‘ay’ sound is used for the ending of words. We played lots of fun games to helps us remember this rule.

Our big maths focus this week was on ordering numbers from smallest to largest as well as rounding numbers to the nearest 10. We completed some active maths games, written work and some online games to help us develop our knowledge of this. Have a look out for these games in homework after the long weekend.



We have started our new number topic of division – we are calling it sharing for just now! Everyone has been working very hard with this topic and have all grasped the idea of this very quickly. Why played this game in class yesterday – why don’t you have a go at home too? Choose from the moveable objects column in the middle.

Did you hear about what happened to us this week? During the week we read a story that Katie had picked from the Lanthorn Library, it was called ‘Ten Flying Brooms’. Then, during lunch time one day some children saw witches and brooms in the sky! Miss Meechan couldn’t believe what had happened! The spooky part is still to come… on Thursday when we came into our classroom there were 2 brooms and a witches hat!! We couldn’t believe it. We were all so excited about this and decided to write some fantastic imaginative stories about witches. What an exciting day!


We are really enjoying our people who help us topic and we have so much to look forward to as part of this but as usual structured play is a firm favourite amongst the children so here are some pictures from this week’s structured play session.

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We will be returning to the library next week to return our books and choose some news – check back next week to see what books we have picked!

Have a lovely long weekend!

P2M Weekly News

What an exciting week we have had in P2M this week.

We started our new topic of ‘People Who Help Us’. All children have shown great enthusiasm for this IDL topic already. We began the topic by thinking about jobs; why jobs were important; what jobs people in our families have; what jobs could help other people etc. After our class discussion we created our topic plan. Have a look out for it on our new topic plan next time you are in our classroom. This first person who helps us that we have been learning about is a librarian. On Wednesday we visited the library at the Lanthorn to find out all the different ways a library could help us now and in the future.


The librarian read us a book called ‘Dewey the Library Cat’. This story helped us learn about all the different jobs a librarian has to do. If you would like to listen to the story again you can watch it here:

We were also given a class library card and we all picked a book to take back to school. We learned how to work the check-out system and we look forward to returning to the library shortly to return our books and choose a new one.

It was such a sunny day when we went to the library that we couldn’t resist a play in the park on our way back to school.

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Our structured play has been updated to meet our new topic. What was your favourite part of structured play? What are you looking forward to doing next week?


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Time flies when you’re having fun in P2B!

Our new topic in Mathematics is time. To begin with we recapped our knowledge of sequencing the day to night and o’clock. We had to sequence a variety of cards which had different times of the day. When then used these cards in Drama, we had to act out the different times of the day in our groups and our peers had to guess what time it was. We really enjoy drama.

To continue our time topic we played different educational time games to revise our knowledge of o’clock. We really enjoy playing this board game where the times are in both analogue and digital. To further our understanding of o’clock we have learnt about digital time which is on the hour and the difference between am and pm. We wrote the times round the big clock on the whiteboard.


On Thursday we learnt about half past the hour. We really enjoyed being the teacher at one of our stations. The “teacher” read out a time card in words (half past 6) and the other children in the group then had to find the time on their number fans. The teacher chose someone to come and write the hands on the whiteboard. We recorded our learning by taking photographs of the different times with the ipads. Miss Boyes was then able to check our photographs to make sure all of our time were half past the hour.

To begin our plenary we used our spinning wheel and Paolo the parrot to check our understanding then we took our learning outdoors since the sun was shining. We used the dotted circle in the playground as a clock to show Miss Boyes that we had learnt how to set the time to half past the hour. It is great fun learning outdoors.

We played some very good time games and Miss Boyes has included these in our homework next week.

In literacy we have been developing our knowledge and ability to read our sight words. We played a game where we read a word to our partner and they had to identify it on the table. The words have the vowel house icons to help us identify the sounds.

Our new topic is “People Who Help Us”. As always we started our topic by making a class plan. We then completed a reading task where we had to read the passage and guess who the person was. Once we had guessed correctly we drew a picture of them.

Our structured play has been updated to meet our new topic, we had great fun learning through play with our friends in P2M.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday  to the library to learn about the job of a librarian and to learn how to find the books.


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

P2M Weekly News

We came back to P2M refreshed after our Easter holidays and ready for more exciting learning. There have been a few changes to our learning, one of which is our personalised tricky words. The children were really excited about this challenge in class and were keen to practise their tricky words. We spend 10 minutes every day Monday-Thursday practising reading these words with our partner. Have you enjoyed practising this at home too?


We started our new PE topic of athletics on Wednesday, each different event is a competition with all points going towards our interhouse championship. On Monday in PE, we finished off our ball games topic in PE by having a benchball tournament. It was lots of fun and all teams were very competitive.


Our number topic of multiplication is coming to an end but not before working on some really tricky sums! We were using our multiplication sums to find the missing number in a multiplication sum. Miss Meechan was very impressed with how quickly we all managed to find the missing number.


Have you heard about our ‘Creative Industries’ week? We have participated in a range of activities for this week. On Tuesday we were lucky to join in with a music workshop. It was lots of fun! We learned a new song to sing; kept the beat of the song by clapping and played lots of different instruments.


We also finished our ‘mod rock’ cars. What do you think? We have really enjoyed making these and love the finished results.


On Thursday we created a comic strip with a partner. We had to choose 2 different characters and think about an adventure that these 2 characters could be involved with. After making our comic strip we used our ideas to out on a puppet show to the rest of the class using our new puppet theatre.


We are still learning to tell the time in our maths topic. This week we were learning how to tell the time on ‘half past’ the hour. We then worked out the difference between o’clock and half past.


The game for our maths homework next week is based on this school. Please use this link below for next week’s homework:

Finally, we would like to show you everything that we have bought using the money we made from our bake sale. Thank you to everyone who bought some goodies from our bake sale. 20160415_085739

Summer Fair


Our Summer Fair is on Saturday 7th May 10am till 12noon. Pupils were issued a leaflet in school bags this week.

The event needs a large number of volunteers to man the stalls and we really struggle to get people to help. May be you could help for 1 hour or may be 2 hours? Volunteers can be parents, carers, grandparents, aunties/uncles – all family members are welcome to lend a hand. Get in touch via facebook or leave your contact details at the office – WE NEED YOU!

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