P2/3 weekly news

It has been another fantastic week for Primary 2/3.  The class is working so well and really enjoying all of the learning opportunities.

One of our favourite tasks was making our spelling words with pipe cleaners then recording our achievements using the iPads.

Drama was great fun when we took turns in answering questions as George and Grandma from George’s Marvellous Medicine – lots of imaginative questions and answers.

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Our writing was  a real challenge when we wrote descriptions of George  – lots of super describing words were used and the use of punctuation was really impressive.

Yoga was great on Thursday to help us to concentrate – and we all had fun getting into stretches. We’re working hard to improve our fitness during the Daily Mile and our times are improving each time we run.

In maths we’ve been working on telling the time – there’s been lots of time-telling all week.

We’re working on greetings in Spanish.  Our short conversations were really confident and we loved using our Spanish to play games on the smartboard.  One of our favourites is all about colours.

Each of the children has now set an individual aim for the term and look forward to sharing these with you at Ninian’s Natter on Thursday 15th September.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

Keeping Our Children Safe

wellbeing wheels
During the month of September children in all classes will be learning about being SAFE.

Here are some links for parents to help promote and discuss safety with your child:

General Safety


Internet Safety



Pokemon Go Safety


Fire Safety


Road Safety


Activities for Nursery children 


Dangers in the Home (4-6 years)


Alcohol and Tobacco (7-11 years)




Our Jungle adventure in Primary 2!

This week we have been revising how to order and sequence numbers to 20.

After showing our understanding we have moved on to ordering numbers to 30 and 50. We will continue to focus on this.

We have been learning about numbers in the environment and we went on a little walk to find different numbers.

Here we are taking photos of the numbers we found with the ipads.


In writing we have been learning all about adjectives.

We thought of a wide range of describing words to describe the animals in the book “Rumble in the Jungle”.


Miss Boyes was impressed by all of the describing words we included in our writing.


In topic we have been exploring the different patterns for the animals in the jungle. We then matched the pictures of the patterns to the pictures of the animals and drew our own animal pattern.


In RE we have been learning about the story of Noah’s Ark. We have shown our understanding of the story by retelling it to Miss Boyes and  then sequencing it.

We really enjoyed our structured play which was jungle themed. We took part in different activities which we thought was very fun. Next week we will have the opportunity to try another activity at a different station. We will evaluate our learning experience at the activities stations.


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Boyes and Primary 2!


A Great Week in P2/3!

What a great week we’ve had in Primary 2/3!

Our literacy carousels have been a great success, with the children working on spelling, reading and handwriting activities.

Drama was a huge hit, when we played ‘Hot Seating’ and took it in turns to ask questions of George, from our novel George’s Marvellous Medicine.  We explored healthy living when we thought about medicines and how we feel when we are ill.

We tried yoga on Thursday to help make our concentration even better and we all had great fun.

One of our favourite activities this week was our  Go Noodle PE session where we improved some of our dance moves!

On Thursday we said goodbye to Father Paul with a surprise assembly and we all contributed to a special book which the school made for him.

We’re all looking forward to another exciting week next week in Primary 2/3.

Primary 2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

Ready for a colourful year in P2!

Primary 2 have had a fantastic first week. We have been settling back into school and getting to know our new classroom and one another.

We started the week by launching our class charter and talking about our rights and responsibilities.

We all took a turn at using paint to make handprints and together our handprints make planet earth. We also have our responsibility rockets on display to show that we are ready to take these responsibilities on. We discussed expectations for behaviour and came up with great rules to follow.

We will share our class charter with you soon!

Our class topic is based on the picture book “Rumble in the Jungle”. We can’t wait to learn about all of the animals and this week we gave Miss Boyes our ideas for the topic plan.

Why not listen to “Rumble in the Jungle” at home by following this link.




In PE we learned to travel in different ways around the hall. We looked at the animals in the story book and tried to think about how they travel in different ways.

PE days will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Full PE kit will be necessary for both days.

Well done to all of the children for a fabulous week in Primary 2!

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Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boyes

A Great Start for Primary 2/3

P2/3 have settled in really well and have worked very hard this week.  We have been so impressed with their team work!  They have enjoyed all of our activities this week including writing snapshots of themselves and creating Marvellous Medicines.  Drama was great fun as we tried out lots of class building activities – there were a lot of laughs and giggles!  Lots of great ideas went into the creation of our Class Charter which we look forward to sharing with you.

Our focus in class over the first three weeks of term is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We’re on Chapter 4 already and loving learning about George and his gruesome Grandma!

PE days this year are Monday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan

Our memories of P2M

As this is our last blog post of P2M we would like to share with you our favourite memories throughout the year.

Emily: “My favourite has been the fairyland ball because it was fun.”

Jack: “My favourite thing in P2 is going to the library because you get to pick books and go to the park on the way back to school.”

Ava: “My favourite thing in P2 is golden time because I like to play with the toy swords.”

Huda: “My favourite thing in P2 has been PE especially playing rounders because it’s fun.”

Richard: “I love PE. My favourite thing in PE was rounders because my team won twice.”

Sophie Young-Murray: “I have loved number work because sometimes I get pink and green. My favourite thing to learn in number work has been counting in 10’s and 2’s.”

Sophie Douglas: “My favourite thing was the trip to the apple store because it was fun. I liked making the aeroplanes there.”

Pawel: “My favourite has been PE because it is fun. I loved the 100m races.”

Alexis: “My favourite thing in P2 was Miss Meechan because I like working with you.”

Ethan: “My favourite thing was Miss Meechan as well because she took us to the pet shop.”

Ola: “My favourite thing was golden time because I like to play.”

Sophie Roy: “My favourite thing is P2 was structured play because you do different things. I liked to plant the seeds as an activity.”

Robbie:  “I like golden time because you can play.”

Levente: “I liked PE because you can do fun things.”

Katie: “My favourite trip was the transport museum because there were lots of cars to see and I went on a train.”

Michael: “I liked going to the pet shop and I liked all the animals but my favourite was the rabbit.”

P2M, I have loved having each and every single one of you in my class this year. It was been amazing to see you all grow and learn throughout this stage of your educational journey and I am so proud of your successes and the progress you have all made. I wish you all the very best in primary 3 but for one more short week you will be the best class in the school (but don’t tell anyone!)

Miss Meechan

P2M Weekly News

Our time in P2 is coming to an end but we are still squeezing in lots of fun and learning. Our week started off with a judo session which we all loved. Did you all get the leaflet about it? Our instructor was called Jake and Jake takes the class at Deans High School on a Monday. I would love to hear if some of you decide to give Judo a go?

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Here are some examples of what we have been doing in CLIC this week. We do the first of these calculations in our head. In this sum we would put 34 in our head and add on 2. We can add on any single digit (1-9) to any other number (within 100). If you are looking for some ideas to do at home over the next few weeks or over the summer these are some good activities to work on.

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After our whole class CLIC session we work in pairs to complete a range of different CLIC tasks. With our partner, we can choose which activities we wish to complete.

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We have been consolidating our knowledge of halving numbers by looking at fractions. This week we were still focusing on halving numbers, objects and linking this knowledge to dividing by 2. Here are some photographs of different activities we done as part of this lesson.

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Below are some links for games and songs for you to use at home over the next few weeks or during the holidays:








Look out for some ideas of apps for tablets and electronic devices on the blog next week.

If you want to practise your handwriting over the holidays in preparation for primary 3, remember to visit the letter join website and use the same username and passcode which has already been given to you.

P2M Highlights of the Week

We have had a busy week in P2M and the children would like to share with you what they have enjoyed doing this week:

Richard: “I liked PE especially the 800m race. It was quite tricky. We had to run around the track 4 times.”

Teegan: “I liked doing the daily mile this week because it helps get me fit.”

Jack: “I liked PE this week. I liked the racing especially the relay races because it’s team work.”

Pawel: “I liked working with Mr Hunter because we went outside and I drew my name outside.”

Alexis: “I liked number work this. We learned about writing big numbers. I can read the number ‘521’ and you say it like five hundred and twenty one.”

Robbie: “I like golden time because you get to play.”

Sophie Young-Murray: “I liked practising my joined up handwriting this week. It was very neat.”

Michael: “I liked maths this week. I liked learning how to do adding sums in my head. You put a number in your head and you add on another number e.g. 34+8 = 42. You put 34 in your head and add on 8 to get to 42.”

Ola: “I loved spelling. You use the ‘oy’ sound for the end of a word and you use the ‘oi’ sound for the beginning and middle sounds in a word. I remember this rule.”

Katie: “I liked spelling this week. We learned the ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sounds.

Ethan: “I liked watching the clip of Narnia to help me with my writing. My story was about Mr Spiderman marrying Mrs Spiderman and they had a party.”

Sophie Roy: “I liked writing about a secret door. My story was about going through a secret door and I saw Cinderella in her wedding dress. The witch queen put her dress on fire then her dress melted. It was a great story I wrote.”

Sophie Douglas: “I liked number work this week. We have been practising counting this week and we can count past 100. I can count in 2’s and 5’s and 10’s too.”

Bartosz: “I liked Spanish this week. We can count to 20 in Spanish and we can say the days of the week in Spanish.”

Maliha: “I liked structured play. This week in structured play I done the wordsearches and played a Spanish game on the iPads.”

Ava: “I liked PE this week. We went outside for PE and we played a new game called doctor tig. It was fun.”

Huda: “I liked PE this week. I like playing rounders because it’s my favourite.”

P2M Weekly News

Firstly, apologies for no photographs this week – it was such a busy week we forgot to take any!

Our spelling focus for this week was tricky words which made the ‘o’ sound. We spotted that in a lot of tricky words the ‘o’ sound is made by the letter ‘a’. This made remembering the spelling of words a little bit easier. Throughout the week we participated in lots of active spelling activities to help us with our tricky words this week. The children have really enjoyed playing the snakes and ladders game this week with their words, so much so that they have asked for this to be included in homework again next week!

We are almost finished our athletics block of learning in PE and this week we participated in the 2oom race and the 400m race.

The winners in our class in the 200m race were Katie, Teegan, Ava, Jack, Pawel and Robbie.

The winners in the 4oom race were Ava, Emily, Ola, Jack, Michael and Richard.

The 400m was really tricky because we had to run around the track twice. We were learning about how to pace ourselves during these longer races. Next week we have the 800m race and a relay race!

We have came to an end of our division topic in number work and next week will begin our consolidation of a lot of strategies we have used this year.

Our topic of ‘People Who Help Us’ has also came to an end and we have really enjoyed this topic. We have  been given the opportunity to interact with a range of different services our community has to offer us and enjoyed learning about these services too. We started our topic of ‘Summer’ and what a great week to start this topic with the lovely weather. Look out for lots of outdoor learning and fun summer activities over the next few weeks.

Miss Meechan and P2M

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