Lent Challenge – Tuesday 7th March

Fasting is a path to peace and happiness. That’s right: fasting, the practice of abstaining from food or drink for meals, days, and even weeks at a time, is one of the most powerful ways we have of becoming closer to God and finding true joy. Self-denial leads to a greater sense of wholeness. That’s why Christians have fasted for thousands of years, and it’s why Lent, the 6-week period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, is a time of serious fasting.

Today’s challenge – Give up something you really like. (chocolate, crisps, biscuits, coffee.) 

Remember to comment below and let us know how you get on.


Lent Challenge – Monday 6th March

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving : the three pillars of Lent.


Today we focus on prayer. Take a few moments to talk to God. 

Loving God,
you call us back to you with all of our hearts.
I feel your call for me deep in my heart
and I know you want me back
as much as I want to return.
Please, Lord,
give me the wisdom to know how to return.
Make my journey back to you this Lent
one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.

Pray together as a family.

P2 Weekly news!

This week we were learning about saving money. We know that if you want to buy things you have to have money so it’s important that you save some of your money in the bank. At our independent station we had piggy banks and we had to find different ways of making the total amount. Once we had laid out an amount with the coins we took a photo with the iPads.


We played different games on the netbooks to help us with our learning.


The links are below so that we can play our games at home.




In multiplication we have been learning how to find the missing number in the 2 times table sums.

Miss Boyes was impressed with our ability to find the missing number quickly using our counting by 2 skills.


Here are our strategies for the calcualtion   2 X _ =14

Wojciech- “You could do your doubles sums and I know that
7 + 7 = 14 so the answer is 14 because that is 2 sevens.”
Filip- “Count by 2’s with your fingers and then when you reach 14 count how many fingers it took you to get to the total number.”
Primary 2 have been using fantastic strategies and they are very good at explaining their strategy to their peers during number talks.


In literacy this week we had an interesting message from a mouse. There was a special voice message on the phone.

The mouse read out a description of a creature which it saw in the magical forest.  The message was also on paper so that we could read it in our trios.
Marcus-“We had to read the text and highlight all of the adjectives in the text.”
Lennon-“After we highlighted the adjectives we had to use them to draw a picture of the creature.”

Once we drew our pictures we guessed which creature we thought it was. Our pictures looked like a dragon.

We peer assessed our work by checking that our trios had included all of the adjectives.


We loved dressing up for World Book Day. In class we all chose a book to share with our peers. We shared why we enjoyed reading our books. Everyone spoke clearly and listened very well. We asked questions about the books.

In the afternoon we looked at different story book covers and we then designed our own book covers. To successfully design a book cover we had to make sure we included the characters on the cover, the title of the book and make it bright and colourful.

In writing this week we wrote a book review and we had to include connectives. At the beginning of the lesson we completed our Kung Fu punctuation because as part of our criteria we have to make sure we have our punctuation in the correct place. Our book reviews were fantastic and we all explained why we chose our favourite character and why we chose our favourite part in the story.

We have evaluated our Katie Morag topic this week and we will begin our new topic next week which is very exciting!

In Health and Wellbeing we have been discussing different emotions and the importance of respecting others emotions. In our groups at our tables we made our very own calming bottles. We used water, glitter and food colouring. We love having them on our tables.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!












P2 weekly news

In our maths jotters we have been writing the 2 times table. We have also continued to practise counting in twos but with higher numbers. At our independent station we completed a cut and stick activity or a dot to dot activity.


We have also been singing along with the counting by 5 song.


This week we have been learning all about germs. In class we thought about all of the different places that you would find germs and money was one of our answers. On Monday we completed an experiment using salt, vinegar, 1ps and 2p coins.

Ana-“This experiment took most of the copper from the coins and they changed colour.”
We love learning through completing experiments.

We followed on from this by learning how germs spread.
We completed another experiment with glitter.
Lilly- “3 children put soap on their hands and then the first child put glitter on their hands. After this they shook hands with Elenta and she then shook hands with Zoe.”


This allowed us to see how the glitter (germs) passed on from one hand to another hand.

This made us realise just how important it is to wash your hands. We watched this clip which told us when to wash your hands to stop germs from spreading.

Wojciech- “We made our own superhero that helps you wash your hands.” Our superhero had a super power which helped encourage people to wash their hands.

To further our understanding we completed a short read task.

Angelina- On Tuesday “we had to order picture cards for how to wash your hands.”

Ana- “First you put soap on your hands.”
Ryan- “Then you put the tap on.”
Julia-“Next you rub your hands together under the tap.”
After you rub your hands under the tap you make sure that the soap is off and then you dry your hands.”
In writing this week we wrote instructions for how to wash your hands. Miss Boyes showed us step by step how to wash our hands at the sink. After this we had to write our own instructions, to be successful we had to use Capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and check that our writing made sense.

In PE this week we reflected on all of the games which we have learned so far. After our reflection we became creators and used the equipment to create our own game.



We hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

It has been a short but really busy week in Primary 2/3. Our highlights included celebrating Catholic Education Week by creating recipes for our Community of Faith and making jelly then writing instructions to help others make jelly too.  Everyone loved the Daily Mile today as we saw lots of signs that spring is coming.

These are some of the children’s thoughts:

Maeve ‘We made jelly as part of our Anniversary celebrations.  We wrote instructions for how to make jelly then we ate the jelly.  It was very tasty!’

Harry ‘Yesterday we had a maths carousel.  I was learning how to subtract by playing Sumdog, using the iPads, playing games and figuring out tricky sums.’

Rachel ‘I liked writing instructions for how to make jelly.  I was thinking about using openers and connectives.’

Brooke ‘We had a lovely assembly with Father Kenneth and he told us all about his visit to Jerusalem and where Jesus was born’.

Chloe, Carly and Brooke ‘I liked setting goals for the rest of the term.  It helps me to remember to focus my learning.’

Levente ‘I liked playing Hit the Button with Kuba in maths’.

Kuba ‘I liked writing a recipe for a Community of Faith.  We wrote instructions and I’m good at instructions. ‘

Oma ‘We did check ups in maths.  It helps us learn.’

Michelle ‘We learnt about the River Nile in our Egyptians topic.  We made notes in our Learning Journals and made signs for the wall.’

Pawel ‘I liked running the Daily Mile when I was running fast’.

James ‘I wrote my name in hieroglyphics.  I felt really happy.’

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Keegan, Mrs Howley and Primary 2/3


Little Blog by Primary 2

Ava creatively thought up the name of our blog this week, well done Ava! 🙂

We have continued to learn about our 2 times table. When completing 2 times table calculations we have noticed that if you add 2 to each answer you will find the next answer.


Ahmad- “The answers go up in twos.”


On Friday we completed our big maths beat that tests. We are trying really hard to get full marks in our learn its and CLIC test so that we can move up a level.


We are enjoying our smart starts; here we are completing our literacy smart start in the morning. Each table had a different activity to complete.


Lennon- My group had to build a sentence with the cards, we had to read the sentence to check that it made sense.”

Julia-“ At my group we worked in pairs or trios, one person asked the other to read one of the tricky words we then covered it and they had to try and spell the tricky word. We peer assessed each other.”

Ryan-“Our group completed tricky word word searches.”

Zoe- “My group played the tricky word popcorn game for smart start.”



This week was Catholic Education week at school, we wrote Community of Faith recipes in writing. Our recipes included the ingredients, equipment and instructions. Also in our recipes we included the people who are part of a community of faith, the qualities of those people and important symbols in the Catholic Faith.


If you check out our twitter page you will be able to read some of the children reading their recipes. @StNiniansPS


To go along with our recipes we drew pictorial representations of what we think is included in a Community of Faith.



On Thursday Father Kenneth came to visit us for a whole school assembly.

Wojciech- “Father Kenneth told us all about his trip to Jerusalem and the journey of Jesus.”


We all prayed together and sang hymns.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend from primary 2 and Miss Boyes!


Have a lovely February Break!

This week in numeracy we have continued to learn about multiplication. We have been learning about communicative pairs and how to multiply by 1 and 0.

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Also to develop our understanding of multiplication we have been looking at arrays and writing multiplication sentences to match the array.


At our station we have been independently matching the communicative pairs and matching arrays to the multiplication sentence.


We have really enjoyed playing this game to support our understanding of arrays.


Here we are using our plenary wheel to reflect on our learning.

Miss Boyes emailed a teacher who works in a Primary school on the Island of Muck. The teacher was happy for us to send a letter to her school and she promised she would send us a letter in reply.


We wrote some super letters telling the children in Muck Primary School all about where we live and our school. We also thought of interesting questions to ask, such as:


Lennon- “How many cars are there on the island?”

Ahmad- “What do you do for fun?”

Leo- “How many children are there at your school?”

Vanessa- “What are your names?”

Ava- “We have class mass this week, do you have a class mass?”


This week we have been talking about feelings and emotions. We learned about Health and Wellbeing through our Katie Morag topic. After listening to the story, “Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted” we reflected on how Katie Morag feels at different parts of the story.


On Tuesday it was Internet Safety day we looked at lots of pictures and we had to decide if they were safe to be online or not safe. Together we spoke about keeping private information off of the internet, such as

Lilly- “Phone number.”

Angelina “password”.

Aaron “House door  number”.

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On Wednesday we went through to the main hall to listen to The St. Ninian’s song that the primary 5 to 7’s had been working on.

Leo- “The song included the name of the school so that you know it’s about St. Ninian’s.”

Wojciech- “The words in the song were about ‘learning together’ because that’s what we do at St. Ninian’s.”

Te song is super catchy and we love it.


We had been preparing for our class mass this week by singing our hymns and reading our prayers.

Our class mass was a lovely way to start our day and we were all listening very well to the Gospel and readings.


Have a lovely February break from P2 and Miss Boyes.


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